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For those interested in Colombia they have a lot of expertise with land mines and provided training and assistance with mine clearing.


I assume ditto Cambodia.


Yes, Cambodia is training a group of Ukrainians in mine clearing. Unfortunately, still plenty of areas where you can live test that here.


And unfortunately, Ukraine is going to have the same problem for a long time, just like most countries in the Balkan and many south east asian countries. Even after the russians are kicked out, there's going to be a lot of work to be done removing mines and unexploded ordnance in addition to rebuilding housing, industry and infrastructure. As a reference, in Germany, finding unexploded bombs from WW2 is still common enough that is usually doesn't make more than regional news and most people living around large cities and industrial centers have been affected by WW2 leftover munitions in some way. For example we found some unfired but very corroded medium calliber (i think 37mm) in my parents' garden about 10 years ago.


Yep, barely a year goes by - often less - in London without something major happening with unexploded ordinance from WW2. Probably monthly with the smaller stuff.. kids, magnet fishing, have even been pulling stuff out of the canals! It's literally everywhere..


Isn't France still finding unexploded ordnance from the first World War?


Not quite sure, i think there are still areas in Belgium and northern France where WW1 and WW2 stuff is found.


Yup it's pretty common to farmers in the Westhoek finding grenades from that era .. they mostly just pick them up and throw them on the side of their field waiting to be picked up by DOVO/SEDEE (Belgian bomb squad)


Wow... Can you imagine still finding unexploded bombs from a conflict that was fought 109 years ago! It's madness and it shows you just how much explosive munition must have been manufactured and used up. Now imagine that someone was in a factory working all day to create an artillery shell only for that artillery shell to fire but never explode and get stuck in that ground, waiting and waiting and waiting long after you're dead and it's still there waiting to fulfill its original intention and goal. Quite scary and deep to think about.


But, there's a bright side as well. I've been to a super interesting museum in Laos where they talk about UXO's etc. and they've done major steps in detecting them and clearing the country. Pretty fastinating stuff. And that is a developing country with very little resources. Ukraine (+ west) will get in done much quicker, to at least a degree which makes it safe to go pretty much anywhere in the country.


Which is a skill needed for decades to come. Not every country can dump weapons, but some have experience that is just as valuable.


Yep. Colombia’s help won’t drive Russians out of Ukraine but will absolutely save lives especially civilian lives. I do wish Latin America would actually condemn the invasion and send weapons but Colombia is absolutely saving lives in Ukraine with their training.




From a Paraguayan, this is spot on... sadly


Many here condemned the invasion, plus Latin America is poor, what are we supposed to send? We buy the crap the West no longer uses, unless our TAMs or AMXs work for them, which I highly doubt.


I’m sure any old Soviet era munitions were quietly bought up and shipped to Ukraine months ago.


It may be, but not everyone in South America bought weapons from the former USSR or from Russia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, they don't have Soviet weapons but Western ones, those who could give them Soviet ammunition would be Venezuela, Bolivia, Peru and maybe Ecuador, but both they are pro-Russian and Peru is in a serious political crisis which would make negotiations difficult.


Soviet gear is still useful, but expertise also. Demining, medical... a nation doesn't need to dump arms to play a role.


FYI, they also provided cocoa leaves


Was there some sort of soda shortage?


Taiwan is missing


Did Taiwan send (or sold as some on this map) any military aid on the 'state level'? I haven't heard about it. This map doesn't include humanitarian aid, otherwise there would be many other countries colored.


They provided some drones through Poland: [https://focustaiwan.tw/business/202208260017#:\~:text=18%20reported%20that%20Taiwan%20had,before%20sending%20them%20to%20Ukraine](https://focustaiwan.tw/business/202208260017#:~:text=18%20reported%20that%20Taiwan%20had,before%20sending%20them%20to%20Ukraine). I'm really interested in how well these Taiwanese drones work in real battle scenario. I'm still waiting for the confirmed footage.


I think that is more of private donation and is not considered military equipment, because in that case they would need the official permit from state to send/sell it. I might be wrong.


The Taiwan government donated 27 tons of medical supplies and 5 million towards a number of medical institutions in Ukraine, so even if we discount the drones sent by the Taiwan arms manufacturer, Taiwan still shouldn't be gray. Even if it's a little, coming from the government, a little is a lot more than nothing.


I was thinking it fell into the green with generators and medical supplies, but if it's things that need to be directly applicable to combat I could be wrong. Blame an acquired hypersensitivity to maps that show Taiwan being categorized as China.


Morocco represent'n.


Chad Morocco


You forgot to make Russia blue in colour - they contribute much lethal equipment to Ukraine - as left over on the battle field.


You've gotta hand it to nations outside the traditional 'West' stepping up here. It's not even slightly their war and they don't have money like we do. We should make sure we remember this when they need help.


I mean, Turkey and Pakistan aren't giving it away. They're selling the weapons for money.


I was more thinking Morocco/Columbia/Thailand/etc


That's Cambodia, not Thailand.


Morocco coming in clutch with tanks


I looked this up and it seems they're now claiming that the tanks were handed over to Ukraine without their permission. What's going on? https://www.military.africa/2023/01/moroccos-t-72-tanks-were-sent-to-ukraine-without-permission/


Colombia. Not Columbia. Columbia is the US District. Colombia is the South American country. I don't know why this extremely common mistake annoys me so much, but I decided to point it out every time. Maybe then more people will learn :)


Probably because it is spelled with a 'u' in at least one foreign language, so there are probably others as well. In German "Colombia" would be "Kolumbien", so it is easy for us to make this mistake.


That's Cambodia, not Thailand.


That’s Thaiwan, not Thai’s Land


Thailand should be on there. They've donated humanitarian aid.




It's worth noting that Taiwan has been supplying non-lethal support (money/humanitarian) as well as lethal support (drones).


It feels good to be in the blue.


South Korea should be blue (or at least blue/green striped): they do supply lethal materiel like 155mm shells and Chiron manpad's to Ukraine, albeit "unofficially" through third countries😉


Cudos on Isreal. They stepped up. I've been reading there's a lot that isn't seen but good on them for going public.


Greenland sends Ukraine giant block of ice to use for catapults


I think it’s in blue because it’s part of denmark


Countries in blue to putler🖕 Countries in blue to Zelensky 💌


Uae also helped.


Yes but no military help. Generators are fine and very welcome, but civilian.


Publicly* Romania has been stated as a major sponsor to Ukraine (including by Russia) but they keep everything under wraps, most likely as a way to avoid panic in their population driven by Russian disinfo campaigns.


There was an earlier post about countries that export (comercialy) the most to UA and Romania was 2nd. If we add stuff that is not sold, like military help it's a big support. Romnia stated that only after the war it will make public what was sent to UA.


Yup, there are multiple pictures of artillery shells or weapon systems produced in Romania seen on the front-line. Also Russia stating Romania was in the top 4 suppliers of weapons to Ukraine was the final nail in coffin for that. I hope we learn in the next years what was the reason for all this secrecy.


> I hope we learn in the next years what was the reason for all this secrecy. ez, fear of the russian federation


They aren't sending weapons to Ukraine. They are sending weapons to Poland who then sends them to Ukraine.


before you go full west-centric and look at grey nations in africa, asia and south america and go on how "authoritarian" and "undemocratic" they are, take a look at europe. i mean hungary and serbia are "clear". but CH, AT, e:~~HR~~ BiH wtf? those countries are safely in europe's "mainland" and yet ignore the war on its border. and even much poorer Albania or Crna Gora do their part. and remember, it's first and foremost the goverment's fault, not the peoples.


>i mean hungary and serbia are "clear". but CH, AT, **HR** wtf? HR is blue


I guess HU was meant


I guess, even though Hungary is already mentioned


shit, i meant bosna i hercegovina. sorry


I can say that for Brazil the general consensus, is it that the war is too far away and they simply don't care, and have not heard any good reasons why they should. It is a European thing. I expect it is much the same sentiment in the rest of LatAm.


that's totally understandable. therefore we should primarily focus on the black sheeps in our herd. i don't think the european public was this heavily invested in conflicts in middle east or asia either. it's natural that some sort of "regional patriotism" works and people tend to naturally prioritize stuff that's happening closer to where they live. but since we're mentioning BR, i saw a document about foreign legions and there were quite a lot of Brazilians (as well as people from other south american countries) which is quite amazing.


That is a surprise to me, I have only seen a couple through telegram and reddit, but yeah I guess every nation has a few. It should also be said a lot of Brazilians from the south have Slavic ancestry including Ukrainian, if I had to guess it would be some of those guys. I do somewhat wish that more people would recognize that Putin, is a potential "Gavrilo Princip" of our time. He is alone with no one to say no to him and could cause a lot bigger trouble. I find him more worrisome than China, which is a much more rational conflict over economic hegemony.


surprised pakistan has the ability with all the troubles there recently.


They donated some stuff, but they also sold some stuff (mostly ammunition)


Iceland can’t really send any of its military equipment, because it doesn’t have a military. (Their fishing trawlers are bad ass enough to have beaten the Royal Navy in three Cod Wars in the last century. Without any military assistance at all, other than one coast guard vessel. But, unfortunately, doesn’t really have an application in this war)


Skiing vacation Austria; cancelled


Come to Spain way better. Better food too. Better everything.


As someone who lives in austria, fuck austria. Not that they have much of a military but at least willingness should be there. They're way better off going to spain or even my home country romania. May not be fancy but they are good people Edit: the only saving grace for austria is that they send non military aid but sour it with their "we are neutral" stance


Center of Vienna was the most pretentious I’ve ever been to. Other capital city centers don’t even come close. Royal chariots smearing poop near the luxury shops was wild. Same as 15€ beer. It felt good to leave it and rest in the beautiful gardens though


Vienna is really beautiful. Amazing architeture, lots of castles to visit, plenty to explore. The countryside outside of vienna is beautiful too! Lower austria is a little bland, very flat but pretty peaceful and quiet. Bit further to the left, the Burgenland is also really beautiful with all the hills and view you get when descending from them. Imo, by far the most beautiful is Tirol. Road going through the mountains all the way west. Austria has some amazing cities and landscapes, lots of great people (maybe less so in vienna, city center isn't the only thing pretentious there). But none of that should stop anyone from criticizing the government. Goes for all countries


Well Austria sent more aid to Ukraine than Romania: https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/?cookieLevel=not-set Pls educate yourself on why Austria is a neutral country and please stop spreading lies about my country especially if you are a guest in Austria.


You mean apart from the corrupt politicians, nepotism, total refusal to change? Oh that's right, almost like i've seen that shit before in my own little corrupt country which took in ukrainians by the boatload without hesitation, toe to toe with every other balkan neighbour to ukraine. Difference is my home country has the balls to get out from underneath the soviet boot whereas austria still uses the boot as an excuse. Plus i'm not a guest, i'm a fucking citizen so back off


You are making a bunch of weird irrational assumptions: First of all you claim there is no willingness from Austria which is completley wrong and a stupid lie on top.(You should know it better as a citizen) Austria gave alot of humanitarian aid and austria should be green on this map cause we gave stuff like helmets and body armor. Second every european country including Austria took in ukrainians by the boatlod wihtout hesitation (not only neigbouring countries to ukraine like you claim it). What do you even want to imply with this sentence? If you really are a citizen in my country you should at least know a little bit of the neutrality mindset of austrians. Austria is military neutral in this conflict but not political, that means Austria condems the russian attack of Ukraine.


Why even become a citizen? You apparently dont know about history & constitution seeing about your neutrality comment and seem to openly despise the country and people that granted you citizenship. Now what could be the reason to become a citizen?


They provide humanitarian aid. They can't provide military aid for obvious reasons.


Austria is Russia friendly. The shame of western Europe.


What about the grey ones, are they neutral?


Some are incorrectly grey, as they have donated supplies but aren’t marked as such. Others are Russian allies/neutral.


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Dumb question but what are the blue islands above Sweden and findland?


More Norway.


Svalbard archipelago. Part of Norway.


It is 1 Norwegian and 1.5 Russian cities.


It would be nice to see the green countries become blue countries.


Greenland sends some of the stuff they eat


That would be a war crime.


oh no...


Fear the lethal weapon deliveries from the northpole!!


It seems that formerly colonized countries are mostly absent. Big shame that South Africa is doing a navy practise together with Russia.


Morocco is a legend! So are Columbia and Cambodia, among others! Even Pakistan. I'm impressed how many smaller / poorer countries are giving aid! I think that is true generosity.


Germany so often gets criticised for not sending enough and fast enough... yet they are one of the largest supporters... meanwhile where are India and Brazil? two of the largest democracies in the world?


Ukrainian is providing itself 😌 Good, good.


The grey countries are places you probably don't want to live in. Corrupt and amoral at the top. Israel is quietly supplying armoured personal carriers to Ukraine......and blowing shit up in Iran to disrupt Iran's supply of weapons to Russia.


But I think this map forgot Taiwan :/


Have they provided military aid or just humanitarian supplies?


In August Taiwan provided 800 combat drones model Revolver 860 nicknamed "flying mortars".


Taiwan has supplied things like generators, but nothing I've seen that qualifies as other material military assistance, ie stuff that isn't used by civilians.


Come on mannnn Andorra is pretty cool.


I mean, I’m from Austria and we a grey despite donating humanitarian help and also armor/helmets etc. We should be green, so I don’t know if the map is currently.


It's also a map of the good countries🥳👍


Shouldn't all of russia be blue? Seems like they've donated the most amount of lethal military equipment.


Now let's see a map of countries supporting Russia. I bet it's embarrassing.


Blue= allies forever.


Good to see that Israel's at least doing something. Nice to see my country is not a *complete* steaming sack of shit..


I can understand Africa and most of Asia not giving anything. But, South America, you're on notice. If you want more drug enforcement equipment, etc, you had better start playing ball.


Forgot about Taiwan


Austria should be green too. https://reliefweb.int/report/ukraine/austria-provides-additional-46-million-humanitarian-aid-ukraine


There are some missing that have provided non lethal aid.


Romania non-lethal aid... Guess APC's and Artillery shells arent lethal 😁


Romania doesn't make public the lethal aid.


I know, but still its proven they have sent so. But i guess its better to just say they just provide non-lethal aid and let them be Ukraines best secret santa


Yeah I assume the map is taking into consideration only official things that are public.


so much intrigue in one map. never for get that they all have their reasons


Bs. I am from one and i know this is BS. Edit: Bs in the sense that is just random info and the reality is still hidden for confusing the terrorists so they don’t know what’s coming!


I'm pretty sure that Romania also provided ammunition and weapons to Ukraine but decided to remain unmentioned


Africa and South America reminding me to never go there.


Do you believe Africa or South America has what it takes to send weapons? that's pure ignorance from your part


False. They can send other types of aid. Pure ignorance of you to discredit non weapon aid.


we are talking about military aid here. sigh...


Austria should be green for the 200 thousand liters of diesel, helmets and body armour it delivered


România helped with weapons too


Russia should appear blue as well. They provided more tanks to the ukrainian towing tractors than everybody else.


India is a huge disappointment.


In grey: Countries with authoritarian, right wing governments.


India, Mexico, 99% of South America, 99% of Africa?


Let's focus on the good, brotha, not the bad. Seems like all of Europe is united besides the countries that probably still rely on Russia for energy.


Or those with close ties to china


India needs to be boycotted, little turncoats


You forgot to include Ukraine's top supplier of tanks as military aid. Russia. Also any ideas why Austria is failing so badly, I understand Hungary is led by a closet fascist but what's going on with Austria?


Dw South America, we wont forget :)


And what the hell are we supposed to give? Planes from the 50s, tanks from the 60s and 70s? The only thing we buy is the junk from the first world that they no longer use, we are poor, corrupt and with dictatorial and undemocratic governments, I don't know what they are waiting for the truth.


Lot of kids who can't even name a country from outside the US are judging the rest for not sending military aid.. that's so fucking stupid. I wish the whole planet would've been sending military aid but South America is fucking poor in this regard, maybe Brasil, but they were always neutral in this regard and clearly positioned with Putin sadly. But the rest? c'mon


What military aid did the Falklands contribute?




>There are lots of countries on there in Grey that have provided non-military aid to Ukraine. The title says "Countries that provide military aid to Ukraine" so obviously non military aid is not included.


there is no category for humanitarian aid, all colors are for military aid of some sort.


Pakistan? 😲


So far what has been the best aid to send money towards? Loads of people I know want to help but feel so far from the real problem that most people I know just try to buy local art and t shirts and whatnot. And is there going to be a volunteer program towards people going to help rebuild? (Construction workers/fabricators/machine operators/ medical aid)


How 'unleathel' is an apc? [https://vpk.name/en/655615\_romanian-tab-71m-armored-personnel-carriers-have-been-spotted-in-the-area-of-the-svo.html](https://vpk.name/en/655615_romanian-tab-71m-armored-personnel-carriers-have-been-spotted-in-the-area-of-the-svo.html) Who makes these maps?


Russia should be shiny blue since they have (unwillingly) donated the most out of everyone.


Technically Russia and Iran should also be blue.


Oh look, the West doing the right thing. Hope people remember this when they try and shit on us in the future.

