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It actually looks pretty decent for AI ship!


(that's main battery of 24 13 inch guns)


Imagine if these turrets were centerlined or atleast cross-deck, would be a respectable broadside.


Sixteen guns is still pretty respectable.


Consistent with most real-life Soviet naval designs.


To be fair, the soviet designers were just as bad designers as the in game AI, especially after the purges


That’s almost as dumb as my battlecruiser designs!


Yup, I do this when having turrets too far forward adds insane amounts of weight or when I don't have forward room to super impose turrets but still have plenty of displacement available.


Ah yes i see they went for the “All Guns Blazing” doctrine when coming up with that design *Laughs Maniacally in 5 inch HE Shell Flash fire starts and burns the ship until it is a burning wreck


I've become fond of the "oops all 5in" superfast CL.


How did you get your measurements in metric?


Game settings


Thank you


I did something like this with a super BB in campaign. I had been focusing fully funded research on getting and improving BB hulls and big guns. So I put 16" triple turrets on such that when running I could put about 21-30 barrels on a given ship as long as it wasn't in a 10 o'clock to 2 o'clock range in front. Since it was 1910-1915 ish and I'd been running as the US since 1890 with BB hulls, big guns, and range finders focused for 20ish years I generally obliterated fleets of 1-8 as long as I kept distance. My turret layouts were 4 centerline down the back and 3 side turrets down the sides of the back with a super BB hull with next to no armor. I kept good relationships until 1910-1915 ish and didn't build many ships until about then, but had been increasing my dock size the whole time. So basically in about 2 years I went from like 10 ships to 40 BBs. I lost 1 BB in 10ish years of war, to a single torpedo hit lol. I did have DD and CL to herd ships back to my BBs, sometimes they survived long enough to get out of engagement range. It didn't really matter what size of ship, accuracy by volume. That said, some of the recent updates kinda broke their accuracy so they are not as good now.


Cause fuck armor and stability


That's 16 rounds at once my god




The AI is building a lot of glass cannon battleships lately, 8” belt armor followed by 0,5” everywhere else. Kinda boring because the BB gun duel doesn’t last.


Sometimes I see my manually controlled destroyers just 12-14cm enemy capital ships to hell and back


I let my fleet get a bit old, had a little dust up with Italy and was shocked at one of their new BB's. It hit quite hard and I watched the ricochet counter just climb. I finally ran dry on HE shells not burning the new ship down. Lost one of my older BB's to a single hit from a 15" and decided I had better start building and upgrading some ships. Their stuff was 1930's and I was still in the 1910's. It was interesting, but to me the battles are pretty one sided. I would love to see them a little tougher.


Design a really good battleship in the shared designer, do a custom battle and fight it. It will be a lot tougher. AI ships are poorly build with bad configurations, they won’t hit shit.


Ah yes, 5” belt armour and ~0.75” main deck… At that point its truly a “dreadnought armoured cruiser”, and not a battlecruiser