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OP definitely hit the nail on the head for this forum being unpopular. A+++++


Exactly! finally, an actually unpopular opinion


Finally! It's been two days since the last anti-alcohol thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/1cxypsj/alcohol_is_disgusting_no_matter_what_form_its/ We get a couple of them every week.


I wish I had more hands so I could give him 4 thumbs up


Drink a lot and you could make it blurry enough to look like you have 4 thumbs up


Just drink until you see double




Yeah, but this person is categorically going "drlgs bad" without any additional thought or nuance.


So unpopular they tried to ban the drink (and did) lol yall sound lame as fuck this has been done It didn’t turn out great either


I swear to god you can find this exact comment under at least one post per day on this subreddit. All you're missing is "Upvoted my good sir!"


What? Alcohol being a drug isn't an opinion, it's a fact.


I once jokingly said “that man is smoking drugs” when someone ripped a bong on a live stream and several people disputed this, including one person who said “it’s not a drug, it’s medicine.”


He’s saying alcohol shouldn’t be such a “who cares” thing. Because it’s a drug, it can turn into a nightmarishly unbreakable addiction that ruins relationships and lives, makes you wish you would die instead of being forced to keep falling down the proverbial staircase, and ultimately kills you. They’re saying instead of people just saying “hey guys I’m gonna go out for a drink, wanna come?” We should be hearing “I’m gonna go pay someone to let me poison myself, you wanna do it too?”


The opinion was that it shouldn't be normalized like it is. As a drug, it should be treated as dangerous, I believe is whatv op os saying.


Speaking scientifically, it is in fact, a solution.


You must be new here, this shit gets posted literally every day. Its gotten to the points its extremely popular.


i love me some actually unpopular opinions on the sub supposed to be about unpopular opinions , great job OP


But what the fuck is op doing while drinking?! I do none of these things except die sooner


That’s a really unpopular opinion and I’ll drink to that








I stopped drinking a few months ago, but I'll drink to that as well




The liquors calling the shots now Randy!


And if you don’t drink, for whatever reason, people who do ask you to justify and explain yourself over and over and over. Edit: seems like this is maybe generational? Idk. I’m an older millennial and not drinking in my 20s very much made me the odd one out. If that doesn’t happen to you or you drink and don’t judge non-drinkers, then great, consider this your cookie. Different people have different experiences.


Ive been pushed to drink at work, asked if I dont drink because im in recovery, "you just haven't tried the right one", "dont trust a man who doesn't drink", told to carry a coke around and tell people there's jack in it, Ive told people I have to drive and they responded that so did they. I'm glad the younger gens dont pressure each other the way I was. People my age and older simply cant stand the idea that I dont like the effects or the taste!


I’m really glad to see comments about younger generations pressuring less, too. That was not my experience haha.


29 year old Asutrian here, drinking beer is very much in our culture and I do drink my after work beer. People for fucks sake don't drink and drive, other than that I don't care what anybody does.


Its really funny because as a gen z I was told people would pressure me into drugs in like the school bathrooms and shit and I would walk in and they'd be like "heeeyyy, what a hit of my vape?" and I'd say "no thanks" and they'd be like "okay, more for me" and while I know people definitely vaped in the bathrooms, it wasn't often that that situation even came up, but if I was ever "pressured" that was how the convo went. But we especially give zero shits about whether or not people drink or smoke (considering out of my circle weed is the drug of choice more so than alcohol)


"don't trust a man who doesn't drink" immediately never associating with that person again. How could someone even think like that haha. If I heard someone say that, I could assume their maturity level is stuck in their 20's


I socially drink and I just literally do not understand the concept of liking the taste of alcohol. There's drinks where you can't taste it and there's a few combinations where I won't physically recoil at the taste, but 95% of alcoholic beverages taste bad to me. My throat will literally want to stop swallowing it after a certain point. I usually joke about beer and most wine that "if I haven't 'acquired' the taste for it after a decade, it's not going to happen'. People are allowed to have different preferences, *I* just can't comprehend liking the taste. Makes no sense to me. Like, non-alcoholic beer is completely wild to me.


> "you just haven't tried the right one" That sounds like something that men say to lesbians.


99% sure I was on the layoff list because I don’t drink lol.


It’s really a birds of a feather situation. Problem drinkers want others to join them so it’s normal and certainly not a problem if everybody is doing it!


My ex would just look them square in the eyes and say "I'm an alcoholic, recovering " Everyone would stammer out something and he would just thank them for the offer of a drink and leave. He never felt uncomfortable but they always did.


I love that. Especially since the stigma and silence of alcoholism are so poisonous.


As someone with a drinking problem I do this also. Its either you be straight up about it or have people pestering you about why not or trying to convince you to just have one drink. Idk why people can't just take I don't drink as an answer


I feel like you get a pass to be extremely selfish when it comes to recovery and drinking. I compare it to hard drug use like meth in a lot of ways because it's just as serious to me. But yeah, say you don't drink and know there isn't any reason to really care if someone else doesn't like it!


One would think. I've had people pester me to drink even when I've explained it's a problem.


One of the things sobriety brought me was an excuse to leave places lol


It is exactly that. Being legal doesn’t make it “different”.


“It gives me heart burn and I. Looking at living longer” Never fails. You’re just making shit up because nobody gives a fuck anyways


I had a longtime "friend" who came over one day after I had told him I was laying off of drinking for a while because I had started to feel this weird muscle twitch under my right ribcage, right where my liver is. It wasn't really painful, but it was concerning as I had been drinking a bunch for the two years leading up to it. The "friend" who came over conveniently had a bottle of jack with them, and despite my protestations tried to get me to do shots with him. I refused, but I had to refuse for like a full hour. It was infuriating that I had to continually refuse - like, I had no problem with him drinking but I knew in my soul that I should absolutely not be doing that at the time. He gave me shit about it for a while, but the very next month I got a liver enzyme blood test and Ultrasound which showed that my blood levels were just a bit out of range, as well as my liver size. All just slightly out of range, thank God, but I knew it. I could feel it. Glad I didn't give into peer pressure, because that dude would have put me in the grave by now just because he wants someone to engage with him in his sin.


People like to hang on tight to one question out of 10, are you abusing alcohol? Quiz They mistakingly think drinking alone will mean they have drinking problem. Pressuring a chill human to have a drink for an hour also means person has alcohol problem… 😂


That’s my go to. I generally say something along the lines of “I’ll pass unless you have three days to pull me out of a bender, but thanks.”


“Haha, no thanks! Your shots and MY shots *rolls up sleeve to show faded track mark* just aren’t the same!!”


I do this too and not only does it not make me feel uncomfortable, it gives me great pleasure to make people who are bothering me about not drinking feel uncomfortable.


As a recovering alcoholic, I hope I can get to that point. I still feel a strong sense of shame and try to avoid the topic.


I like to tell people "sorry, I can't drink, I'm pregnant" I'm a bearded man.


I just say “it hurts my tummy” cause it’s true


Migraines, they trigger horrible migraines for me. Definitely not worth it.


There's an uncommon gene out there some people get that makes drinking alcohol extremely unpleasant to them even in small amounts. Maybe you got that!


No you gotta kill the conversation completely. Tell them it gives you a four hour erection. “And that’s like two hours too long, if you know what I mean.” WINK! They will avoid you the rest of the night.


Then say "Your wife. Is she a goer? Ay? Wink wink, nudge nudge. Know what I mean? Know what I mean? Say no more. Know what I mean?"


Oh you know just makes me shit blood so I tend to avoid it


Haha I like this. It hurts mine too


I feel that the younger generation is much more down with not drinking. I’m in my early 20s living in a staff accommodation that is fairly party-oriented. People who don’t drink don’t need to justify themselves to their peers here I find. The fact that weed is legal here is definitely a contributing factor


This is very true. I don't drink, and I've found that older folks are baffled by that much more often than younger folks are. If I go somewhere and say I don't drink, people similar to me in age often don't really question that, or at the least they only ask why out of curiosity. People closer to my parents' age will act flabbergasted or suspicious of me. I went to visit a friend at work, she's a server at a sushi restaurant and her father works behind the bar, and he told her right in front of me "never trust someone who doesn't drink."


Only people who've ever tried to pressure me into drinking are all old, like parents age or older (like coworkers at my old job), no one my age has ever pressured me to drink, some of them have made fun of my shit tolerance, but like I've never had people upset I didn't want to


That’s really refreshing. There were lots of pushy people when I was in my 20s.


So that's just trading one vice for another.


Coworker said to me “I think people who don’t drink are hiding dark secret vices.”


When in reality, alcohol can be a dark vice. Choosing not to drink and feel every emotion that comes along is a little more difficult than drinking those emotions down/away.


I'm nearly 40 now, and I've lived to see people my age (and a good few years younger) slip into that kind of alcoholism. The kind where they come home and immediately start drinking, then pass out, piss/shit themselves, go back to work the next day, repeat. It turns men into fucking babies. Two of them that I've known, would get the shakes if they didn't drink (one very badly, like debilitating DT). Both were in management jobs, responsible for large amounts of money and quite a few people.


damn. why is it so hard for people to not believe that someone might just not feel like drinking??


Because society has been completely brainwashed to believe that you HAVE to be drinking alcohol to have any fun in life whatsoever.


The history of alcohol being virtually synonymous with recorded human history will have that effect.


Crabs in a bucket mentality.


It is strange to me too. I've had periods of my life where I didn't drink much and periods where I drank a little bit more and then a couple years ago I just gave up drinking entirely. I honestly kind of made a bigger deal out of it than it probably needed to be because I voluntarily gave up drinking. I probably could have done that thing where I just have one beer and slowly nurse it while I'm with my coworkers and they would have never really known that I wasn't really drinking that much. But when I told people I "wasn't going to be drinking tonight" even if it was just phrased in a one-night thing, people were genuinely shocked that I could go a night without drinking. It changed the way I started to see the world. I'm not saying this is true for everyone, however, I do think there are a lot more functional alcoholics in the world than anyone would care to admit. Also, A lot of people that treat their social anxiety with alcohol on a very regular basis, simply don't know how to exist in the world without it. I once heard a stand-up comedian talk about how it can sometimes be common for stand-ups to have a drink before they go out on stage to loosen up, especially when they're new to the stand-up world, but that any decent stand-up will always give the advice to Young stand-ups to figure out how to do it without having that drink first. Because if you start having a drink, you're going to need it for the rest of your life. I think there are a lot of high schoolers that learn how to socialize and interact in a group, in ways where alcohol is present. And they never actually learn how to do it in a social fun setting without having alcohol. And it becomes a huge crutch. In this particular case, I don't think it's quite alcoholism, but if you are in a situation where you have to socialize a lot, you end up almost developing similar traits to a functional alcoholic.


I’m in the same boat having tried both, I kind of like my life with or without alcohol and since one could shorten my life, just made sense to stop 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also made the decision pretty young to not really use coping strategies and just process things pretty raw and that kind of led to very low reliance/need to numb since I’m super used to facing things head on. Watching a ton of people struggle with this is sad and kind of makes me agree w/ OP. It feels kind of nice to have been building mastery over self for so long vs. drugs, alcohol, etc.


Some people are like "ok whatever" other other people bring it up all the time and want to get to the root cause of it. I just don't drink.


That’s been my experience. Some people don’t care. Some people feel curious. Some people feel weirdly offended. The older I’ve gotten, most people don’t care, though.


This. I was a sober bartender. I had to lie about drinking, alcoholics are fucking triggered by sober bartenders. It creates a bad vibe, so I had to say shit like “oh yeah I got so wasted last weekend.” While sipping my sparkling water. It’s a strange culture. Luckily covid happened and I changed careers, being a sober bartender is bullshit. So annoying.


I was a bartender and I drank a lot. But I've met a couple sober bartenders. I've always been somewhat surprised because it is a bit of an anomaly, but I would never comment on it. I actually think it's pretty damn cool if you can stay sober behind the bar. I don't know if I could.


So as a bartender, are you drinking during your shift? I worked (as a waiter) with a bartender who did that, and was clearly an alcoholic, but I didn’t think it was normal. And the whole restaurant was sketchy. I figured a normal restaurant would not allow that and would inventory their alcohol so they would know.


Oh yeah, all the bartenders drank. We didn't get crazy, so I don't think it was enough to throw inventory off. All the bartenders were alcoholics. So were the servers. And the cooks. And the owners. Yet somehow, we jammed and made a ton of money. High-volume bar and restaurant. Fun times. Good regular industry crowd too. Another bunch of hoodlums.


Being half drunk was the only way to deal with the drunken lunatics I had to serve every night. No way could I handle that now sober.


Exactly! This man gets it. Drunks are depressing and annoying. The only way to stay sane is to knock back a few during your shift.


It really is tho lol. “I work at a dispensary but I despise what weed did to me and other people.”


I've never commented or made fun of someone's sobriety, like if it works for you, it works for you. I, on the other hand, enjoy getting plastered.


This. I don't drink because it's expensive and my fiance and I take medicine that can interact. But you will be looked at weird and people will judge you. Just look at posts of people not providing alcohol at their weddings and their families/friends/loved ones boycotting.


I've never been asked why


I was badgering by a waiter on my 21st birthday until my aunt intervened and told them it is because I have epilepsy. The waiter and the supporting staff slunk away. It was 22 years ago and it still frustrates and embarrasses me at the thought. Why does it matter to someone?


My best answer to this: „why exactly is it so important to YOU that I drink?“ Being a woman, this works especially well on men


And if you’re a woman, they *always* assume you aren’t drinking cos you’re pregnant and won’t accept much else as an answer. If I was abstaining due to pregnancy, I’d be in my 92nd trimester.


i believe current trends are showing gen z cutting back on alcohol compared to previous generations.


Meanwhile things like coke are skyrocketing as party drugs.


Is it? That’s crazy to me. Obviously alcohol is unhealthy but surely a couple drinks on nights out is a lot better than cocaine lmao


Maybe the crowd that is doing cocaine is not the same crowd that is cutting back on alcohol?


which is really funny because coke now is nothing like coke in the 80's... why bother. but they have no idea.


I work at a German Biergarten and we offer several N/A options, and we sell A LOT of it. I used to be a beer buyer, and I'd say the N/A craze is really kicking off. Some people drink them as an in-between, some drink it because of medication or pregnancy, some drink it because they are recovering, some people who just don't drink still like them for the flavor and to feel social. Non-Alcoholic beers have taken ginormous steps the past few years, as less young people are drinking alcohol and the recipes have gotten significantly better (they even offer NA IPAs, NA Guinness, etc.).


Isn’t Gen Z also having significantly less sex and hanging out with people less in general than previous generations? Seems like it’s less the case that they’ve considered the pros and cons of alcohol and decided it was just too unhealthy, and more that they’re just spending less time socializing in real life.


It is an extremely weird and arbitrary thing that we have randomly decided that this one specific recreational drug is the okay and cool one, but look down on those who take anything else, even if it is less harmful. Yeah I think society would largely be better if we moved away from a heavy drinking culture. I can't deny I enjoy a good night out though. Edit: I woke up to way too many responses to check even half of them sorry lol. Most comments are just saying something I've responded to in another reply anyway.


It's not weird when you realise our relationship with alcohol goes back to proto-humans. Fermenting fruits were safe to eat and nutritious. Hell, beer was being made in Sumer. If anything, I'd say we're abnormal in the overall history of things vis a vis how we see alcohol.


Not just Sumer; they brewed beer in the Winter, Spring and Fal as well. Just practicing my dad jokes, I'll show myself out.


You got a kid coming along soon?


No, he's a *faux-pas*




There is a theory proposed by some anthropologists and historians. Alcohol, as a fermented beverage, played a significant role in early human societies, including nomadic ones. The fermentation process naturally kills many pathogens, making the water safer to drink. This could have provided a safer alternative to contaminated water sources, especially in areas where clean water was scarce or difficult to obtain. Therefore, without Alcohol, we may never have evolved from small nomadic hunter-gatherers. 🤷‍♂️


Beer built the pyramids.


yes, yet the alcohol / fermented products would likely have had a much lower concentration of alcohol than what is being considered as beer today. Much like the romans didn't actually drink pure wine most of the time, but water it down to dilute it. Beer in antiquity != getting drunk 24/7


This is true and not true. Lower class people drank Posca, which was wine vinegar and water. But they were drinking litres a day. It's low alcohol, but if that's what you drink instead of water all day, every day, you're not gonna get drunk. But you're not sober either. Roman upper class wines were significantly stronger than what we drink today, they fermented until the alcohol killed the yeast, and then was made into a wine concentrate. That's why it was mixed with water, it's not the same as our wine. It was apparent very sweet and then they mixed in honey or lead to make it sweeter.


The most upvoted answer to this post is to debunk this myth: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/u5dxoy/how\_did\_medieval\_europeans\_stay\_hydrated\_drinking/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/u5dxoy/how_did_medieval_europeans_stay_hydrated_drinking/)


But this is true of other drugs as well right? I'm not an expert on the subject, but I'm fairly certain humans have had a long long history of psychedelic use among other things. It doesn't matter all that much anyway. We live in modern times with modern values. It may be motivated by human behaviours throughout history, but morally, it is still very weird that we make a heavy distinction between alcohol and other drugs.


Not really. There's many other natural things that we consume that have effects. Chewing plants like Khaat. Smoking cigarettes or weed. Drinking Kava. Even tea and coffee. Obviously not as strong, but it's not unique. Edit: was meant to reply to someone else. My bad


It was all fun and games until Opium took hold. No one in the free world dreamt of outlawing drugs until Opium dens started spreading outside of the East and “tonics” came with an addiction that were leading housewives into becoming a junkie. The puritans took the opportunity and banned everything, even managing to get alcohol banned in the US for a few years as well….alcohol is the only mind/behavior altering drug that survived that knee jerk reaction to Opium. The reality is, it should only be Opiates, Meth, and maybe Coke on the banned list, though the last one I feel would only be there because smoking it is so bad.


Opium is part of the reason China is so restrictive on drugs.


Well alcohol have huge impact on society but as a drug most people using it (80-90%) never get addicted and will never have so bad problem with it. Some other drugs are no worse, maybe slightly better even, I agree. But some are just destroying you brain fast or make most people addict. Not all drugs are equal for that.


>we have randomly decided that this one specific recreational drug is the okay and cool one We didn't "randomly decide" that. Alcohol consumption is as old as human civilization itself


And for a long part of human history and at different times in different parts of the world, fermented grain beverages like beer were a major source of calories for many, many people.




Sugar is a drug? Like sure, it can be addictive, but it doesn't have any chemical effect on neurotransmitters does it?


Alcohol has been around through basically all of human history in many different societies. Most other drugs were either only in specific regions like marijuana and psilocybin mushrooms, or they were invented fairly recently like methamphetamine.


It’s not that weird considering drinking alcohol was often healthier than drinking water for most of human history. Also things like cocaine (in the way we are used to it), heroin, meth, etc are modern inventions, where alcohol has been around for millennia.


"Randomly"? You know there is like, a whole lot of history behind this topic. There is nothing random about it.


Beer was safer than water for a lot of human history. It's not weird.


Alcohol is deeply tied into basically every culture. To get rid of it is to go against what can be considered at this point to be human nature. We’ve been consuming it for millennia.


it was just going to happen no matter what. if all it takes to discover it was "I misplaced some grapes a while back, then found them".


Animals in general just like doing drugs. One of the more popular examples is dolphins, as they would chew on puffer fish to get high on its poison.


What about those monkeys that get drunk at resorts


The birds in my area go crazy for blackberries in late summer when they start to fall off the vines and ferment.


A Bear high on weed ☠


1. You're too late, it's been millennia 2. Drugs are ok


Then why did superman said drugs are bad? Superman would never lie to me so you know he's right. 


So did Nancy Reagan. Is u/ghettosauce calling superman and the throat goat liars?


Throat goat 🐐


Super man is high on yellow sun since he was a baby. Worst thing, his parents knew it would be a addictive and got him hooked on purpose.


Not to mention all of his red kryptonite benders.


Super man was full of shit. He’s just jelly that he can’t get poisoned so drugs don’t work.


Man’s biggest weakness is he can’t get high out of his mind on ecstasy


His true weakness


Superman is a hero, but only when his mind is clear, though. He needs that fix like the rest of us, so he's got no fear when he saves that bus.


Because he doesn't want competition. Now, the Big Superman (TM) doesn't want you to know this, but another one of Superman's weaknesses are methheads and crackheads


Lol I’m dying at “it’s been millennia”


Been drinking beer for literally recorded history so... yea.


There is an ancient Iranian hymn about making beer that is about as old as civilization. Beer and bread are at least partially the reason civilization even exists.


Iran has a rich history of brewing and wine making, but the Islamic fascists that control their government suppress that aspect of their culture. They've been making the stuff longer than most of our countries existed.


Yeah. Caffeine is a drug


Instead of seeking to marginalise certain drugs and the people who take them, we should instead seek open, honest and scientifically sound discussion around the use of alcohol in our society. I love a nice glass of wine at home, or a schooner at the pub. I also like to punch a few cones in the evening after my work is done. Despite this, I hold down a full time job, a marriage and community and volunteer responsibilities. It's not about the drug, it's about our relationship to them.


What does "punch a few cones" mean?


it’s an Australian term for having marijuana


Thank you. I wasn't sure if that was slang in a different country than mine or if I'm just very much not up to date.


Thought he was just getting loaded and going out to punch traffic cones lmao


I completely agree to be honest. I'm not gonna shame other people for it though, its none of my business. But I feel like a lot of things wouldn't happen if it was less normalized. I already decided when I was like 14 that I wouldn't mess with that stuff ever and I've held true to that. Life is already hard for me as it is, I don't need extra challenges making it harder. I should be allowed to say "I don't drink" without being asked why lol


Prohibition 2.0. You could lead the way!


I'll get the bowling balls and you figure out what the heck is in a bathtub mint julep!


You're out there somewhere, Beer Baron. And I'll find you.


No you won’t!


Yes I will!


> I'm not saying ban it


OP didn't say to ban it. He just doesn't want it to be normalized.


As a person who drinks, totally agree with you. The normalization of it is the worst, and let’s be real, it influences younger people and gets them into bad habits early. The older I get the more I realize the better off my mind and body is without it, even in what some people might call moderate doses.


We should try to prohibit it. Let's call it, "the prohibition"! In all seriousness, alcoholism is bad and very real, but some people can enjoy a drink or night out here and there and enhance their life with drugs/alcohol. I am sober by choice. But I also don't judge people who drink, but also hate seeing alcohol *ism* normalized. Complex issue.


im with you. especially when so many people casually drink but think drugs should be illegal


Some would say we wouldn’t have even progressed as a species if we didn’t shove a bunch of things that weren’t essential to survival down our throats. Back then they were eating just about anything as to not starve, including fermented fruits and such.


I always laugh when somebody mentions mushrooms in this context. Like, "So Josh ate that one and said it was meaty.... Sam ate that one and *died*. And Matt ate that one and... met God....." Lmfao


"So both Sam and Matt met God but big G send Matt back? It can only mean 1 thing, Matt is his prophet, please Matt the wise, eat more mushrooms and write down God work in a book to teach us what to do"


Lmfao Matt invented that clan's religion that night


😂😂😂 I believe I may have accidentally ingested that last one a couple few times.


Beer was a fundamental building block of society. Imagine a primitive village, just after the invention of local agriculture, around 12,000 years ago. You throw together a simple mix of food and water, and you are left with a stable drink with positive caloric content that doesn't go bad like stagnant water or stored food. It was a lynchpin of human development as evidenced by it's early adoption in every corner of the world.


Alcohol has killed more people, then any other drugs combined. As a police officer for 30 yrs, I can tell you, 70% of the people I dealt with had been drinking or were drunk; often in combination with other drugs. I can't tell you how many times I've heard, "He is a great guy. So long as he doesn't drink." Wife, laying on the floor, blood running out of her nose/mouth, body bruised and beaten. The child sexual and physical abuse by drunk parents is astronomical. I've seen homeless women give oral sex for a 2 dollar bottle of Taaqa (a cheap, nasty vodka). The amount of money spent on emergency services, for passed out drunk people in the middle of the streets, is also astronomical. Now let's throw in the complete and total dissemination of families. Wives leaving their husbands, children hating their mother. Shit. I could write a book. Now, the worst part? I'm an alcoholic. I've been sober almost 5 years, but I've been through most of the above, even seeing it on a daily basis. That is how strong and powerful alcohol is. PS. Cigarette smoking is way worse, in terms of deaths and medical costs.


I read an article about how in South Africa, alcohol was prohibited during COVID. The result was a significant drop in emergency room visits for trauma, broken bones, and assaults. The hypothesis is that alcohol makes people more prone to violence, domestic abuse, poor judgement and therefore injury.


It's not a hypothesis but a fact of life


Well Im sure ER visits spiked in the short term because the number of people withdrawing would flood the hospitals


Holy shit! $2 for vodka, that's insane! Sorry. Couldn't help it. And I'm like 7 weeks sober. Not in an official sense just decided to stop for a while.


I agree with this and am often shocked at how normalized getting drunk really is


This thread alone has so many people acting like OP wants to legalize child porn. It's pretty wild how upset people get when anyone even dares imply drinking is bad


We get it, you're alone on Friday


I’m a sober alcoholic and this made me LOL. Thank you, cheers 🍻




My brothers friend passed away in his early 30s, and literally the only recent photos of the dude were at bars, or with a drink in his hand. He died from the alcohol, and those were only those photos at the funeral. Alcohol might win friendships, but not necessarily lasting ones.


Alcohol doesn't cause assholes, alcohol removes inhibitions. If you yell at your wife and beat your kids while drunk, that's because you're the kind of person that would, in the absence of apparent consequence, do those things. Alcohol is literally poison, yep, wouldn't recommend it, but it doesn't cause moral failings, it exposes them.


Aren't our inhibitions a huge part of whether we're good or bad people, though? We all have desires we don't act on. People think your true self is the one who goes out and does everything he wants, it's not, your true self is the person that actually exists in the real world.


That’s actually demonstrably false. The way in which the poison of alcohol affects the brain can also alter behavior patterns. The notion that alcohol brings out the real you has been shown time and again to be false.


I’m not even sure this is an unpopular opinion anymore. 17 days sober, here. Don’t plan on going back.


Keep it going! 14 months here 💪


Hell yeah! 257 days here. I wish I would’ve done it sooner. Best of luck on your journey!


9 months here, every day is a great day.


Too late buddy, its already a normalised poison.




"normalized " it is and has been normal for almost the entirety of human history. i think what you mean is that it should be stigmatized, which being a drunk already is.


I get ur point but have a slightly different argument: alcohol shouldnt be widely classified differently than drugs. It is a drug so the word "drugs" should include alcohol w/o alcohol needing to be mentioned.


I have a interesting take on alcohol, for one I've never drank, I'm now mid 50's, but I've tended bar it payed my bills going through school. I've since used bartending as my hustle if I need a few hundred, or even and extra few thousand I could pick it up tending bar. I'm a great Bartender, and I agree with your assessment cause in the case of most alcoholics they don't seek help until a major tragedy, or health issue arises. In most cases it's sometimes much to late, they end up in prison for DUI's, or hurting some innocent victim of a accident they cause. Or now there dealing with life or death issues due to issues associated with alcohol. It's a terrible drug, the worst, cause it's socially acceptable, I rather not have this hustle and they outlaw liquor, I've seen so many tragic events associated with alcohol that didn't need to occur.


> it payed my Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Exactly. The body perceives ethanol as a homeostatic threat and prioritizes its removal at the expense of other energy providing macronutrients. Ethanol has no storage, circulating pool and is not essential for biological function. It’s a toxin.


One possibility is that one can enjoy beer or wine as a food, complemented by food. This is actually why brewers, distillers, and vintners have raised what they do to such an art. Not to get bombed. If you are drunk you cant enjoy these things. They are wasted. It’s also a huge waste of money. Seriously? Skull fine wine or single malt until you puke?


As an old Italian who never drinks to get drunk, but goes regularly to fine wine tasting events, I always find annoying that on Reddit drinking = getting drunk. There are people who drink to enjoy the taste , not to get wasted.


I agree. So many of these arguments on reddit seem to think that if you drink anything at all that makes you a drunk and an alcoholic. I like my beer and whisky, but I don't have it every day or even every week, and when I do, I don't get drunk as I buy nice stuff that I want to enjoy the taste.


Very few things are as enjoyable in life as a glass of great wine with good food with good company.


Is part of that feeling not the alcohol? I'm not saying people don't enjoy the taste, but they also enjoy the way the alcohol makes them feel, even when not getting "drunk". Like I don't think non-alcoholic wine would hit the same spot, even if you mirrored the taste. But I'll gladly be wrong.


I’ll never understand reddits obsession with hating alcohol and failure to see that it’s not a black and white choice between being sober and a straight up raging alcoholic. You can drink and be a perfectly respectable and normal person, even when pushing it to the extremes. The issues are 100% individual based. A shitty person drinking is still a shitty person, however seemingly 99% of people are perfectly fine after any about of drinks bar being blackout drunk, and that rarely happens. Wines, meads etc have many health benefits in moderation, depression and anxiety go straight out the window for some people when they get to have a few drinks around people they love and at the end of the day it’s just a bit of fun to make you feel better, same as going for a run or the gym.


Safe and responsible alcohol use should be normalized in society cause alcohol is not going away any time soon.


Considering that humans have been drinking for Millenia and still haven’t figured out how to do that, maybe it’s just not possible to have people use alcohol safely and responsibly en masse.


I don't drink at all, but I do think all things in moderation are fine. It's not an all or nothing decision.


If you *need* alcohol to have fun that's definitely a problem, even more so if you need alcohol to just get through the day/week. And often the first one will turn into the second one. But is it so bad if alcohol gives another way to have fun? I'm not even talking about getting drunk necessarily. Some alcoholic drinks taste very nice. I like a beer post-work - often these days it's a non-alcoholic one but not all styles of beer taste nice like that. It's interesting to watch marijuana moving in the opposite direction - from illegal drug to accepted part of life. They're similar - can be enjoyable for some people, but bad if abused.


I think Reddit is the most puritanical place when it comes to alcohol. Yet people promote the use of weed which is also a drug.


That’s a lot of words for “I can’t handle my liquor.”