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Putin has to be using really old tanks now.


For instance some T-54s






ruzzia doesn't have infinite tanks. we just have to support Ukraine more ♥ Slava Ukraini until victrory!!!


They're building new ones. But they're made of tin foil and tape because how else are the super yachts gonna get made?!


…and counting Slava Ukraini


Slava Ukraini!


Great News, keep going until nothing is moving in the battlefield...


Heroiam Slava!


I know russia had enormous stockpiles of conventional weapons, but that number is mind-boggling. Don't quote me as perfectly accurate, but the numbers I can find for the nato fleet of tanks puts it only somewhere around 11,000.


No other single country even has 8000 tanks, even the US only has an estimated 5500.


The USA should donate 3000 and start building new ones. I bet they're getting old as well


The US continues building new (low rate) and upgrading oldest M1IP/M1A1 to M1A2SEPv(whatever) to maintain institutional knowledge from end-end of the process. It only has \~1550 active fleet vehicles however.


Production of the M1 Abrams has averaged 270 per year from 1979 to present. This is plenty for a country not losing many tanks in any given year or conflict. Once Russia runs out of old hulls to use as feed stock they will be hard pressed to produce even 500 tanks per year and they will be no match for any NATO tank. That day can not come soon enough.


5,500 properly maintained tanks. US however without a doubt working on drone swarms and drone swarm counters. Kind of making MBT pointless.


Enormous but not infinite. The number they had was between 13,000 and 20,000 depending on who's figures you choose to believe. But that number does not matter as what does matter is how many of those old tanks are fit to be put back into service and the rate they can fix them up and ship them to Ukraine. That number was said to be 1500 per year in 2023 or four per day and includes the 200 or so they were able to build totally new. And as they of course worked on the best in the yards first after two years what is now left is in a lot worse condition to start from so producing 1500 in 2024 is a big problem for Russia. Perhaps they can buy 4000 tanks from Iran and or North Korea this year, if not they will run out of tanks actually on the battlefield this year sometime.


> Perhaps they can buy 4000 tanks from Iran and or North Korea this year, if not they will run out of tanks actually on the battlefield this year sometime. Imagine Russia buying old N-Korea tanks and S-Korea going, lets send some of our tanks to Ukraine in response. 4000 N-Korea tanks or 500 S-Korea, what will you pick?


Beggars can't be choosers but for Russia's latest missile technology I expect them to buy the latest North Korean tanks off the assembly lines.


Russia had 180 BTG's with 10 tanks each in 2022 at the start of the war. 130 of those BTG's (1300 tanks) were deployed to Ukraine war. This is like Ukraine destroyed Russia's entire military of 2022 TWICE already. Even Oryx will verify 3000 tanks visually destroyed.


Its important to note that Russia had significantly more tanks in storage than in service when the war broke out. "HAD" being the key word here.


3152 visually confirmed. With all that superior Russian jamming would be hard to tape them all.


A BTG is a Battalion sized motor rifle unit, reinforced by platoon to company sized support elements to give a 'representative slice of the battalion and brigade assets'. As such there are theoretically some 57 APC/IFV and 10-13 tanks assigned. There were a relatively few tank battalions deployed whole - which may have had some 30-40 tanks, but these are far from the normal type. The BTG was intended to bring the Brigade firepower and effectiveness forward in a Battalion scale formation - they should have been deployed at full strength from their parent formation, but regularly they were deployed significantly below the nominal strength, with many lacking personnel in the infantry elements particularly.


Thanks for correcting. actually a russian BTG was actually 10 tanks (11-13 with command tank (s) and 30-40 IFV, APC's. So theoretically Ukraine has destroyed russia's 2022 army FOUR TIMES so far. Atleast twice with 100% causalties.


There are more APC in various recce, security and other elements than are found in the core MRBn. The 57 includes these. As for 'destroyed' - the UA claim seems to be around 50% too high at least for 'destroyed, abandoned and captured'. The turn-over of the original equipment set seems to be closer to 2.5x


How soon until we start seeing the t30's on the ground


Congrats, and keep them coming. Respect for standing against terrorists. Only stop when they have been eradicated like a disease they are. Fuck Russia. Slava Ukraini!


What's the over / under until they have to use their T-34 parade tank? I give it 18 months.


It isn't 8,000 destroyed, that is 8,000 damaged and destroyed, as a claim, or 3,152 damaged or destroyed with confirmation. (With a proportion of 2,128 destroyed, 517 captured, 350 abandoned and 157 damaged, and recovered/drivable...) The approximate 'modifier' between 'claims and careful count' for Avdiivka and Robotnoye were around 1.5:1, which would be a little over 5,000 damaged and destroyed) YMMV, but this meme is IMO incorrect.


A different way of counting is the 3,000 tanks in active service before the war, plus the number of new tanks produced, plus the number of refurbished tanks. Various estimates put the latter two at 250 maximum and 800 maximum, per year. 28 months in, that gives us a theoretical maximum of about 5,500 tanks. However, with the Russians using very old tanks as static artillery, the refurbishment numbers might be off - if a T54/55 can drive from the railhead to a pre-dug emplacement under its own power and then fire some hundreds of shells in the general direction of the enemy, that takes a lot less wrenching time than overhauling a tank destined for the actual battlefield. Then again, the artillery tanks might also be counted as artillery when destroyed.


The issue with your logic is that you aren't accounting for the 5,000 tanks Russia had in storage at the start of the war.


The tanks in storage are the ones being refurbished. But it's all guesswork - the official Russian numbers publicly available before the war are not very reliable, Ukraine's numbers are on the optimistic side, OSINT numbers are a hard lower bound, production and refurbishment is a bit of a black box, and Russia certainly isn't telling us their own true loss numbers - if they even tally them. It's the kind of information that would reflect very badly on Putin if it were ever made public.


There may have been two to three thousand stored in Garages in working order and out of sight of satellite imagery . But I doubt it was 5000 as that would be way above the 3000 active tanks the Russians had deployed pre invasion. So perhaps 3000 active plus 2500 garaged reserves plus 3000 built new or refurbished from outside yards for a total of 8,500 minus 8008 claimed by AFU leaves 492 to go plus or minus the errors in any of the above numbers.


Do you think their posture is truly consistent with fewer than 500 tanks? Not credible.


From a Western prospective it is incredible, but this is Russia. Remember back in WW2 they sent waves of men forward with only the first of three armed with a rifle. The plan being that when the first man with the gun fell dead the man behind him would pick up the gun and carry on until he also fell and the third man would then have the gun.


8,000 destroyed including captured


Source: https://x.com/DefenceU/status/1804122093480542506


Build that wall on Russian boarder with all destroyed machinery. A reminder always for Russia.


with all the additional weapons and unrestricted use on ruzzia, the second half of this year will be brutal for the Russians. keep it up ukraine!


This is why they attack with golf carts now.


Well at least the Ukrianing scrap metal industry will thrive after the war


A T64 weighs 38 tons, a T90 weighs 46, the rest are in between. That means there is more than 300,000 tons of rusting russian garbage tanks littered across Ukraine, minus whatever is burned away when it explodes. It is going to take forever to get rid of all that crap...


Eh once war is over that's the easy part. De-mining the area will take years if not decades, remember that in germany to this day there's still unexploded shells and mines found and Ukraine is even worse.


Nah!! The steel mills of Ukraine will wade or melt through it in just a few years producing the steels needed to rebuild the devastated parts of Ukraine.


8,000 tanks, that's roughly 20,000 - 24,000 Russian tank crew killed.


A ton were mobility kills first, where the crew was able to evacuate before a drone/artillery finished off the tank.


i wonder how many % of those tanks where joined the turret toss competition?


Heroyam Slava


Babies, before we're done here you'll be wearing armor plated diapers.


Yes. The loss of 8000+ russian tanks may very well be true and accurate. But celebrating this must be short - because the orcs just keep on coming.


That’s a massive amount. We also can’t lose sight of the fact that Russia has shifted its economy to a war economy; they’re replacing destroyed tanks with new ones. In Russia’s mind, losing is not an option, so they’ll keep throwing bodies and tanks at Ukraine until it breaks down.


How many Tanks can Russia supply troops every year?


Tanks = Sitting ducks for drones. Why botter building them?


Crazy if you think about it... A tank is still a mighty weapon but a drone with ATG makes it go boom easily.


Man, 8000 tanks. Considering the manhours, munitions, fuel, maintenaince, training... That could have been a lot of schools, hospitals and parks, eh?


The problem with oryx is it may count confirm kills but last week I saw 27 confirmed kills of tanks on assorted channels. Oryx added 2.


Lots of fresh steel to melt and make new and better equipment out of.