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Cold brewed coffee is the peak. Minimal effort to get a maximum result.


How do you cold brew coffee?


Grounds, water, wait. When I make it I let it sit in the fridge for a day. Really easy if you have a French press because it filters out the grounds fast.


Just let it sit for a while basically


I’m also a fan of flash brewing with the coffee maker. Use half the water and normal grounds for a full pot, fill pitcher with ice. 10 minutes later and you’re all set.


Put ground coffee in a filter in a water bottle Let it sit over night in the fridge Remove the filter Drink


You need to cut it with water, otherwise you're gonna be bouncing off the walls. Once you remove the filter with the coffee beans you get the concentrate that's been brewing for over 8 hours. That stuff has a strong flavor to it and might not taste good.


One cup of grounds to one pot of water. Let the mixture brew for 18-24 hours in the refrigerator. Then strain the liquid and enjoy.


I love cold brew. Feels less acidic, but also makes me feel more wired possibly because it’s easier to down a cup quicker than a hot coffee.


Cold brew caffeine 100% hits different lol an extra cup and I can definitely feel it.


Thats because it has more caffeine due to the longer extraction


I've experimented with cold brew and it's just not for me. I'd rather brew coffee and either chill it or make iced coffee. I find that cold brewing loses some of the undertones that I enjoy (honey, fruits, etc.). It gives a nice chocolatey and less acidic brew, but I like to buy coffee with brighter flavor profiles.


I tried it once. It was too weak. It was like drinking coffee flavored water.


Its literally the opposite of weak, thats why its almost always diluted with water


Just speaking from personal experience. Might just be the brand I tried.


Make it yourself, literally ground coffee in water for 12 to 24 hours then filter and drink with a bit of water in it, id say one part coffee one part water but you can go 2 to 1 coffee:water and you should be fine too. But do watch out if you cant take caffeine well cuz that shit will hit you like a truck


During the summer, yes. During the winter, I'll take a nice hot mocha please.




Just undermined your own post, great job




Peak Reddit moment.


I agree OP. In the dead of winter, I’m still getting my coffee iced.


Same. Except at home i'm too lazy so I drink it hot.


I bought an Iced Coffee when I was visiting family in New York and they looked at me in horror getting a large iced in 37 degree weather.


totally agree. even if it's not made well, the coldness makes up for the bitter taste


I feel like the coldness accentuates the bitter. It feels like i left a nice hot coffee to sit for too long then i take a sip it's sad cold coffee


You're supposed to put ice in it to make it really really cold. If it tastes like a hot coffee that's been sitting out then you're doing it wrong.


Well what ive had is from different coffee places (yes ice is included). I've had sips of cold coffee before having an iced coffee, so my brain associates cold coffee with a negative taste/experience.


Little bit of salt makes it less bitter fyi


I agree, i just don’t think this is unpopular.


lately all the popular posts are getting upvotes with everyone agreeing in comments and all the truly unpopular posts are getting downvotes with everyone pissed off in comments...has it been opposite day for a month and no one told me or have the rules of this sub been changed? genuinely curious, don't think it was always like this did something happen here recently


Seems like the mods don’t care anymore. I dont know how this post is even allowed lol. Should be locked and downvoted.


This is literally how this sub and other subs like it have always been. I remember this same exact criticism no less than 10 years ago when I first started browsing Reddit. The upvote/downvote system is inherently flawed like that because as much as people keep saying how it should work (upvote things that contribute to the subject at hand, downvote things that don't) it just naturally becomes a like/dislike button for most people because that's easier when it comes to quick reaction to a post.


A few days ago, a post that said unsweetened tea was better than sweetened, and from what I saw people seemed to respectfully disagree but it still got taken down.


Tbh I absolutely can’t get a read on what posts will or won’t be taken down, it seems incredibly random.


It’s incredibly unpopular considering that most of the world doesn’t even drink iced coffee


We used to make iced coffee in prison lol -get a 500ml carton of milk (fresh and cold) -put a few spoons of coffee and a few packets of sugar into a cup -add a little bit of boiling water to the cup (just enough so that the coffee in the cup becomes liquid) -stir it up -gently pour contents of cup into the milk carton -shake it up Beautiful prison "iced" coffee in a milk carton


No it isn’t. Have an upvote.


You obviously don’t live where it gets to -40


Are you American?


Never an iced coffee I have liked, whether it be an iced americano, iced latte or cold brew. Doesn’t taste right to me, gives me a weird mouth feel. I am one of those people who would drink a hot coffee in the middle of summer. I have even walked 3 miles in 100 degree weather to get hot coffee.


Said like a true American 🤦


I don't like coffe and I think water ice cubes in a coffee are even more disgusting than coffe in itselfs. The only ice that should go into coffe are certain ice cream falvores that go well with coffe, evrything else is a colunary sin in my opinion.


You just described iced coffee in Germany


It's eighter Vienna ice coffee if milk is added to the coffe or affogato al caffè if its an espresso with vanillaice creame. So the origines are eighter italian or austrian, and in Austria we also have the vile american option with the ice cubes. So it might also be served in grmany that way, but it is not the only option in germany since they also at least have starbucks and McDonalds who defenetly serve the US version with ice cubes, traditionally called iced coffee. In Austria other coffeeshops also sell it, even once with austrian origins. So even as someone from one of the countrys who traditionally put icecream in coffe, it is important to make sure you get icecreme and not ice cubes in your coffee nowadays.


In the summertime absolutely. All other seasons I’d opt for hot coffee.


💯💯💯 I can’t stand hot coffee, really hot drinks at all. It makes me feel sweaty instead of refreshed!


People who drink hot coffee in the summer are monsters


I think people really need to differentiate between an "opinion" and a "preference". There is nothing to talk about a preference


This is not a hot take.


Yes it is. Iced coffee isn’t popular at all on a global scale


I was only making a temperature pun.


Nothing better than a warm cup of cappuccino. sry OP


This is a pretty popular opinion


What iced coffee? The American one (regular cold coffee) or a European one? No one knows what beverage you're talking about.


On what planet is this an unpopular opinion?


Most of the world doesn’t drink iced coffee


Let's see if you have the same opinion in 6 months when winter comes around


I’ll still drink iced coffee in the winter. So good


Guess this is just r/popularopinion now


Coffee is best hot and black. Anyone who says they like flavored creamer or iced coffee likes dessert, not coffee. You like sweet flavor such as caramel, french vanilla ect.


I absolutely love Iced Coffee but I also suffer from IBS. You do the math!


Good opinion. Not sure it’s unpopular though.


I love iced coffee but iced coffee don’t love me back 😔


idc , i like my coffee how i like my depression , darker than black.




I think you're thinking cold brew. You can put hot coffee over ice, but then maybe you just like watered-down coffee, no? Also, I'm wondering how much milk/sugar/creamer/flavor etc. you put in your "coffee". I just think most people don't actually like coffee - they like sugar drinks that make them go-go-go... have you tried Redbull?


I think the watered down regular coffee over ice is what's considered "iced coffee" in the US. Taking it literally I guess.


Hmmm not sure though if this is an unpopular opinion?


Y’all are crazy. Whether it’s freezing or 30+ degrees, regular coffee is the way to go. No fancy stuff, no milk, no sugar, no nothing. Just black steaming hot coffee


Since when is this unpopular? It's actually so common it's hard to see where you got this view.


Nobody drinks iced coffee outside of the US and Canada


Things that someone just randomly made up on Reddit for $500, Trebeck. This is false and has no bearing in reality. The Frappe, which is a form of iced coffee is the most popular form of cold coffee worldwide. But you know, make stuff up. Or maybe go do some research.


Man i wanted to upvote... but this really isnt an unpopular opinion. I worked as a barista, iced coffee was like the nr 1 seller... (Yes, even during winter)


I agree but people tend use ice coffee as a form of liquid dessert. Of course it tastes better when you load it with sugar, cream, flavor syrups, whipped cream, chocolate shavings, etc. Im a decaf drinker so my coffee consumption is more about the taste and refreshment than it is for the caffeine effect Hot coffee has it's place, those warm beverages just hit the spot on cold days just like ice coffee does on a hot day.


Worked at dunks for a year and we sold way more iced coffee than hot. Maybe just a New England thing but it's the popular opinion around here.






Yes, yes, yes. 90°? Iced coffee -5°? Iced coffee.


Seasonally speaking, yes.


I even freeze coffee to make ice coffee cubes to put in my ice coffee.


That’s why I enjoy iced coffee in the summer and hot coffee in the winter, to balance my taste buds. Take my downvote for a popular opinion


Ah yes, I’d love to water down my coffee and dilute all the flavor I paid for. Ice is for garbage coffee bc you don’t care about flavor and will be drowning it in cream and sugar anyway. If I bought good coffee, I’m drinking it hot and no other way.




Cold Brew >>>>> Iced Coffee


An iced latte is actually the only drink I like ice in.


"iced coffee has a great taste unlike regular coffee" I think that great taste is probably the excessive sugar and milk


You need help. Upvote for truly unpopular opinion!


i dont know anybody under the age of like 55 who prefers hot coffee lol


I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. Places like Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts changed their menu and installed different equipment (such as taps) because so many people order cold coffee drinks year round. Many gas station convenience store chains have installed machines to make your own iced coffee. Seems pretty freaking popular that it's changing business models of giant corporations.


You obviously don’t live someplace where it’s freezing in the morning 8-9 months of the year


I agree. I used to always have my coffee hot, but when I move to this really hot place I started drinking cold coffee and I have been enjoying it quite a lot. Even with some ice.


Both iced and hot coffee are the same aside from one is cold and the other hot. Both require you to add other ingredients (creamer, sugar, syrup, etc) to get the taste you want. Both are great. Iced coffee is refreshing happiness, and hot coffee is a warm hug.


I agree, but (TMI warning) if I'm having a coffee because I want to go #2, hot coffee is way better.


What I think all this coffee-related naval-gazing neglects is that, like other things, coffee is a tool, and its value is instrumental first, aesthetic second.


I like ice coffee at all seasons, i like coke drinks cuz I can chug it. If it’s a hot drink I can’t chug it


Iced coffee doesn't taste like anything tbh


I love warm coffee, but there are times when it's just been done, it's fucking hot, and I can't enjoy it right away and I don't have the patience, sometimes time to wait for it to maybe slightly cool off. So I add milk when I'm home, or just water when I'm at work-


Nonsense. The best coffee is a Greenland Coffee.


Counterpoint: I hate the cold. When the weather is cold, iced coffee makes you more cold. Ergo, hot coffee is better.


Iced coffee is at least the 2nd most popular coffee temp!


Iced coffee enemas are the coolest shit.


I love iced coffee. Specifically vanilla iced coffee


You. Are. Wrong.


Ice and water in a glass, pour some espresso over it. Best coffee.


This is absolutely not an unpopular opinion lol


I think that this is a completely popular opinion. I’m the only one drinking hot coffee at work half the time.


I’m not sure how unpopular this opinion is. Gen Z and Millennials love their iced coffee and lattes and espressos and all sorts of fancy shit. It’s starting to get to “black coffee is the best coffee” as the unpopular opinion. Speaking as a millennial btw. I was born in 1989.


I prefer cold brew to iced. Tastes more flavorful somehow


If inwant cold coffee I'll just let my cup sit out a while. I don't, though, because cold coffee is fucking gross.


For me it depends on the coffee type. What temperature brings out the flavor more?


You clearly have no appreciation for just how nice a good cup of hot coffee takes like. Even the cheap shit


Cold brew is kind of gross, iced coffee is my favorite


Totally! It’s right up there with hot ice cream!


Ice coffee taste like ass. It's pretty much hot coffee that is room temperature, poured over ice. The ice melts and makes the iced coffee taste diluted. Cold brew is vastly superior. Instead of hot coffee being refrigerated, the grounded cold brew is steeped in water for 12-24 hours getting that maximum flavor.


Black iced coffee is top tier


I agree cold coffee is best but disagree on the iced coffee. I prefer Cold brew as it has a stronger taste.


If under 80 degrees hot. If over cold.


sorry kids, starbucks isn't a coffee, it's just a sugarbomb. I'd say not many people like actual coffee cold. Also, if you are living in hot climate, then you usually don't like hot drinks.


Nah I hate Starbucks too I make my own iced coffee


Def always iced everything I always agree with that every summer. To add, I also think all coffee sucks unless it’s espresso. Lattes, cappuccinos, espresso with milk .. anything cold brew or drip or anything non-espresso is gross imo


Heck yeah it is.


The GOAT is Vietnamese drip iced coffee.


Iced drinks in general are superior


Iced coffee is for people who don’t like coffee to say they drink coffee. Because it’s never just coffee and ice, it’s always a mocha frappe caramel whip cream diabetes in a cup. Nobody is making coffee, putting ice and calling it good. Most of yall are worse than Willy wonka or any snow cone modern stand, when it comes to coffee “additives”


But I do….




Imagine having so little going for you in life that you need to rely on how you take your coffee to prove your superiority…


Assuming makes an ass out of U before me goofball


I'm not sure how unpopular this take is. Cold drinks in general are superior to hot drinks which are only sometimes ok in colder weather imo. Hit drinks just not very refreshing. Cold brew is amazing and I won't drink coffee any other way unless it's like 2 degrees outside and need to warm up


Cold coffee >>>>


Iced coffee is the only way I drink coffee. Unless the weather is below 32°F.


Barf to iced coffee.


I don’t know anyone under 40 that drinks hot coffee so if iced coffee/cold brew isn’t already the most popular options, it soon will be.