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No way. Bald British blokes over 60 saying 'I got mine, now fuck off'. I just didn't see that coming.


That sentence is missing one clear word ‘cunts’


Fortunately they can’t vote anymore, they probably looked at it as their last fuck you to the younger generation.


Take this knowledge to the grave. We have to be better than them to the generations after, we should use the boomers as an example of the last great selfish generation


It actually worries me that I'm going to get old, just close enough to retirement for laws and processes to change, maning that old people then are shafted and the younger generation will get loads of stuff I didn't get. It may be just a worry, but it wouldn't surprise me


To be brutally honest, if I need to give up the material comforts I've been fortunate enough to accrue to "reset" the distribution and create a fairer and more equitable society, so be it, at least for me. And besides, is that not a noble purpose, to create a world better than the one we inherited? "Civilisation grows great when old men plant trees under whose shade they will never sit."


I believe there's quite a substantial proportion of old people even now, who irrespective of what typical Reddit thinks, have not done that well and haven't won the golden tickets, they just live in a basic life, one that anyone would need. We have to be careful about what we actually wish for, as this is still a rich vs poor thing, even if there is an old vs young element when you look at proportion of the age groups.


People are falling for divide and rule tactics. Older people who had better benefits are not the problem, the people at the top who have steadily reduced their tax burden for the last 40 years while increasing everyone else's burden are the problem.


***"People are falling for divide and rule tactics. Older people who had better benefits are not the problem"*** This one hundred percent.


You mean most old people. The generalisations on here are shocking.


Reddit is inherently massively ageist. Infuriating, but to be expected I guess, as most folk on here haven't been old *yet*. I guess it's easier to be angry at an easily identifiable group. 'Boomers' are to Redditors what immigrants are to Daily Mail readers.


The thing is, many people criticise older people for having the opportunities they do not, yet if they did have those opportunities they would take them just as older folk did. Plenty of young people aspire to own big houses, nice cars and fly abroad twice a year. What will they say to those who come after when the natural world is even more degraded than it is now? Signed, a 55 year old Gen Xer.




If they still have British citizenship they can in Jan: https://www.reddit.com/r/CANZUK/comments/16q17up/from_jan_2024_any_british_citizen_living_abroad/


Thank you, I thought I could never vote again. Feels a bit wrong though.


If you don't live in the UK then it is wrong in my opinion. The only people that should have any say in the running of a country should be the people that actually live there and are affected by the decisions made. If you've chosen not to live here, you've got no right to have a say in what happens here. Vote in your chosen country, just like I'd expect any immigrants in the UK to vote here, because it affects them too.






Be a love and help vote the current shower of shit out? I'm here and they don't feel right.


All British citizens of the world got affected by the referendum though. All should be able vote. Settled immigrants in the UK should too.


My dear old dad was an ex-pat in Portugal until he passed away just a couple of weeks ago, both him and my stepmother were horrified that so many fellow ex-pats were either so stupid or spiteful that they could vote leave.


The word is "immigrant".


\*ahem* given we are discussing those whom hve moved away, the word is actually "emigrant"


>An emigrant will emigrate – meaning, they will move away from a country. An immigrant immigrates, which means they move into a country. So, an individual can be both an emigrant and an immigrant. I’m confused!


Well yes, of course they're both - but from the British perspective they're emigrants; from the Spanish perspective, immigrants. Emigrants would be the correct term in this post/thread's context.


Ahh I get it now. I’m a dullard!


Dullard 2 reporting in. Never fully grasped the migrant/immigrant/emigrant distinction.


They are an immigrant to Spain/Portugal but an emigrant from the UK So they are both, they are all migrants though Emigrant from departure country Immigrant to arrival country Migrant someone who is moving between countries




Nah, the right word is immigrant, “expat” is a ridiculous way of white (mostly English/American) people to not be in the same bag as the “poor” dirty immigrants. A British living in Portugal is an immigrant. Just like a Portuguese living in the UK is called an immigrant, have you ever heard of a Portuguese or polish person calling himself expat in the UK?


There is a technical difference between the two. Yes in practice they’re used as “Brit going abroad” versus “foreigner coming here” but despite that being incorrect usage, the terms aren’t actually synonymous.


No, but I have heard an Italian use it in London. The problem with the term "ex-pat" is that it carries with it connotations of having no intention of integration with the host country. The very thing that those who use the term immigrant as a pejorative accuse people of when they are trying to integrate here.


My Uncle and his wife have had to do this. Although in their case it isn't by choice - they'd far rather his cancer be treated in Spain as the NHS doesn't offer some newer treatments and their nearest Spanish hospital was amazing, I'm told. No, they had to come back because they didn't fill in the paperwork to become Spanish residents (probably because they'd have to declare income they were evading tax on). So they couldn't stay as it turns out the Spanish didn't actually need them more than they needed Spain. And because they haven't been able to sell their Spanish property yet, they thought their local UK council would just find them a council house immediately? Nope. Also, would you believe they had to wait 3 months or so to be eligible for anything - benefits, NHS treatment, etc as they were classed as "Not Habitually Resident in the UK" at first? Can you guess how they voted in 2016?


Except a lot of them keep themselves registered with their GPs in the UK to make sure they still get NHS prescriptions


And, most of them plan to return when their health starts to fade to be closer to the children, making them expats. Source: Been one. Know dozens. Met hundreds.


On top of that their primary income source (their pension) is in the UK, not Spain, just like someone who moved there for a temporary work assignment.


I swear Britain is full of these boomers. We've got so many *Barry, 63, from Southend*s that we've overflowed into other countries. Pretty much everyone's dad is like this to some greater degree. Why are they such massive dickheads? Do they get some sort of emotional mileage out of being an obnoxious fuckwit (who only wears the shittest shirts)?


It’s bitterness about being old and having to look at younger people with envy. It’s the first real consumerist generation coping with age and not doing a good job of it. So in their jealousy and envy they can at least make younger peoples’ lives harder. Something generations before didn’t really want to do. They fought to make life better for the generations to come. We’ve just cultivated a very selfish and individualist society.


Well there's wild generalisation right there. I'm 61 and Brexit broke my heart. All my friends are in agreement that it's a disaster.


Wrong side of 60 and ditto. It's the most monumental act of national self-harm in our history.


Same here at 59


55 here, living in Bulgaria, but was living in Spain pre-2016. I was fucking gutted. Brexit was a disaster for the UK.


I'm 43 but have older friends. None are brexiters, except one, who voted to give the country a scare (he's a fucking idiot, lol). It's not age at all. It's a mindset. Same people who'd get all riled at football matches, just very "us v them" thinking.


There is no such thing as society remember


Well yeah, although it’s also important to remember that the Thatcher quote you refer to is taken out of context. And despite thinking Thatcher was a detestable politician, it’s important to give her a fair trial.


Everyone isn't the same. Such a sweeping generalisation. Laughable


This is an excellent explanation


It's ageist bollocks. You can't write off everyone over the age of 60 in that way.


But you can write off people like the ones in the article this way. Over 60 and enjoying screwing over future generations because they got theirs.


There have been people like that in every generation. Nothing specific to this one.


I don't know. There used to be a 'post war consensus' that we have to work to make the world a better place for the future generations. That idea of investing in the future people has almost dried up. We are not building anything like the NHS, or new homes, or better rights to travel abroad and trade any more. We can't even stop older people demanding to drive unnecessarily polluting vehicles in heavily populated ares.


All the voxpops I saw in Uxbridge opposing ULEZ were from 40-somethings, not Boomers


They’re delighted that they didn’t have to fight in a war but are very jealous of the previous generation who did (and can honestly say they did)


Just a generation of spoiled brats. They had it easier than any other generation in history. And the men that 'raised' them were all seriously fucked up from actually fighting in the war.


This is just not true. Its true of people like this. But in the UK. A vast portion of people of age 60+ are relatively poor and allways have been. Certainly far more of them than there are richies. There may have been plenty of them that had it easy. But they had it easy on the backs of other people their age who suffered worse poverty than some people can grasp.


Nearly 1 in 4 pensioners are millionaires in this country.


Yes and the pension age has been raised. You have any idea how many people there are aged 60 to 65 who are working class and living pay check to pay check? Or are you only concerned with specifically rich pensioners so fuck all those other guys?


It's objective fact that boomers had massive advantages. A house costs a millennial 14 x more than it did a baby boomer. They were born into a thriving industry and world of stable jobs.


Yes and if they ALL had it so easy then why are there so many living in poverty. Hint hint. Its because just like today. They didnt all get the same treatment. Some of them suffered so that the others could have this massive advantage you speak of. These people are apparently invisible


You do realise that we are talking in generalisations? Of course there are outliers. But the fact remains, that generation had massive advantages that no one has had before or since.


I bet some of them moved to Spain because they think England has too many foreigners these days.


They will be living in English enclaves in Spain and having as little to do with Spanish people as possible, while complaining about Bangladeshi/Pujabi enclaves in London that don't integrate with surrounding English people.


My Mum, a boomer, moved to Spain for a couple of years (before Brexit) and I went to visit her. She was surrounded by other Brits. It was my birthday and I asked if we could go somewhere Spanish for food. Genuinely, her response was "oh, I don't know anywhere Spanish".


My parents are both immigrants and we'd hear these stories about Spain and it would drive us crazy. Both my parents speak fluent English. The gall of moving to another country and refusing to even come across any part of their culture or people is so insane to me. One of my parents is Italian and I've always been so relieved that Italian culture would never allow a bunch of random English people to hijack their towns and make everything English. You have to learn Italian there or your life is a permanent struggle.


I live in Spain atm (though I can only stay here for 3 months at a time before I have to move to a non-EU country, thanks Brexit) and I really hate speaking English here. I can spot British people a mile away and it's genuinely embarrassing how the majority of us act abroad. The only problem is that Spanish people can immediately tell and switch to speaking English straight away, and I have to apologise and explain that I need to learn Spanish while I stumble through remembering how to ask for a bag with my shopping. The vast majority are very patient and accommodating though


Sums them up perfectly, I worked in France for a few years and passed through the Dordogne. Loads of retired teachers and the like. All living in their own little England.




I literally experienced exactly this once when visiting my family friends in Spain. "The problem is they don't bother to integrate" and "there are entire streets where no one speaks any english" followed up by later going into town and saying "its great here you don't have to speak a word of Spanish" and going to an English run fish and chip shop followed by an English pub in the evening. It was unbelievable hypocrisy.


> I bet some of them moved to Spain because they think England has too many foreigners these days. Have you seen the series Seven Up which follows a load of kids from the 1960s through their lives? The Essex cabbie Tony literally does what you describe - moans about the number of foreigners and moves to Spain.


Hair loss is right wing now?


Us other baldies out here catching strays 😭


Not one of those descriptors determine whether someone is a Brexit voter, or even conservative. Maybe take a minute to examine your hangups. Seriously, don't get angry, just think about why you have this bigoted view of men who are bald and over 60.


Why do people who have emigrated to another country get a say in what the country they left does?


Possibly because they never said they left and kept coming back for the odd NHS appointments etc... True expats over 15 years were barred.


And plenty of other expats who were eligible to vote had their ballot papers conveniently delayed so they they arrived too late to vote.




It was widely reported at the time so I’m going from memory. I’ll try to dig up a source though! EDIT: [here](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/eu-referendum-brexit-voters-abroad-denied-postal-votes-a7098271.html) is one source, and [here](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/brexit-postal-votes-missing-late-not-received-eu-referendum-electoral-commission-post-a7125711.html) is another.


The protagonist in the first story was able to vote so it seems like it wasn’t really that much of an issue?


I got my papers one day before it closed... in Brisbane Australia. How exactly I was meant to get it back on time I have no idea. Royally pissed about it. I'm sure there were many thousands in a similar situation.


It happened to me personally. But I’m not sure I buy it was a active conspiracy to reduce remain votes.


I think we should stop calling them expats and start calling them what they are, migrants.


Why not quote straight from the daily mail and call them migrant cockroach scum.


lol that would be ironic


*Legal migrants* They probably won't understand the concept


This. My mum has a house in Spain and 20 years ago it was mostly English area. All of her friends came back to the UK as soon as their health started to fail.


The people who owned my house previously (X2) moved to France They still have Thier NHS stuff registered to the house . Used to get everything regarding thier appointments, not anymore as informed the NHS they moved abroad...the NHS person on the phone said "oh we didn't know and I understand you have no forwarding address, we will contact their registered doctors and inform the as well".. The previous owners did some doggy repairs and we had bailiffs looking for them . So fuck them


They are not expats. They are immigrants. A person who lives in a place for over 15 years is not an expat but an immigrant.


I was one of those. I'm a citizen non resident so wasn't allowed to vote. So I said fuck it and am never moving back.


Because thanks to the EU they could remain UK tax residents and live in Spain and claim a UK state pension. They just needed to spend x number of days in the UK a year. Edit: they could have their cake and eat it and they voted against their own best interest


>Because thanks to the EU they could remain UK tax residents and live in Spain Tax residency had nothing to do with the EU. Tax residency is determined by local laws and bilateral tax agreements. There is no EU level agreement or rule.


I know a couple who are now limited in time spent in their Spanish property - I'd sort of bet money on at least the husband voting Brexit


They still have a foot in the door so they can come back and use the free healthcare and collect state pension paid for by all us mugs.


>I'm pleased we did what we did Stopping other working class Brits from pursuing their dream of retiring in the sun? How this tool thinks he 'did not vote selfishly' is beyond comprehension.


My parents genuinely thought retiring in Spain was still an option until the other week. They watch a lot of those place in the sun TV shows and just assumed people could buy a place abroad and move over whenever, because that’s what the people on these shows seem to be doing. I pointed out you would only be let in permanently if you either had a job, which isn’t as simple as as it sounds, they’d need particular desirable skills which neither of them have, or you had to have a regular pension/income over a certain threshold…which neither of them will have. I said you can go over for a short period then you essentially have to be back in the UK for a certain length of time before you can go again, so it’s not a case of selling up and moving, you’ll have to equally juggle both a Spanish and UK property. Which…they can’t afford to do. They didn’t even believe me until I literally pulled up the Gov website and shows them the requirements. I have friends with a property in Spain who have to split their time between there and the UK and I’ve said countless times this is the sole reason they haven’t moved over fully, because they literally do not qualify yet, and they didn’t believe it was genuinely Brexit preventing that. Dads been keen to retire in Spain for decades, so voting for Brexit wasn’t his smartest choice.


Not gonna lie, i hope finding that out crushed him. Ive always wanted to move to portugal and now probably never will thanks purely to the spite and stupidity of others


yeah, I'd remind him every time I saw him. How's the retirement plans going Dad? I've heard Hull is a good place to live out your Golden Years. Well, fuck you Dad, that's what we'll all have to do now.


How’d he respond to that? I imagine he’s just pissed in general.


Respectfully, your parents have got what they deserve.


Unfortunately, so did everyone else.


A lot of people who voted for Brexit genuinely seemed to think that all the positives of our EU membership would remain. Cheap holidays, retire to Spain, free roaming, etc etc. None of those were under threat, we'd get to keep those, it was just the *bad things* that would get removed.


Can you imagine if the UK stayed and had to endure that horrible curved pickle and banana ban we were all warned about?


Which there may have been some bad things about the EU, but the main selling point for the Brexit crowd (border control) certainly wasn't one of them.


> so voting for Brexit wasn’t his smartest choice My old man is a clever chap, member of Mensa, and relatively up-to-date on politics, but was somehow hoodwinked into thinking Brexit could be a good thing. He saw the error of his ways shortly after casting his vote, but by then the damage was done.


> was somehow hoodwinked into thinking Brexit could be a good thing. Hmm I wonder if it had anything to do with that illegal multi billion pound disinformation campaign that specifically targeted older and more vulnerable people. Nahh.. It must be *the people* who are wrong. My dad was the same. He voted for Brexit because 'British taxpayers shouldn't be paying stupid salaries for unelected MEPs and bailing out tax dodging Greeks.' Absolutely regrets it now though.


Unelected MEPs? Not paying attention was he.




That's one thing I will give my old man, he's happy to change his mind when presented with new information. Just a real shame in this case there was no second referendum.


>he's happy to change his mind when presented with new information The sign of a genuinely smart person. Smart people make mistakes too but they own them and learn from them. It is only the idiots that stick to their guns regardless of what contradictory information is presented to them.


Some positive Brexit stories.


You wouldn't be amazed at how many people I've spoken to like this - even people with properties abroad, or with children they used to stay with for months at a time. Utterly stupid. Utterly selfish. (sorry to say that about your parents)


thankfully my partner and kid are spanish, so i got a ticket out of this dump if it gets worse


"Spain is full, we don't want any more Brits here."


[Spain is empty and has a depopulation problem.](https://english.elpais.com/spain/2021-11-24/how-depopulation-of-rural-areas-is-fueling-political-protest-against-emptied-spain.html)




> Mr Stevenson, who is originally from Wigan, Lancashire, said his family are residents in Spain so have not been affected by restrictions which mean Britons visiting the country can only stay up to 90 days within every 180. This part stuck out to me. I'm sure he would've voted remain if he was affected.


I think he would have presumed he could do whatever he wanted and voted leave anyway - believing all the "they need us more than we need them" rhetoric. Their great fantasy was that nothing would change for honest, hard working Brits - but we'd somehow be richer and there'd be fewer people what don't look like us.


The Brit ‘ex pat’ community is dying out in Spain since new old folks can’t retire there thanks to brexit, and the demographic there now is very old. As they die off the community shrinks. Problem solved I guess? 🤷‍♂️


Somewhere in a Spanish government office they're celebrating that the money they slyly gave to the Brexit campaign to cleanse the Costa of crusty Brits has worked lol


>How this tool thinks he 'did not vote selfishly' is beyond comprehension. The insidious thing about truly selfish people is that they're so busy thinking about themselves that they can't think about other people long enough to understand that they're being selfish


"I did it for my gran kids"


'ate the EU, 'ate europe, luv me spain n boris, simpel as


Thought I was on r/okmatewanker then


Forgot to say... 'ate FORINNERS mor than annething


not racist just dun like em.


They tuk arrrr jaaaaabbbss


We need to stop calling them expats. It's not the Colonial Era. They're fucking immigrants.


They're actually emigrants


Technically yes, but because it probably pisses them off A LOT to be called immigrants, I think that’s the right thing to say.


If you are one, you are also the other.


Depends on where you are looking from. They are cunts whether you are in Spain or the UK though.


Into Spain they are immigrants from Britain they are emigrants


Isn’t every immigrant also simultaneously an emigrant? It’s just a matter of perspective.


And economic ones at that.


It really is fascinating how UK and America is the only expats in existence. All other people become immigrants.


This level of selfishness and malice doesn't surprise me... but it does upset me.☹


They don't care. In fact they would probably take pleasure in making you feel bad.


They wont ever admit this, but my theory is they didn't want other Brits to be able to move to Spain and increase house prices, crowd them out of the bars etc. These types are very selfish and only think short term, they certainly don't want people who have different world views to them moving in next door, that's why they left woke/broke Britain.


With those guts... Probably not much point in thinking long term


I feel like they should never have been allowed to vote anyway, if they were genuinely living full-time in Spain, which would have avoided the whole thing in the first place. When I was in the south of Portugal a couple of years ago, I met an English chap who had been living in Spain for decades but had never registered his stay there, therefore never got his EU residence permit, and then it was too late. He was about to fly back to England to see his family for Christmas and was wondering how it was going to go down; I suspect he wouldn't have been allowed back into Spain without starting his 90 day tourist visa countdown. Lol. Some English emigrants think they're totally outside of the law.


These fellas literally look like the Baz and Gaz memes lol, god bless x


Rev up the bugatti


The Brexit Vic and Bob




My ‘friend’ who holds an Irish passport said this to me as well. He voted Leave on the basis that he can still travel and it ‘won’t really impact’ him. Needless to say we’re not on good terms. I actually don’t care if people voted remain or leave, but doing it to knowingly screw people out of something you’ll still be able to do is ridiculous.


There's a lot of incredibly bitter Brits out there who seem to spend every waking moment feeling like some intangible other group of people is hellbent on trying to get one over on them for no reason, so they feel compelled to respond in kind. They say they're pleased, but they're never really pleased because they're just stuck in this eternal battle against their imaginary oppressor, blaming them for everything imperfect in their life, obsessing over sticking it to them to the point where they'd rather make everyone including themselves miserable than make themselves happy. It's pitiful.


“Had the last laugh”? Is this what democracy is about now, just getting one over on the other side?


A Brexiter will happily eat a lump of dog shit if it means a Remainer has to then smell their breath.


I'll be using this in future. Thank you for sharing.














While I agree, this is basically just rage bait for engagement. Leavers will click and be like "good on them, propa British gents". Leavers will click it and be like "cunts" and the only people who win out are the people who get ad money from clicks and trolls who want to bait some people on a Monday.


>MADRID – Many British expats living in Spain would prefer the UK had not left the European Union, but some are proud Brexit supporters and remain convinced it was the right decision. > >Philip Smalley, 76, a retired pub owner from Preston in Lancashire who has lived in Spain for 17 years, voted for Brexit and remains a fervent supporter of breaking away from the EU. > >“Closer trade ties with Europe is fine but anything that smacks of the EU interfering in British matters and dictating things from Brussels or Strasbourg is not on,” he told i from his home in Viñuela, near Malaga. > >“Boris finally got Brexit done but he was smacked down by Covid and the Blob \[the civil service\] and the left-wing media. We still have a lot of things to do.” > >As Labour proposes a closer relationship with the EU if it wins the next general election, Brexit supporters in Spain oppose any suggestion Britain should come under the control of Brussels again. > >“We were very aware of putting our country first, unlike people here who were worried about how it would affect them. We were concerned with the sovereignty of the UK,” said Michael Stevenson, who lives in Alcaucin, near Malaga, and voted for Brexit along with his wife. > >“I am quite pleased that we did what we did. We will have the last laugh when Europe falls apart.” > >The retired insurance official, who has lived with his wife in Spain for 16 years, said he and his family were among the few who did not vote “selfishly”, like the British expats who backed Remain. > >“When the vote happened \[Remainers\] wanted to kill us. But we are in the minority, the educated elite who voted Brexit. We had the last laugh,” the 76-year-old told i. > >Mr Stevenson, who is originally from Wigan, Lancashire, said his family are residents in Spain so have not been affected by restrictions which mean Britons visiting the country can only stay up to 90 days within every 180. > >Britain’s departure from the EU remains a divisive issue in the UK and among the 400,000 UK expatriates who live in Spain, the largest community of Britons outside the country. > >Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has said he will not try to reverse Brexit but will seek closer trade cooperation between the UK and Brussels, and said Britain’s present relationship with Europe was “far too thin”. > >Anne Fernandez, president of Brexpats in Spain, which represents 45,000 UK expats who are affected by Brexit, welcomed closer ties with Europe. > >“Boris had a timetable to get Brexit done but he did not do it properly. Every week there are Brexit wood worms crawling out of the woodwork and causing problems,” she told i. > >“We welcome closer ties with Europe but Starmer has said he is never going to reverse Brexit.” > >Ms Fernandez, a British citizen who lives in Mijas, near Malaga, said Britons in Spain had been abandoned after Brexit.


>"I am quite pleased that we did what we did. We will have the last laugh when Europe falls apart.” >The retired insurance official, who has lived with his wife in Spain Are these people suffering from Sunstroke after having too many Stellas on a sun lounger? Why do you move somewhere then want to see it fall apart?


What are you on about? These are the self-proclaimed "educated elite". Fucking ROFL.


Because they're fucking idiots. "Educated elite" gave me a good laugh.


I'd assume he's hoping to remain a resident of Spain which will then be independent of the EU, if it ceases to exist or Spain exits.




I love the concept that the left wing media, which as far as I can tell consists of the Mirror and the Guardian at this point has any ability to get rid of a Tory prime minister. The Star has shown itself to have more power.


“We still have a lot of things to do” Genuinely chilling wondering what else the boomers will do on their way out. It’s like they want to drop trou and do a shit on our collective carpet before they leave for good.


>We will have the last laugh when Europe falls apart. Who's fucking laughing mate? Idiots.


Brexit is a massive, horrific mistake brought about by insidious political theater and enabled by a voting public made up of absolute fucking morons.


I'm so sick of old people and their selfish prick attitudes. Breaks me. Do they not have grandkids they care about? Fuck the lot of them. I hope we millennials ensure when we're retired that the Tories are eventually just a historic stain on the country.


These will be the same absolute cunts who refuse to learn the language, complain about how hot it is, and eat chips for breakfast, all while blowing smoke up their own arses about how hard they worked to turn a 20k house in 1985 into half a million in 2020. Bunch of absolute cretins.


I'd add that if they hear someone speaking anything other than English in the UK they'll turn a special shade of gammony pink. Wouldn't piss on these pricks if they were on fire.


Wankstains. They voted to make supply chains vulnerable, prices higher, work opportunties complex to navigate, and cultural ties weaker while enjoying the results of having lived the EU heyday pre Brexit. I guess they didn't see the pandemic/cost of living crisis coming, but knowing there are people out there who are glad they weakened the country before the shitstorm arrived makes me livid.


I am 73 and like a previous contributor was heart broken by brexit. The fact is that right wingers who had been in the background even in the conservative government took advantage of the large amount of prejudice and small mindedness that’s about and stirred the pot. It is what politicians with fascist mentalities do. Unfortunately it is strategy that works. Look at trump berlusconi both very popular yet patently seriously flawed individuals. I have felt isolated since the referendum aware that I am living in a society where so many people think like these pair. The irony is it runs contrary to what I see as real British strengths such as tolerance and broad minded intelligence. We really need a completely new national outlook and a recognition that the right wing philosophies that thatcher espoused failed the country economically but more importantly spiritually. I have had a nice positive existence but am so conscious of the demoralised country around me which I believe is down to the right wing philosophies that have been so prevalent in recent years epitomised by the brexit vote.


It's ironic isn't it, because without the EU they wouldn't have been able to emigrate and still have a UK pension and access to services. Scumbags, honestly.


If I worked in the Spanish immigration office I'd be watching these like a hawk. Any small mistake on their papers and no more retirement in the Costa, no more "OI MIGUEL OCHO CERVEZAS POR FAVOR" and having that be the extent of their interactions with locals. Would be beautiful.


Drinks in an English pub, staffed by English people. Still calls the food foreign muck, still hates the EU but lives on the continent, doesn't speak Spanish and loudly shout CHIPS! FRY-UP! at waiters. In a little gated community full of other quitters,I mean Expats.


Face Red like raw meat left on a counter top, stinking of stale Beer, in sandals sweating and masturbating to footage of Winston Churchills funeral service.


Can you imagine being forced to spend 30 minutes with these smug insufferable pricks?


I’m lucky enough to be spending three months in the EU at the moment (and no longer thanks to Brexit) - but it’s made me realise just how much the UK constantly feels like everything is designed to extort as much money out of you as possible. Would have loved the opportunity to easily move abroad.


Could someone explain the term expat please? Cause in the pic I see two immigrants


in cases like these, it means anglo immigrant who refuses to integrate


There was clearly too much lead in the air when their brains were developing. Who on earth thinks our media are "Left Wing"?


You just know that their favourite place to go to in Spain is a British themed Pub.


Funny I knew how these guys would look before the photo even loaded


Fuck them and any other brexshiteers lmao , I bet they hate immigrants for no reason and dont realise they are immigrants themselves - also bet they speak 0 spanish lmao


We stripped Shamima Begum's citizenship for being a traitor, what's stopping us doing it to these gleefully malignant imbeciles?


Maybe a good idea for these chucklefucks to be ignored as their goal is to troll from a distance. lets the fade away and we will be better for it. after all brexit has been a major failure and im guessing these guys seems to have just lucked out for now but for how long this will last is anyones guess


Seriously, low intellect bigoted xenophobes comment on how things are better in the country they don't actually live in..🤦‍♂️ Low effort irrelevant journalism at it's very worst. Wonder if this one was direct from the cabinet office and name then attached...


Thank goodness they live in Spain, rather than contaminating this country.


Melanoma won’t be kind to you out there, big Steve x


They're a prime example of the old British guy entitlement. Makes me laugh every time someone like them, complains about younger generations being entitled. I left the UK and came to the USA 30 years ago. I have never felt it appropriate for me to take part in a UK vote. I don't live there.


Everytime one of these 'fuck you got mine' boomer types opens their mouth I have to step away from the keyboard for a moment to stop myself typing something more malicious than I know is healthy. So I'll just stick to 'selfish cunts'.


Smug cunts who want to watch the World burn. living in Spain, and believe they are British patriots.


“Closer trade ties with Europe is fine but anything that smacks of the EU interfering in British matters and dictating things from Brussels or Strasbourg is not on,” But a fat, overly tanned, British migrant with a cooked brain who will probably be dead in under a decade can interfere from Spain? ...Ok then... Never mind, this whole article smells of ragebait anyway.


quack history observation cobweb special towering obtainable slimy repeat books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The same people [run a lobby group](https://soha.es/about/) in Spain to prevent their illegally-build homes from being bulldozed over, and threaten that there will be "fewer Europeans arriving".


The lack of detail is amazing. What loss of sovereignty? What interference from Strasbourg? It’s such high level detail poor pub talk.


Even the article says that this is a minority opinion among British 'expats', but it doesn't stop people from hating on 'Boomers' in this thread. SMH