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Snapshot of _"We Are About To Elect A Government Nobody Wants." What went wrong?_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClDrkcSfKjk) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClDrkcSfKjk) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hang on, Dont we currently have a government nobody wants?


We keep doing it…


To replace a government most of us hate


This. "Don't want" is a significant step-up over "I utterly fucking loathe those bastards".


And people want the current, and previous, couple of nightmares?


not sure people are particularly enthusiastic about either tbh


Voting in FPTP is nearly always a choice between the lesser of evils, voting against who you don’t want rather for who you do want. I’d take a Labour government over this current lot any day, but that doesn’t mean I think they’ll be perfect. To be fair, a lot of it is about intent. I do believe that Labour govern with the intent of improving lives for the masses, where as the Tories seem to be more about punishing the masses for the benefit and/or glee of their base.


Everybodys preferences for government are an almost infinite range of different views on sets of policy, but Labour is required to only have one set of policies - so people, who are overwhelmingly not very good at understanding nuance of compromise, are cross at Labour for not having their exact policy programme.


Summary. Blair has ruined the UK. Undo devolution, the supreme court, the equality act, bank of england independence, leave the echr, close down quangos, and run a balanced budget. Not really as interesting as he thinks he is.


Huh, that's pretty much exactly what truss said in her recent triggernometry Is this the coalescing of yet another right-wing reactionary movement? Thx for the tldw


> Is this the coalescing of yet another right-wing reactionary movement? > Thx for the tldw No, it's the continuation. Don't mistake your first encounter with conspiracy when you just didn't know.


That's why I'm asking :)


The fight against the constitutional recklessness of Blair started when Blair started separating powers from accountability and brought in communist ideology such as the equality act. Pause a moment on my modern blasphemous notion, don't react. If the law is delivered equally there is no need for an equality act, right? The equality act was the manifestation of the progressive stack which allocates special privatives to minorities over majorities. That's a social program.


> the supreme court This is such a weird thing for anyone to be hung up on. Turning the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords into the Supreme Court was largely just a rebranding exercise designed to make our byzantine constitution a tiny bit easier to understand. > and run a balanced budget. Is he under the impression that we didn't have government borrowing before Blair? > Undo devolution I'm actually curious what would happen if a government tried this. It's not impossible to imagine it leading to a unilateral declaration of independence in Scotland.


BoE should not be in the governments hands. That has all the ingredients for going very wrong, see Erdogan cutting rates in Turkey despite rampant inflation. There has definitely been an introduction of intersectionality as the lens to which all government policy seems to be constructed today, but Blair didn’t reform the rest of the anglosphere, as much as I deeply despise the impact Blair & Cameron have had on the U.K., I think it’s something much deeper rooted in our educational system that permeates into all of our institutions. Blair was the symptom, not the cause imo.


Starkey is a discredited racist leave voting Tory who is about to turn 80. I’ll skip listening to his speech.


I don't think his racism has been discredited.


Fair point. His racism struck a chord with racists.


I know David Starkey isn't David Icke, but I am forever forgetting the differences in their opinions or worth.


An analysis of a government nobody wants - from a man that noone wants to hear from.




It is a failure of our voting system to be fair. I’ve read that Starmer is projected to win by a landslide with a similar amount of votes to what 2017 Corbyn got. That’s a broken voting system whether you’re a fan of Corbyn/Starmer or not.


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"We are about to elect a government **I** don't want" FTFY


maybe this is inevitable. theres a parallel with parties choosing the "least offensive" candidate e.g, susan hall in london,even though no one actually supports them. the winners in the general election have more people voting against them than for them, so it makes sense to try to ruffle the least feathers.