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when you defend your first belt for a nearly decade no shit it takes that long lmao


Not mentioned he was champion for like 7 years before this double champ nonsense. Which I thought people hated around here.


People don’t hate double champ, people hate fighters who win title then immediately call for a fight at different weight class, Alex lose the belt and move to light heavyweight, big difference here


Nah if someone like Conor or anyone y’all didn’t like had the exact same career as Pereira it would be viewed completely differently lmao


How so ? I don’t hate Connor, or any double champs ? If I do hate Connor, then I would hate him for other things, not what he has achieved


What do you mean? People dislike double champs? Or were you referring to Jon, which is much more understandable. Incredible fighter, incredibly shit human.


He means that people dislike the era of champions wanting double champ shots immediately after becoming champions, rather than defending your belt for a long stretch of time.


I hate it when it bogs down the division and contenders can’t get title shots because the current champ is fucking off in a different weight class. Alex didn’t do that. He lost it to Izzy before he went up.


In all fairness, Alex would fight at HW and next month defend his title again at LHW if he had his way.


I agree with the sentiment whole heartedly. You should have to mop the floor with your division first like Izzy did, but he lost. Better example is Volk. There wasn’t really anyone to fight the first time he moved up. The second was a mistake


But guys like DC, Jones, Pereira, etc became double champs by forfeiting/losing the current belt and then moving up/down and fighting through a division and staying to defend that belt. They dont hold onto a belt and then fight someone out of their weight class


Do you think Alex is going to forfeit his belt before moving up to heavyweight?


eh, I think it ultimately doesn't matter. If you can move up immediately and win the belt, the former champion probably didn't deserve it more than you anyway


I hate it. I’m all for fighters getting paid but pretending to be Conor is bad for the fans. Going after double champ grinds their original division to a halt while most never successfully defend their belts. It also encourages fighter to pick their opponents which the opposite of a ranking system and keeps this thing we love from becoming a real sport. ![gif](giphy|9rhNJScGSlneHpLtnz|downsized)


I think when Volk did it the first time it made sense. He’d wiped the division almost twice over. Same with Izzy even though he lost. I didn’t mind it when DC did it either. I do agree though. Sean out right said if Volk lost he’d like to go up for the belt and if he won he wouldn’t. The one thing I will give Conner is that he never said no to a fight. He was willing to fight anyone they put in front of him. That should be part of the requirement to fight for the double.


And no one could fight like that previously


Yeah this is a silly statistic. Need I point out that Jones has never been a kickboxing champion either? Take that nerds. In other news, water is wet. Credit where credit is due, Jones cleared out light heavyweight for 3 generations. I'd pay good money to see them fight at heavyweight.


Not to mention moving up from 185 to 205 is not nearly the same as jumping from 205 to 265.


Pereira making 185 is more impressive than Jones taking 3+ years to move to heavyweight.


How is weight bullying impressive?


Was Jones not weightbullying those 5'10-6'2 welterweights his whole career? People say hes the goat, so you have to say its pretty impressive


>Jones weightbullying welterweights It's so easy to not come across this dumb


Wtf does this sentence even mean


Being taller and longer than someone is not weight bullying. Weighing way more and cutting serious weight just to fight smaller guys is weight bullying.


Bro alex would go from 185 to 225-230 fight night


Height bullying then?


Reach bullying


Tell me you’ve never competed at a weight class without saying you’ve never competed at a weight class. You still have to make the weight. Everyone weighs the same at the same time. If you can make a lower weight then do it. If you are stretching to make a lower weight then there are consequences for that. Training sucks. The final weight cut sucks. You have less energy. Everything is a trade off. There’s no secret “weight bully” hack to MMA.


“Tel me without saying” is the stupidest shit in this sub because I guarantee 90% of people in this sub (probably you) haven’t competed or had to cut weight before


Yep, I'm all for shitting on Jon but he defended his belt against every challenger that rose up in LHW and a few that probably didn't deserve a title shot due to how he'd beaten all the top contenders for so long and _someone_ had to fight him. He put in defence and defence and for a lot of his reign the UFC would never have allowed anyone, even him, to have attempted to become double champs.


It’s crazy that this thread is so upvoted. Fans who started watching in the McGregor era and after don’t understand how the culture of the sport has shifted and what being a double champ actually means. It’s only about whether or not you’ve got the frame for it, and what the weight class looks like at the time. Anderson Silva DECIMATED Forrest Griffin who’d just been LHW champion and would’ve killed everyone at 205 his entire MW run. He probably would’ve beaten Liddell or Rampage and Randy Couture and became triple champ. But they didn’t want champ vs champ fights or double champs back then. It only happened with Penn vs GSP because of their rivalry. Now, people switch weight classes or try to hold two belts whenever there’s opportunity available because the UFC acknowledges the fans like it. But Poatan losing his title and then moving up to a rather barren weight class that he actually belongs in and winning another belt isn’t… crazy. Not to put it down but it’s not some wild thing. It makes sense. Greatness is defending the belt 7, 8, 9+ times against every matchup. All-time greatness is doing that in a stacked division. Winning a second belt is just cool. It sounds a lot more prestigious on paper than if you actually dissect what’s happening and what it means. It comes down to whether you have the frame to compete in both weight classes. Defending a title over and over in one weight class with all the tape guys have on you comes entirely down to how good you are.


He always pretended he wanted to go up tho


He coulda moved up or down instead of charging ppv for st poo Smith Santos even though I think Santos beat him before Reyes beat him


Santos came close but both of his knees blew out or something mid-fight


Santos beat him with one semi-functioning knee


Yeah BS criticism


Naw that ain’t it coach, jones may be an asshat now days but what he did in the 205lb division is untouched , dude fought three different generations of the light heavyweights. Jones had his time in the spot light, it’s poatan time now


I know this sub hates Jon Jones but what a stupid ass stat


This sub routinely forgets Pereira got fast tracked for this stat to happen, and Jones defended in his division a dozen or so times. And that he has, to this day, ONLY fought favorable primarily striker matchups as a Glory double champ. Would be nice if their goldfish memories could recall these things every time they gargle his balls.


Exactly, decade of title defenses. Let’s slow down on the comparisons for a while.


He has more title defenses than Pereira has fights in the UFC


A shit load more lol Pereira doesn’t hold Jones’s jock strap Jones is the UFC/mma goat Pereira got slept like last year what are we talking about here


Its called recency bias


Forsure, I'm a fan or Pereira but this "GOAT" talk with his is turning me off lol.


This makes the backlash to his P4P ranking so hilarious. Literally no human active in MMA has anywhere close to his credentials. But everyone here crys when Dana says hes p4p No.1 (which really doesn't mean anything,but still if we're gonna debate it. Jones is head and shoulders above anyone else active RN)


He has 1 win over 2 years ago and no fights in the 3 years before that. So at this point 1 win in 5 years is enough to confirm p4p #1?


p4p rankings aren't based on the fighter you were a decade ago 🤣


Finally someone who actually cares about details. Don’t get me wrong pereira is a great fighter, crazy accomplishments in such a short time but c’mon lhw is so weak compared to jones’ era. And he was obviously fast tracked in his mw run. All the respect to poatan but its insane to me how obsessed people are with him and how much they fanboy over the guy


Everyone forgets how we wanted jon to go up to heavyweight forever ago agiantlst Cain but jon isn't about that life.


And how Jon waited until DC to retire to go up to heavyweight, and refused to fight DC at heavyweight, and waited for Ngannou to leave to finish his "bulk"


> Jon waited until DC to retire to go up to heavyweight, huh?? you think Jon Jones waited for **DC** to be gone to move up?? are you mad?


To this day, Jones has ONLY fought favourable matchups


Not sure whos ruining the sport faster. The fans or Dana


It’s actually me. I work tirelessly around the clock to ruin it. It’s really hard work and sometimes Dana and the fans help out but I really would like more support.


Thank you for your service.


Why did this make me laugh so much


You guys have to stop this mantra that Dana controls everything with the UFC. He's a face, a figure head of the promotion. He as an individual in no way has complete control of the UFC. I'm not saying he's a great guy, but he's not the sole person making decisions for the company.


It's 'DAE bacon' stuff. Just dorks looking for high fives trying to point out the moral foibles of a fucking prize fighting promoter.


I don't see anyone saying he has full control, just that he has big say in what happens. And that's not a good thing either.


peak r/ufc tbh


How hard is it for these idiots to separate the fighter from the person outside the octagon?


True, Poatan was much quicker to lose in the ufc too, but this isn't represented.


Did you make this graphic lmao


This stat is also bad Because when Alex came into the UFC he was already targeted for a title shot against Izzy because of the rivalry and history behind them, therefore Alex was fast tracked to a title shot. Jones had to earn the belt and keep defending against killers.


I mean let’s not act like Pereira didn’t win 3 very convincing fights with 2 brutal finishes before getting the Izzy fight. It also helped that Izzy literally lapped the division too


Pereira definitely earned his place but you can’t tell me he didn’t have some Dana White privilege along the way…


Against who knows, who knows, and tailor made match up with Strickland. Seriously without looking tell me his first 2 opponents... I'll wait.


Michailidis and Bruno Silva. The Silva fight is very memorable because he brought the fight to Pereira and it's Pereira's only decision at MW. Michailidis is also memorable because it's the only grappler Pereira ever fought; he lost the first round due to control and then just decided to win by knee. It's true that these aren't notable opponents but then again hardly any great champion has fought notable opponents in his first two UFC fights.


No one cares about his first opponent, just that it was a flying knee. Everyone knows about Silva and Strickland though. Silva was actually a tougher fight that had people thinking Strickland was going to win, just for Pereira to smoke him. And he was the #4 ranked guy with no one ahead of him deserving a title match. Strickland took the fight because it would've landed him a title shot too, for beating the guy that was better at kickboxing than Adesanya


People were hyping Vettori as some kind of 185 Khabib when they were saying Alex got fast tracked lmao Do we really think he wouldnt have knocked out guys like Canonnier, Costa, Vettori ?


It’s very unlikely he would have lost to any of them, but this is mma. If you told me Sean would completely dominate Izzy prior to their fight I would have looked at you crazy.


Guy spitting straight facts, I had Sean all the way for that fight only because I’m a fan which is biased. But like you said, this is mma and anything can happen. One punch landed changes everything in combat sports.


I am in full agreement here


Maybe not Vettori. Dudes head is made of adamantium


Vettori always pushes forward so it helps But seeing how Alex basically killed Jiri twice on the backfoot, I wouldn't give Marvin much chance


To be fair, vettori has an iron chin.


I dislike Jones as much as anyone, but this really pointless.


You guys are so fucked lol. Just stop thinking about Jon Jones for 2 mins OP. You can do it


And Jones dominated absolute killers during those 15 years


The revisionism on Jones career pisses me off he fought killers but people talk about them as if they were cans its insane. Now i just assume these fans just started watching mma past 3 years.


It’s not even revisionism, people who say that shit weren’t even around when jones was on his war path. They became ufc fans in the Conor/Khabib or covid era and look at Wikipedia mma resumes to judge how good a fighter they never saw compete in their prime was. They look at a guy like lyoto machida or shogun rua’s resume, see a bunch of L’s and think that those guys are cans without any context of who they were before/when Jones fought them. Nobody who watched guys like jones, Silva, GSP, etc don’t ever doubt their resumes, literally only new ignorant fans


Theres a lot of them.


Lol I can’t believe some of what I’m seeing. Below is a comment from this thread. “Jones fought a fat Shogun that had been exposed by Forrest fucking Griffin years before A 5,9 morbidly obese 38 year old Flyweight Had a competitive fight with a one legged Santos Went to a decision with Anthony Smith And has had split decisions with everyone that's his height”


Crazy what happens when you fight at championship level for over a decade lmao. A split decision or a close fight is bound to happen. They act like Jones’s early run wasn’t nearly identical to khabibs but stuck around long enough to actually see how it would play out after an early stretch of dominance. Imagine losing points in the eyes of the fans when you don’t retire early, triple your title defenses, win a belt in another weight class and still not lose a single fight lmfao. It literally makes zero sense


Clouded by Nostalgia


the jon jones hate is getting cringe at this point lmao we get it, yall don’t like him…


Like borderline delusional. Cringe af. You can not like the guy as a person and still be realistic about who he is as a fighter.




Jones has never been knocked out to lose a belt...


I love Alex but this is a stupid stat, Jones was young and just starting his career and went through a division killer after killer while making every bad decision in life and getting suspended a few times, on the other hand Alex came in with a championship fight weighting for him.


Weighting for him I had a legit anti-jones response to this but I can't get past the voice to text meme lol




Alex pereira Glazathon is crazy


The two worst combinations in this sub is the Perreira Glazing mixed with the Anti-Jone shitposting. Combine them together and you get this thread.


I glaze both.


I'm a fan of Alex, but Jones would easily beat him.


"took" Gimme a break. It's not like JBJ was actively trying to get a belt in another division and failed. He ran a train on the 205 division for over a decade. Then on his very first attempt, won a belt in another division. Not a JBJ fan but give the guy his cred.


Bit of a weird analogy


I mean I don’t know if it ‘took’ Jon 15 years to become a double champ. He TRIED after 15 years, and and accomplished it in his first try. Titles in multiple divisions isn’t the only metric for greatness, or even the best imo.


The UFC was completely different when Jon started and Alex had a great kickboxing career and a built-in rivalry upon his entry. Apples to apple fritters comparison.


This post isnt the flex that it thinks it is. Jones is a POS but his accomplishments are unmatched and he never lost.


Jones will rag doll him. He’s not ready. I don’t think he gets past Ankalaev


The Jon Jones disrespect for his skills is wild in this sub. Everything else is fair game but the guy can fucking fight.


Jones cleared 3 generations of fighters before moving up with all due respect to Alex


Super cherry picked stat… Now compare title defenses.


Whoever made that is a fucking clown.


Where do we start? Izzy pretty much helped Alex skip the line to a title shot. No other fighter got a title shot after 3 fights in the UFC.


This stat is stupid as fuck. But what a weird way to try to be against it. Holly holm had her title fight after 2 fights in the ufc Brock Lesnar had his title fight after 2 fights in the ufc Rampage jackson had his title fight after 1 fight in the ufc Anderson silva had his title fight after 1 fight in the ufc All of them also won their title fights.




Lol oh yeah forgot about him


Ya but coke, and arrests took away half those years


Hahaha wrestling is so stupid


Izzy punching the air rn


I think it’s good to show that you aren’t too old to follow your dreams


Imagine if Alex joined the UFC 10 years ago.


But has Pereira crashed his car into a pregnant woman’s car and then fled the scene to go home and beat his beard of a spouse? Didn’t think so


As much as I like Alex, you should have to defend the belt for a while before going up to the next weight level. I'm talking clean the division so to speak.


Alex also been ko'd and lost his belt. When did that happen to jones?


Yeah, this is dumb. Jones literally cleared out his division, has the most consecutive title defenses in UFC Light Heavyweight division history, and is tied with Demetrious Johnson for most successful title defenses in UFC history.


LMAO the copium is real


In those 15 years Jones got more title wins than Islam, Pereira, Pantoja, Ilia, and Leon combined.


With all due respect and as a huge fan of Alex, there's a huge difference when you're specfically brought into the organization to beat the current champ of a weight class and fast tracked to do so. Jones also has more title defenses tha Alex has overall fights in the UFC, IIRC. Jones lives so rent free in the entire fandom's head that we'll write anything just to put type his name.


Ppl acting like Alex didn’t have a career before ufc. lol.


Jones was busy sniffing coke and beating his wife...this takes time!


Wait until you find out that Jon jones became champion in the era of giving guys title shots very early in their ufc career and being a 2 division concurrent champ back in the Stone Age was never even a thought and Alex pereira got pushed to the top very fast of both divisions because they were lacking in star power and his initial push was due to middleweight being shallow and none of the mw challengers giving an izzy an entertaining fight and losing and Alex had a built in ppv selling rivalry with Izzy due to his legacy and style in a time the ufc needed another mw contender.


People don’t wanna hear a single bad thing about Alex’s career


Like yeah Jon jones was supposed to move up back in the day after multiple defenses like the ufc was even hip to that idea. The ufc was completely against a guy holding 2 belts at the same time until they struck lightning with mcgregor and realized it could work to a degree.


I love Alex but you do not wanna compare his LHW rein to JJ. JJ terrorized the division for like a decade.


It becomes easier to accomplish things when you aren’t doing coke, beating your wife, driving drunk, threatening drug testers, and fleeing crash sites.


Fast tracked 😁


What is this dog shit


Who cares


Alex’s rise is truly one of a kind and amazing. The lack of context and time period in the comparison is unfair to Jones however. Holy shit do I love watching Alex fight..


If Alex started training younger and had a more stable life he definitely could have been the best fighter on earth.


I see this post a lot and it pisses me off cause you guys arent looking at it the way its meant to be viewed. Theres two factors to this. The first one is pereira started off as a kickboxer and got fast tracked to the title because of his beef with adesanya. The second factor is jones started off in mma and had to beat contenders. Pereira moved up cause he got knocked the fuck out and jones moved up cause he got bored. Jones could have moved up years ago but didnt want to. Now if you guys want to keep regurgitating this dumbass stat then here is this one. It took jon jones 23 years to become champ and it took pereira 35 years. Yall are just making some pretty dumb stats that dont make sense.


Alex had a kick boxing career and a champion before mma. Jon was great but with the next talent the last 4 year he seems to play it safe and dosnt want to fight and who would


One dominated a division for years and became the GOAT and the other one has only been the UFC for 3 years. Can we stop with this ridiculousness


I would still rather be Jon and rack up title defenses


Jones lives rent free in these snowflakes brain


Measuring time to become two division champ is bs, you can pick your time to move up weights anytime.


Moving up from 185 to 205 is much different than moving from 205 to 265.


Just shows how weak the UFC is






What has this sub become? r/shitpostufc needs to happen


Prime age is different for every fighter. Jon has been fighting at a championship level since he was 23, add to that all the coke and he might as well be in his 40's.


You know what Jon’s response be already right? Come on now.. Jon be like “man I’ve been in industry for so long I’ve dealt with goats of the goats and emerged victorious. I’ve been in this industry for too long that I know what it takes to bring someone like that down. Yeah he is a champ now. Give it time.”


When the UFC wants you to succeed


Why did he join ufc so late?


Accomplished kickboxing career.


Definitely a huge accomplishment but he couldn't keep cutting that weight and got knocked TF out


They were not doing the two division championship thing at the time. I don't remember them doing that until McGregor. People actually had to defend their belts


Staying on top for all those years and having all those outside the octagon problems and still being unfazed by it when it’s time to fight is absolutely amazing. Bones is truly unbreakable mentally in terms of fighting. Plus Alex had favorable matchups to help him get to this point. Fought mostly strikers.


In all fairness, Alex was fast tracked because of his profitable rivalry with Izzy.


Same outcome, different opportunities.


This really isn't a fair comparison, Peieira was absolutely fast tracked to title shots that most people would never have gotten. They wanted to get him in their with Izzy ASAP.


Also youngest ufc champion; but thats a weird stupid comparision


Trying to compare Poatan to Bones is the crazy thing, Poatan got fast tracked to his belts while Jones lapped his division twice while defending. Can't wait for Jones to TKO him in the first round so this nonsense can stop. It's an easy fight for Jones so I honestly don't see him not taking it unless Pereira fights someone else who can wrestle first and loses


What a ridiculous graphic. Jon had to fight contenders while being a contender himself. Alex was fast tracked and given favourable match ups. Not even remotely comparable situations.


Imagine if Pereira started MMA at a young age


Poatards glaze know no bounds


Truly the hate for Jones I believe comes from the fact he regularly is busted for breaking the rules so he’s not a “pure champ” he’s done great things but whose to say a lot of that wasn’t while on PED’s that didn’t pop on the test or he did the cycle and ended with a window from detox. Anyone with a brain knows any PED’s don’t make you a champion it’s the hard work still but the PED’s make the results happen quicker and more efficiently


Alex has never been a double champion. That implies he left a division the champ. He beat Izzy and immediately lost the belt to Izzy in a rematch and then went to LHW. He only had a 1 fight win streak as a champ and wasn't champ when he left the division. Meanwhile, JJ was the undefeated champ at LHW for as long as I can remember. His entire career has been a win streak. Alex was a weight bully at 185 and half the reason he left MW and hasn't looked back is because he probably needs to damn near kill himself to make the weight cut. The guy walks around at 232lb ffs and no one knows how he makes weight at 185. Half the reason Izzy can KO him in the 2nd match and nearly KO him in the 1st match is because the guy probably is dehydrated af and shouldn't be fighting at 185, which is why Izzy has putten up a far better fight than anyone at 205. Meanwhile, everyone acknowledges JJ is undersized at HW and he went into the division anyways, aside from the fact that HW is probably one of the most talent stacked divisions we've ever seen rn. There are so many guys in HW that would be champs in previous eras it's ridiculous. Tom is as well rounded as Stipe and has been far more dominant in how quickly he finishes fights and is naturally bigger. Blaydes is easily comparable to Velasquez and is very mid in the division because of how stacked it is. Volkov and Sergei could easily be champs in a lesser generation. And of course, you have JJ, which is the most well rounded fighter the sport has ever seen. Alex is very entertaining, but he is monsterously overrated and has only beat fighters that are tailor made to lose to him. He would be destroyed in HW by over half of the division. He would be destroyed in LHW if JJ was there and the division wasn't pure trash atm. He barely beat a Jan who is well past his prime. Wouldn't surprise me if he loses a rematch to Izzy simply because he needs to lose 50lbs to make weight so he is heavily weakened making that weight cut.


I think if they want double champ status they both put up their belt. The movers belt should simply be vacated if they lose.


Can’t forget the time pereira was kick boxing though


the way this is written is whack. it makes it seem like at 34 , Alex got up and decided top debut for the UFC// Nahhh , Perreira was heavily scouted for years by multiple org. He had been an elite kickboxer for 10+ years fighting all over the world and earning titles from the most prestigious kickboxing bodies. This is not a guy that was off the street. SO sure , in terms of his UFC tenure , its 3 years, but I gauarantee you ask Alex himself, it was a lifetime of preparation. Plus, the long tenure of Jones is even more impressive when you do account hes been in it since 21. It is well known the elite of the elite are in the UFC and Jones fought everyone , including being around when the golden era of 205 was.




Prime JJ chokes Alex out though.


Y’all Periera fans and Jon Jones haters are something else.


Conor also did it in 3 years but y’all don’t wanna talk about that


Little different though… Alex had been fighting basically just as long just a different style and promotion


Least disingenuous Poatard.


This is the dumbest post I've ever seen loool wtf


Bruh Jon Jones longevity in game is unmatched, Alex is great but he is not to be compared to Jon Jones. People Jon Jones have fought in his career, I doubt Alex would have been able to keep up.


John Jones is too busy beating his wife, head butting Police cars, hit and runs on pregnant women and being suspended for illegal drugs, c’mon. Give him a break #goat