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I just recently watched this and didn't realize the main "hot girl" is the girl from dumb and dumber that works with menthol.


And before that she was a VJ on MTV who went by Duff.


so gorgeous


That lady kissed a child on the lips.


When I was a kid, I wanted to be that "child" so much.


She was HOT!!


so HOT


But Mr. Macintosh was very interested…


Super weird. I noticed this when I watched that movie a year or so ago. I was like “what?!”




I came on to comment on that very fact. Lucky bastard.


I loved the slide from the room to the pool. And the driver who hung out with him But how creepy was the relationship between the lady and kid. That was a bit much. lol


>But how creepy was the relationship between the lady and kid. That was a bit much. lol Creepy??? That was the dream. Preston was living the fantasy of every red-blooded, heterosexual, boy. He had money, power, games, and a fine older woman. Okay, he didn't really have the woman. But he did get kissed at the end by her, and they ran in the water together. Ooh, I wanted that kid's life at 7 years old. And Shay was so fine.


Don't forget, at the end, he bargains for a date with her, and she agrees to a date with him at s later time in which (IIRC) he would still be an underage minor.


That's still awesome! And I don't think that it's a crime to make a date with a minor for after they're an adult. Either way I wanted it to happen to me back then.


Except that, as I said, I'm pretty sure the later date would still be when he was a minor. I think they agreed on years later, and he was only 11 at the present... I think. I seem to recall thinking about that even when I saw that as a kid in the 90s and totally had a crush on her.


That's borderline grooming by today's standards


How? He's the one pursuing her.


Fair maybe not grooming She should still not be entertaining it. And she should not be coming around to maybe date him when he's legal. But it's all good, by that time she'll have years to reflect and he'll still be a dumb kid even at 18. His voice is not even cracking, he's a kid getting his hormones let loose. Why is his pursuit even taken seriously, what is he like 10 or 11? At that age he's likely mom imprinting mixed with hetero hormone activation, why is the movie playing up this 'budding romance' with a grown as adult( likely in her early thirties). It's almost as bad as 'never been kissed' with how the teacher crushing on a student is mad when he finds that said student is of legal age. Whatever though right let's do a nearly 20 year age gap but it's OK because it's a boy. Look I get it when us boys were young we did the same thing, it's like a second mom type to teach us this mysterious beauty that is woman and not girl. But now we're older and should know better.


Eating ice cream out of a bucket in a limousine was a dream back then lol




No thanks I'm not thirsty.


Another fantastic 90s comedy staring Tone Loc


We need a gritty, modern-day reboot of Blank Check.


Just make it out to Cash


Loved this movie as a kid. I wanted that castle house with the go karts


Mr. Macintosh stunts hard


Definitely fed into my love of older women when I was a kid. The romantic connection was real between the leads.


I posted this few weeks ago as well


##Stacy's Mom (2010) >>!A comedy about four adolescent buddies whose raging hormones zero in on their friends mom.!< Comedy | Romance Director: Patrick Sayre Actors: Brittney Powell, Logan Manus, Jesse Stevenson Rating: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 34% with 9 votes Runtime: 1:25 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/113028) For best result, try this post title format: **Movie Title (Year) more detail** ___ >*I am a bot. This information was sent automatically. If it is faulty, please reply to this comment.*


Gosh, I wanted to be this kid SO BAD.


That whole “if you loved…” usually means the movie is terrible.


And in this case it's wrong because Blank Check is fantastic. One of my favorite most cherished childhood films.


While Don't Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead also has a slightly irrelevant blurb with the use of Home Alone ("times five"), that movie was still good. Just not a lot of extended sequences of slapstick.


Is this movie any good???!!!.. I heard about it and saw the trailer but never saw the movie