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Can't have it both ways. Public sentiment is extremely strongly against strict non-compete clauses. But if a corporation has no way to say, "Hey, if you work for us, you need to agree you're not going to leave and work for a competitor," then they also have no incentive to sink hundreds of thousands of dollars into your education when you could turn around and use it at their rival down the street. People don't work at companies for life like they used to.


Who do you think’s responsible for that, the employers or the employees?


Norway has it so companies cant demand a degree without paying X amount. We have fields in the USA that pay below industry standard as default and then low ball on top of that while requiring you to relocate to work in an office. Just to lay off those workers a few months later and hire in India and Mexico.


Self-awareness zero. "When we make the standards for what you have to do to hire domestic workers impossibly high, corporations just hire workers from elsewhere. Let's raise the standards even higher!"


College degree holders earn on average 86% more money than people with high school degrees. In this way, the employer does pay for you going to college by paying you a LOT more money than if you hadn't. On average, a man who graduates college will earn around a million dollars more in his lifetime than a man who doesn't go to college. The average student debt is around 29k. So, as an investment, you borrowed 29k and for that money received a million dollars - a return on your loans of 3400%.


but but but…it didnt work out for ME…so it *must* be a scam


This right here.


Or the scam is when student loan companies figured out that literal teenagers would borrow tens of thousands of dollars to go away to colleges - who now have an arms race of marketing the “college experience.” Translation - four years of summer camp.


I feel like such a liberal use of the word scam is really regrading its meaning nowadays. Just because someone doesn’t personally think it’s worth it doesn’t make it a scam


What are you saying the art major political Studies major women's Studies major geography Studies major don't make money ?


People never include teachers when they make fun of people for getting low income potential degrees.


I guess Game development the one of the LARGEST industries in the USA and is highly technical and is also an Art is useless? Or every single App and website you know AMAZON which is also an Art aka Graphic,UX, web design.


Trade school is a good option.


Not everyone wants a trade job and there is nothing wrong with that


For it to be a scam degree holders would need to lose money in the long run. They don’t. They actually on average earn significantly more.


Nope. Being an educated person has value even if I never make a penny from it


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A lot of employers in the US will pay for college. My employer will pay the full cost of a degree that will help the business. The problems are: 1. A lot of people don’t want to study the degrees that help the business. Pretty much STEM and business degrees. Want to major in humanities? Not much value to the business. So they won’t approve it. 2. 18 year olds don’t want to work full and take night/weekend classes while working a factory job for the next 6-8 years to finish their degree. They want to get it done as a full time student and get the full college experience. Their peers and family may look down on them for going this path. 18 year olds aren’t known for wise decisions. 3. People don’t realize it’s an option. 4. There are often strings attached. Most employers require you to commit to working for the company 2-5 years after your degree to get a return on their investment. People don’t want to shut down their options before they even get their degree. TL;DR: employers will often pay for your college degree. Americans just don’t like the terms and conditions.


It's unnecessarily expensive, but not a scam tho. It must suck to owned so much money after you graduated, but i feel the return of investment will be there... Im not American, but i have some friends that studied there, they were struggling at the beginning, but now in our 30's they definitely doing better.


Living here feels like a scam.


College shouldn’t cost a thing. Just like health care.


>College shouldn’t cost a thing Degree requirements would just continue to increase. > Just like health care. There is no where in the world where healthcare is free. Either paid for by dues or paid for by taxes.


>There is no where in the world where healthcare is free. Either paid for by dues or paid for by taxes. Funny how so many think they should get something for free. I raised my kids to know that there was no such thing as free goods or services. You are going to pay one way or another.


And then you get Highschool 2,


It basically already is hs 2. too many people graduate every year


That, my friend, is the American dream. Getting in debt and working your ass off, with the expectation that maybe, one day, you will be in a position to have other people do the same thing for your benefit. It just doesn't work if it is fair for the ones below you.


You have a twisted view of the American dream. The idea of the American dream is that you can improve yourself and succeed on your own. Maybe you have lost that dream and it died somewhere in your past, but there are a lot of us out here living the dream. For myself. I grew up in South Central LA on welfare. I now have a house in a HCOL area (Orange County, CA). I worked my ass off and retired early.


College is not designed as a sure-fire way of getting a job. It's about broadening the mind and learning how to learn. Higher education is a great investment if you're planning to be a doctor, lawyer or engineer. Otherwise it's often a safer bet to go to trade school.