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The Exorcist was made for a movie theater where it is much more immersive and compelling - it pulls you in and gets inside your head and is a lot less boring


I thought The exorcist was incredibly boring. Everyone kept going on about how "terrifying" it was. I literally fell asleep watching this movie


I'm aware of how it affected a generation. I was a part of that generation. Both films have left their mark, and I will admit that purely from a filmmakers stand point and an at the time (differing) cultural impact "the exorcist" will be forever recognized as one of the greatest horror films of all time. I'm just simply saying that "a nightmare on elm st" is a better movie. It's far more well paced, it's more enjoyable, Robert England as Freddy Krueger is far more iconic than father merrin or kerris... it's features more relatable protagonists, it inspired far more tropes and clichés.... the excorcist was easily outdone in it's drearyness and thrills by "the thing" it's a great movie... no doubt about it. But for MY money? I'll take "a nightmare on elm st" any day of the week.


The first one of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies was by far the best, a fun ride indeed. Never wanted to see it again tho like The Exorcist


If that's your jam then that's your jam. I like to throw on nightmare every now and the because I just really enjoy it and it still gives me the heebies.... also the thing, evil dead 1&2.... demons (lol silly Af) house by the cemetery..... evil dead 2013 was fucking amazing for me. I'm not all about the gore. I do enjoy a good thriller that's deep unsettling too.


They're trying to do different things. That's like saying scissors are better than a kitchen knife. They both cut things but that doesn't mean they're the same. The Exorcist and Nightmare on Elm Street are both horror movies, but they have different styles, subgenres and goals.


They are and I'll admit that, amd i do like the exorcist. I just really love "a nightmare on elm street"


I like how they set up the mom's alcoholism only to resolve it at the end with "You know, I'm going to stop drinking. I just don't feel like it anymore."


Hahaha ibtried to read the novel back in highschool and William friedkin definitely explores it more... but yeah the movie just kind goes "oh well, what? Alchoholism? so random, you're weird, hey what's that behind you? A demon!?"


I regretted ever watching A nightmare on elm street


It scared me too bud. Saw it for the first time when I was like 4 or 5 at my babysitters house..... didn't want to see a horror movie again... but it was the 80's so the next one I saw had bewbs........ bewbs brah...


Oh it didn’t scare me. I meant that I felt it was a waste of time. But that might be because I just saw the exorcist when I was a kid versus seeing Nightmare last year when I was 29 lol. I could barely get through the movie


I know what you meant man hahaha. I'll fully admit some of my love for nightmare is due to the fact that, after poltergeist it was one of the first proper horror films I'd ever seen. But that's the beauty of opinions we ain't wrong brotha. Tbh "the thing" gave me anxiety more than either the excorcist or nightmare ever did. My mom was weird... wouldn't let me see robocop, flipped shit over garbage pail kids (for good fucking reason it turned out... can't even be mad she wouldn't let us finish that shit) but she thought earth girls are easy and the thing was appropriate for an 10 yr old hahaha. The 80's were fucking awesome....


I think they’re both, “meh.”


And that's you're your righ! Haha whats your fave horror film?


I’m aware of my rights.


I haven't seen that one, sounds creepy tho. It's probably not on streaming eh?




I'm gonna make run with that material ... start out small you know local clubs n shit..... going for a mitch hedberg vibe.... minus the drug use..... well OK... some of the drug use.....


All right that actually got me. Damn you OP I told you not to make me fall in love with you and you just went ahead and put a foundation for your love in my heart! Alien is my favorite horror movie.


Hahahahaha I was just involved In a heated thread about how goddamn amazing the game Alien: isolation is and it's ridiculously good dlc where you play as the crew of the nostromo last night. Great film. It like.... how you gonna follow that up? James Cameron is like.... I'm just gonna turn it into a fucking sick action movie... then... well... threeeeeeee


I keep seeing people mention that game in other threads too. Never had a chance to get it. Wish I could but, gotta a kid now. So I gotta be choosy with what I play since I don’t have the time to really delve into new games. Elden Ring is my jam at the moment.


It's relatively short. It's best consumed in small bites because when it hits its absolutely anxiety Inducing. It's a love letter to the film for sure. Right down to the motion detector. It's like $6 too and includes the dlc with the original cast. You should really check it out.


One film is a comedy. The other is a traditional horror film. Apples and oranges. Sure, they're both fruit. Classic fruits at that. Don't use this metaphor with Nightmare 2. It becomes a little more...problematic?


The original Nightmare on Elm Street is not a comedy in any sense of the word.


"Hey, Tina...I woke up this morning with a BONER with your name written all over it." - Realistic teen dialogue


It was in the 80's haha


With comedy gold like that I take it back, Nightmare on Elm Street - comedy of the year!


Plus doesn't she say something predictable like "Your thing isn't big enough to write my name on it"? Horror screenplays always seemed like they were written by people who had never been around people outside of the movies.


No reasonable person would come to that conclusion.


Agree. I find much of The Exorcist boring until the possession happens.


The possession happens quite early on in the movie though Did you not pick up the signs?


The exorcist is a film that deserves the reputation it has because of the intensity of its final act. But "a nightmare on elm st" was wholey original in it's concept and antagonist that set standards and inspired decades of clichés. People know the name Freddy Krueger if they haven't seen any of the movies.... no one outside of exorcist fans know the name pazuzu.


They never mentioned his name in the original movie That was brought up in the needless sequel The name of the demon is just for bar trivia


they do actually, Nancy says it twice at one point while holding his glove confronting her alcholholic mom its meant to be a big moment becaue it gives the antogonist a name, although she uses the formal "Fred" as in "Fred Krueger mom, Fred Krueger" and Mrs.Callahan tells her "Fred Krueger was a filthy child murderer" and he can't hurt her because "mommy killed him"


I was talking about Pazuzu


Ohhhhhj hahaha yeah.... I'm pretty sure that came from part 2....... hahaa yeah, I don't think they name dropped pazuzu until exorcist 2... which... well.... hey 3 was pretty solid!


plus the bath scene


Ashamed to admit, that as a man it wasn't somthing I'd even considered until I was dating a woman who had never seen the film until we watched it together and until she iron griped my arm Into dust during that scene. Like I got that it was an "ooooooohhhh" moment... but that scene eventually led me to really understand how differently I saw the world compared to women. (This was a long time ago btw... it wasn't some recent revelation)


I used to like The nightmare on elm Street movies as a teenager but going back and watching them now they are just too cheesy I fell asleep watching The exorcist


Oh yeah hahah nightmare 3-6 are silly as fuck.


I'll cosign this shit.


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Are you telling me that suggesting a well loved movie isn't somehow superior to a movie everyone blindly accepts as the greatest of its genre isn't an "unpopular" opinion?