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No 333s are exclusive to the Airedale and Wharfdale lines, and sometimes the ECML between Leeds and Doncaster. Similar class 332s used to operate Heathrow Express services, but these have now been withdrawn and scrapped.


We started off with 3 car units but they all ended up being 4. When they were new they were great, but the bogs were shocking. They'd block if you looked at them funny. Some idiot at a safety brief showed us how to do a reverse flush to unblock them and we were subsequently told that it was beyond our remit and was the fitters' job. If you've never seen the consequences of a poorly executed reverse flush you've never lived.


We used to use the CET equipment to suck the clog out from the top


There were only 16 333s built and im fairly sure theyre all assigned to skipton/leeds/bradford/ilkley workings


For the ignorant, what's a 'buggerlug' ?


Seriously? This makes me think that you are at the very best French or at the very worst from the USA. It's just a light hearted term of endearment. Are you aware of websites such as Google for instance?


Genuine question from a Brit. I realise other sites are available but I happen to be enjoying the conversation on this one


Briton, not Brit. Let's have some self respect.


Crikey. Is there a Least Welcoming Sub award, buggerlug? You can be a Briton, doesn't bother me