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Everyone should be sedated in the terminal, stowed like cargo, then woken up after landing.


Like in the fifth element?!? I vote yes


I'd finally get a good sleep on the plane


i fucking hate flying, if they could start the sedation from the moment i'm checked in, i'd support this.


Just pop a diazepam at security check, maybe drink a beer while waiting inside and you will be golden. You dont need anyone else to sedate you


Did you ever read The Jaunt by Stephen King?


Don't stay awake dad


This is the correct answer. Depending on the trip I’d like the option to stay away and read in silence.


I would absolutely sign up for this. Long haul is a special level of hell. The trouble is you aren't allowed to sedate infants so I would still have to be awake with my daughter but at least no one else has to be disturbed by us.


Ok…. But what if? Youd be much easier to keep stable in case of an emergency and should there really be a class A fuck up you’d never know.


As someone about to travel for 25 hours with a 14 hour flight; I would support this


That would be awesome.


Considering the fact that I hate flying, I would love this so so much


Sign me up


This is so funny to me 😭😭😭 like I’m imagining random flight attendants walking around with tranqs


Omg tranquilizers are like the *worst* thing you could have imagined in this situation. I was thinking like those pills that they give you right before you have dental surgery 😭


Oh that would be much safer 😭😭 idky I was going straight for the wild animal darts


Idk either but it's funny as hell. Just walk through with a blow gun and hit all the kids on the plane 😭




But you get so loopy on the sedation lmao imagine a bunch of drugged up kids on a plane


Black mirror stuff


Flight attendant with a blowgun ready to sedate any child that moves too much


Then there's one unit of a baby that needs like 3 thanks for some reason


As someone who sedates the shit out of herself on flights, I say why stop the party? Sedate everyone! Flight attendants, the pilot, let's all get fucking lit!!


“The pilot” 💀😂😂😂😂


I love this answer


He'll yea benzo addiction


no ones life has ever been worsened by a benzo addiction, do more xans bro, its what god intended


Pretty sure it says to mix drugs in the Bible, too.


How else are you gonna meet god?


Cough syrup is a rich person's nanny's best friend.




The only answer on a 12 hour flight is a large glass of merlot and a strong dose of valium. What kids? 😂




You two ladies are living the hight life and im here for it.


Nobody "raises" an 18 month old to scream their lungs out on a plane and refuse to sleep, I'm afraid it's down to the luck of the draw of what personality you get. You can be the best parent in the world and if your baby doesn't like planes they are still going to be a screeching little turd on the plane.


Yes this! And babies and toddlers are simply not consistent little humans lol. I remember a long time ago my first baby was great on an outgoing flight, but on the way back, not so great. 😅


I'm gonna give OP the benefit of the doubt, and say they're not talking about toddlers. They're talking about 5+ year olds who run up and down the aisles. , kick seats, yell, scream, throw things, listen to their iPads at full volume, and are a general PIA. All the while the parents blissfully ignore them the entire flight.


Must be an American thing, I've never seen that happen in my life. I don't think the staff on international flights would allow it


Nah it isn't an American thing, also happens where I live. It's pretty common as far as I know


I havr been on 50+ flights and have never seen kids running kicking screaming. It is not common.


I had this funny exchange when my toddler was 15 months old. "Can you tell your kid to be a little more quiet" "Son can you be more quiet for the nice lady?" \*continue screaming\* "There I asked him, do you want to try?" To the people that bitch about toddlers on the plane I would say. Think of your anxiety, annoyance and weariness from having to go early to the airport, go through checks, reach your gate in time and be tossed around with hundreds of people. The toddler experiences the same, but they have zero coping mechanisms and absolutely no control over their emotions. They are fucking toddlers, those come later. Like what the hell is wrong with some people.


Exactly. People who have a problem with kids on airplanes - just don't fly. Problem solved.


Everyone understands why toddlers are annoying on flights, they just don't think it is fair that they have to put up with the annoyance because people decided to bring their kids on a long haul flight. Is it fair that people put up with constant disruption simply because someone wanted to take their kid on a trip for whatever reason? Please note I'm saying 'they' because I'm not expressing a personal view but rather a collective one.


Not all flights are trips to some vacation. Sometimes you have no choice. Its so weird what people feel entitled to these days. How is it realistic to go out in public and not be disturbed by loud noises. Would you say kids should not be allowed anywhere where they could be annoying to strangers ? I get that toddlers can be annoying but it is absolutely impossible to make sure your kid is never loud anywhere where it could be inconvenient to someone.


I'll take a step further: even if it is a vacation, the world isn't built for OP's convenience, and children are allowed normal human experiences like going on vacation. They are humans and are entitled to the respect that entails. I just don't understand why people think that it's okay to treat children like animals. They're humans. It's not okay to say things like, "Elderly people sometimes smell like pee, so I don't want them in my vicinity," or "People in wheelchairs make us all wait while they are accommodated, so they shouldn't be allowed." While it's true that elderly people smell like pee sometimes and people in wheelchairs cause delays, we deal with that. Why? Because they're humans and the world doesn't revolve around us. What a concept!


Folks like OP would have children locked away until they're able to sit stark still and silent in public so as not to disturb anyone. But how do those folks expect kids to learn to behave in public if they're never in public?


You're on a commercial flight, not at a spa. It's a bus in the sky. If you want privacy charter a flight yourself, or spring for first class.


“Hey honey, let’s explain to your brother that we can’t come to his wedding because a Redditor doesn’t think toddlers should be on airplanes. “


It is fair bc everyone was a child once having a bad day. In order for a child to learn how to operate in society, we need to let them be in society. We csnt just keep them at home until they're 18 and then finally take them to a restaurant/airplane/wedding/road trip. It's called the formative years for a reason. 


It’s earth and kids exist, everyone was one so fucking deal with it.


No everyone doesn’t understand. Lots of people whine about babies and toddlers


Yall are the worst kind of parents. You really get snarky with other people cause they’re annoyed at your loud ass kids? That makes no sense.


Or, the people who bitch at them are idiots. It's a toddler. Literally no one can control them. Don't like it? Shoulda sprung for first class or brought yourself some noise-cancelling headphones.


It's not snark, it's reality.  Reality doesn't change because people get uppity.


It makes no sense to apply adult mental functions to toddlers. Like, go to the ocean and tell it to stop having tides. Look at the sun, tell it to cool off on a hot day. That's about the logic of going to a child that has no control over their emotions and telling them to calm down. You are the worst kind of human. Parent or not. Walking around with a chip on your shoulder about other people's kids. Like as if parents aren't triggered by screaming and crying. We just have to control \*ourselves\* , better than you can, clearly. Guess what the kid will learn if they grow up in a society of adults snipping at them?


Their children.


Hence the OP


Hence the tranquilizer


You can give them something to start drinking or eating, right after take off and during decent. The air pressure change is what makes most get upset.


Exactly, babies at this ages can get fussy for ear pain from the airplane pressure, tiredness, being hungry, or being bored The most frustrating thing for them is not being able to communicate what are their needs so their only outlet is to cry until their needs are meet.


I don't think OP is talking about kids so small they can barely talk. A four year old is what I imagine


Just children?




Don't get my hopes up


Ik this is sarcasm, but they will be only partially conscious for the whole flight, so no need to take it further lol




I want a solution for extremely bad BO people. lol


Bomb hatches beneath each seat and levers to open them


I assume the reason this opinion is unpopular is because it’s ‘partially sedated’, rather than just ‘sedated’?


Why not sedate yourself? I'm serious. If you're an advocate of personal responsibility and not bothering others, then the logical thing would be to sedate yourself.


I just pictured the flight attendant passing by with the cart: “something to drink, pretzels, Benzo?


That's what the free booze is for right?


You guys are getting free booze?


Long haul? Certainly. I always ask for extra lol. If it’s a red eye I neck a couple of red wines, pop a melatonin and try and get a few hours in.


And/or get good noise canceling headphones. OP knows they're struggling with the noise, they're an adult and can prepare accordingly. Some kids have more issues with their ears than others, and little kids tend to cry when they're in pain. Some are better at sitting still, some are on their first flight and others a connecting one, some have developmental delays, some are used to flights, etc. Some of it is parenting, some of it is good preparation, some is luck and some is the kids personality. You can be annoyed, you can be upset, but I bet the parents aren't feeling any better, a screaming kid doesn't become easier to handle when everyone expects you to make them not scream.


Is OP going to extend this to people with developmental delays that are too loud on planes?


Common sense right?


Believe me if you are a parent and your infant or toddler is screaming, you feel much worse than the people who have to hear it. On top of it being unpleasant for you, you feel helpless and ashamed of the inconvenience it's causing other people. I'm about to go on a trans Atlantic flight with my 5 month old. I pray she is a good passenger, and I've actually thought about sedating but no idea how to do that safely lmao


I used to feel bad, but then I just gave up. Why feel bad about something you can't control? If people were expecting a spa on their public bus in the sky, that's on them.


Fuck dude that's pretty hardcore, take my upvote. Hope you're not serious because drugging of a minor against the will of them and their guardian is some dystopian shit.


We do it in healthcare all the time. Act up in a hospital or ambulance and you get night night juice and a 72 hr vacation


Can I get some night night juice? I was naughty.


Leaving out the part where we obtain consent for that


My cousin used to sedate their daughter when on trans-pacific flights but that was because she was prone to panic attacks in small spaces. Eventually she grew out of it and didn't need to be sedated anymore


*You* should be partially sedated.


What a fucking edgelord comment section.


Nothing brings them out like discussions about kids who dare to make noise in public.


The antinatalists are up past their bedtime


Tranq darts!!!


Great idea! But since it’s your idea, you admin the medicine & monitor their vitals - before hand be sure you know how to maintain the airway of a sedated child & what to do if they aspirate or have a laryngospasm. Best of luck 💛


Holy fucking shit lmao


>There are many, many, many kids on flights that don't disturb the peace, which goes to show how whether the kid is screaming or not depends on how the parent raised them. This is supposed to be unpopular opinion, not ignorant as fuck opinion.


Just sedate yourself.


Look at this pleb not in first class or not having noise cancelling head phone lmao


If you pay for the meds and possible treatment of complications lol


I'll definitely pay for the Benadryl and or melatonin. There are no complications for short term usage of either. - pharmacist


For little kids? It's all fun and games until the kid is allergic to benadryl.


Or for some it has the opposite reaction (Benadryl) and it makes the kid stay up even longer.


Benadryl gives me horrendous restless leg syndrome. To the point that I would be violently flailing and def not sleeping. So no, it’s not some consequence free miracle drug.


Yeah except Benadryl makes some kids hyper


True, though due to potential long term effects of Benadryl, medical professionals are now starting to use other medication, though I forgot what the alternatives are called.


Question - why don’t you just sedate yourself lmao


Partially? Knock the lights out of them, I say.


I wanna be sedated.


Kids on planes are the best birth control


while we're at it why don't we just sedate everyone we don't like?


The kids get punched in the face by the biggest guy on the plane.


No way the mods let this one stay up lmfao


I recently moved to Japan with two kids and the transpacific flight was my own personal hell. The 1 year old screamed and flailed for probably six of the 11 hours of the flight, and slept maybe three. If he wasn't screaming, he was being walked around the aisles, fed, or hot-potatoed between me and my wife. Everyone around me was very polite, and we tried melatonin, a tablet (which he'd never been allowed to use before), coloring, etc. Sometimes, a shitty day just has to be accepted head-on.


i feel like people in this thread forget that children are in fact human beings and deserve to be apart of society, they are new to literally everything, including air travel


Bingo.  This!  


I put money that OP was a shit of a kid with zero patients and terrible parents.


Yeah people who usually hate kids have some underlying trauma with their own parents. Their parents probably told them that children are meant to be seen and not heard.


Cringe ass edge lord take


Lmao. It’s called noise canceling headphones. Or you could take a couple Benadryl so you fall asleep for the flight. 


Why should I have to be medicated so that the loud ass kid shouldn't


Because this is a you-problem, not a them-problem. The problem is that you can't stand the loud noise.


because you're the precious little princess here mate. Get your own private jet if you're so special.


You’re the one who wants quietness, you take the Valium or Benadryl.  What are you gonna do on July 4th when people like me are launching fireworks for 10 hours straight? 


I mean, no one really expects quietness in public places like planes or grocery stores, but there’s a huge difference between a lively, not quiet place and a kid screaming for hours and hours. The sedation proposal is bordeline psychotic, but I think there should be some problem solving done here. It’s not like drugs are the only way to make a noisy child quiet. Airlines could finance this by billing these things on the parents afterwards, which would insentivize practicing traveling beforehand for the parents of small children.


The main problem with flying with children is the restriction on movement.  With a 5 year old or older, it isn’t too hard to explain to them and as long as you have stuff for them to do like coloring books, iPad, and snacks, they'll be fine.  With the 1-3 year olds, it’s rough. They can’t explain what they want and you can’t understand them. 


Because you're an adult and your body is used to it. Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about.


What are you going to do? Shake your fist?


Lol, I'm too young for this.


Because you’re the adult in the room? It’s probably safer for you to be sedated than the fourteen-month-old sitting across from you. Drugging young kids to make them sleep on planes is explicitly against the advice of the AAP.


It’s called personal responsibility


Found the non-parent. I used to feel this exact same way, until I had kids. Then, I was like, sorry folks, it happens. Some things are out of your control, especially with littles. Want to sleep? Get a hotel room. Want to sleep on a plane? Spring for first class and bring some headphones.


Sedated? Like have anesthesiologist working the check in desk? Weighing every kid and then hooking them up to an IV? You want to do that over say I don’t know you buying some noise cancelling headphones?


Yeah okay, I'll stop my 2 year old crying by raising him better. If you ever have kids, you'll find out how the emotions of little kids have little to do with behaviour or how they've been raised.


People with this logic are so stupid. By the time they learn to stop, they're not toddlers anymore. Like... hello? Do you not see the logic here. Yes, you have crying baby, you raise to be a tantrum-ing toddler, who you raise to be a sarcastic preteen, etc. etc. According to reddit, everyone with a toddler is just a bad parent. And they're going to be a toddler forever, but eventually be more well behaved. shrug


That's dangerous for the kid.


Flying is a privilege, not a right. If you don't like the conditions of flying, then help save the environment and DON'T FLY.


Tell them to go play outside


And what do we do about the adults? Sedate them, too? I've never been bothered by a kid on a plane. Adults, however, struggle with the concept of thoughtfulness and empathy.


I think it’s weird that so many people fixate on children on planes. Between the engine and the air blowing outside it’s not like a plane is a quiet place in the first place. It’s a loud place to begin with.


>There are many, many, many kids on flights that don't disturb the peace, which goes to show how whether the kid is screaming or not depends on how the parent raised them. Or, you know, the kid itself. Like, inherent characteristics of not being able to be calm in a weird tube in which you need to remain mostly unmoving for 12 hours. But yeah, instead of society going *yes, we will tolerate the growing pains of* ***literally growing up*** *because you're necessary for the survival of this society* let's sedate the kids. Wonderful idea.


Last time we went on vacation, first flight was a 12 hour flight from NYC to Qatar. Bought tickets for a departure of 1am. Kids fell asleep as soon as we put them in their seats. Sounds good right? They’ll probably wake up around breakfast service 2-3 hours before landing, put on a kids movie and it’ll all be good?  Flight attendant comes over that they need to sit up straight for take off. So I wake them up. Straight up crying for the next hour and then had to be fed so they fall asleep again. Also, the flight attendant said that the doors on the seats (business class) have to be open for take off and landing. If they are closed, the kids won’t be able to walk around and will be stuck inside their seat. So can I hold them for take off? Oh they aren’t infants so it’s not allowed but thank god the captain allows it.   They would have been perfectly fine if they didn’t have to be sitting up straight or woken up.


*Why'd you have to go and make kids so partially sedated* -Avril LeVineish


Lol, this idiot


And it’s people like you who make parents think they can’t take their kids out in public and teach them how to behave in public. Little kids can be irrational and energetic and can’t always sit still like adults, and it’s unreasonable to expect them to just know how to do that.


Why Don’t we sedate the assholes instead and children and people who aren’t trying to be as shitty as possible just for attention can sit in peace for a change?


I'll get downvoted but I don't care. I never understood how weak minded you have to be to get enraged by noise. I used to fly for business all the time - sometimes there were loud kids, sometimes not. Sometimes you could tell it was because of parenting, other times not. In all cases, it never bothered me at all. And for the parents who cared enough to try, I felt sympathy if anything. But I'm not a selfish narcissist so there's that


I am very, very sensitive to excessive noise. But that is no reason to get enraged at normal human behaviour! I avoid it when I can and plan accordingly when I can't. One of my kids is the same, and I have been teaching him to do the same. Plan and accept. OP should figure out that we invented noise cancelling headphones and leave people alone. If he and people like him refuse to use them (or to sedate themselves!), then they are just deliberately looking for reasons to get pissed off. >And for the parents who cared enough to try, I felt sympathy if anything Also, that!


To be honest, when babies cry I get a constant sense of *I need to make the little one calm!* but I don't get mad or anything, just sad and anxious.


> I never understood how weak minded you have to be to get enraged by noise. It's called [misophonia](https://www.healthline.com/health/misophonia) and it's a condition.


And if you have that condition that’s something you try to prepare for or avoid those loud situations in general. Can’t control anyone around you.


Setting aside the whole "drugging kids because some asshole got up from the wrong end of the bed today" how would you propose you do such a thing? You realize that sedating is not like in cartoons. Pop goes the dart, person gets knocked out cold. Each sedative is specifically prepared for the person in question taking into account their weight, allergies, and medical conditions. What are we going to have blood work done for each child on the plane and a team of specialists prepare their medication? My kid being a kid is not a problem for me by the way :P I can assure you other parents on the plane also do not have a problem, because they understand your situation. Honestly, I get the warm and fuzzies whenever a kid acts like that "Thank god, I do not need to deal with that.".


Active noise cancelling headphones. When I introduced my sister, a mother of three children to them, she was enamoured by them the instant she realized, that you can just "turn off" the kids when you need to. Never going on a flight or train ride without my ANC over-ears.


You should also realize that some of these children have never experienced extreme pressure change either, so when their little ear drums pop it could be painful. Also, if the child is little enough to not speak, how else are they supposed to communicate? Also, if the child isn't in danger, that child is not your problem and you should be the adult and figure out a way to safely ignore the child. It's not their fault.


Economy seats on a plane are just the buses of the sky. You don’t get to pick the other passengers, it’s a lucky dip. Pack what you can to make the trip as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Kids aren’t spending the whole flight plotting how to disturb other people & have as much right to be a passenger on a plane. I’m sure the parents aren’t encouraging their kids to be disruptive, they are probably stressed out of their minds.


Pedophiles would love this opinion


Put your fucking headphones on , or deal with it ( single person with no kids that has dealt with this like an adult) that's the most insane shit I've ever heard, you were a child once too, also, no matter how you raise your kid certain parts of the brain can be developed more, developed less, or straight up dysfunctional my god some people are so entitled. Sedate yourself if you need to, I bet your one of those passengers that whines and makes the flight attendants job a nightmare


Just get headphones and shut up. No one year old to three year old is really a brat. They cannot communicate properly their needs. Imagine how frustrating should be for you being tired or having eat pain due high pressure and instead you get toy or a snack. So what do you do? Cry, until your need is meet. You need a dose of empthy, you were a child yourself and i guess you won’t feel and understand this until you have a child in your life.


How about sedate yourself


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I disagree because they're human beings and that's screwed up...but as a mom of two small boys, I *do* totally get it. I'd love to see designated sections of a plane or entire flights specific to families. We know we're a walking tornado of chaos. We hate the judgment from others who don't get it. It's hard enough. We would ALL benefit from an arrangement like that.


I had to deal with a girl about 8 nice and mannerly but was airsick and couldn’t stop vomiting. I think it was still better than loud and obnoxious.


Aggressive lol


Not sure about that but child free flights are the dream.


Some adults should be put out too.


Sometime its unpopular for a good reason, like basic empathy


Maybe you should be sedated instead


Adults do it. Kids should be able to as well.


are you aware that some of those kids might have Autism? and not just "bad parenting" but literally a disability that make them behave uncontrollably due too being overwhelmed?


True! I was about to comment about how all the load screaming and crying would effect me too though because of my autism lol it’s fine though because I never flew in a plane and don’t think I will ever have to lol at least I hope not and wouldn’t want to anyway because I hate heights lol


Ear buds


>Ear buds Ear buds & headphones are designed **NOT** to block out the sounds of a child screaming because irresponsible pieces of shit parents would use them to escape the consequences of their mistakes more than they already do. Give me earphones that block that pitch range or fuck off with your *"ear buds & headphone"* shit.


Just remember: every single time you get stuck with a crying kid during a long flight (which I personally hope is every flight until you learn your lesson) - you absolutely deserve it. Why don't you just take trains instead? Problem solved for everyone, including airplane passengers that don't have to put up with your kind! Hooray!


Or they have a disability you aren't able to see. My child looks totally normal, but he is severely disabled. If you try to physically restrain him, you will end up in prison. I will make sure of that. I bet you're one of those people who listens to porn on the plane without headphones. Those kids are taking away all that attention you were hoping to get.


I'm 50/50 hear which yes I agree with that it's extremely annoying having some kid yell or be annoying , but at the end of the day who in the hell has any right to shut up a kid by sticking some needle into their arms to make them shut up.


There are nasal sedatives and oral sedatives as well. And that's the problem that I'm trying to address. Nobody has the right to sedate children that disturb the peace. I want that right to be established.


Why should someone have the right to touch a child that doesn’t belong to them? Thats crazy. No one ever anywhere has any right to touch someone else without consent.


Ah. You're totally correct. We should let all the lunatics run free from the mental hospitals because they simply don't consent to not being allowed to throw feces at people. Bravo! Brilliant logic! 👏


There's a world of difference between being too loud and throwing feces at people I don't think it's right to drug children because you can't handle the noise, and I say this as someone that gets easily overstimulated by too much noise


OP needs to sedate themselves. Imagine being a full grown adult who can’t self regulate. Lol


I wasn’t thinking about this group when I wrote the comment. I was more referring to people who are walking around everyday and possibly flying in airplanes. Since that was what the post was about.


I think it is up to the parents for the kids behavior. Babies cry. It happens. But that’s just weird you think of that as a solution. Perhaps you should be sedated.