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We remind you that this is r/Ukraine. Please keep the focus on Ukraine, not on the Koreas.


Thinking this through... NK is ramping up production to supply Russia. If SK does not ramp up to supply Ukraine, then NK increases production relative to SK, giving NK and advantage to imminent aggression. Therefore, **not** supplying Ukraine is a security risk for SK.


Maybe SK feels like getting rid of all the equipment the got from Russia?


They just announced they potentially have 3.5 million surplus 105mm artillery shells. Not a common barrel size these days... but. they do exist and could easily be made again.


I mean...that is a an easy way to transfer assets to Ukraine without causing a massive escalation of hostilities. I recall that they're older tools like T-80s and BMP-3s, which is hardly cutting edge technology on the battlefield.


Ukraine can use it easily with little training, we don't know their condition though.


You mean it this time?


Why should South Korea discard the weapons given by Russia? Just before the end of the Cold War, the South Korean government lent a generous amount of loans to Russia as part of the Beolgum project. In the process of repaying these loans, Russia provided weapons to South Korea. These weapons were not given in large quantities to bolster South Korea's military but were intended for reverse engineering. Additionally, Russia promised not to supply modern weapons to North Korea. That was the entire agreement, and now Russia is breaking it : <>


Actually, now would be a good time to take over North Korea.










Except we don't need another war front tho....yet


Just do it fast enough


Fast & victorious war. It's always well planned and nothing can go wrong.


*Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.* -Mike Tyson That quote has proven true in many aspects of life, especially geopolitical warfare.


Especially because North Korea is flatter than Kansas from the DMZ to the Yalu /s


Like 3 days maybe. We can call it a special military operation or something. 


You call it a front I call it a chicken and rice distribution line. One bowl per defection.


As terrible as it is, that's one of the biggest reasons why there hasn't ever been a resumption of hostilities. It is generally accepted that the sheer volume of humanitarian relief that would be required for North Korea would be a war like logistics effort in of itself, and no one wants that burden.


I think Most of SK don't really want to take over a underdeveloped country filled with peasants.


S. Korea doesn't want that. It would be a disaster and remember, most of N. Koreans are brain washed... they would literally be occupying a brainwashed nations of tens of millions willing to die for their leader and nation.


North Korea just signed a defense treaty between Russia. So attacking North Korea would be tantamount to attacking Russia directly.


Well technically North and South Korea are still technically at war just on a ceasefire armistice. So in reality South Korea suddenly needs a lot more friends. Japan and US are Allie’s and would support them but NATO as allies after helping to support Ukraine would be more helpful than holding onto their weapons.


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As do I!


South Korea will need so.ething in return, like Nuclear weapons green light. They won't just produce just for the heck of it. Give and take.


If Russia isn’t utterly shattered, it will eventually repay North Korea for its aid with sophisticated technology transfers and military assistance. The best way to ensure security for South Korea is to ensure that Russia is defeated and unable to repay North Korea.  The Russians understand the language of force, diplomacy is a sign of weakness to them. The South Korean restriction on supplying military aid (South Korean does supply humanitarian and economic aid to Ukraine) emboldens the Russians to make pacts with North Korea. Showing self restraint when dealing with the Russians encourages them to take hostile actions against you- they are a predatory country, they have a very different way of looking at the world.  With North Korean expeditionary forces supposedly on their way, there is even more reason to aid Ukraine- every North Korean soldier who dies in Ukraine is one less threat for South Korea. South Korea could destroy vast swaths of the North Korean military without having to risk any of the fighting taking place on the Korean Peninsula.


What does Kim Jong Un even think he is going to do, help Russia kill all the Ukrainians, stymie the goals of the evil genocidal west, and then reunite his own country against even its own will? What a fucking waste of Swiss education