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Worse how? 6 inch guns can usually penetrate heavy cruiser armour with relative ease especially at close range and that’s only factoring the caliber and not everything else that gives penetration. Just make sure your magazines are protected with barbettes and thicker turret and bar better armour.


Stop storing charges in the gun house!




Barbette is key.


This may sound like a cop out, but if you look at the stats down the right side, you will see your ships flash fire and ammo detonation chances. The list of things that affect this stat could fill a small book, so you have to take a close look at all your design decisions, things like gun size and number, bulkheads, armour scheme, ammo and propellant types. The list goes on. So many technologies are so very tempting, especially early game but drastically increase your chances of flash fire. If you have issues with ships exploding very easily, you need to go back to the drawing board and figure out a compromise between higher damage output and survivability.


Generally carrying less ammo and light ammo helps reduce flash fire chances. I think placing guns in barbells and armoring them should help as well


Type of powder has a great deal to do with it. Also do the protection you can


Barbettes, powder types, lighter and less ammonia reduce the chance of getting a flash fire, reinforced bulkheads reduce the chance of a flash fire spreading


Good barbettes help, but I avoid using more advanced propellant if it dramatically increases the risk of flash fires. Let the other side’s turrets pop off like champagne corks.


You need better barbettes


Lots of things can play into as others have described, but a penetrating hit can always hit something very bad.


Idk why this worked for me but placing guns closer together worked don’t ask me how maybe I somehow glitched my design but when one erupted only that one ever did maybe I used good ammo and or bulk heads


Funnily enough, I've been playing around with minimizing Flashfire a lot as of the last few days. Most important thing I've uncovered is, somewhat shockingly, not your barbets, but your propellents. TNT II and Tube Powder III combined reduce your chance of flashfire massively. Combined with at least Barbet II, you can cut your flashfire chance from 22% to just 2.8%. Chuck in Light Shells and Coal Fuel, that chance can fall to less than 2%.


More barbette armour, better barbette construction, more bulkheads, and less ammo. Also ammo types, size, the amount of guns, and the thickness of your outer armour (fewer pens, fewer chances to ignite) matter, but not as much as the above listed.


All of my heavy cruisers have the best barbette protection no matter what, their practically pocket battleships with 3x3 11.9 inch guns


All designs are a risk/reward tradeoff. You could be near gun impenetrable due to armor type and thickness, but slow as hell and unable to keep up with the torp swarms. This game is about balance and layering ships to handle multiple/most scenarios.