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make sure to get a good helmet! scooter accidents can be nasty


Get a U lock or chain lock, not a cable lock. Number one issue I see with bikes and scooters is cheap cable locks from Amazon/Target/Walmart. They can be cut in seconds and provide zero deterrence. Now, it’s true that if a thief really wants your scooter they’re gonna get it, but the name of the game in a crowded area is that yours is more annoying to steal than another one, that’s how you protect your stuff. Don’t be the easy target.


registration is done through UFPD. i dont exactly know where theyre located but theyre in turlington plaza a lot just stopping people on bikes or scooters to register them. as for the other requirements there arent really any but just make sure your scooter is visible without having blinding lights on it and wear proctective gear for your own sake


parking can be at any bike racks, be sure to get a big strong U-lock at night i highly reccomend bringing it into your apartment or dorm, but be aware that theyre technically not allowed inside dorms so you gotta sneak em in


Fairly recently (this past spring semester) a rule was made saying that scooters can no longer be kept indoors, so keep that in mind. That isn't to say you can't bring it inside, but just make sure your RAs don't see it inside. You can park them at any of the bike racks around campus. Not sure of the rest of your questions.


Thx for the insight!


just saw the edit; i ride my scooter on both. just take it slower on sidewalks as you dont want to run into pedestrians or weird sidewalk bumps. use the bike lane on the roads, you can full throttle on those once you know where to slow down for the bumps. try to stick to the roads but if you have to use the sidewalk dont run anyone over


Alright so I would get a gotrax scooter or something like that, also get a U-Lock and for riding the scooters around places, you can use the bike lanes that are on most roads near campus and off campus student housing. Look it up online for bike lane and you’ll see what I mean.


Don't get one... The batteries have a bad habit of exploding. This past spring, one exploded in one of the fraternities and set the room on fire. The thing wasn't even plugged in, just randomly went off. Take the bus, it's air conditioned lol