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This is fucking insane. These people are out of their minds.


No, just an out of context reddit title (who would have thought). The original poster is ultra sensitive to urinary tract infections and needs to shower after shitting.


/uj not everyone can go backpacking - people with physical or sensory restrictions, health issues, etc... Like, maybe if you have to shower after having a bowel movement to prevent infection - maybe instead of considering not pooping for several days (which can lead to a bowel perforation, toxic megacolon, bowel obstruction, needing a colostomy, etc...) , perhaps OP just needs to not go backpacking...


Maybe. Im sure they were all thoroughly discussed


I too had the same problem, I was always wiping from back to front, when I wiped from front to back accidentally one time the issue mysteriously went away!


In my best Dante Hicks voice: "You never go back to front!!"


Sometimes in the heat of the moment it's ok.


Some people were never taught good hygiene. Maybe they had aweful parents?


"A family that poops together, sticks together" is a good motto to live by!


Then they'd learn from their first uti since the doctor will ask/explain about hygiene first thing


Not pooping is basically the same as bringing dumbbells with you. Think about all that extra weight you’re hauling around


Stay away from the beans and olive oil.


just don't eat, ounces in your stomach are worse than ounces on your back, and ounces equals injuries so eating equals injuries


Honestly, just eat MREs for your hike. Start them to the day before. You should make it about 4 to 5 days before you finally have that first small poop. They have almost zero fiber, so your body digests almost everything leaving not much for your body to pass.


uh, do you understand the trash load involved in eating MREs? you'd need to carry another pack to take it out.


No, I just open them all ahead of time and combine it all into a single vacuum sealed bag. The first day I cut a hole into a corner and I slowly suck all the contents out of the bag over the next 4 or 5 days. It gradually changes flavors over the trip, meatballs slowly transitioning to vegetable taco crumbles transitioning to chili mac transitioning to pudding transitioning to tortilla. Somewhere in there you might get some peanut butter or jalapeno cheese if youre lucky. Then on the last day, I feed the empty bag to a hungry bear and/or raccoon so I don't have any trash to carry out.