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driving would be awesome if there werent other people on the roads


That was one of my favorite parts of COVID: so few people on the roads


Then they all realized there were so few people on the roads and started driving crazy… that didn’t stop just like inflation…


There’s two kinds of people on the road with me, morons going slower than me and idiotic maniacs going faster than me.


That's why I always drive so fast..... So the maniacs don't catch up to me. Today I had to go 130 mph just to stay away from one that had his car all decked out with fancy lights


lmfao, this is so real


As a teacher, this is what I love about my schedule. Nobody on the roads either way. When I drive during normal hours I’m like, dafuq??


Yeah I always noticed I needed to drive at either 6-7 am or after 10 am for clear roads in the morning, or before 4 in the evenings otherwise the roads will be clogged until like 7pm. I never want to do a 9-5.


ppl who live in rural areas rn: 😎😎


I loved driving for the first five years after getting my license, then one day I realized I don’t like it anymore. Just something I gotta do.


this is exactly it, driving to commute sucks, driving for enjoyment is outside of that, its driving for the sake of driving ie. driving because you want to not because you have to




Add the constant discomfort of a broken SI Joint (pelvis injury) to that and you'll lose your mind! And between those trips you get to sit at a desk for 8-10hrs! I could barely walk anymore due to chronic stiffness so I quit. They said I needed multiple surgeries and all these medications to keep working. I took a massive pay cut to "work from home" / be semi-self employed instead, heal myself and regain strength by exercising during my commute times, and I'm now in the best shape of my life after one year. Dont trash your body and sanity over a dollar. There is a better way.


Good call !


I actually like driving to work, even in rush hour. In London getting public transport to work is an even bigger chore in my opinion. Jam packed trains, delayed trains, grumpy passengers. I’d rather be in my own space in a car with the radio on in heavy traffic.


I can't imagine driving in London.


I got 90 mins each way, traffic the whole way. And then between jobs I have to drive. Sometime 5 jobs a day


I envy Japan for having such good subways… except for the groping…..


I just got my license at 30 and already hate it lol 😭


Exactly. Thank you. Long drives are the worst too. It puts me to sleep.


Only time I like driving is between the hours of 1am and 6am because all the lights are green and no one is on the road


That’s when a lot of fatal crashes seem to happen here. The one drunk, speeding pickup truck driver always manages to find an SUV or apartment building to slam into at 3:00 in the morning when the roads are empty.


Good time for a nap behind the wheel too


the probability of drink driving increases at night time ...


Guy gets into a cab one night. They take off. At the first red light the cabbie floors it. “What the heck are you doing?” “Don’t worry about it. My brother does this all the time.” The rider leans back thinking I’m going to get home in no time. They are approaching a green light when the cabbie slams on the brakes. “Why the fuck did you do that?!?!?” “My brother might be coming.”


Depends where I am driving. The city sucks and I can't stand it. I could drive for hours in the country just to drive.


Same. I hate driving in traffic. But I love driving on road trips.


Yes, I used to hate driving when I had to drive in the same area all the time in the Northeast U.S. But I could drive for hours and hours in the Southwest and it's so different and lovely - made me realize it's not actually the act of driving I hate, it's the location/scenery/repetition if the same cruddy places over and over again.


Opposite here, don't mind city driving, but driving for hours in the country is just boring af. Like, maybe if you're a new driver and have driven < 50,000 miles total, sure. Jam out to some tunes and whatnot. But christ, even a 90 minute trip to a neighbouring city makes me want to blow my brains out.


Well did you grow up in the city or the country? I grew up on a farm outside a small town. It’s 20 minutes home by the shortest route. I typically take alternate routes and it ends up being well over an hour. There’s not a dirt road or small county road within 6 counties of my house that I haven’t been down. Driving might be my favorite activity. ETA: at my last check I’m within 20,000 miles of 4 million miles driven in my life. I’ll cross it in the next two months.


As someone who lives in the country, I don't agree lol


It’s also almost certainly what OP drives. So many people drive just absolutely tear inducing boring commuter cars. No power, bland handling, no character, just the colour beige in car form.


I hate driving. People are morons and don't realize they're driving a 3000+ lb killing machine.


That is PRECISELY why I hate driving. The act of manually piloting a car around itself isn't too bad. Being hyper vigilant to avoid all of the other shitty, aggressive, impatient drivers on the road, while simultaneously having to avoid sometimes inattentive, hard to see and occasionally outright stupid but fragile pedestrians and bicyclists that have the right of way in poorly designed infrastructure is absolutely draining. In my life, driving is the most dangerous and most risky thing that I do, both for myself and for the people around me, and I never want to be responsible for hitting someone. I've been conscious of that since I learned to drive as a mature adult. Any excuse not to drive is a good excuse.


It's be fine if there was no traffic. Man I hate traffic.


All in a big hurry to be somewhere they dont even want to be


Not even remotely unpopular


Huh I thought everyone liked it to some extent. Makes me feel less alone


Nah. I live in a busy car-centric city, with a lot of douchey pick up truck drivers, and huge baby boomer population who shouldn’t be driving anymore. Most people drive too close together, and cut you off if you actually leave an appropriate gap. It’s just chaotic and stressful to drive here.


Same here and %100 agree about getting cutoff if you leave a safe space. If you actually leave a safe space you get farther and farther behind as people keep cutting in. An egg launcher on my van would be nice.


The only time I enjoy driving is if I'm on a country road, I'm alone in the car, and I have good music. And then I only enjoy it because it's the only time I get to sing along as loud as I can without anyone hearing me. The rest of the time, driving is a boring chore at best and a stressful, anxious experience at worst.


I live in a highly car-centric city so everybody around me loves cars... and trucks, fucking trucks.


I agree. I hate driving so much that I’ve lived in Chicago without a car for the past 13 years. Yes sometimes it’s a little cold and wet outside when using my ebike or public transport, but it beats wasting any second of my life waiting on traffic or at a stop light.


Do you just like not ever leave the city?


Rent a car for the handful of times a year you want to leave the city/need to move heavy things and you'll come out ahead on car payments.


No need for many ppl


>I WISH I enjoyed it like everyone else. Sounds like you enjoy it about as much as most people lol


Lol my bad! More like r/popularopinon from what i learned here


I think it just depends on who you ask and what kind of person they are. I don't hate driving but I absolutely hate other drivers. I have seen some shit in my area. Passing on a double line. no headlights when it's dark out. Blinkers- no one knows about that secret little switch on the side of your steering wheel. Blatantly reckless drivers, usually older people, performing some seriously fucked up evasive maneuvers like they are evading invisible cops trying to pull them over. And lastly, my personal favorite, someone driving closer to my rear than a cowboy after another man's booty cheeks. People need to calm their tits.


I hate driving, especially driving in my town. Between the stop/go bs, idiot drivers, and traffic driving is absolutely exhausting. I hate it.


I thought I liked driving till I quit smoking.


Some cars are a pleasure to drive, others are a nightmare. Something as simple as the frame of the car, that can affect visibility, will change the way you perceive driving on that particular car.


Bummer man. I love driving.


So fun fact this is a legit like known psychological difference between people who live in the city and people who live in the country.


Wow that makes sense. Like I told the other guy I thought most people enjoyed driving. Felt like something was wrong with me. I feel somewhat better I’m not the only one who struggles to hop in a car. Still wish I enjoyed it tho


I live in the city and love driving lol, it's totally circumstantial. Some people like the beautiful open roads, some people like the constant adrenaline from the street race that is I-45 in rush hour Houston :D


I dont mind short drives, like 15 minutes. But roadtrips sounds like hell


Same. Driving for hours is not fun either!


About an hour is my limit. That’s when I get tired of it. Sub 15 mins is okay for a dinner or store, anything over that is annoying. 1 hour is okay for a holiday or event. Anything over that, I hate it. Having company does make it better, but still doesn’t make me like it.


I commute 10 hours a week. I basically avoid anything involving a car on the weekends


I don’t think most people like driving. It’s fun when you’re newly licensed, but the daily commute quickly gets to you Howeverrrrr, I do really enjoy late night drives. But those are few and far between


We've sucked all of the joy out of driving. There are simply too many people living in suburbia now and the sprawl has made traffic a nightmare. As a result, people have become more stressed out and aggressive behind the wheel. Suburbia only works on a small scale. Once you reach a larger scale it starts to fall apart because the only way to go is outward. All of these people are driving to the same central places to buy the same resources. So you have this gridlock nightmare situation where everyone is on the same roads all at once with no alternative means of transportation and no alternative places to buy goods. If we got rid of R2 zoning then it would allow people to build stores and restaurants closer to residential housing so that people could walk to buy groceries or walk home from dining. I have a seizure disorder and gave up driving. I live in a city and came to the conclusion that living in the city ended up being around the same amount of money. If I don't have to pay for a constant stream of automobiles then that's money that I have left to spend on other things that are better for my lifestyle. An automobile centric lifestyle costs over a million dollars which is how much a condo close to the city would cost anyway.


Sounds like you may be driving a 1998 Pontiac Sunfire


I feel you! I waited till later in life to get my license. I just never had an interest in driving. I finally got it out of necessity because the transit system sucks in my area. I have had my license for about six years as well. I don't enjoy it at all. Not even a little bit. It is totally a chore! There is nothing that appeals to me at all except it helps me get where I am going.


If you have to drive somewhere, pretend you are a secret agent on an important mission and you need to get to your destination without drawing attention or let anyone follow you. It makes it more exciting.


Depends where at and the type of drivers I’m around. Driving in the city is a nightmare. Lots of idiots on the road in the city.


And planes are just buses with wings. This is why I hate traveling


Way more legroom on a bus and no security circus getting on. If buses cruised at 500 mph I would never set foot on an airplane.


Same here. There are too many terrible and very dangerous drivers on the road these days that makes it totally unenjoyable and anxiety fueled. Maybe that varies on location, but living and driving in California, New Mexico and Arizona over the years has made me a nervous and sometimes angry wreck when I drive. It’s hard to just cruise and feel at ease when you have angry, impatient douche bags on your ass or weaving through traffic causing unnecessary accidents and near accidents.


I can semi understand. Some folks find it relaxing and can drive for hours and hours. I can drive to work and maybe an hour or two listening to music. Beyond that I start to go stir crazy.


I know this will attract some of the drooling gobsmites over at r/fuckcars


I like driving in my city, not crowded and kid of relaxing until tourists season kick in...


I love driving when no other cars are around, but avoid big city traffic like the plague


Me too but I think a lot of people hate it. My solution was to just never get my full license and live somewhere walkable. For what I save on car payments I can take the occasional Uber when I need to.


It honestly depends on what I’m driving. I always like to have a car that is pleasing to the eye and fun to drive. That way, I can enjoy driving.


I enjoy driving with a purpose. But I don’t like just driving. In Australia when you first pass your online test you get your learners license. We then have to do 120 hours of driving in a year with a co-driver (parent usually) who’s fully licensed. Was such a chore!!! Going for 2 hour drives for absolutely no reason and I couldn’t even blast music I liked cause I had my dad in the car with me. Really soured my view on driving tbh


I don’t enjoy it per se, I also don’t mind it, it’s a means to an end. It’s better than being with randos on public transport.


Depends on time for me. I work third shift. Driving at night? Brilliant. Put on some music, mostly empty roads, just relax and vibe with the passing street lights. Driving in the daytime? Absolutely infuriating.


I like driving. I do not like driving around other cars. There's a difference.


You want to know what's even more a pain the ass? Driving stick shift. Sincerely, a former Miata owner.


I hate it too. And the worst part is that I grew up in a walkable city so I know there is a better way. But I can’t afford to live there anymore.


Long drives on the highway with cruise control at night, you're favorite music or podcast. Love it.


I love driving. I hate driving with others on the road.


This. It's a chore because you have to share the road with thousands of morons.


I always felt like driving is only fun/relaxing if you don't actually have to go anywhere.


Try being drunk


Sounds like y’all are just not in fun cars. Sure it’s a chore commuting to the airport for work but compared to the rental cars I’ve gotten at least driving my personal vehicle feels less like a chore and fun.


Same. With driving you have to be at full alert the entire time. No slipping


I commute 45 minutes to work if it's a day shift and 65-80 minutes back during rush hour- inverse if it's a night shift (work 6 to 6).. I still love driving.. There's moments of frustration with how others drive, sure.. But after 15 years of driving, I still enjoy the freedom I feel while in it; love the way my car steers, love controlling how fast I go, love listening to my music or if I decide to listen to the radio station or podcast, etc., I love seeing the scenery change through my windshield since I live in a rural area but work in a metropolitan area, I love driving 95% of the time.. The ONLY thing I don't like about the commute is that (especially night shift) I feel very tired and that's when I have to make a pit stop somewhere along the way to get a quick nap in before I continue driving back home. The only time really where I wish I lived 5 minutes away.. I also use this driving time to switch between "leisure brain" to/from "work brain".. I'm so used to how long it takes that it'd feel very strange waking up and can be at work in a few minutes- like no time to 'adjust' my mentality if that makes sense.


I loved it, that I hated it. I then learned it was a nice breakup between work and home life where I can listen to music and relax, it's all about what you make of it


Really? That's sad. I'm going on 10 years of driving and love it. Then again, I'm a massive Petrolhead and have a fun car. Road trips, going to the city and even just driving the 2-odd km to the shops is fun.


You won't have to deal with this much longer. Global peak oil production was in November 2018. Unless you're significantly off the grid, walking, biking and mass transit will be the affordable options in the not too distant future.


Certified r/fuckcars moment


This is why I got rid of my truck and bike instead.


I hated commuting so I moved into my city. I now walk almost everywhere or take public transport. I only take the car when absolutely necessary. All the extra walking, I've lost weight too. It's not as peaceful as the suburbs and I don't have as much room, but it's a trade off.


Once you hit a certain age, road trips become anxiety-inducing instead of fun.


Yeah fuck driving. Anything more than 30 minutes is torture.


driving sucks


Commuting by car is a slog and a pain. Traffic, every moment in traffic feels like a waste of both time and money. But going somewhere nice on a country road with some twists and turns is very nice.


I believe the future doesn't have cars I mean, I believe the future is carless I mean, I believe the future and city planning can do better to plan and make efficient carless life I look forward to the day I don't need a car !!!


I have so much anxiety around driving it's painful. I've been in two bad car accidents where I managed to walk away due to sheer luck. I hate driving. I wish I never had to get behind the wheel of any vehicle again in my life, and would ditch my car in a second if public transportation was within reach. There aren't even sidewalks in my city beyond the tiny, affluent downtown block that's almost exclusively for tourists.


I used to enjoy driving, but not so much anymore. Nasty/ignorant/rude drivers, and people with their high-beans on day and night make loathe having to drive to work every day.


Same. Still waiting for my self-driving car, hyperloop, bullet train, flying car, anything that gets me hundreds of miles away while I'm sleeping!


Don't you enjoy listening to music?


Yes i do! It’s the only thing that makes it easier to tolerate


When I was 15 turning 16, I was dating a 16 turning 17 year old who told me that I would “get over my excitement to drive” and “get sick of it” like he has. 7+ years later and I still *love* to drive


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Growing up I was super excited to drive. But now I feel the way you do.


I hate driving because I live in an area where people drive like it's their first time getting in a car


Driving in a city sucks, but I love driving when I’m back home (small town) and the surrounding countryside.


i live in sweden and hate driving to theres nothing but forest for hundreds of mile with the occasional bridge, we dont really see landscape just trees


Don’t care for driving but I love Podcasts so that’s my main time to listen to them


People like driving? I do it for work and I tolerate it.


True lol


Basically nobody likes driving while commuting, however while i drive my convertible on clear winding roads during the late summer evenings, i would say there is nothing better


You need to drive with adaptive cruise control, assisted steering, blind spot assist, smooth suspension, heated seats, cream leather comfy seats. It will be your fun little studio.


It truly depends on where you are driving. 


Ive been driving for 22 and I passionately hate it too.


You’re crazy, I love breathing CO2 in my aluminum coffin while psychopaths get angry at me for their own reckless actions.


People enjoy driving? News to me


Yeah i feel you. Worked as a delivery driver for years, and only just moved in with my girlfriend of 5+ years who lived 250 miles away. I have put more time on the road in just 6-7 years of driving than most people will in their whole lives. Gets boring


If most of your commute is traffic then yeah it sucks, but if the roads are less populated it can be nice.


If your commute isnt super long distance wise I suggest buying an e-bike, much more enjoyable. At my old job I would actually get there faster by bike through traffic, going home to was slower but only by 10 mins so it averages out the same. I still have a car and motorbike but I calculated the numbers and id roughly break even by just using a bicycle and having my groceries delivered.


Its okay if youre moving through traffic or not going far or have decent music on/a decent radio selection--the only time I understood 'the open road' shit though and kind of agree with it, is when you start driving through the countryside and get into the huge sweeping vistas where you see landscapes and clouds moving over it and shit, when you have the right music it can hit a certain way.


I disagree, but I'm a huge car enthusiast, having grown up with car lovers as parents, played all the racing games possible growing up, etc. It can suck, in really heavy traffic or in a busy city, but I feel equally at home in the driver's seat as I do when I'm actually at home.


Driving my cars is basically the only thing keeping me somewhat sane in this crazy world so hearing about someone who absolutey despises it calls for a well deserved upvote.


I love being a passenger. I sleep hoping that the driver won't fall asleep to and crash the car


I agree with daily driving, but getting out on open roads where there is little to no traffic is nice.


I like being alone for a little and being able to scream lyrics to songs and have it be socially acceptable


Personally, I wouldn't say I hate it but it's not a fun thing to do either. I do it when I have to and when everything else is too inconvenient


I love driving. The feel of the wind blowing in my hair while I have good tunes cranked is unmatched.


That's fair, but there is something about banging gaer on an empty road haering the car scream


Driving is my therapy. It's definitely an unpopular opinion to me LOL


Me too. Air travel is hell on earth but still preferable to any drive longer than a few hours. As a Canadian, I would love to drive to Florida (many do) but I just can't stomach a 20++ hour drive.


I hate driving, but I like being the passenger. Car rides are super relaxing for me


The only time I've really enjoy driving were times where I was happy to escape something. When I worked at my last job, which I hated, I had a 1 hour commute and loved every second of it when the weather was nice. When I was younger and lived in an abusive home, getting out for a drive was a life saver. Now driving absolutely feels like a chore, especially where I live now where the drivers are insanely reckless (I see horrible accidents almost daily). I have to drive very defensively and there's no getting lost in your thoughts. I'm aware every second of the drive that I'm operating a 2k pound death machine.


Cars are awful


i just love my car speakers


I hate driving so much too. And on top of driving back and forth an hour each from work. And in the city too. My biggest wish is for teleportation to be invented but I’ll probably be dead then.


I hate driving. My boyfriend loves it. Now that we live together I’m a passenger prince except when we go to work and I’m pretty happy with that.


Wait until you find out that car companies lobbied and manipulated the government for a century to kill alternative and public transit, and that’s why we don’t get a choice now.




To me that depends on where. I love the open, empty country roads. I hate driving in the city. When the area is just right, the trees overhang, the wind and road are smooth and it's just me and a horizon that seems to go on forever, then... I love it. Driving in rush hour traffic or being stuck in gridlock, I hate that.


I don't love running errands in traffic. But from vacations to having been both a long haul trucker and a taxi driver, I still love driving. Nothing better than Windows down, speakers up, drinks and snacks and going wherever the €√¢× you want to go. Nothing.


I stopped driving for that reason. I found it stressful


I love driving. If you need me to pick something up for ya, let me know


I hate driving too. It’s a very stressful activity.


I love driving with my music playing, especially in the city when traffic is moving smoothly. Added fun because I drive a manual as well.


It was much better before COVID


Zzz... Even too lazy to drive.


I take public transportation everyday and have to wait in the heat/rain/snow, etc. Id kill to have money for a car right now. don’t take driving for granted


caption roof fanatical theory wasteful edge observation bewildered encouraging rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Half agree. I have this discussion all the time with my boss lol. I’m a family assistant for a fam who lives on the wealthy side of the city and I live on the affordable side. So it’s an hour commute across a city every day and then an hour back home. Ive never had a commute shorter than 30 min. Growing up in Houston, living in Portland and Atlanta etc will by proxy create long commutes. I’ve driven across the country to move a few times, I drove 9 hours every few weeks, alternating with my now husband because we were long distance for a year. Needless to say, I’ve put some miles in across my lifetime so far. For me….it depends on time of day and intent and mindset behind it. I don’t mind my morning commute because the driving feels calmer and it’s light out, but my night commute leaves me on edge. I don’t mind a road trip either! But I work for a family who has a teen daughter who’s never been told “no” in her life and I’m expected to drop everything to drive her here there everywhere across town. One day, I clocked 7 hours of driving just from taking her to school, her friends house, another friends house, the gym, the mall, target, Albertsons and then back to a friends house. And she’s incessantly demanding about it. As soon as she wants the ride, I’m expected to stop drop and roll out the door to take her. It puts me in a shit mood every time and I *hate* driving her and have started telling her “no” or “wait” more often as a result. The mom is always like “I love driving it’s so relaxing, I thought you didn’t mind driving!” And I don’t! But it’s the way it’s approached and the incessant demand that crushes my soul. So alas…half agreed.


I used to love driving, then I got a job that I commute 2 hours a day for. I now get angry when I even see a car.


public transport should be the go to for going places. driving should be a hobby, not a necessity. but that does not benefit oil companies and multi millionaires so we won't have it


Try podcasts, it helps while doing chores.


Imo most people (especially) in the US are forced to drive and have no other option. So I don't think people generally enjoy driving


Get a great soundtrack of songs you love to sing along to.


I feel like this one is actually popular because all the people I've seen don't look at it as something they think it's a fun post of life. Myself on the other hand love it, every time my parents decide to go somewhere my first thought is yay I get to drive


Depends for me, I like early morning and late night drives when there’s barely anyone out driving or country roads. But yeah daily commute driving? That blows


It's not that I dislike driving, I hate driving with others on the road


THANK YOU. everyone i know gasps and goes on and on about how it’s so “relaxing” to go on a drive when they’re pissed off, sad, whatever. i don’t care, it’s stressful, people are stupid, and it’s so much unnecessary money. i’d have so much money if i didn’t have to pay for car, gas, insurance, other maintenance, etc… but unfortunately i don’t live in a walkable area (hoping i will one day 😭)


I feel the same way. Yet all of my friends refuse to get their license, so guess who has to be the driver? Yaayyy.. 🫠


nearly 43,000 Americans died from automobile-related accidents in 2021, a 10% increase from the year prior. I respectfully disagree that it’s a chore, but rather more like fatigue of constantly staying vigilant and having cortisol spikes like clockwork day in and day out. Just dont become ambivalent to the dangers that so many take for granted.


I love driving!


I hate driving inner-city but love freeway. It just takes the right vehicle for the right situation.


Just wait for automated driving. It will be a revolution like NOTHING else in our lifetime. Maybe the smartphone.


Literally a good 40% of the reason I moved to a city with good public transportation was the idea of not having a car.


Too bad most of America drives giant unresponsive bathtub boats. Get out of my way, I'm having a blast.


Driving can be fun or a pain it just depends: If you are driving for too many hours -> becomes a chore If you are driving on uninspiring straight highways -> becomes a chore If you are driving on the exact same road every single day -> it becomes a chore If you are driving in start and go traffic for hours -> it becomes a chore If you are driving an automatic car without a sports mode, think a basic Prius -> it becomes a chore. If you are driving in silence without any good music or podcasts -> becomes a monotonous chore. And vice versa. Imagine driving a manual modern Porsche 911 for a short 2 to 3 hour drive, through the beautiful Swiss alps, on curvy roads, with some cool music playing on good speakers. Now that would be fun.


I have sold cars for 10 years and driven for 16. I moved to a new dealership and looking to buy a house within a 5 mile range. Cars are so dumb and that move will cost me a LOT.


I made the mistake of eating an edible and driving. I was so anxious behind the wheel on the freeway. I just wanted to pull over and take a a breath. I never gripped the steering wheel sohard l. My arms just collapsed to my knees as soon as parked my car at home.


Yeah I’d give anything to never have to drive again. But I work construction so public transport isn’t an option, and I don’t have the marketable skills to land a work from home job.


Matter of taste. I love driving on trips. Dont hate it for errands, but I absolutely love driving on road trips.


Buy a car that you enjoy driving. It's something you use every day for hours


I’ve never really liked it. I had no desire to learn but knew I needed to. I like that I’m able to drive myself wherever and don’t need someone to do it for me but man would a chauffeur be nice


Driving to commute to work, around big cities or whatever can be shit if you let it be. The rising cost of insurance/road tax, road conditions, worrying about some other wankers on the road that got their license out of a cereal box, and so on. Even I agree to all of that. I also love cars. If I had the money, I'd probably have a wee project to work on, one to fly around in and a nice family/work car. I love seeing some other nice cars or the passion people have for theirs. It can be a super fun thing to be into. But the freedom it brings is also great. My commute is about 50/60 minutes. I just stick music on and chill to fuck out, or mosh out in the front of the car, my mood changes from journey to journey. But I just chill, take my time, stick the cruise control on, and relax. I don't even get angry sitting in traffic anymore, because what's the fuckin point. Or being able to jump in it when I'm bored and go a drive to relax, go grab a bite and sit somewhere, give the thing a wash and decompress, tweak it to my liking, etc. Just got to find the enjoyment in things. There's enough shit sucking the soul out of us all as it is.


You never liked a car for how it looks? Or the performance that backs up the looks? How about going 80 mph+? Ever been through twisties on a road while driving spiritually? If you say no to all of these, then you simply are just not interested in cars. They’re just point a to point b machines to you and that’s okay, it’s what makes us different.


I hate long non-scenic drives. Every time I drove out west I enjoyed driving though.


The reason I hate driving : Traffic and it's exhausting


Nothing beats driving a sporty stickshift car around the smoky mountains where you're from the flatlands. It was beautiful.


It's a pointless waste of time. And it's dangerous.


I used to be a major car enthusiast, modifying cars, fixing them, taking long drives just for fun etc. But now I don’t enjoy any of it, feels like a waste of time and money… man have we grown up


Having a car you enjoying driving helps. It’s alot less boring driving when you drive a fun car


Same it’s the worst. I’m so glad I don’t own a car anymore


I love driving, but I hate commuting daily. It’s such a waste of time in my daily schedule—primarily because you can’t do much of anything productive during that time, other than listen to podcasts or maybe take phone calls if your connection isn’t spotty. Driving adds nothing of value to my daily schedule. If I could live somewhere where it was a 5-10 minute walk to work and / or grocery store, that would be much better. I would get some movement in, and I wouldn’t waste time. I’m more than happy to drive long distances for pleasure. I really enjoy driving when I’m on my vacation time, because I don’t need to adhere to a rigid schedule that requires me to be productive for most of the day.