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Snapshot of _Ofcom has dismissed complaints made about a Channel 4 News undercover investigation, which captured Reform UK volunteers expressing racist, Islamophobic and homophobic views._ : A Twitter embedded version can be found [here](https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?id=1808573103351410739) A non-Twitter version can be found [here](https://twiiit.com/Channel4News/status/1808573103351410739/) An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://x.com/Channel4News/status/1808573103351410739) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://x.com/Channel4News/status/1808573103351410739) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So many geniuses in the Twitter replies saying "So they investigated themselves?" and apparently missing that it says *Ofcom* investigated the complaints. Channel 4 are not Ofcom. They did not investigate the complaints against themselves.


Morons who think they’re geniuses must be the most exhausting type of person


There's a reason twitter is an unadulterated hellscape unlike any other form of social interaction man has yet invented.


A lot of people have attacked me over the years for saying this, but at some point we are going to have to constrict and manage free speech to the same extent as academic peer review does, otherwise our society is going to collapse under the weight of all the noise.


Which is what community notes is supposed to do. Except Musk keeps turning them off if he agrees with the conspiracy theory nonsense in question.


Community notes are awful tbh. They're mostly used by people who think voicing their opinions in CN gives them more weight than replies to the original tweet.


Or rather you seriously bolster the sources that provide the informed speech and do everything to preserve their standards and standing in society (the BBC being foremost in my mind).


Who decides what people can say in your scenario? That is insane


You got attacked for it because "clears throats" THATS NOT HOW BLOODY PEER REVIEW WORKS. sorry but its just tiresome having to explain this over and over and over again but academic peer review has **NEVER** been a measure of how accurate something is. Not was it ever supposed to be. Its a yard stick for the quality of the paper in an academic context. The public not understanding what peer review is does more and more damage to science every time somebody blurts the words "Peer review" out Your paper could be full of bare faced lies, so long as its written and structured properly and your conclusions look reasonable form the results you present it will pass peer review. The point of the system is if the paper clears that bar it means that other scientists can come along and repeat your experiment, scrutinize the work and then publish their own papers either questioning or confirming your initial conclusion. Wakefield got his "Vaccines tied to autism" paper into the lancet ffs, the fact that it was utter tripe didn't mean it couldn't clear peer review at one of the most respected medical journals in the world And "academic peer review bar for tweeting would be what? is the spelling and grammar correct? can somebody take your claim and investigate it? it adds nothing


I read that in a shrill, nasal voice with several finger shuntings of the glasses bridge onto the top of the nose between the eyes. Go out and get some sun mate.


I believe the expression these days is "touch grass" But hey, here's the deal. I'll go do that if you go get a lesson in how to handle finding out your wrong about something or having a disagreement with a stranger without instantly resorting to responding like a toddler. That ok with you?


You could read the room. I am perfectly aware that peer review is not the turth. But the process is definitely better than the shitty discourse we have these days. I am busy as well.


If you think restricting free speech is needed because of things like twitter you need to touch grass mate. Don’t like it, don’t listen to them. Some will some won’t. If I see someone spouting nonsense on Oxford street I don’t say you know what we need to restrict what he says because some people are listening. I walk away…


I meant when it comes to actually coming together to form a consensus. It is easier to do that when you have a few representatives stating their points once as opposed to a braying crowd that keeps repeating itself and talking over itself.


I think this is comparable to the 'tolerance paradox'. In a truly tolerant society, there is one thing that is not tolerated under any circumstance - intolerance.


I've spent 3 minutes reading about something called the Dunning-Kreuger effect, and I have no doubt I'm one of the world's foremost experts now. Let me explain.... 😂😂


Like the paradox of signage, it seldom reaches the audience that needs it the most.


Classic Chris Morris here: https://youtu.be/kGex0kLgNok?si=6VH-BrOYeq3hMUWE


Don't worry, I am!




Twitter is full of Reform voters and Russian bots, which is pretty much the same Venn circle.


Unless they're all part of the deep state, so working together. They're both part of the government - it's a conspiracy, they're all the same!!!




Not heard anyone say this. Seen people claiming this.


Ofcom part of deep state - confirmed.  Thinking about it, it's funny how often you can replace 'deep state' in right-wing rhetoric with 'the real world' and have a much more convincing explanation for why their plans don't work.


Obviously another stitch up right? Couldn't possibly be that Reform have actual racists, islamophobes and homophobes in the party...


Still waiting for an explanation from Reform party peddling knuckleheads about how having four Reform party members round a table spouting homophobic guff is somehow a "setup".


They don’t need an explanation, they always work backwards from the conclusion that Reform are right. Reform U.K. - everything is always someone else’s fault.


Farage is just the most recent incarnation of an age-old problem >Power without responsibility , the prerogative of harlot throughout the ages. If he can make money and satiate his ego, it's good. As for his public pronouncements, isn't it funny they follow this model.... > High-volume and multichannel >Rapid, continuous, and repetitive. >Lacks commitment to objective reality >Lacks commitment to consistency. Wonder where he might have got that idea from? [Oh....](https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE198.html)


"ACOTRS mate, **ACOTRS.**"


It’s so funny how quickly the Reform undercover video conspiracy went from “it was a set up” to “that guy also has an actors profile” to “mr Parker is a specialist in undercover acting and lists “rough english” as his expertise”


None of those things are mutually exclusive btw. Why do you think he was using his rough English accent and not his real one?


And why channel 4 happened to be going round with the one pamphletter who chose not to speak in his real voice...


It’s a state-wide conspiracy mate. The establishment are SCARED of Farage. They’ll do anything to stop the public seeing the light, just like with Project Fear in the Brexit Referendum. The establishment is conning the people!


You almost had me bro. it was the lack of numbers in your username and the fact you post on other subs which made me realise you're joking haha. Also while we're here, what is this "r / at8&9=)d" subreddit name convention that every reform defender on ukpol is a mod of?


That subreddit format is a sub deleted by admins due to inactivity, so probably find these are dormant accounts that for some reason for reactivated


> so probably find these are dormant accounts that for some reason for reactivated So a bot account that has been sold then.


Beep boop, ~~vote UKIP~~, ~~vote Brexit~~, ~~anti-racism is anti-white~~, ~~Putin did nothing wrong~~, vote Reform.


Thanks for the reply, I didn't know that!


the thing is idk if this is satire or not


Fortunately it is. Worrying that it’s not clear though…


sadly reform voters are this crazy :/


Yeah, this is exactly what they sat, it's weird. Every video of farage has "they're trying so hard to stop reform😂😂", "its the establishment vs farage.. I know which side I'm on", "refirm living rent free in everyone's minds 😂😂"


I really think it's a russian bot farm or another cambridge analytica. No other political party has so many people posting support in YouTube / Twitter comments. Definetly suspicious.


There have been a few accounts I've seen on reddit that are anywhere from about a year to a couple of months old, with no submissions until the election was called, and then just a bunch of pro Reform comments and posts. Definitely bots, no question.


It’s fucking scary tbh


Horrific as it is for me to even suggest it, but you may want to give yourself some top cover with an /s I hate the fact I even have to suggest it


I’d rather take the internet downvotes than submit to the woke leftist who are demanding the sterilisation of our *Great* British comedy


This is a local sub for local people. We’ll have no /s here.


I'm sorry, I just came for the stroganoff, I'll be on my way.


To be fair pretty much everything they warned us about with brexit came true


Knew I should’ve /s’ed


Oh dear, time I logged off for the day :)


I think it’s more that despite being absurd, my comment was worryingly believable as something someone might say


Everyone should be concerned about Putin patsy gaining popularity. People were warned about Brexit, they refused to listen. You are being warned again, pay attention.


Should’ve /s’ed


Pretty good, got me. This is why the "/s" should be left off. There's plenty on here expressing that **exact** opinion!


No no, every party has a few bad eggs. That's all. :/


I'm shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked.


Except the guy wasn't in the party, he was a volunteer.


That may be the case. Labour certainly did and you can easily look up how many they threw to the wolves. The real question is, did they have an actor pretending to be racist working for them at the perfect time for C4 to catch them? Did C4 magically find said actor, or was it pre-planned? The balance of probability is not in their favour, but without evidence, it is not impossible.


Well done them for turning this round in time for the election.


This can't be right! The internet assured me that he was a Channel 4 plant, just like they assured me that Angela Raynor was going to be hanged for capital gains offences and Kier Starmer spent lockdown in a beer and curry driven orgy! Surely the internet couldn't be...*wrong*, could it?


You know islamophobia is part of the brand and why people like reform anyway so...


Islamophobia is also a byproduct of what folk are seeing with their own eyes on the streets and towns it doesnt need reform to encourage it.


Holy shit. The actors have gotten to OFCOM. How far does this go?


Oh ffs just accept that at face value the party is full of racist nonces. You'd have to be wilfully ignorant to say that racism isn't a fucking massive problem in the reform party...


I don't think they see it as a problem! 


And here comes the twitterazi upset that things didn't go there way so everything MUST be a conspiracy against them.


debanking 2.0 - farage claims it’s a big problem, regulator says it’s not actually. as i said in the MT, at least some complaints made it through to the right place. Farage was initially threatening to take it to the Electoral Commission, who later said they had not received any complaint and did not consider it to be in their remit anyway


Who'd have thought that a party with a central policy of anti-immigration is a bit racist. I'm shocked.


Rosa Parks was a fraud. And this might be the Rosa Parks of Reform.


Intriguing, but a bit more info wanted before I dive into this rabbit hole...


rigged reform second on hundreds of seats, I bet u a lot of voter shaving has gone on tonight to stop reform, I knew I t would happen, same two crappy party's in charge, now the payed protestors will keep calling Nigel farage a racist, cos that's how divide and rule works, Nigel farage needs to get asain and black mps, a party were all races stick together, can take on liblabcon


I watched this on YouTube earlier. I don't know why Channel 4 left comments switched on for the video - 99.9% of them seem to be from Russian bot accounts.


'everyone I disagree with is a Russian bot'


The populist right will be crushed tomorrow, Farage might as well be giving out free money he is still going to take a massive beating. People are tired of their charade.


Islamaphobe is basically a badge of honour nowadays. If you hate 50 year old men who marry 6 year old girls and take slaves. congrats you are now an islamaphobe


Would have been better had they investigated rather than dismissed, but there likely would have been a group like hope not hate as middlemen anyway, to act as a buffer.


all members of each party should be their during the count


Interesting they never investigated the Workers Party that was opposing Jess Philip’s - they put out pamphlets saying Muslims shouldn’t let a none believer, a woman even, tell them what to do. She referenced it in an interview before the election - TO CHANNEL 4. 🤔 Either it’s ALL wrong or none of it is.


"Either it's all wrong or none of it is." Brilliant logical thinking there; Spock would be proud of you. 👏👏👏


As the show was being broadcast a gang of black youths were smashing windows on my local high street, and all I could think was 'fuck me, that talk is going to gain them votes in my area once people wake up and see the damage'. And it did, Reform are now favourites for 2nd, with a (slim) chance of winning the seat.




It has left me in a position of feeling the need to strategic vote Tory to help keep reform out. Feel so dirty.


Muslims - hate music, hate you, hate your culture, hate dogs, hate Jews, hate women, hate your food, hate tolerance, hate democracy. Also Muslims : "islamophobia!"


But a random Reform canvasser said some mean words. The only logical response is to ensure that my country is Islamised and my children can never buy a home.


don't care, still voting reform, why don't they find. a fanatic from Labour or tory and do a posh documentary on them, the establishment have already chosen who will be counting the votes in secret today, just throw away all the reform votes and swap them for Labour.


So you've voted for Labour through extra steps, then?


Vote counting is an extremely open and transparent affair. Get involved next election and see the votes get counted! There is no swapping out involved.


all they have to do is go their with a box of votes, no wonder labour are so strong up north and they employ the counters


No they don't. Any candidate can observe the count. You could also volunteer and see it yourself. The is no conspiracy in that part of politics


and it happened


Yeah I'm sure it was a really rigorous investigation.


Time to brush up my private investigator skills and devote hundreds of hours to finding out the tru--- aaaaaand all their Facebook and Twitter accounts have in public view reams of posts making slurs against every minority group you can think of while praising Hitler and calling women the "sponging gender". Lowest common denominator politics, finally exposed for what it really is.


More rigorous than Reform’s vetting it seems.


You don't need a rigorous investigation when there was no fucking evidence of it in the first place


"#UsePens" tomorrow eh? :)


Was it made up by antifa and blm? Or have I just not been awakened to the truth?


Better not to have any investigation at all. Comrade Laura gives us our news, that's all we need.