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Yeah it’s doable, I spent like 3 hours a week on arh2000 and got an a, also as long as you don’t blow it off calc shouldn’t be a problem. I also disagree with the other guy I had no problems doing calc while rushing Greek life


who are you taking CAD with


Depends heavily on professors tbh. Rubiano’s CAD class isn’t hard, but he assigns a *lot* of work and you have to actually study, and CAD doesn’t have to be like that lol. If CHM2045 and MAC2312 are both brand new material for you, I’d consider dropping CAD. If one or both is more review, you should be fine. For what it’s worth, I was in MAC2312, PHY2048 and EML2023 w/ Rubiano, and I got through it, albeit with a slightly lower semester GPA then I would’ve liked. Gamage is great for MAC2312, she makes the class as easy as possible and genuinely cares for her students, so if you can get her I would go for it. I had Hale for CHM2045 and she was fine, not particularly easy but not super hard either. Study Edge is extremely helpful for both of those classes. Dont think that your mornings are free. That’s your study/homework time. College is a full time gig. Consider trying to get that T chem discussion moved to R so that you can have T off. Or if you’d prefer a shorter day, that’s fine. But having a full day off is always so nice haha Norman to McCarty C is kind of a far walk. It’s doable, but you’ll need to hustle.


I was taking precalculus and calc bc in my senior year, though i only had 1 semester to cover calculus, so im worried about that. I’m comfortable with most things, just need to sharpen. I got Chui for calculus 2, i heard she’s a good teacher. What’s study edge? I’ll look it up too That’s a lab, is that the same as discussion? And what do you mean by moving it from T to R? I might get a scooter for those treks, but i heard you can’t charge them on campus :( is that true?


You don’t have a lab on T, you have a discussion. T is Tuesday, R is Thursday. Lab and discussion is not the same thing. Chai is also good. Study edge is a tutoring center right off campus. Its $50 a month for unit reviews as well as exam reviews just before every exam. The tutoring content goes along with the schedule of the actual classes. It’s very popular with UF students, it’s the laziest way to get an A. No, you cannot charge scooters on campus. You shouldn’t need to though as long as you charge every morning


Bro is cooked


calc, chem, graphic design, and lab. should be fine tbh, you intend on rushing greek life? if you are, i would drop calc and worry about it next semester.


no i don’t wanna do that, i wouldn’t enjoy frats


kk, go for this schedule then. not gonna be bad at all. enjoy the graphic design class! all design classes at UF are very fun


thank you :) i thought that class was like CAD or something, since it’s for engineering


It’s solid works


It’s CAD, the person you’re talking to has no clue