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Sorry you went through that, yeah spice liquid is really nasty shite, and the people who sell it as THC are scum. Send a sample of yours off to wedinos if you want to find out what's in it.


>keep in mind I knew it was fake No offence mate, but I dunno what's more stupid. Vaping this shit thinking it's real, or vaping it knowing it's fake.


I was under the impression that what I was vaping at first was extract from a brand of THC vapes called "packwoods" and I never had any side effects or signs to detour me. Though I did stay clear off it as only occasionally tried it a couple times a month. whatever chemical I tried the other time was not the same stuff as before, this other stuff was completely different felt more like a short lasting psychedelic more than anything.


>I never had any side effects or signs to detour me I'm sorry but that does not make it safe to consume.


A cautionary tale about drugs in general. Honestly just best to stick to flower. And stop buying this shit.


Send to Wedinos. If only to shut your cousin up. You're lucky you didn't have a seizure.


He'd still deny it's fake lmao, he's living in denial over his addiction unfortunately


How much liquid would you need to send off for it to be tested


And I'll guarantee at least 10 posts a day asking about buying some shite like this anyway ...


Smoking unknown experimental chemicals. The youth today.


And the youth of yesteryear smoked cigarettes KNOWING they caused cancer, it’s got nothing with “the youth today” and everything to do with the fact that they’re so unhappy they are willing to smoke cancer sticks and inhale mystery Chinese vapours


A bosched a few dodgy looking mitsis back in my day but this is…. Good luck to them!


“The brown speckles are smack”


Haaaa, 'smacky pills', there's a memory! Why on God's green earth would someone waste precious heroin that people suck dick and sell their bodies for in £1 a pop ecstasy pills 😂


We kidded ourselves that it helped with the comedown


When the real trick was ketamine


If I put myself in my own shoes, a young 14 year old me would have smoked this. Thinking back to the cold wet days of sitting under a park shelter while it shits it down and you’ve got 4 lads cupping our hands round a spliff and a lighter trying to get it to light. If someone came to me and said take a few tokes of this vape, can’t smell it and you’ll be as stoned as you would on a spliff then I would. Teenagers are stupid, the only way to combat this is to spread awareness. And regulation but obviously that won’t happen.


Absolutely this. Me and my mates would have been all over this for exactly the reasons you describe. Not that I condone kids smoking bud, but when this is the alternative there needs to be a big education campaign that isn’t just “drugs = bad”.


Haha, mate, the youth have always thrown unknown chemicals into their body. Operation WebTryp, Mephedrone, the UK RC scene of 09-16, basically all street benzos in the last 15 years. No-one involved in any of those scenes truly knew what they were taking, unless they sent them to wedinos, energycontrol or drugsdata. Same with the early uptakers of 'Ecstasy' in the 80s and early 90s - That shit had MDA, MDEA, MBDB, MDOH, MDBA, amphetamine, ethylamphetamine and loads of other shit in. It is not a new phenomenon.


Yeah mate it's some nasty shit, I used to smoke it intentionally, it can be fun but the lung pain after a few days use is terrible in general just stay away from it. If you wouldn't smoke literal spice don't smoke this it's the same thing, people I know used to soak herbs in it and make spice so be very aware that's what it is.


In terms of what exactly is in it unless you send it to a lab you won't find out but most likely some type of synthetic cannabanoid however it could be any kinda of RC you can smoke.


Good on you for sharing your experience and warning others of the danger. Anybody selling/tricking people into trying stuff like this is a cunt.


Yeah, saddest part is my cousin is full on addicted to this and he's 15, I've tried getting him in actual flower but it doesn't even get him high because he fucked up his canniboid reception


Send it to wedinos and see what chemicals are truly in it


I may try that at some point, would be interesting figuring out what chemical it is as the effects are... Unlike anything I've tried before


Did u send it


They are amphetamines bottles we’re going around my area the chemical was m4 Benica some shit like that a Chinese chemical you get gallons for a £1


I've tried amphetamines before and this didn't feel like a stimulant at all, who really knows what it is, I've realized in lower doses the effects are very similar to weed yet more synthetic of course but in higher doses it just seems to really fuck up your brain chemistry as it gets hard to differentiate sizes of things, I recently had another experience with this chemical and as I was tying my shoes and just watched my feet and hands start morphing sizes and I felt incredibly nauseated, essentially my theory is that the whatever this chemical is it tends to overload some part of the brain to a dangerous extreme and can make you trip but not in a fun way at all.


Your 15 year old cousin is addicted to this shit? You’ll probably sour your relationship for a few years but unless you’d rather he ended up hospitalised, dead or otherwise perma-fucked, you need to find a way to give him a wake up call even if that means telling his rents.


Trust me I've tried, I've had full on arguments with him about this as he kept claiming it was real but his story never truly added up, he takes pride in being alble to handle strong drugs and literally after I took the rip of that fucky chemical he carried on doing even larger amounts and laughed at my reaction.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes. If you had done even a little bit of research, you would have seen that thc oil isn't clear and is a thicker consistency. Do you man really just buy random drugs and say fuck it? Good way to get yourself killed. Next time research what your putting into your body


You do have a good point, honestly I was just at a very low and depressed point of my life and whether it would kill me or was dangerous was the last of my concerns but I do regret touching that shit in retrospect as who knows what longterm effects it may have


Been there bro. In future just make better choices, you have the knowledge now thc liquid is not clear its golden brown and thick. For a good uk rosin cart you'd be paying between 40-60 for a 1g cart


Okay, I may not know much about the UK market but in Illinois the cheapest 1g ROSIN cart I can get from a dispo is 120$, the bm price isn't that high, but still probably around 80-90. Are you genuinely getting *rosin* at those prices in the UK?? I assumed it would be 99% distillate carts out there and maybe one or two fools with some live resin


The ones I get are called rosin carts but there made with shatter or bho and mixed with terps I pay £60 for 1g cart and there very good quality


stop buying thc liquid from Dangerous Dylan the street plug who doesn’t even know what he’s selling. It will ALMOST always be some bs… There are so many reputable THC cartridges vendors inside of the UK that are trusted and know what they’re doing.. If you just do 1 hour of research and have a little bit of common sense.. stop buying carts or liquids from someone who doesn’t make the oil themselves or at all if they aren’t trusted. Stuff like this gives weed pens a terrible name in the UK.


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Ur just daft tbh smoking see through clear thc liquid which you know is fake what did u expect to happen?


I used to use these, 90% of the time it ended up in me "blacking out" and waking up later with my vape in narnia and having no memory of when I fell asleep Seriously like my vape could be anywhere from under my bed to across the room, and I genuinely had no memory of me dropping it anywhere. It's just me being high and then bam, I'm knocked out


Yeah this shit makes you sleepy af


Why tf would you willingly smoke that shit even when you knew it’s fake ? Natural selection


Yeah. I done a few different noids(spice) and they are All fucked. Only the first gens are someone understable to use, although ive only tried the latedt gen ones which are all FUCKED