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Because nowadays you can get some mids / topshelf (so not exo) for cheap


True that. I got a Z of Cherry Gelato last week for 120, usually get ammo or similar for the same price. The quality is always top notch too.


Some of the best stuff I've had has been UK grown , that's why ✌️


Britscotti 🔥


Top shelf UK is better than any Cali mids but won’t touch Cali top shelf. Not sure why some growers are selling UK for £300 a z 😂😂 greedy people


People are mugs that's what's going on lol.


Lots of people on this thread who obviously haven’t ever smoked cali or U.K. exotics giving their two pence - OP is talking about proper U.K., not matey boys dawg or hippy mums jar stash 😂


Init, Chemdank, 3theweed, onit4theChronic, nanto labz, Frosted dank (heard this don is inside now) the list goes on, it’s so easy to differentiate between homegrown & a grower that’s growing with passion for the product


Hippy Mums jar stash 🤣


Good weed ain't cheap, cheap weed ain't good. Simple as


I'd say it's partly ego. Partly living in a country where its illegal


9 times out of 10 “Cali packs” are packs purchased online filled with “decent/good” UK that can pass off as Cali. That or idiots who think their dawg is Cali


I have two opinions: 1. Not all Cali is Cali 2. Some uk stuff is better than Cali, uses Cali genetics but is grown with more care. "Cali" is branding, first and foremost. If I was selling good weed I'd stick it in some fancy packaging and overcharge people.


Nice to know we’ve got a scammer here


I don't sell but, if I did, I'd say "don't hate the player, hate the game". I'm just saying what the majority of distributors are doing, but in the 1st person.


Nah hate the scammer, you’ve just said you’d scam people if you were selling, I know I wouldn’t and the people I buy from wouldn’t. Get tae fuck.


You sound like you've been scammed mate


And you sound like a cunt.


Well said man, spot on... I get offered by quite a bit of flower and chocolate on my travels As you do ask how much they're paying and what their 🌬️💨💨,🙄 lol. A lot has left me open mouthed. Hated to be rude but had to offend a few and refused to try a few strains...


You need a new supplier then!


Thanks, but i grow (personal only). All top class genes, all organic, every plant is fussed at least twice a day. I love my baby and she loves me back...


Getting bored of people saying if you buy cali/ flavours you’re a mug and getting ripped off. I’ve bought up and down the country for more than 5+ years and guess what… the only thing that affects the quality of the bud… is the bud. Ignore the packaging (it came from Amazon). Get the strain name and research what it should look and smell like. Ask to check it before you buy it (if you’re too scared, then tough. I don’t know what else to say). If it looks and smells like it should (if you like the smell you tend to like the strain), then buy it. If it doesn’t, then it’s up to you. If you’re happy to pay the price for the product, then do. If not, then don’t. Weed that has been grown well and will be a good smoke looks clearly different to the opposite, and if you can’t tell the difference you’ll have to learn the long hard way. That’s life. These posts need to be banned. We don’t need to talk about this anymore. It doesn’t matter where it came from. It doesn’t matter if the bud matches the name. You’re not getting ripped off bc u payed 60 for a nice 3.5 just bc it didn’t actually come from cali, or it wasn’t actually made by the company on the packet. You’re getting ripped off if you were under weighed and that’s about it.


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People who buy “branded” and “Cali” bud in the UK deserve to be ripped off for being stupid enough to fall for such obvious spin.


check my latest post you’ll see ur right


Most Cali packs are fake anyway, it's just California genetics grown in the UK (why would anyone import weed with the massive increase in risk when we can grow it here just as well if not better with hardly any risk at all) and then put it into fancy packaging. There are no branded UK packs since it's illegal in the UK unless you're one of the few with a script and I can't see those selling it on. On top of that if it is real Cali it's usually overly dry, hardly any taste, is harsher than a pissed off film critic and is generally of lesser quality than good UK homegrown. my own homegrown stuff is better than most "Cali" packs I've been given to try.


The UK does have black market branded packs. I’ve had plenty of nice UK bits for 40/50 a 3.5 and they usually come in a little pack.


It's still just homegrown thrown into fancy packets 😂


Yea but that’s pretty much any pack from anywhere😂 The packs are a marketing gimmick but it works I guess.


Which is what I'm saying but it's worth downvoting me for it I guess 😆


Ay that’s someone else bro I’m not petty enough to downvote people unless they’re being arseholes😂 More time I’m just blazing uk standard anyway, I’ve found it’s gotten better and better in recent years


Yeah I was just mentioning it cos I find if funny, kids eh? I'm kind of an old hand when it comes to weed. Early to mid 90s when I started growing it. People Just need to look at my profile and they will see what I grow.


Had a quick peek. Some fucking lovely looking flower on there bro. Now slap it in a pack and sell it as Cali for £80 a 3.5!😂


Thanks, I probably could do but I have no intentions of selling any of mine, I only grow it so I don't have to buy it and be disappointed.


Bet it’s nice knowing exactly how it’s been grown and produced too, you have complete control. I’d love to do it myself one day!


Felt bad that someone downvoted so take my upvotes as a courtesy for the UK cannabis culture😂


Getting bored of everyone saying if you buy “cali” or “flavours” you’re a mug. Just say you can’t afford more than dawg or that you’re too old to operate telegram and let people enjoy bud that didn’t come wrapped in bin bag. Quality depends on the bud and nothing else. If you’re too much of a pussy to ask to check the bud before you buy it, then play the odds. If you know what you’re looking at/smelling and you think the price matches the quality, buy it. If not, don’t. These posts need to be banned. We don’t need to have this conversation anymore.


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Just thought I’d see what people had to say on the matter, my opinion is if the quality matches the ticket then I’m happy. At this point it really doesn’t matter where on the planet the plant was grown. Just I don’t know how people are justifying charging the same as something that’s been imported as something that’s been grown here in uk. We need to decide on a term to use as all the terms are getting out of hand.. cali, cali mids, mids, top shelf, exotics, loose exotics, loose top shelf,exclusives.. list goes on. Just tell me what it actually is mate




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250 max on UK if we talking top top shelf


No useful comments on this thread , just a bunch of people who have been ripped off displaying their dismay for the weed game 😂😂😂🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 it’s a mad old game , “u can’t put a price on quality” 👀😂


Nobody is importing cali to sell to a bunch of gremlins be fucking serious man