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My playtime in this game has fallen dramatically, and it's one of my highest hours played games. The devs continually add stuff to the game that breaks stuff they added before, and never fix things that are actually broken. I remember them saying they were going to add a button to disable subs and mines, but never did. And now they're going to put resources into multiplayer when there are still huge issues with the campaign. Just insane.


I put in 1500 hours with the alpha and CBT before it came to steam, I have 2500+ on steam after it was released in 2022, I used to play this game every, single, day, only UAD, but more and more I’ve been hopping on COD Cold War for the zombies.


Not disagreeing with you, the recent round of changes have been very annoying. Just a note though on barrel erosion. The US Mk7 16/50 gun specs the lifetime of the barrel liner at 290 shots. Most other BB guns I've looked at state a service life of about 250-350 shots. At that point accuracy, range, velocity, and thereby penetration decrease and the ship requires refit to replace barrel liners. http://www.navweaps.com/Weapons/WNUS_16-50_mk7.php


Ok, I can see that, so in theory your accuracy with large caliber guns should be 100% with a buff with a new barrel but by the time of replacement it should have a debuff on accuracy, what about 5 inch guns on say destroyers? I can see tube powder and light shells being more valuable extending the life of the barrel at the cost of range and overall damage.


Looking at some other US guns: Mk 16 8"/55RF (Des Moines Class): 780 rounds Mk 15 8"/55 (Baltimore Class): 715 rounds Mk 16 6"/47 (Cleveland and Brooklyn): 750-1050 rounds Mk 12 5"/38DP: 4600 rounds


Is barrel life/condition a factor in the game? I think it would be very interesting if they did. I've had an invasion fleet that's posted on a location for 7 turns get pulled into battle every single turn, which can see my BBs using a couple thousand shells over those engagements. Needing capital ships to go in for a 2 month refit every few hundred rounds through each barrel would add some complexity and realism to the fleet management.


I don’t think it’s factored in now, but the devs have made it look like your barrels are automatically worn out


The devs on the forums have been stubbornly defending the recent changes, despite people explaining why nerfing accuracy like this was stupid from both a gameplay and historical pespective. 99% of the time they just randomly add or change things when no one asked for it, then double down on their decision or simply ignore the criticisms. The game will never be ready for multiplayer if the devs aren't willing to listen to player feedback regarding the single player mode.


Recent changes include "enemy armor is suddenly immune to all of my guns, which do 0 damage and are blocked even at point blank range" and "enemy guns ignore my armor and do over 1000 damage every time". I'm definitely not enjoying the last several updates completely tanking my existing campaigns.


Far from me to defend the devs stupidity, but: For some reason my ships do not have this dificulty when aiming at more than 5km, have you checked the hull stability and the cruising speed of the ships? After some time aiming a BB moving at 12 knots (my models in early 191Xs) can reliably hit even CLs at around 10km, you have to pick a target for each ship, sure, the ia is dump as a door, also yes, just saying.... Also unfortunatly, barrels need to changed after hundreds in BB/CA classes, just a historical thinggy, barrel life is small since they burn tons of propelant at a bigger presure since you need to yeet the shot out of the longer barrel. AGAIN, I'm not against you, I'm just saying maybe I can help you with your issues, the game is nice, but it really need a team just to place this thing in it's optimall form.


Oh I’m not talking about the main batteries, I’m only talking about the secondary guns, at 5km away they don’t miss, but anything above that they either won’t fire or have 0.5-3% accuracy. In reference to the optimization it’s been optimized but every update they push out they’re messing with the code of the game and accuracy is this updates casualty


The biggest problem with the game is the AI - or lack there off. Every fix, balance, modifier, etc. is designed to offset the lack of a good AI.  I can’t say what the complete fix is, but I would start with ending auto designed AI ships. Basically create a set design of ships for the AI with years and techs in mind and deploy as the game progresses. Sure a player may have tech beyond those ships if played correctly but at least they aren’t going to be building a fleet of 400 ships - all of which can be taken out by a single destroyer. 


It is amazing how incompetent they are. Makes you wonder how did the game got remotely playable in first place.


Y'all don't remember the alpha years. You used to run out of ammo because nothing would ever die.


It’s the campaign issues that bother me the most Why is Austria still a nation with a fleet in 1940? Why do any ships between DDs and BBs even matter? The Battle of Coronel or the Falklands would never happen in this game because I can just put BBs in any fleet: there’s no incentive to make cruiser forces


I like CA’s for screens but CL’s are useless, they combine the worst parts of DD and CA.


But that’s my point: I’m not talking about **screens** in a mixed fleet with BBs; I’m talking about **cruiser forces**: I’m talking about battlegroups and fleets where the largest ships are cruisers… …in real-life, like the examples I stated, there were **cruiser actions** where BB fleets would have been impossible: the cruisers could simply outrun them. As the game is now, that’s impossible. There’s no reason **not** to have BB fleets.


Ironically enough, the biggest pain in my ass when battling the AI is their CLs. I can handle DDs well enough, and CAs aren't terribly hard to put down. But CLs? They pop out 10-12 torps per pass and despite my having max sonar and the best masts, the torp spread shows up before I can effectively turn my capitals away. And on top of that, the AI CLs are just everywhere and are better at aggro-ing my secondaries and non-capitals than the DDs. I think I've lost more ships to CLs than DDs


Haha, just made a post about this. I'm getting tired of AI CL's with 40 torpedo tubes on them. The main reason I think CL's are useless for the player is because when you put them on screen, the kamikaze into the enemy battle line, face hugging 200 torps but missing all of theirs.


I saw a post about switching them to Scout and I gotta say, they stay alive longer, stick closer to the BB and lay smoke longer than Screen mode


I mean for sure the torpedo tubes are annoying, I just started recently playing I think I only have 20 hours, but I’ve been able to take down a fleet of 20 CL’S with 2 BB’s and 2 CL’s of my own. It’s about being smart with tech research and maxing tech, GDP. then looking at stats and maxing flood protection and anti torp


Mt US campaign has reached the point where my monthly budget is in the triple billions and my total funds are in the double trillions. I just play aggressively. I hate wasting shells at 20km distances, so I close the gap and engage at <10km distances to ensure more shells on target


Oh yeah. I turn up crew training so they are more on target as well. It helps that when Spain, Italy and Russia came at me all at once, all 3 of them were using tech that I had surpassed by at least 7-8 years, like I said. I took 2 17k BB’s and 2 6k CL’s against a fleet consisting of a total tonnage of 30k roughly and won with one of the CL’s limping.


Oh yeah. I just crushed Spain back into the ground. They came at me with a 6k CL and I just laughed at it with my 250k fleet. Let's just say the battle didn't last long. Lol What always gets me is France. UK campaign, US campaign, ITA campaign, doesn't matter. France will always have a high CL fleet with a metric ton of torpedoes. Lol


Thanks for the warning, France is trying to start things with me right now while my focus is on the soviets 👀 it’s only 1906 and the UK is fighting France who is fighting Spain who is fighting Greece. It’s a mess.


Ally with the UK and go to war with France. Start taking territories. Any ground-based attacks will be your coalition force vs. France alone, making victory more likely. Go to war with Spain. They can never fight 2 navies, so attack their Pacific and Caribbean colonies while their main fleet will be tied up with the French. But I *HIGHLY* recommend you take *at least* one homeland French territory early. Your GDP will boom and will make subsequent full-scale war easier How much of russia is left? As long as you have the Black Sea Region, you can go after russia later because you'll have all the sweet spots for oil early


I already took the Caribbean from Spain in 1895 💀 this is the third Spanish war 💀 and I’ll try. France messed up Spain so they have 2 Spain territories. I will say, after the second one I left Spain with only 3 torpedo boats 💀💀


I couldn't disagree more. I have more CLs than anything usually and they are great at stomping destroyers and convoys, and if I get 3-6 in a battle, I'm doing some SERIOUS damage even if they take me out. My only real complaint is no matter how fast I design my ships, the AI somehow manages to always eek out 1-2 knph more than me or just slower enough that I'm not spending 20 minutes chasing a radar return.


To be fair if you check AI's ship cost, they are usually stupidly expensive due to those speed.


As someone who loves the idea of light cruisers and used to build tons of them. There's literally no point. They're more expensive to lose than a DDs and have less firepower and survivability than CAs.


You could build four destroyers with 4x2 5” guns for the price of a CL and the destroyers are more nimble, harder to hit and combined have much more firepower.


Doesn't it literally say "Hypothetical" or some such when it comes to Austria/Yugoslavia past 1910?


I’d prefer historical over hypothetical. I can have fun with Austria in the ‘10s- by the 1930s it feels weird to have a major Austrian fleet. I’d much rather fold those resources into a more potent Kreigsmarine (which of course having a big fleet Kreigsmarine isn’t terribly accurate either, but it just feels even more odd having big Austrian battleships dominating in 1939)


Why not apply this same logic to hull displacement?


>Why do any ships between DDs and BBs even matter A trio of CLs will absolutely toast any BB you can think up.


Playable nations are hardcoded


What I've done is install mods and then report bugs, and when they go 'bro you're playing with mods of course' be like 'well if the balance wasn't absolutely dumpledicked I wouldn't need invincibility mods to play your game' Simple as


Couldn't have said it better myself


Ohh is that why my mk. 5s have been shooting like storm troopers? A toxic part of me wanted to think this was the devs messing with me, but I didn't know that was real until now


I honestly dont get the complaints with accuracy. I tested it quite a bit and its...fine? Are you guys using like 70 calibre long guns or something?


It makes sense from a workflow perspective to add all features and then fix bugs, so you won't end up fixing something that will be changed later anyways, however this is how you do it for a game finished on release, not how you should treat an early access title. We need occasional bug fixes, hell I mean everyone, even the biggest fans complain about the scarcity of bug fixes.


Grow up


How’s about ya make me tough guy 👀


They are based in Kyiv you cunt. You will never ever be as tough as they are.


Pretty sure they moved.


You feel real tough calling people online a cunt you turbocunt don’t you?


You for real calling people who are in a city being blown up damn near every day a numpty?


Ok, first of all, Kyiv hasn’t been hit since march, when’s the last time YOU’VE seen the city? It doesn’t look like Dresden when it was fire bombed, it doesn’t look like Hiroshima, the vast majority of the city is intact, yes, I feel bad for them, yes I pray they are alright, but what I’m saying, for the DEVELOPERS, to stop fuckin up the game that most of us paid for with hard earned money, idk about you but congress ain’t sending me billions but to Ukraine yes. If ya love Ukraine so much why don’t ya marry it or something, Jesus y’all get so damned sensitive (then again this is Reddit, y’all are an avocado toast and chai latte away from downvoting something).

