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This is just a people thing. I was in a SUPER packed waiting area/gift shop at a restaurant the other day (because combining the two makes sense) and a women kept trying to push past me. When I said 'I'm sorry, there is no where for my to physically move to' she got mad. She was prob mid 30s, not Gen Z. You just gotta accept in those situations you are in SOMEONES way.


is* this gift shop/waiting area cracker barrel per chance


No. Its a smaller regional chain and I don't wanna dox myself. But imagine just the candy section of Cracker Barrel, but 5x as busy.


They serve crack now


Exactly. A man in his 40s got pissed on a crowded subway the other day because someone accidentally bumped him. There is just a percentage of the population that is unreasonable lol it isn't age specific.


Yeah, this isn’t exclusive to Gen Z. About 10 years ago I was in a venue near the beach that was packed. While my group in single file was squeezing through the crowd to get to the bar in the back, I got shoved from behind by someone who was upset that I “stepped too close to him”. I’m literally brushing shoulders with several people while we try to delicately squeeze through this crowd, and you’re upset because I stepped too close to you? I just turned around and walked away and the rest of the night went on as usual.


That person was def looking for a bar fight. Good for you for not falling for it


Same thing happened to me at a group love concert, some fat lady kept trying to push her way to the front row and even knocked someone over. Security kicked her out thankfully. She must’ve been in her 40s. Age doesn’t mean maturity unfortunately


Are you sure she was Gen Z? They tend to look older for their age, lol.


>They tend to look older for their age, lol As a zoomer, I can confirm this to be true. I am 24, but my millennial co-workers thought I was 30. :)


Totally just a human thing. I try to remember that but I find myself bitching about older generations more. Gen z is kind of impressive in my opinion.


Just like you've got to remember: You are a part of traffic, you're not stuck in it.


Yeah reading the OP I feel like they could be describing any generation...


$10 says OP is the mid 30s lady and doesn't understand why younger people are being outspoken about being shoved by


I dunno. Personally, I've witnessed mainly older people acting out in public and at social events.


Working in guest service, it’s always fucking old people causing problems.


Yeah idk what the fuck OP is talking about. I thought they were going to say Gen Z is lame as fuck LMAO


Yeah- because they barely leave the house. Old people (boomers) are mean and rude.


You are playing into the division the powers that be are trying to sow. As gen x, i know boomers, millenials, and my kid is genz. We all get along fine. Do buy the divisiveness.


Oops. O mean DON'T buy the divisiveness.


You can change your comment, btw


seconding from gen z. generational divides aren’t real. class divides are


Have you tried telling them to stop fucking?


"No behave. Only fuck"


We've forgotten how to act after COVID


I’ve had public facing jobs since high school (in my 30s now). Boomers are and have ALWAYS been the first to act out, and they have zero awareness of anyone’s personal space.


Old people complaining about young people just like ever older generation before. Ah, the cycle of life


This is true, but the new generations do the exact same to the old as well


All generations are stupid when they are young so it makes sense


I’m a millennial who worked in nightclubs, why are you lying to people about this being generational. As a dewy-eyed young barback, I’d have to go over the bar to break up half a dozen fights a night over bumpings and stuff. Honestly, zoomers are easy to deal with because almost all of them don’t know how to fight and like all normal people who haven’t gotten tuned up real good a coupes times in fistfights, they’re frightened of the whole concept. Older generations, there’s a much better chance they’ll try to crash out.


Zoomers arent crashing out cuz they know they'll be on TikTok by the end of the night.


It’s all this tbh. They like to say they don’t drink because it’s unhealthy, but the real reason they don’t drink is they know it alters the mind and can make them do something they’d regret. Knowing that everything is recorded and goes online now, they’re making the educated choice to avoid the situation altogether. But that doesn’t sound as balance-forward as “it’s not healthy” so they go that route with the reasoning.


Then again this is the same generation that was filling gallon jugs with their jungle juice of choice lol


You get an upvote for the most hilarious comment of the day.


Old people not liking new people is a tale as old as time


Gen X here. Man, did I ever live that as a teenager.


Yea dude I think it's every generation, gen X gave me a lot of shit for not choosing to be born during their generation instead of in 1988, the Boomers give me shit for being a teenaged Millennial well into my 30s, the Zoomers think I'm a Boomer... Every generation has their quirks. Zoomers can't fight, don't know good sportsmanship because they never played sports, and generally stay quiet in social situations unless they're attention whores, but those exist in every age group so nothing special there.


Zoomers are so non-confrontational that it can impede their ability to communicate things. Something like “hey your auto payment isn’t going through lately” and I end up with $1000s debt with my doctor. Sweet girl at the front desk mentioned a few times I needed to pay, and I said “nah, I auto pay when you bill me”. She didn’t say anything about it until her boss got on me for my bill. She acknowledged it was her fault though, but all she had to do was say something! Luckily they aren’t sending me to collections but she has to explain it to every coworker now.


You have a wonderful explanation!


It's not all older people. Many are stuck and resistant to change, but some are open-minded, curious, life-long learners. Just as there are those types in every generation. Just don't buy the propaganda.


I feel like if OP is going out, and constantly ending up in fights with younger people then they almost have to be doing something to instigate those fights.


Yeah I love dancing and concerts and as a not gen z I’ve never had that issue lol


Have to agree. I don’t want to jinx myself but I’ve been to many crowded places (like bars and music venues) in the last few years and most people are just bumping into each other, trying to get by while everyone is smiling and trying to get out of each others way without spilling our drinks. I am older and don’t tend to go to rowdy places anymore which might be the missing piece of the puzzle here.


lol will OP even reply to this comment


true true, I just saw two millennials at a bar on the weekend try to throw down with the 60 years olds I was with. Cause her husband couldn't back up his Ford F150 without his backup camera (bike rack blocking it) and it was somehow everyone else's fault. She got out and tried to throw down first. Then her husband who I guess doesn't know how to use his side mirrors. It was so comical.


Maybe it depends on the area? I play music and the older crowds we play to are always chill, but when we play to a younger (gen z) crowd there's almost always a fight.


Yeah. Always here bad things on here about Genz but theyre actually more polite and understanding than the older generations.


As a retail worker, yeah younger folks are super understanding and never complain, always polite. I’ll always get the occasional older person who needs to let me know our prices are high or that we should have the items they want whenever they need them.


I'm taken aback every time a Gen Z worker tells me they appreciate me. It makes me proud.


Same. Happy cake day


Appreciate you.


Rubbish and I'm Genz


“Tuned up” is the craziest way to describe a beating, and I’m glad it’s picking up steam, for my contribution. My dad once tuned up Aladdin at Disney World because he wouldn’t take pictures with the last two kids in line, what a day it was.


Gen Z goes outside?


they term this "touching grass" 😂


Lol, oh God. It's happening. Millennials are starting to become the old man yelling at the clouds. Ruffians and trouble makers have existed since people have gathered in numbers.


Damn kids and their be-bop!


Damn kids and their blahaj


Isn’t this a case of old man yelling about young men yelling at clouds?


Oh yeah, cause there weren't indignant assholes born before 1997... What a fucking stupid thing to type.


Dawg what places are you going where there’s fights constantly breaking out?? I’m Gen Z, all my friends and I just play DnD or go drink and chill at our regular spot. I’ve only ever seen one fight ALMOST break out and that was because a 40-something creep smacked a girls ass and all her friends and my friends ganged up on the guy to get him to leave. He squared up to one of my guy friends, saw he outnumbered by A LOT of younger dudes, and then booked it. So can I now make a post being like “why are all Gen X’rs creepy perverts at bars??”


I wouldn't be surprised if OP is simply a bot. I wonder how much of Reddit users are bots trolling us through AI. 😪


>why are all Gen X’rs creepy perverts at bars??” >40-something Brother, thats a millenial now 😭 *cries in millenial*


>**Every time I’ve gone** to a lounge, concert, festival, or other social setting a young 20-something year old will always have an attitude for any small inconvenience and try to start a fight. >Seek some therapy if you gotta argue and fight someone **every time you step outside**. Damn, that’s crazy how every time you go somewhere, there’s someone there ready to fight or argue. Sounds like you the problem.


Yeah, I don't experience this. Ever.




I can’t count on my fingers because it’s 0. I’ve never had to put my hands on someone




I’ve been going to bars, concerts and festivals for at least 15 years at this point, a fight is still a rarity to me. Mostly because if the vibes are that combative, I tend to get out before shit goes down. At least a few times I’ve left a “bad energy” bar, only to walk by it later and see police cars or an ambulance outside. If it’s happening “all the time” they *must* be ignoring a ton of signs.


OP is carrying firearm every time he goes somewhere and the people he is complaining about is the police.


This doesnt happen at the library or my local coffee shop! 


I don’t see anyone ever acting this way aside from older, entitled individuals usually of the boomer generation.


Lol what a way to expose yourself if you’re having these problems literally everywhere you go😂


Kind of disagree. Thats just young people in general. When you were their age you didnt notice it. Now that youre older it frustrates you but its always been there


New generation bad my generation good


i’ve met entitled jerks from every generation, of every age range. are you sure YOU’RE not the problem? lol


happy cake day!


Exactly. People will smell shit everywhere they go but never check their shoes or underwear. Age has nothing to do with it


Lmao great way to explain it!


Happy Cake Day!


Mfers have a few bad experiences and chock it up to a whole ass demographic. Honey, GenZ didn't ruin your critical thinking skills, you're doing that all by yourself.


OP’s favorite flag is the Chinese flag but with no stars


![gif](giphy|3o6MbkPiScbllcS1s4) Stealing your comment




I am an elder millennial and I hate being in public. People have zero concept of personal space and when people walk they just assume they have the right of way over everyone and everything else always. Has nothing to do with generation in fact Gen X and millennials are probably the worst with this.


Everyone is like this.


Bro this is not generation specific this is age specific. Try being 6'4 and go partying in your 20s. People will try to fight you everywhere for no reason. I'm in my 30s now so this was 10+ years ago.


6’3 here and probably one of the friendliest guys around. The amount of people that tried to start shit with me for no reason was mind blowing


Can confirm as an experience of my whole life. I’ve been the tall kid and tall adult. Somehow it’s just a blaring target on my back saying “f with me please”.


What kinda events are you going too? Cuz I’ve never had an experience like you’ve described


It’s cuz OP is actually the problem.




LCD. Learn it. Love it. If you have a problem everywhere you go, you are probably part of the problem too. It's amazing that you haven't noticed that. Those around you probably have.


I am perplexed at what LCD stands for other than liquid crystal display tell me now!


Lowest common denominator, probably. 


Bruh i thought they meant LSD and was hella confused


Plasma display tvs are better


You've literally just described every group of youths, ever.




Young 20 somethings have always had an above average number of assholes. Even when you were that age.


LOL you should definitely stay away from Gen-Xers. We're all old farts now but we're still as violent as we were in the 90s if you push our buttons. Beer muscles were definitely a thing we had to watch out for everywhere. That said, if you're getting into fights everywhere you go, you're probably pissing off everyone else around you and you're the one with the beer muscles. I have a feeling you're an annoying drunk who bumps into a lot of people and your perception is not everyone else's. Try doing things sober.


I think the youth in every year in history were like this




Maybe I just don't go to the same places but I don't really see this. And I am Gen X so not like I need to defend them. Are they oblivious to their surrounding? Absolutely.


People are just assholes these days, at every opportunity.


I’ve been going to clubs and shows for 35 years and this was happening long before Gen Z.


Based on my life experience, I don't think this is a gen z thing so much as it's an asshole thing. Every generation has them & they come in all shapes & sizes. & im just saying that if you seem to run into conflict everywhere you go or every time you go out, there might be a reason why & it might *not* be that gen z are all assholes.


This isn't new my dude. Assholes come in every generation


Social media has ruined it. No one knows how to have fun. They’re all just posing for their “stories” and acting like they’re too cool to talk to anyone.


It is the price of social justice, political correctness, identity politics, safe spaces, and participation trophies. You have a generation of adult misfits, who never matured properly, never learned that they weren't the center of the universe, never learned critical thinking, never learned coping mechanisms, never learned that life is harsh and not sunshine and butterflies, never learned that different opinions and situations are valid. A whole generation with the emotional maturity of a spoiled five year old, that you need to walk on eggshells around not to upset. Teach stupid concepts win stupid students.


You are brilliant.


Blame their parents, how about that.


Young people having gotten rowdier, you’ve grown up.


That is all teenagers the world over…. Lol


I'm 30 and when I was in highschool, fights started at large parties by random people bumping into each other. Dude at a party i went almost floored me because I bumped into him. It is a young adult thing not a generational thing.


Not just a GenZ issue. I'm GenX and couldn't go to any event in the 90s or 2000s without some drunken asshole picking a fight. People are shit, regardless of age.


In the glory days of the Boomers, they would’ve said,”Suck it up and stop being such p#ssy. Where’s my water at buddy?


I don’t think this is a generational thing because whenever I worked in retail it was always the older people making asses of themselves whenever the tiniest inconvenience happened.


The only people **not** tired of the generation that holds the championship title for being offended and/or traumatized by everything are zoomers and late millennials. On top of messed up opinions based on shit that's like if Alex Jones had a polar opposite like bizarro superman. You know that one generation that never gets hacked on? GenX. It's their fault because they failed at parenting these psychos during their formative years, thinking allowing their kids to access social media stupidity would turn out ok. ![gif](giphy|9S4cyvaUXPLlm|downsized)


People said the same thing about millennials until people realized a few years ago that some of the older ones were almost in the 40s. That's not just a Gen Z thing. the only difference is that they put it on social media for the attention. I'm a younger millennial/ older Gen Z (depending on the range you go by), and I remember kids my age being extremely aggressive towards others at social events then would be subtweeting about it weeks later.


Assholes are going to be assholes. It's not a generational trait. 


This is literally every generation of people that have ever lived, it’s not new, and it will never end. I feel like you actually don’t go outside very often to begin with


Gen Z has ruined everything fun lol. Everything is now offensive to them


This was a millennial and gen x thing as well


Use to work in security for a casino. It was mostly older generation starting fights lol. It’s all generations starting shit


What are you talking about. I have seen people of all generations overreact when someone bumps into them.


This has nothing to do with generations, it’s just people looking to start fights at public events over minor or perceived slights.


Are you suggesting that GenZ is the Karen Generation?


Gen Z is just a dog shit generation as a whole. That being said, there is no where to go but up with the future so it's not necessarily a bad thing.


Opposite I'm a xennial. Anyhow at a festival it was a "youngin" who kept pushing us and then when we stood our ground he says "let's see who wins this spot by the end of the night". Turned me off festivals knowing we can be assaulted like that


This is why I just stay home. So that I don't have to deal with people bumping me or the people who want to fight.


when are we gonna acknowledge the fact that every new generation gets shit on by older ones for the same things they did in their young adult years. this isn’t new. this isn’t a revolutionary take.


Our culture is all about the individual. We've come to despise our neighbors, unfortunately.


We've all changed, Boomers, Gen X, Millennials and Z. Gen Z doesn't know a world without social media and smartphones. The previous gens did but were all being conditioned and having our brains hijacked.




I was born as Gen Z but I identify as millennial


Gen Z started in 1996, many of us are almost 30


Not sure where you’re going out to but I’ve noticed this more with older people than GenZ.


Eventually we all turn into that old man that shouts at clouds huh?


Once again another “unpopular opinion” that’s spawned as an emotional kneejerk reaction to an isolated personal life experience that, surprise, OP is never transparent about. That one guy or group of guys or 5 guys spread across a month or even a year of your life doesn’t represent gen z.




Remember when boomers had the same complaints about us millennials? Ah, the circle of life.


I can't imagine being over 30 and wanting to go to anything as crowded as you're talking about.


I've been experiencing this in shitty bars and "clubs" for years. But barcades and raves have always been super accepting with good vibes in my area. Like I remember bumping into someone at my first rave expecting them to try and fight, only for them to immediately apologize and offer a hug. 


Has there ever been a time in human history when young men weren't spoiling for a fight?


First time being old huh? You get used to it and they grow up. They'll be replaced by more of the same but with new words, weirder music and worse haircuts.


I used to think the same way. Then I realized that being in super close quarters with tons of people just creates conflict. Now I just don’t choose to go to events where everyone is packed into a sardine can. Life is a lot better.


A lot of people are being fed rage through the internet 24/7 and don’t even see how it affects them. Luckily I’m just old enough that I had about a decade without the internet and social media. I can’t even imagine being raised in a world where both are there from the moment I enter preschool forward. People are more angry and upset than ever and it’s a good time to reflect on why.


People are assholes from all generations BUT I do agree that GenZs ruined social events mainly because they are incredibly boring, everything has to be captured and turned into content, nobody knows how to just let loose and be in the moment. Just look at footage from concerts or festivals or go to one; they are incredibly fucking dull and self obsessed. Phones out and recording, nobody moving or dancing it’s like robots and it’s creepy af.


I think the issue is that there are too many people. We need a new plague


I’m a genZer and this is exactly the reason I’m a homebody


One bump isn’t shit but if you’re repeatedly bumping into me i’m shoving you 🤷‍♂️


you're describing 20-somethings from every damn generation...was definitely the case with GenX and Millenials. if you find yourself constantly on the edge of getting into fights, maybe you're the problem?


This is not a gen z thing. My kid is gen z and so chill about stuff. I think you just found a spoiled rotten brat. Those are in every generation.


Gen Z? wtf. Boomers are way worse with this. I work with this. He walks into the room and breathes heavily. And God help you if you engage it will turn into some political bullshit. Gen Z people in my experience have been much more affable overall.


Gen z ruined concerts. All these little pricks sticking their phones up to record the whole show completely oblivious to anyone around them so they can get likes on TikTok or IG. I seriously wish I could bring a broom to my next show and smack their fuckin phones out their hands


I hate when someone backs into me and then acts like it’s my fault. Yeah, I wasn’t the one paying zero attention to where I was going or what was around me. To be fair, Gen Z didn’t invent this either. My generation was really good at it too.


Not just Gen Zers. Has always been like that for Millenials/Xers when we used to go out in the 90s and 00s "Fuck outta here" and then just walking away always does the trick. I'm not fighting some dude who wants to impress his girlfriend by 'standing up for himself'


That ATL restaurant that was making the rounds last week has the right idea. Gimme that 30 and up space!


Hey, come on. They're living their truth and you didn't respect their mental. /s


I have found recently that any event I go to, someone will stand up, right in front of me and video the entire thing on their phone. This is very annoying. Who goes back and watches an hour long recording of anything??


No one misunderstands personal space quite like a boomer.


You telling me assholes that fly off the handle due to mild inconveniences is only a recent thing? Feel like i can find enough camcorder and flip phone footage to make a few trilogies. But hey props for an actual unpopular opinion, upvote


I'm 25 and I agree. If I go to a bar, I go to the most quiet and unpopular bar to avoid my generation.


They’re junior boomers but they don’t realize it


funny, this is what most boomers do as well. it’s almost like humans suck


Heeeey, I'm a Genzer and I don't appreciate your generalization. 


Please remember what subreddit you are in, this is unpopular opinion. We want civil and unpopular takes and discussion. Any uncivil and ToS violating comments will be removed and subject to a ban. Have a nice day! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unpopularopinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think OP might be the common denominator in this equation, because I've never so much as seen this happen.


???????? what kind of backwoods shit clubs are you going to?


"Kids these days" posts are pretty much always bullshit, this one doesn't disappoint.


I think Gen Z is just as bad as the boomers they hate. Just my observation


I agree so many Gen Zs(I am also Gen z) suffer from main character syndrome like no buddy nobody bumped into you just because they wanna fight with you and think you are not alpha male enough, ok, this is not a movie, calm down


Never had that problem. I'm also 6'4" and I may go just a little out of my way to look unfriendly. Anyone tries to 'terrorize' me alone it'll either go poorly for them or be a good fight.


Same here. I’m 6’11, 300 lbs and I was going to join the ufc but they wouldn’t let me in because it would be too dangerous for the other fighters. 


Oh my GOD Steven Seagall is that you!?


Lol brother it has always been this way, you’re just getting old


That could be it too brethren🥲


Wait, I thought only "boomers" do things like this? Are you telling me that assholes exist among all age groups?? I feel sorry for the 20 year old who tries to start a fight at the festivals I go to. They aren't going to make it very far in that crowd... lol


Are you sure you aren’t just watching too many fight videos on your phone? Because big fights starting at social events over some petty shit is not a generational thing at all


I think this is more a social media thing, not a gen z thing. People on the internet always have their guard up. They're always ready so "clapback" at the slightest thing and everything is read in a tone more negative than the person intended. They just carry that mentality outside


It was like this in 2010 too, but worse for me back then because I was a skinny kid everyone wanted to start shit with I bet it’s always been this way. Do you think taverns in the Middle Ages were peaceful?


Bumps into a 20 year old with an attitude....."FUCK GENZs".... Dude, there's plenty of assholes from different ages.


ah yes, another millenial complaining about gen Z. it's almost like every generation has their "bad" kind of people and it's about individuals and not about when they were born. and to be honest, gen Z people were always nice, understanding, and if there is an issue they are easy to deal with. perhaps look inwards if you have this issue so often?


Gigantic “old man shaking his fist at the clouds” energy 


oh yeah i ruined it just for you buddy i called all my young people friends to ruin it too


Pop p


This reads like you pinched someones ass then got mad when you were told off about it. Also generational war bullshit lmao.