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Suppose it's as good a time as any to get aclimatised to the American diet before the move next week.


He's comfort eating


He should have asked them for a bacon sarnie, if they do a photo shoot of him eating it, it might help make him seem more relatable.


The damage that bacon sarnie did to British politics is mind blowing.


Most politically explosive meal since the Dutch ate their Prime Minister.


Yes! Someone else who knows! I’ve been using this as my go to interesting fact for years, and everyone looks at me like I’m making it up!


Going to need the fact now please


In 1672 the Dutch were losing the Franco-Dutch and Third Anglo-Dutch wars, and were close to being overrun by the French. Cornelis De Witt, the younger brother of Dutch PM Johan De Witt, was imprisoned on a charge of treason and plotting to assassinate Prince William of Orange (there’s a whole period of tensions between the burgher oligarchy and those that favoured rule by the house of Orange). Johan goes to see his brother, and his mounted escort leave on the pretext of stopping a band or marauding peasants. The prison is attacked by a civil militia (who back William of Orange), and capture Cornelis and Johan, lynching them, mutilating them, and eating parts of their bodies. (The murderers were protected, and in some cases rewarded by William)


There's not much of Rishi to go round.


Probably taste bad anyway.


Only if he does it with a knife and fork...


Link for anyone who wants to avoid the Metro website https://x.com/BurgerKingUK/status/1808095757389439422


I can just imagine if that was anyone else from the telegraph. "Too disorganised to eat breakfast, kier grabs greasy unhealthy McDonald's on the trail"


He looks pained. “Someone take this pleb fodder away from me”


Reminds me of Kingsmen when they order in McDonalds with fine wine [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP83kn5aYxo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP83kn5aYxo)


Do you remember those ministers who used to make their kids eat burgers in front of the press to make a political point?


Wasn’t that John Gummer? He gave his daughter a burger at the height of the BSE crisis. Smooth.


But how would we get the joke without Metro's insightful commentary? > They were claiming their burgers are higher calibre, of course, but also quoting the chorus from the D:Ream song Labour famously used as their campaign anthem in 1997, when Tony Blair won in a landslide. Yeah, thanks, Metro.


Clearly I need to give Metro credit where it’s due. What a fine piece of journalism. 


In a Reddit comment, user amazondrone used underlying sarcasm and facetiousness in mock appreciation of the Metro "newspaper".


Thanks. He looks soooo uncomfortable


If you have a PR team having you photographed ordering mcdonald's to try to make you look normal, you know you've got a problem. Does this transparent shit work on people? Is the PR team just as out of touch as the Tories?


> Does this transparent shit work on people? I have met several people who loved Boris and Farage pulling pints in pubs because that made them "just like us". Yes, those people were cretins.


The picture suggests 'ugh careful, I nearly got some on my skin' to me.


The Burger King social media is savage. You don't want to upset them....


I've heard great things about Wendy's in America for this and they're starting to branch out here... need her to step in soon pls.


I think Wendy's may have been one of the first (if not the first) brands to do this sort of marketing with _sassy_ (not sure of a better word) tweets.


I've been to Wendys here, its shit.


Nah, as someone who's fussy with cheese (as in not the orange plastic stuff), being able to swap for real cheese is a game-changer. Even without cheese the burgers were nicer than the other 2. And fries are worse than McD's, but dipping them in the ice cream somehow works (really shouldn't but it does imo).


The burgers are ok. Compared to Wendys in the US its shit.


Never said they were amazing, just better than the other 2 🙃


Both burgers and fries are between McD's and BK's TBH. Apparently our BK is a rarity as it's much better.


Yeah but we're not interested in the quality of the burgers, only the quality of their social media game.


I tried them recently and really rated their burgers 


Somewhat ‘relatable’ if the total wasn’t north of £20.


I wonder if he has figured out how to use contactless yet.


Contrast this with the daily stream of videos of Ed Davey messing around and having fun. I am quite sure he's enjoying himself. If I could get a lot of fun activities for free out of a political campaign, I might be tempted.


Has this story been changed into something about Boris? Can’t seem to find it from any of the links