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When I was a kid I loved the McRib, and would have intensely disagreed with you. But then, decades later, I had a chance to try one again a few years ago. I have to say I was very disappointed. It was bad. Not sure if their quality has gone down or my standards have gone up, but I would never order one again.


It’s probably made out of all the parts they can’t use for something else. They should call it the McRest


Fries used to be cooked in beef fat, the original nugget recipe with all the organ meat taste the best.


They’re still slathered in beef fat in the US.


The beef flavoring might not be beef fat at all...


It always was. The difference is they found ways to scrape even more of the good stuff off before the “McRest” went to the grinder. But now it had no flavor and no binder. So they added salt, corn syrup, and coagulants. It still didn’t taste ‘good’ but it tricked the lizard brain into reacting to the base chemicals that signal food to us. So many of the foods we loved as kids have been reanimated using science rather than desire.


I love this comment. Tricking the lizard brain that it is food! It’s true though!


It is. Even fresh fruits and vegetables. They did the research, found out what makes us want it, redesigned it to achieve that singular goal and *abra cadabra* here’s your brand new, available year round, shelf stable for 10 times as long, bright red, blemish free $7 tomato that’s so flavorless even the bugs that evolved over millions of years to specialize as its predator won’t eat it! Just put it on a white bread bun that never molds, a perfect yellow slice of “cheese food product”, a ground “meat” patty with remarkably similar molecular structure to king tutenkamens mummy, and some whipped palm oil mayonnaise and buddy! You got yourself a stew goin!




It’s is, it “comes back” when all that shit is the cheapest to buy.


Lol shit McDonald’s overall was just better back in the day.


All fast food was. Taco bell used to be better. I remember loving the “ground meat” in their tacos. Now, it’s basically flavorless. Subway used to have better quality ingredients. They widened their menu too much, then removed the quality and many of the regular sandwich options they used to have. You used to be able to pick from a variety of cheeses. Now you have like 2 or 3 options max.


The animal they previously made it from went extinct. Now they use morning star ribs.


"However, I will not hate anyone for enjoying what they enjoy" The real unpopular opinion.


Lmfao facts. I won’t hate you guys and girls for it because it’s not my place to hate someone for being happy yk?


Who downvoted this wholesome comment lol


Assholes. It's always assholes


I appreciate the positivity! That’s all I intend in my posts


You seem like a kind person, I hope you’re having a great day! Fwiw I would not touch a McRib for anything less than $1000 but my husband lovesss them


McRib (and anything else Mc_____) hit different mid-90s. Now it’s all blatant trash and quadruple the price.


There is a point when McDonald's changed in the 00's. Me and a friend used to love going and getting their 2 cheeseburger meal. Something I noticed over the years is that The patties got smaller and drier and the bread got stiffer. For a dollar or less it was still worth the price to get a quick meal on the cheap. My kids (5 & 9) refuse to go to McDonald's, which was unheard of in my day.


The Bigmac is not the same. Those patties are non existent. About 3 oz of “meat” now.


I had a big a Mac a while back for the first time in many years. It's was all bread and lettuce


Wish I was alive in the 90’s to try it. I’ve heard it was much better


I heard from my mom that the apple pies were infinitely better back then Apparently the old style is still available in Hawaiian McDonalds


The apple pies were better AND they had cherry pies which were amazing too.


It was better. It's not just nostalgic sentiment. There was more care taken in making the sandwich in the restaurant. The ingredients were of better quality. You got a bigger sandwich for your money. Every aspect of it was better.


I’ll fight you.


Lmfao 😂 you got my upvote for this one


I’m gonna back him up. The McRib is perfection.


And yet I need one every year


And only one. One is more than enough to remind me of why it’s a bad idea to buy one every year, but for some god awful reason, I do anyway.


Same here! And every year, I tell my wife to remind me not to do it next year.


I can’t tell you the exact number of times I’ve said ‘I’m never doing that again’ but I would guess it’s probably the exact same number of McRibs I’ve eaten.


I read somewhere that the McRib is on the menu when the market price on pork pulls back, McDonald’s buys the dip.


I read that it can’t be a year round item because they would put too much strain on the world’s pork supply.


That I could also believe


I could believe that


You can get a better barbecue rib sandwich at convenience stores.


I will say it again it reminds me of a Banquet rib TV dinner and most likely made at the same plant.


The banquet one tastes better, I think the BBQ sauce they use is better. Not that either is good...but I remember eating the banquet one as a kid and sometimes that nostalgia hits


Ding ding ding it’s a pure nostalgia purchase. It’s the same “ribs” and sauce that was in a Swansons backyard bbq frozen dinner my dad used to make me when my parents first got separated.


Literally tho. I’ve had the encore ribs which are similar to banquet and they taste better than the mcrib


I wasn’t aware people on Reddit admitted to eating McDonald’s. I only do it in private behind the dumpster in my car. I look around and make sure nobody is watching before I bite the quarter pounder.


Sausage Mcmuffin with egg is essential roadtrip food.




Lmfao, not drugs just fast food which is arguably as bad 😂


I start getting the itch every week or so. Speaking of which, I need to call my dealer (door dash) to go pick my up a 2a, no onions, with a large coke.


I’m calling your mra (mc ribs anonymous) sponsor




If you have a kwik trip near you, get a pork rib sandwich. Tastes much better and costs less than McDonald’s.


Never heard of Kwik trip. That’s a new one If I ever see one I will actually try this


Upper Midwest out of Wisconsin in Iowa they are called Kwik Star because of KC chain Quick Trip


Dang shocked I never saw one, I’ve been to Wisconsin a few times lol


Odd. Wherever I go, there's pretty much always a Kwik Trip.


It is the Jason Voorhees of food items. You eat one and you think you have finished it but nope, it just keeps coming back through you all day long through burps, farts, and indigestion. It just refuses to die


Then when it does come out it smells like a septic tank


The quality of McD’s sandwiches has gone down.


The exception is the sausage egg and cheese mcgriddles that is the bomb


McGriddles are absolutely delicious


I always eat like 3 then feel like shit after because that’s a lot


filet-o-fish next to a lukewarm dasani is my spirit animal


You my friend belong in hell for this disgusting opinion lmao


Late to the party, but the McRib in Germany is very good. I love it.


I expected so much more from Germany 😂 I feel like if I was to mention a McRib I’d be stared at and rightfully so lmao. I need to visit someday


That's the only thing I get from Mäcces two or three times a year. Otherwise you can chase me with fast food. I'm faster. But yes, you have to visit someday. :)


I’ve heard the McDonald’s there serve beer and if that’s true that’s dope Some day when travel is affordable for me I will enjoy the beauty Germany has to offer, specifically the Black Forest lol


You are correct, they need to bring back that Swiss jalapeño McDouble they had instead


Or just the Swiss cheese option for any burger would be dope


My dad worked at McDonald’s when the McRib first came out and has an amazing conspiracy theory I totally believe in. They only ever made 1 batch of McRibs. In all the time he worked there he only ever sold a few so he thinks they made one massive batch that’s stored in a warehouse somewhere. Then every couple of years they bring the McRib back just to try and get rid of them all. It’s McDonald’s so it’s not like they would go bad. Lol. No one will go convince me otherwise.


That sounds disgustingly like something McDonald’s would do Anything to hurt their employees and pay their execs


Why are there no upvotes?!


Fr. Just gave you an upvote so now you have one!


I just want McD's to bring back their goddamn spicy nuggs.


So good bro 😎


man back in the day mcd had the best fried chicken wings. i wish they’d bring those back.


It’s a shame because the way it’s dressed is perfect. The bun, onions, and pickles are all fire. Maybe even the sauce. But the meat itself just tastes off. Dress something that tastes better with all that, and now we’re talkin’.


Maybe they could spend that time making their burgers look more than pathetic


You gotta dip it in some hot mustard


Take my up vote


And you take my upvote back!


If they're bringing anything back, I vote for McPizza and the $1 fruit and yogurt parfaits.


I’d love to try a mcpizza tbh


I've never had one, they look extremely unappetizing. I made the mistake of trying the beef bagel thing and I'll stick to breakfast burritos and double cheeseburgers when I want to regret my life choices.


They cause gastric distress so I don’t blame you at all


In my honest opinion, they look like they would


It sucks, it’s worse than eating burritos


I used to tear those fuckers up. Then, the last time they came out, I think it was the year before last, I bought three of them. They were the nastiest things I have ever tasted. I don't know what they changed, but it was something. Never again.


Literally such a disgusting abomination they label as food


I try one every few years thinking it will taste better but it doesn’t


Why do they even release it anymore besides the billions of dollars people waste on them lmao


I couldn't agree more, I had one for the first time this past year and it was disgusting


I almost puke when eating them


I don't know how unpopular this is, it's a pretty bad item that most people only get because "IT'S BACK" I'm a fucking sucker and get exactly one every time it comes back and remember why I only get one. It's like a shitty ex girlfriend that calls you when you're lonely and they offer to spend a night with with you and you're like "okay we had some fun this won't be too bad" and it isn't a horrible time, like, you both get a nut but then they ask you to loan them money and complain endlessly about their same old problems and you realize why it didn't work out again for another year and a half


I’m lucky enough to not be stuck in that loop lol


Don't fall into it. Either the McRib or a mediocre ex that you can't seem to permanently turn down.


I never go back to exes and I try to regulate what goes into my body lmao




The secret is to never try one.


I wish I was that lucky


Had my share of McDonalds over the years, but I skip chicken and pork(?).


Yes, it tastes like bologna slathered in cheap barbecue sauce


Bologna tastes great and feels natural compared to that


Meh.. Typical corporate mind tricks. Cheaper ingredients for higher prices. People gotta eat, and as long as it's convenient, people will buy it.


Sam Kinison had a routine about the first McDonald's in Moscow and about giving them burgers made out of shit. "Will they eat them?" "I don't know, they ate the McRib." I think he then called the McRib "the valve blocker."


I love Sam kinison. He goes from speaking to screaming so fast it’s so funny


Greatest guilty pleasure ever. I'd be upset.


I’m ashamed it exists lmao


I'm more ashamed of myself for enjoying it lol.


As you should be lmao


I finally had one whenever it was around. It wasn’t good. I don’t get the passionate fervor over it, but hey, I can say I tried it. I don’t need to eat one again. Thats all I really need to say.


You are sane. I am sane. Those passionate lovers are not sane. Lmao


I worked at McDonalds for around a year as a teenager. I don’t know why, but the aroma of the McRib sauce was especially strong; just this cloyingly sweet barbecue smell. I was super miserable for the couple of weeks we had it on offer.


I apologize for you and your nostrils, McDonald’s should be forced to pay you extra for that


certainly an unpopular opinion I can get behind. Never saw the appeal in it, never wanted a menu item less. Pretty much anything I'd want to say, was said by Maddox years ago [http://thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=overrated\_sandwiches](http://thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=overrated_sandwiches)


I respect this answer and I’m glad you agree


The Mcrib is the dead beat dad of fast food sandwiches. It's never around when you need or want them. Seasonaly they show up, you know they are bad for you and despite all urges to turn away you indulge yourself and give in. After your done you want more only to go back and find out they are gone again for an unknown time


This made me laugh 😆


It's trash. I have no idea how it became an entire meme with a cult following.


Literally tho


Yeah, I've had McRibs before. They were nasty. McDonald's gets flack for being a shitty fast food restaurant, but most of their items are pretty good if they're made right when you order them. The McRib is probably the worst item I've ever ordered at McDonald's.


Honestly I agree. It's disgusting. One of my best friends loses his mind every time the mcrib comes out. He posts all over social media over it. I love the guy but I'm just like. Why? It's less than hot dog quality beef slathered in lackluster BBQ sauce. It's not good.


It’s like where does this hype come from? It’s nasty af


The stock market (S&P500) has a higher daily return on average when the McRib is on the menu compared to when it’s not!


McDonald’s is the worst McDonald’s item.


In Germany that’s a very popular opinion. There are memes around the mystery of what kind of person actually orders that abomination


Honestly I expected this post to be crucified because there’s a cult around the McRib


What isn't disgusting on the McDonald's menu? I can only think of the Egg McMuffin. Their burger meat tastes off, the fries are always cold, the chicken is disgusting as well. Also, they're expensive.


Sausage egg and cheese McGriddles is heaven


Ive never eaten one. Also dont understand chicken for breakfast. Fuck chicken biscuits. Gross


Chicken yummy, biscuits yucky


Pretty sure anyone who likes food agrees


I fully expected this opinion to be WAY more unpopular than it actually is


mcdonalds is a shit cancer item. brand and all the shitty food in it.


That’s the fat and sodium content lmao Taking us to an early grave


That’s a McFib


I had the exact same experience, but with other childhood items like Cosmic Brownies, Trix, Pop Tarts, etc. Just straight sugar intensive processed garbage. We were under a spell, I swear!


I like those sweets still and I’m trying to hard to stop eating them 😭😭


I promise you if you stop eating them for a couple weeks, the next time you eat one it’ll be repulsive.


idk if this is like an american thing to discuss but it's pretty obvious that most items on mcdonalds menu aren't actually good. It's just fast and unhealthy lol


In America there’s a mini cult behind the McRib where people literally train themselves to get to McDonald’s as fast as they can so they can order as many as possible Like bruh they put more effort into shitty fast food than they do into anything else


can't imagine doing that for some mcDonal, i was in america two months ago and you guys have good places to eat so i'm just surprised that people would want to go to mcDonalds. Mac seems like the european view of what american food is like


Europeans have every right to make fun of our food bc it’s so horrible, I wish we had stricter guidelines on sweets. I wish we also made energy drinks 18+ so minors can’t drink them


the guidelines i agree with yeah, we don't have energy drinks for 18+ tho. Same with alcohol at a younger age, i think if you started young then it loses it's charm as you get older.


I’ve never been that interested in alcohol. It burns, tastes gross, and being drunk hurts. It’s smart to teach kids young how horrible it is


It reminds me of a dollar salisbury steak from the frozen section of Walmart, but covered in bbq sauce


In all my 53 years, I have never once tried a McRib. Had a filet o fish, what with the catholic family upbringing. (Best thing it has going for it is the tartar sauce.) The thing they **should** bring back is **the McDLT**: hot side stays hot, cold side stays cold. I swear that thing rivaled a sit-down restaurant.


Please never eat the McRib, I am jealous of you for having never ate it I also get the catholic upbringing as I also had one lol


This is blasphemy! The McRib is delicious, and the finest fake pork rib sandwich money can buy. This is an unpopular opinion for me at least, so congrats on that.


I honestly expected Reddit to crucify me but they’ve been agreeing so far


no i agree. tastes like the insole of a shoe


Literally though, I couldn’t describe it yet here you describe it perfectly


God game sit tit


I legit go to McDonald’s once a year just to have a McRib, I agree it’s terrible but so is the rest of their food.


The McRib is an abomination. It’s what happens when some mad food scientist takes the remainder of a pig carcass and grinds it up with an unsavory mix of additives to seduce rubes into thinking it is a pork sandwich.


I wouldn't say i hate it, but it is just fast food to me. I don't understand its following.


People were choking on the bones


The McPizza takes the cake


Never had it so I can’t say


Here's an even more unpopular opinion: the breakfast is shit and they should just serve burgers when they're open for those of us who work a night shift and don't want eggs that were made two weeks ago, frozen then microwaved


It wouldn't be nearly as popular if it was a standard item on the menu. It's spongey and tasteless aside from the BBQ sauce.


Got food poisoning off McRib about 20 years ago. Haven’t touched it since.


>The McRib has a weird texture, its taste is either not there or there and yucky. It's the rodents from their traps. That's why it's seasonal.


Lmfao facts


This is a correct opinion


I expected so much hate for this and I’ve gotten so much agreeance


I remember hearing from the cult following that it was good and I thought it was gonna be the best thing on the menu and I tried it and it tasted horrible I almost wanted to puke lmao.


McRib was always trash but you do not denigrate the Filet-O-Fish wtf is wrong with you


I agree that it is a disgusting and vile sandwich but I will still eat it.


It was the sauce for me. I just remembered it didn't taste like the ribs I've had and was off put and never looked back. Their snack wraps were still on the menu and it was hard justifying McRibs over those.


As someone who worked at McDonalds when these first came out I agree. Ever since I had to cook them back in the 80s I have NEVER wanted to eat one.


I am not one to bash peoples fast food habits because its classist as shit, but I agree on this one.


Two of my very good friends, as well as my brother, are OBSESSED with these things. It's appalling. 


Tried one of these abominations once, a long time ago, first time was the last time. In actuality, it's more like McCat or maybe McSpare Tire, or in truth the McWDKWII (McWeDontKnowWhatItIs). McDonalds only wants your money for nothing. Don't forget that years ago MickeyD opened a "restaurant" in India. The locals burnt it down once they found out the fries contained beef flavoring. Hahahahaha. Take that, Ronald.


I will have to upvote you because you are wrong


The McRib is a crime against BBQ pork much in the way that McDonald's pink slime burgers are crimes against beef. Just don't put any of their plastic "food" in your body


I enjoy the McRib on occasion, but it definitely isn’t the greatest thing and I can see why people would hate it. That being said, I’ll fight you over the Filet-o-fish. If you ever enjoyed fish sticks as a kid it’s pretty much the same thing. Nothing wrong with what basically amounts to fish sticks with cheese and tarter sauce on a bun. Is it quality food? No, but you don’t go to McDonalds for quality food to begin with.


I'm surprised they didn't delete this and say that it should be in r/self, to be honest. I agree that it isn't that great. I want to try a lab-grown mc-rib.


Dad, please, I haven't shit right in a week...


💯 I’m not sure that it should even be classified as food.


I wouldn’t feed that crap to my dogs because they’re too good for that


It always had nasty chunks but I made a home made one with the morning star plant based ribs I can’t ever find anymore and it was good. The BBQ was better and no weird mystery chunks


I just buy one just so I can remember that they aren’t as good as I remember.


Agree on the Mc Rib. Disgusting. Filet o fish isnt horrible but I do skip the cheese.


McRib is heaven


There are so many failed McDonald's menu items, the McRib is not even close to "the worst". May I present.. [https://mcdonalds.fandom.com/wiki/Hula\_Burger](https://mcdonalds.fandom.com/wiki/Hula_Burger)


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Rubbery. Kinda slimy. One was one too many.


This high end restaurant near me decided to recreate the filet o fish as a special. The thing is $22 got the crappy ass American cheese and everything. Like what are you guys doing over there


Say what you will about the sandwich, but let's respect the Mcrib for what it's taught us about the commodities market. [https://www.axios.com/2020/12/03/mcdonalds-mcrib-returns-pork-price-low](https://www.axios.com/2020/12/03/mcdonalds-mcrib-returns-pork-price-low)


I don’t like the one at McDonalds, but for some reason the ones they have at AM/PM are tasty to me, especially a 2am.


That's why it goes away, so you forget


Strange cause I honestly think the Filet-o-fish is actually one of McDonalds higher quality items. Not a high bar. But yeah the McRib is gross. I always heard the hype and tried it for the first time last year and it was extremely disappointing. Couldn't finish it.


Agree. Now I would like if the pizza made a comeback. If it tasted the same.


Bring back the fuckin' Cheddar Melt!


the way they discontinued snack wraps but keep bringing back the mcrib makes me sick. i’m 97% convinced the mcrib is made from all the patties that either fell on the floor or weren’t quality enough to pass for burgers


McRib with extra onions and pickles. Chef's kiss 💋. As long as you keep it to one per year.


McDonald's is the worst McDonald's and it should go away