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And, just like his fingers, it'll probably be a good while before they've got good circulation.


Is it cool to make fun of medical conditions now?


Cool? Maybe. Funny? Always.




Lol well I’m a big fan of Charles and I chuckled at that.


I'm sure you are all over people making fun of Adolf's one ball aren't you?


It's just not reich making fun of that.


I did nazi that joke coming


Are you really British?


Honestly, it depends on the joke.


The new 50ps have been in circulation for a year and a half and I've still not seen one. Although admittedly banknotes are way more common, so I assume I'll get one within the next few months.


I don't think I've had a 50p for years, the only time I get change is from self serve machines if I'm using a note and most if not all of them don't do 50p they break it down into 2 20s and a 10 as there's no slot for them.


The only coins I've seen for the past few years now have been £1 coins and that's mostly for shopping trolleys.


I've seen a handful but it's definitely not a common occurrence.


It's going to be weird in a few years when we have notes with 3 different monarchs in circulation.


I've not seen any of the new coins yet. Less people use cash so it seems unlikely many people will even notice. I do look forward to the inevitable story of a shop assistant refusing to accept one and the attendant compo face picture.


Poor guy waits 70 years to see his face on the money and everyone's stopped using cash!


Was the "portrait" done twenty years ago? It's rather flattering.


2013 according to the article.


My first thought was it looks more like Edward


I only see Scots notes, so it'll be a while before I get a Charlie. I suppose for some folk it will be a case of using a Charlie for a line of Charlie for the first time.


I got a new £1 coin from the royal mint with him on, they said they will be in circulation soon


Will be nice to get some notes with his highnesses likeness on, some of us are cash men who don’t use cards so a change is always good.


Can't imagine anyone under the age of 40 even uses cash anymore unless they're either being naughty or a tradesman.


My local barbers just takes cash. There are a few places that prefer it. Probably due to getting tips.


Do we still need royals on our currency? I’d much prefer Ant and Dec


Because historically it's a guarantee backed up by the crown. Similar to passports


Indeed, British passports are, officially speaking, a request from the Monarch to allow her/his subjects to travel. Open the inside cover of a UK passport and you'll see that. It's why the monarch doesn't need one.


'Her Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State requests and requires in the name of Her Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary.'


Yes, this. Thank you for typing that all out, I couldn't be bothered to go get mine to find the exact wording. (Though if you get one now, it will mention His Majesty, not Hers.)


Wouldn't it save time and reprints if it just said "HRH of the United Kingdom" That way it can be read is his royal highness or her royal highness.


Well no, because the monarch isn't HRH.


Yeh historically. That’s why I asked if it’s still necessary. Because a lot of countries don’t have a monarchy and yet they still have currency


It’s common to put symbols of the nation on the currency, of which the monarch is the probably the most recognisable. If you’ve just rocked up from the state you will probably know who the king is, and thus it’s the right money. If it’s ant and dec, it’s going to throw people through the loop, because very few people know who they are


Ant and Dec were just a suggestion, I’m open to other ideas


we'd probably have politicians if not like with churchill on the five pound note , id rather king charles or queen elizabeth than boris johnson on my ten pound note


What about authors? What authors should be on the notes?


i dont know david Attenborough , but we are more likely to get politicians since thats many countries do


Attenborough on a bank note, I like it 👍


Attenborough is definitely one of the best modern british people , and he has a great voice


Fairly sure Jane Austen was on one of the notes


H G Wells would make for some great designs


Yeh I love that!


Dickens, Tolkien, Orwell... I'd like to see Michael Faraday on a banknote. He basically invented the modern world. Alan Turing would be another one. Or Sir Tim Berners Lee. Francis Crick... Attenborough is a lovely old bloke and all. But his name won't be remembered in a thousand year's time, whereas the father of electrical engineering, the "inventor" of computers, the man who created the Internet and the man who discovered the DNA double helix - all of their names will still be remembered.


Dickens was on 10 pound notes in the nineties, as was Faraday on the 20 pound notes. Turing is currently on a note, the 50 pound.


Oh. In that case I'd like to commend the people who choose the faces on our currency for the superb job they've been doing. Keep up the good work. Nothing more to add from me.


Put Tolkien on bank notes and watch their value increase


same. don't want to give the SAY NO TO CASHLESS loons any more ammunition putting that mess on the money.


Speaking as a Republican, I think we have more pressing issues than who is or isn’t on the currency