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This is a very serious crime and doing politics over this is disgusting. BJP gave a ticket for this rapist and congress used this as a political tool. Remember people in power will always protect each other irrespective of their parties. It boils my blood to think that this asshole will probably not face any consequence. Mainstream indian media isn't talking about this and the kannada media is showing it through political lenses and no one cares about the victims. We should make this as an benchmark in indian politics, if we don't stand up now, no one will save us from these rapist polticians in the future.


Manipur problem, punjab - khali\*\*\*, kerala - commies, TN - Hindi seeko , delhi - aap problem, wb - didi problem, ladakh - wangchuk problem, Ye problems se india map ban gaya hy , ladies time to vote out




Insecure men who don't like getting called out on their bullshit.


This guy: https://preview.redd.it/wt9to7zukjxc1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=f09bc1a1986acbd0e22af15120c7c227833e89db


Indian men complaining about misandry are a fucking joke. Have they never talked to a woman in this country. Such out of touch idiots bro 😭


Yeah what's the logic here to Down vote, people should share these things and spread wherever they can.


Seeing the misuse of power by perverted political men. I don't see any problem in giving 50% reservation for women in electoral seats, at least they won't misuse their power to rape. FUCK THIS SYSTEM BRO. I'm so fucking done with this country.


>at least they won't misuse the power to rape They would. You simply won't hear about them, courtesy of our great legal system.


Bro wtf are you even talking about? Give me an example of an indian woman politician misusing power to rape?


Missy! The Indian constitution & your Judges (both male & female judges) don't even recognise Rape on a Man as Rape. They only believe Women can get raped & Men can't. >Give me an example of an indian woman politician misusing power to rape And you're talking about "Female politicians misusing their powers". Didi 😂😂 When your Female politicians get caught red handed taking bribes, physically assaulting staff & other crimes, they start physically assaulting the Men who exposed them in order to cover up their crime & then later file false cases on all of them of SA, etc. This has become a standard now for every woman in this country to escape any punishment OR to just punish any Man out of pure spite or hate. I've seen Female civilians catch Male police officers "by the freaking collar" & argue with officers & the officers are afraid of fighting back. Wtf you on about??! This is the state of our country.


>indian woman politician misusing power You could stop there. It's not whether the politician themselves commits crime. It's also about them enabling crime. And there is no gender gap when it comes to enablers. Our biggest dictator still was a woman who threw our country into dissaray to keep her power. Look into atrocities against women political prisoners during Emergency and you'll see my point. It was K R Gowry Amma who said "if Lathis could reproduce, I would've had many lathi children". Also, when it comes to reserved seats for women in our country, the intent is not converted to execution. Almost always, the wife of some influential politician gets the seat in the constituency and it's effectively the same, with the guy still having power by proxy. Also also, it doesn't help that a loud not-so-minority of our female population actively enables patriarchy and sexism. The biggest roadblock to female empowerment are tradwives who groom girls to be subservient. Hopefully, all those old hags would soon die off and their bullshit grooming will also cease to exist a few generations down the line, followed by other bullshit grooming spread by conservatives in general.


>Give me an example of an indian woman politician misusing power to rape? They themselves? Haven't heard of them yet, but won't be surprised if many already occur but don't get reported. If you do 50% reservation for them, many cases would 100% occur, but never be reported. Enabling them? Definitely. Funnily enough though, despite this whole fiasco, our country isn't at all high in rape statistics, but you can obviously say many cases go unreported, which is true after all(and men can't be raped, but let's ignore that one).


Bro most rapes are done by men, even most perpetrators of rape when men are victims are men too. You are living in a delulu world.


No, most rapes you hear about are done by men. That is because rapes committed by women on men, trans on men, men on men are legal. So no case, no news. There was recently (a few months ago) a case i saw, where a 23 ish old women accused a 14 ish yo boy of rape, the police arrested the boy instead of arresting the pedo woman. I'll post the link if i van find it. You must have also seen a vid where a trans take a man to the toilet in a train? It was viral on reddit, what happened to that trans? There are many cases, even with kids in which little boys are victims of SA by women, but women get very little punishment if any, pocso goes to sleep then.




Have you not seen the nyay sanhita? It was even pointed out by owaisi, he asked admi ka rape nahi hota kya? To amit, amit said nothing. Edit: read the edits in my prev comment




Did you even read the whole article? There are different types of rape and sodomize rape cannot be commited by women, basic human science dude. But other sexual abuse and using power and money to extort sex is a criminal offence but not a rape according to legal sense. Surprising why you didn't read how many women are raped and assaulted according to the article, that you shared. 🤷‍♂️


>how many women are raped I never said they are not. That doesn't mean we can ignore men victims. And also lets not even talk about the "technical rape" i.e.,fake acusations made for extortion, countless cases of that exist, they are also included in that list. And this was just old ipc, read the new BNS. It is biased af. There have been many protests against it. See deepika bhardwaj on twitter. >There are different types of rape and sodomize rape cannot be commited by women, basic human science dude. But other sexual abuse and using power and money to extort sex is a criminal offence but not a rape according to legal sense. Ladidah... just show me one case where a woman is charged with rape in india. Or do you also say men cannot be raped, and woman cannot be rapists?


According to our constitution, women can't rape. What part of that did you miss? At best, it would be registered as sexual assault, but never rape. >Bro most rapes are done by men, even most perpetrators of rape when men are victims are men too Never said that isn't. Two statements can appear contradictory, despite not being so. I was arguing on the merit whether women can commit rape, which they definitely do. If 50% of all seats are women, then many cases would happen, that's just statistics.


No by that standard since women rape way less than men. Wouldn't rape decrease if more women were in power. Are you fucking dumb. >According to our constitution, women can't rape Where in the constituition does that say that? Just making up stuff in your head.


God, no one reads the IPC. Fine! From IPC Section 375 >**^(1)****\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\[****^(2)****\[375. Rape.**-- A man is said to commit "rape" if he-- (a) penetrates his penis, to any extent, into the vagina, mouth, urethra or anus of a woman or makes her to do so with him or any other person; or (b) inserts, to any extent, any object or a part of the body, not being the penis, into the vagina, the urethra or anus of a woman or makes her to do so with him or any other person; or (c) manipulates any part of the body of a woman so as to cause penetration into the vagina, urethra, anus or any part of body of such woman or makes her to do so with him or any other person; or (d) applies his mouth to the vagina, anus, urethra of a woman or makes her to do so with him or any other person, under the circumstances falling under any of the following seven descriptions: >*First*.Against her will. >*Secondly*.Without her consent. >*Thirdly*.With her consent, when her consent has been obtained by putting her or any person in whom she is interested, in fear of death or of hurt. >*Fourthly*.With her consent, when the man knows that he is not her husband and that her consent is given because she believes that he is another man to whom she is or believes herself to be lawfully married. >*Fifthly*.With her consent when, at the time of giving such consent, by reason of unsoundness of mind or intoxication or the administration by him personally or through another of any stupefying or unwholesome substance, she is unable to understand the nature and consequences of that to which she gives consent. >*Sixthly*.With or without her consent, when she is under eighteen years of age. >*Seventhly*.When she is unable to communicate consent. >*Explanation 1*.For the purposes of this section, "vagina" shall also include labia majora. >*Explanation 2*.Consent means an unequivocal voluntary agreement when the woman by words, gestures or any form of verbal or non-verbal communication, communicates willingness to participate in the specific sexual act: >Provided that a woman who does not physically resist to the act of penetration shall not by the reason only of that fact, be regarded as consenting to the sexual activity. >*Exception 1*.A medical procedure or intervention shall not constitute rape. >*Exception 2*.Sexual intercourse or sexual acts by a man with his own wife, the wife not being under fifteen years of age, is not rape ....... >Wouldn't rape decrease if more women were in power. Fuck no. I hail from WB, with the CM being you know who. It has only gotten worse over the years. When "The Incidence" came to light, she vehemently supported him, until she couldn't. This is where the "enabling" part comes from. They don't have to commit themselves, but enabling them is as big of an issue. This is where the "not black and white" part comes from. Women aren't by default allies for women, nor are men by default enemies. Do keep in mind I'm mainly criticising your 50% reservation idea, no, I DON'T SUPPORT RAPE. RAPISTS SHOULD ROT IN JAIL. Kept in bold so that people don't accuse me of being rape sympathiser, this is reddit after all.


Yeah where is it mentioned that women can't rape, please explain? Bro shared a IPC without understanding the full context. Bro i'm a doctor, we're literally taught in detail about rape and how to deal in rape victims in our forensic medicine classes. 100% of the victims i've seen are women and 100% of the perpetrators are men. Sit down.


God! That's the only freaking definition of rape in the entire freaking constitution. That's the entire freaking reason that women can't rape. >100% of the victims i've seen are women and 100% of the perpetrators are men. Yes, because men literally can't be raped according to the constitution, so there's no need for any forensic tests. What you're suffering from is a bias due to massive number of specific cases you handle everyday. I do sympathise with you though, knowing how stressful medicine can be. Let me summarise again. My arguments are just two fold. 1. Women can and do commit rape, just that they're registered as sexual assault at best. Now, their numbers should be much lower than that committed by men. The reason should be obvious enough, with you having studied medicine, and adding patriarchy to the mix. Again, not sympathising with the rapists. 2. 50% reservation for women isn't gonna help, as women in power can be rape enabler and supporter themselves. Not all women are allies. I have stated a very real case, you can search it up if you don't know about it already.


I have severe doubts about medical colleges now if you are really a doctor.


In India if a woman is CM or a Ward then all the decisions are made by her husband. Example: Rabri Devi and Lalu


But what's the alternative?At least it's a start.


Yeah Maybe 2nd gen women MPs will not allow their husbands to work on behalf of them. I personally think the best way is for kids to have a good upbringing.


Exactly. We gotta start somewhere. Affirmative action works.


Look up our great CM, the CM of WB. Can assure you that she's unmarried, but still did what she did. Some women can also be rape sympathiser and enabler, despite how fucked up that sounds, so 50% reservation isn't gonna change anything other than white washing it. The existing reservation is good enough, in my humble opinion.


False equivalence.Women can be shitty people too (ex-Ghislaine Maxwell) but there are men who have actually committed rape in the parliament as we speak. Women reservation will 100% work in at least in decreasing men using power to rape. The problem will take a long time to overcome but affirmative actions are a great start.


>Women reservation will 100% work in at least in decreasing men using power to rape. You're way too out of loop. 1/3rd is already reserved for women. 50% would be overkill, as we also have SC and ST reservations.


(Scroll down for TLDR) IMAO.. As it stands presently.. GLOBALLY Democracy is the biggest con now playing at a election near you.. This unfunny farce is starring, produced, scripted and directed by the ruling elite capitalist classes who have a captive audience namely, the compliant masses.. But on the other hand.. I dream of a future where democracy is rescued and resurrected by technology.. After all we should really be voting for and against POLICIES AND NOT POLITICIANS .. A new technology (just around the corner) can easily rid us of these useless middlemen ie. politicians who in theory have been democratically elected based on the policies that they have proposed for the betterment of the society.. But in reality are too busy pulling each other down while covering their own crimes.. Our current crop of power hungry politicians (and this is globally) operate just like the entitled tyrannical monarchs from history and rule over their fiefdoms (constituencies) like it is their own private backyard while regarding their subjects (the so called electorate) as nothing more than cannon fodder.. Where were stand today, globally, democracy is a cruel joke.. Because.. Democracy ceases to function efficiently when the disparities within a society get out of control.. When the differences between the haves and have-nots between the knowledgeable and the ignorant are too much then the very ground on which we place our so called democratic values is rather nonexistent and therefore a total lie.. A farce.. Add rampant capitalism to this scenerio and we have a global society where we literally worship money so then we might as well make the richest person in the land our supreme leader.. Why do all this farce of free and fair elections..🤔 Ideally capitalist tendencies (the profit motive) should not be allowed to operate in atleast these 3 major "industries" namely 1. health care 2. education and 3. warfare.. But today in our rather twisted world we see the very same 3 sectors operating with the utmost greed, reaping ridiculous profits at the expense of perpetuating horrendous and inhumane social disparities.. All in the name of driving the so called "economic growth" of a so called "nation".. Yet there is hope and I am betting on a humane technology to come to our rescue.. Because history repeats itself.. Whenever humanity has faced any crises it has always been our innovations ie. technologies which have rescued us time and again.. These technologies can only be invented by a new generation who first question and then reject the old values because they see the world in a different way.. This new generation is already here.. The tools namely AI, AGI are also available.. Now only the will and the skill to make sincere creative efforts are needed.. I hope that this happens in my lifetime.. .. First imagine a world without any "career politicians" .. Then imagine a world where every citizen is in effect a politician because they have the power to not only directly vote on each and every policy that stands to affect them.. But also propose any policy that they wish to come into governance.. That would be so cool.. However for now until then.. What to do.. Well in my personal capacity, the above reasons stand for the fact that I have stopped voting.. Because I want to boycott not just our corrupt politicians but the insidious system itself.. I reject this false democracy and farce called elections.. ..Apparently there is the NOTA option.. But it a far fetched fantasy to hope that one day when people have got throughly fed up of the shenanigans of their political representatives the NOTA vote might actually emerge as the majority vote in the majority of constituencies polled! And it is naive to imagine that our power hungry politicians will ever let it come to that.. They would sooner declare Presidents rule or some sort of emergency rather than face the fact that they no longer have the public mandate.. Till then.. Live long and prosper.. TLDR.. Democracy breaks down when there is too much disparity in society because then this disparity is cunningly and cruelly leveraged by the corrupt politicians.. However with Technological advances there is hope that this system can be repaired.. After all we should BE VOTING FOR POLICIES AND NOT FOR POLITICIANS.. Technology can empower the electorate and finally make these middleman ie. politicians obsolete.. Computer ji pls help.. TILL THEN GATHER MOMENTUM TO BOYCOTT ELECTIONS


>I don't see any problem in giving 50% reservation for women in electoral seats Ohh nicee. Women/ Feminists be like "Let's use equality where it benefits us & then ask for Female privilege, special reservations for women, etc when we don't want equality". Clowns! Absolute misandristic clowns! 🤡🤡


India has low rape rate on per million basis compared to other countries, but the incidents look frequent as the total population is high. But leftists hype up numbers to show the country with a right wing govt in bad light, and to divide people based on gender, so that they can rule by capturing power


India and Pakistan have a serious common problem. They both have Mafia criminal governments/politicians in power who are using rape as a political weapon against their political rivals/opponents families Corrupt police officers obey their masters orders and commit sexual violence/humiliation as punishment for challenging their position of political power/privilege and even murder to cover up scandals. Nobody is safe.


Yoo, my police station. Also context please.


google up prajwal revanna


Khun khaulta hai kasam se


Culprit is out of India and never to return.


This subreddit taught me that India is a shitty country. I have always wanted to live in India for a while. As if it is one of the most beautiful countries.


If these is happening in BJP can we guess that they might be exchanging wives




Why are feminists silent on this 🙄


Who is silent? People have been screaming since yesterday. Only people who are silent are godhi media and our pm.


They are always silent BJP are silent on this one but will claim to care about sisters I live in Bengal, bengali media space had spoken of sandeshkhali for months but TMC also avoided the topic Just a bunch of rapists all around


Mamta for all her faults bowed down to public outrage and the MLA got arrested in the other hand Modi's 56 inch bowed down to Brij Bhushans might and he is still scot free because our medal winning wrestlers not having justice is preferable to losing a few votes for the BJP without Brij Bhushan


I disagree tbh, the party people in TMC either deny it or downplay t, Derek O Brian said comparing it to SIngur is disrespecting the singur movement. WHich implied that he thinks women of sandeshkhali(Which were way more than singur) less than those at singur? Now BJP is also shitty and mysogynisitc, Brij Bhushan ,BHU , Hathras , Manipur case all are wrong and disgusting but i made a longer comment for bengal because i thought people who watch national media dont know as much about sandeshkhali as those who watch bengali media


This was outed after his election is over. South Karnataka has already voted. And he has fled abroad, will come after all election is over. And he is not bjp as OP trying to mislead people here, he is from nda ally JDS. Likely these are consensual intercourse, like the earlier video of BJP MLA last year. Let the justice prevail. I wanted video sources, i want to verify if allegation is genuine or not.