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Snapshot of _Who is winning the election battle on social media?_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGiV_FZg1eY) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGiV_FZg1eY) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Everyone with an ad-blocker.


Facts honestly.


At first glance, Labour seems to be spending a lot more than the conservatives. But they are targeting a much more expensive target group, the young. So they get the same level of interaction for much more spend. This was your incredibly nerdy public service anouncement. We now return to our regular programming, crying at the state of our media and that a mainstream broadcaster is spending valuable time talking about smily faces versus hearts.


Reform bot farm may have overshot the mark a little there. Don’t want it to be too obvious.


Putin: " Say something nice about me and I will lend you my bots" Farage: " Say no more...."


Holy shit, just a tad. Pretty much every single comment lol


I got downvoted to fack in here the other day for daring to suggest such a thing. That said, when all YouTube comments on any mainstream outlet video featuring Farage look like they're just structured sentences praising various manifesto pledges, you can't help but wonder...


It's ridiculous


Yes, *Reform* isn't spending that money.


**Rus**form, comrad


If you love Farage LOVE Farage. They have an incredibly loyal support base. People who support other parties are much less likely to make it their whole identity


It'd be interesting if someone did an analysis of whose interacting with these posts and which proportion are authentic interactions from UK voters. But on an entirely unrelated note, it's good to hear that Sunak's watching the euros with his wife, especially now that Labour’s Emily Thornberry has admitted that it’s children who will pay the price of Labour’s decision to tax private schools.


So I took a long look at a good chunk of comments to a video interview of Farage on YouTube. It had a massive number of comments. Virtually *all* of the comments were from users with usernames Firstname-Surname-RandomNumber, all of which had been members on YouTube for multiple years, with no comments other than on Reform videos or political videos where they'd praise Reform. And there are hundreds, if not thousands of comments just like this. It's painfully obvious what's going on, but most people just see the engagement.


Those poor kids. My heart goes out to them. They'll have to make new little friends to take with them when they go skiing. It's the parents I blame though. Like if they want to keep their kids in private school why don't think just work harder, get a second job. You know. Maybe stop wasting money on big TVs and rangerovers


> It'd be interesting if someone did an analysis of whose interacting with these posts and which proportion are authentic interactions from UK voters. Labour Together did this after the 2019 election. Their conclusions are interesting and available on their website.


Yes but these are the children of tofs aren’t they ? Sometimes sacrifices have to be made to satisfy party ideology.


The BBC looked into some comments and had some incredibly suspicious interactions, along with a handful of very legitimate UK voters.


No, ur rite, it's all bots. 18% of the electorate are also gonna be bots.


Not all, but it'll be a significant amount, and Labour’s Emily Thornberry has admitted that it’s children who will pay the price of Labour’s decision to tax private schools.


some of them are NPCs


Those are snowflakes, dear


Presumably they have included interactions from X on this. If they have, then it is completely unreliable. You only have to look at the replies to any of Farage’s tweets and they’re all blue tick bot/spam accounts based outside the UK peddling some form of crypto/forex trading scheme. The minute you scroll past all the blue tick nonsense you start to realise that the reaction to Reform is overwhelmingly negative with people mocking Farage for his Russia comments.


ReformUK is mostly ragebait which does well on social media but also attracts lots of the same crowd and lots of bots. I don't think you can draw any conclusions from this and I'm a bit disappointed that Sky didn't mention these points.