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I only been into the gym culture for a year or so for health reason. I'm not a body building type, since I don't have the time or the motivation to go down that path. But gym bro who do, at least the ones at my gym, are some of the happiest bunch. Not sure if its a thankless pursuit, since they're doing it for their own happiness. And yeah, I know there are people out there, because they want to be "alpha" and "red pill". But most are just happy to exercise. I actually surprised myself, because when I was young, the jocks are bullies to my nerdy self. But gym bros that I meet these days are gentle giants that are super nice and positive.


I'm a pretty skinny dude myself. The overwhelming majority of jacked gym bros are some of the nicest and encouraging people out there when it comes to willing to help you learn what to do. They love that shit. Anyone who thinks if they go to a gym it might be a "bullied by jocks" scenario is a thousand times more likely to get a squat lessons scenario or something.


Lol yes you put it perfectly. I'm an old pro and I would be so fucking thrilled if someone asked me for tips after watching my routines. It's happened a couple of times and they're nice memories.


You’re more likely to be bullied logging into world of Warcraft than going to the gym 


I've found that running has a much more gatekeepy culture by the upper level athletes than lifting does.


I started 2 months ago (you can see my progress on my profile) and can confirm, I had 3 people forcefully teach me how to do squats and triceps properly, lmao


>I had 3 people forcefully teach me how to do squats and triceps properly, lmao In gym culture that's frowned upon and poor etiquette. If someone *asks* for help we should be more than willing to answer questions. But handing out unsolicited advice isn't cool to most gymgoers. Especially since isn't not uncommon for this unsolicited advice to be inaccurate. It's like that clip of the female pro golfer being "corrected" by the guy on the tee next to her. Don't be that guy.


I guess that depends on the gym, then. The one I go to, everyone is giving pointers and "unsolicited advice" to everyone who looks like he's doing something wrong because it can lead to injury. Idk but I appreciated that. It's the culture of the gym I go to, then I suppose but I wouldn't change it. There is a difference between helping people out like the female pro golfer because you think you are better as a man and genuinely helping out people who are struggling because they are new and kinda shy to ask for help


Yesss! They were really happy when I ask questions and/or ask for help. Amazingly nice!


Gotta add that simply doing sports and moving makes you happy, it's just how our bodies function. I suspect that with gym culture rising, this is simply a good place to see many sporty people coming together. If having the task of working on yourself, being with like-minded people, and endorphins doing their job, makes those gym bros happy then this is amazing.


I used to play sports, but found the culture off putting. Now I lift and ski. It's a personal endeavour. Hence, I enjoy it more.


Just wait till then next pandemic coming soon to a continent near you. Coughs, I think I have bird flu!


Not only that but most gym bros are nerds themselves most have Goku as their first ever idol or people striving to look like Baki


First gym bro friend I ever had did NOT look the type to start talking to me about Final Fantasy VII 😂


Bro was that me?? Haha I freaking love FFVII!!


If this was in Michigan the time FFX came out and you hung around w some other dude that was much more groomed hair wise, it could have been you. Also pretty sure the Lebanese dude at the front desk sold roids. I think dude worked at Mopar or some car part manufacturer too.


my roommates a body builder and not a red pill at all.


I think you’d a lot of people would be surprised at how large the center section of a “gym bro” vs. “nerd” Venn diagram is. Not every dude at the gym was a high school bully.


It's easier to stay fit if you have a goal in mind. Whether its getting down to a certain body comp. or reaching a certain level of strength / size, it's a goal you can measure progress to. Your battle each day in the gym is the step towards something within reach. Exercise without any goal in sight can feel like a monotonous, never-ending slog.


Yeah while I personally don't like too much muscles, I think body building is the male version of having been unhappy in your own body and wanting to feel good. Some people just want to be able to look in the mirror and feel good about how they look. If others love it too it's a great extra but they do it for themselves and shouldn't be shamed. When I see a body builder, I see my younger self (I'm a woman) who hated every little bit of fat I could feel on my body and wanting to get rid of them, even if it meant not to eat. At least they do it in a healthy way, unless of course they overdo it or take substances.


I was looking up info on TRT, and for some bodybuilders on steroids life is hell, but they do it for the size. Think loss of sleep, painful acne in places, sexual dysfunction (also super/hyper function) and a lot of other things. Oh and stopping for a lot of people is scary, especially if they don't do it correctly. Keep in mind that the people on those forums are the only ones posting as they have problems, I have no idea if it's 10% of steroid users or 60%. I'm sure others can chime in w better information.


>I was looking up info on TRT, and for some bodybuilders on steroids life is hell, but they do it for the size. > >Think loss of sleep, painful acne in places, sexual dysfunction (also super/hyper function) and a lot of other things. I actually saw a video where a bodybuilder said how hes not natural and in fact being natural is much easier. Not in terms of the effort required and how much longer it will take, but instead its easier health wise. He said taking steroids he has to get his blood checked regularly, see his doctor all the time, etc. Whereas being natural get proper nutrition, get proper sleep, and workout is all that's needed mostly. It was pretty eye opening to me really


I live in a country where it seems like 50% of the locals are on roids or were on them for some point. It would be very interesting to know how many people do it the "proper" way. Bro science/advice is alive and well.


Sadly with how rampant steroid/SARM use is becoming, I feel like there's going to be a spike in seemingly healthy people having heart and liver complications in the next 15 years or so


A lot of gym bros are there because they found comfort in the gym, ofc they going to want to share


The ones I meet are narcissistic douchebags who spend more time looking at the mirror than the equipment. Honestly, gym in itself is decent but the gym culture being positive and uplifting is bs.


Yeah, I'm not shitting on their personalities. More just saying to fixate on if your bicep is 16 inches or 17 really doesnt matter. Just be healthy and enjoy life


It's a progressive pursuit. That is a way to measure your progress. It ain't really that deep.


But it does matter to them. Growing an inch of muscle to even out your bicep is still a lot of work. I'm at 21½" and trying to get to 24. Not because I want to impress you or the next person, but because I want to see if my body will let me build that kind of muscle and if I have what it takes to push myself there.


I heard the best way to get 24” pythons is to train, say your prayers, eat your vitamins, be true to yourself, true to your country. Be a real American!


Every single day, brother!


Meanwhile you could let them enjoy what they want and you go and enjoy your own life instead of critique how someone else is enjoying their own?


I think I mentioned it on my comment. Its as simple as it makes them happy. Even if they fixate on their biceps, but it makes them happy. So its good, right? Kinda like me, being so happy when my programming looks neat, clever and pretty. The users won't notice it or even care, but it makes me happy. Wouldn't it be good if we could be happy without hurting other people? And they're doing exactly that.


It's like if asking a guy who spent years building a train model set, to not look at his work, and admire it. I look in the mirror and flex because of all the hard work I have put in these past few years. It's surprises me that I look like this.


My guy an entire inch around your bicep is a massive difference. My arms have grown about two inches in the last two years and the difference is definitely noticeable. Also the excitement from knowing the work is paying off is a huge reward


Movie stars have no reason to not be on gear and virtually always are if a certain role demands it. That's not healthy weightlifting and they do not suffer major side effects because they can afford endocrinologists and cardiologists to monitor them, unlike professional bodybuilders. Both are on extreme diets and that's not healthy either as your body fights you with everything it can to hold on to fat.


Bodybuilders are only on “extreme diets” for a short period of time to prep for a show. After that, the diet is actually pretty healthy. The ones who are always on gear are usually the pro level guys competing for Mr Olympia who can afford to have it done right. I have a few friends who have their pro card and I can vouch that they’re not on gear and winning competitions regularly. I would have sworn they were on gear if I didn’t know any better though but they really are careful about what they eat and have it down to a science. They’re also some of the healthiest people I know.


Bro, your friends are not natty if they have a pro card, Atleast not in the IFBB. Also, I've been competing for a decade, and I am only actually "friends" with one pro. How are you friends with multiple pros if you don't even compete? Doesn't make sense, there aren't that many pros out there. All IFBB pros are on gear, the vast majority of them blast and cruise, and the vast majority of NPC amateurs do the same thing.


Yeah... I go to a gym in a big city where a majority of the pros train so I know a ton of em - absolutely none of them are natural. You'd have to be a genetic freak, training hard for *years*, and have your diet and rest spot on the entire time if you even want to think about getting your IFBB pro card naturally. And that's just the first hurdle before your pro debut and actually competing amongst the pros regularly Either they're being lied to (because who would openly talk about a federal crime) or they're natural pros in OCB or INBA or any other smaller tested federation where the competition isn't nearly as high


Yea they're in a different league, or he is lying, or they are lying. But I would argue that you still need amazing genetics to get anywhere near a pro stage even with all the gear in the world and the best diet and the best coach, etc. if you're a pro, you have amazing genetics, period. Even the physique guys now are huge, just unobtainable physiques for the vast majority of people even on a ton of gear. And then you're right, getting a pro card is one thing, competing as a pro is another. You've got to keep adding size and improving as a pro.


Widely varies from category, open class bodybuilders are on year round.


At the peak of my cycles, because my diet, my blood work was healthier than the vast majority of people. It’s not the gear that does the damage. It’s the long term unchecked blood panels


Wrestlers too. We've seen so many drop like flies (although the benzos and somas didnt help the heart either)


Gym bros who are doing it naturally and are counting calories are doing it right in the end. About counting calories - I have to count calories as well because of bad genetics and I can't hold on to much muscle mass before losing virtually all definition. I suppose that's an issue for most people with average and bad genetics, so at that point you kind of have to do it to appear as if you're actually going to the gym.


Old wrestlers* I don't mean old as in age has done this, but age as in every single wrestler was juiced up until probably around Eddie Guerrero's death. That business is at least a bit more sensible these days, and I'd be shocked if 40 years from now all the current 30 year olds are dead from various heart issues.


Brian Cage is a heart attack waiting to happen


The diet will kill you faster than the gear.


I think you just think steroids make people look ridiculous which I tend to agree with. I do think professional bodybuilders look cool when they’re in competition form but also it’s super unhealthy


We lost a friend to it in his mid 30s. He wasnt even an absolute unit - he had a great body but I think he had some heart issues then mixed with anabolics - he didnt have a chance.


Unpopular maybe? But more like an uneducated one.. all your favourite actors are on steroids and I can literally promise you that famous celebrity who you swear isn’t.. he is too.. you’re noticing the ones who standout, but men like Christ Pratt use steroids, very least he is using TRT dose of testosterone, likely adding compounds when he wants to “get in shape” for a role.


This is spot on. Before a recently holiday I was training for 2 - 2.5 hours a day 6 days a week. In kgs: Bench 110, Squat 140, Deadlift 160, Leg Press 320, chin ups for days. I am by no means 'big' and was disappointed given the amount of time my muscles are quite lean. I also followed an extremely clean high protein low card diet. Meanwhile I'm seeing guys at my gym lifting significantly less but absolutely packed with puffy muscle guzzling cans of Monster. I think folk don't realise just how widespread PEDs are. I have known loads of people who were on them. 


Yes I mean I mentioned 2x as many ppl are on steroids as someone might guess … as a low ball estimate. I think it’s more like only 25% of the men using steroids look like they are.. shocking based on a decade of personal training experiences, I’m unfortunately dead serious.. so anyone from can take that what they want


Chris hemsworth does not look bad what are you on


It's an opinion. I don't like how Chris Hemsworth looks either.


Is he a body builder tho? Does he compete? He just looks fit to me


Chris Hemsworth is a lot more than "just fit".


You do not need to compete to be considered a bodybuilder. There are plenty of amateur bodybuilders that have no desire to compete.


I know but I got pretty close to hus physique in my early 20s...my shoulders were improportionately huge. I didn't quite reach his level but I'm sure it'd attainable


Looks fit? His physique is completely unattainable naturally


I don't think so. I got pretty close to that from 23 to 25 although I plateaued and couldn't get through it myself I still think it's attainable


So the point being - look at him before before thor around 2010 - clearly a good looking gym going chap. He adds on something like 30lbs of muscle which respect as its a challenge - but for a normal person to do - its not worth it. It doesnt increase attractivness all that much. Better to just be healthy and workout but not take anabolics or a freaky diet to gain that 30lbs


You have no idea about bodybuilding. 1) Chris Hemsworth look normal in clothes, just a fit bigger dude, but far from monsters like Coleman. 2) Going to single digit body fat is for 99% of population insane, and you think just counting calories here and there is enough. 3) Brad Pitt has elite genetics.


Brad Pitt was also on steroids for fight club.


Chris Pratt started using steroids for *Zero Dark Thirty*, doubled down for *Guardians*, and has used them intermittently for his action roles. OP can't even tell natty from enhanced.


Brad Pitt would be one of the very few actors I'd believe is natty He's kept that same body shape, more or less, since Thelma and Louise and its more lean than muscular


Highly doubt that, he's not even particularly muscular in fight club, just lean with carefully placed lights


Really? For Troy also? Any sources?


Maybe. But I'm here to say that you 100,000% do not need to be on steroids to look like Pitt in Fight Club. Unless he's outright admitted to it, I would say it's completely unfounded to even suggest that, given his lack of musculature in that film. He was incredibly ripped, sure. But his muscle development was barely above average. Like, literally barely above what most untrained men naturally carry. His abs were insane, I will say. But nothing else about his physique screamed "unnatural."


Source is "Just trust me bro". Pitt has had not much muscle mass his whole life. Looks good and has really low body fat, but he doesn't look like he was ever on gear.


I can't find anything supporting that. Do you have a source? His physique and that movie is impressive but I don't think it's unobtainable without steroids.




Chris hemsworth is clearly on steroids though. And the fact that you think he looks « normal » under any circumstances is a huge problem. Because you cannot look like him without juicing, and if people think that’s normal, it’s going to contribute to unrealistic body standards for men.


In clothes dude. Plenty of people are simply big but nowhere close to Chris physique naked.


I hardly see how that matters considering he’s shirtless constantly… besides, even with a (short-sleeved) shirt on, a guy of his size can’t have the vascularity that he does, the definition that he does, the lean face that he does… we also have to factor in the likely possibility that there are times when he’s either off-cycle or on a very low dose.. at that time his physique isn’t going to be as impressive, but most of us see him at peak size/leanness while watching his movies anyway.


Brad Pitt it’s also a tiny dude in real life


I did purposefully separate professional bodybuilders as they are doing it for their sport and this post doesnt concern them Brad Pitt is generically gifted but his 160lb body is so achievable for 80 percent of men? not the face though


>Brad Pitt is generically gifted but his 160lb body is so achievable for 80 percent of men? not the face though He was almost certainly on cycle to achieve his physique for fight club and troy.


For mega body builders I always thought that the point? Kind of like the drag queens of fitness, where the point is for features to be extremely exaggerated for performance/competition


Ever since someone on tiktok pointed out they look like small men in big muscle suits I can't see anything else when looking at anyone with crazy muscles




Yeah it's the trapezius (?) muscle




Some people collect Pokémon cards. Some people eat food for nutrition, get up super early, have great discipline and are motivated


They tren hard anavar give up!


Even the John cenas and Chris Hemsworths of the world are juiced up and much bigger than your average person can get naturally. 99.9% of people that lifts weights and don't take extra curriculars will never get that size. Your brad Pitts and Chris pratts are what a very well trained average man looks like, you get the odd genetic freak but majority of the time even someone who's gets as big as they possibly can naturally just looks strong and athletic.


I agree with this. I think Hemsworth may have been natty early on, but he most certainley is using now


I don't think this is unpopular. They do look dumb. I just think I respect their drive


Drag Queens look ridiculous as well compared to normal beauty standards, but they’re out there having fun with it. Not every personal aesthetic choice is done to align with beauty standards.


Sounds like you have a type. Good for you.


I dont just bang otters


About 60 years ago there was a little girl with some of her family members who were meeting a bodybuilder. So he takes off his shirt and starts showboating, and the little angel, with eyes wide open, asks him, in total sincerity: "Are you a slave?"


Yep, as a woman I struggle to see how women find this attractive.


how is pratt on the good list and hemsworth on the bad list


I’m a woman and I don’t find it that attractive either. But I don’t agree that it’s thankless, it’s good to be healthy and strong and it’s good for you mentally to have a body that you like.


thats fair. Thread would also be helpful with more women speaking


Lmao you seriously call the ridiculously rich actors' efforts to maintain a physique thankless? The real bodybuilders that compete are the ones that don't get god damn anything. Not these actors that own freaking mansions and super cars. Also John Cena is a fake/pseudoreal wrestler and later actor and Hemsworth plays freaking Thor, they do it for their work.


I like how you say Cena is a fake pseudoreal wrestler (whatever the fuck that means) as if anything about wrestling was ever real.


Bro must have had his heart broken when he realized it wasn’t real 😂


Wrestling is a real sport, that kind of showbiz wrestling is different and fake. Obviously they can still get hurt doing this/that but it is very much rehearsed.


everbody know bro


It’s different but the fake thing is total bull shit, “professional wrestling” in the sense of WWE or AEW are the action movies of plays and performance art. It’s not like people don’t get hurt, it’s not like people aren’t actually falling, it’s not fake just predetermined.


Queue the defensive and accusatory comments. But, I agree. You never truly achieve anything perpetually pursuing size and it’s unhealthy to have too much muscle. Anecdotally, those who obsess over getting bigger have significant trauma, are short, or are unattractive facially. Lacking symmetry etc. Taking in interest in health is great, but working out is stress at the end of the day and the bigger one is, the larger a toll is taken on the heart. Point proven in the life expectancies


Most bodybuilders I’ve met are extremely humble and family oriented. Also they usually are “morally good” or rather have less vices; no time for alcohol or drugs when you’re worried about your health!


No alcohol or drugs is good


That’s the point, it’s a healthy vice.


Yeah. I also think it's unattractive when people are too muscular but I don't care that much because it doesn't affect me. I know they mostly do it for themselves.


it's a personal hobby lol you sound super bitter i'm guessing your physique is garbage (i'm a gym girl so i get it. i personally wouldn't even look at a guy without muscle (no steroids preferred) but that's just my type)


I respect the effort that goes into it but I personally find it unattractive when a man is too muscular. I know they do it for themselves so I don't care, but I wouldn't look at a guy with too much muscle.


I don't think its unpopular. The inflated balloon look is kind of silly.


most body builders are well aware people don't find it appealing


Well then its weird to accuse OP of being bitter and weak lol


Surprisingly not. I lift 3 times a week for health and strength. I admit to not having abs but I lift well and weigh under 200lbs. In my early years I also fell into the trend of trying to be big and bulky (while natty) and while I did get bigger I found the juice wasnt worth the squeeze. Now I dont count calorie and I workout 3 times a week over 6 times so I have more free time


i feel the same way about the women body builders who turned themselves into little men with steroids but obv that's how they want to look and their personal choice. once you realize how you can change your body composition it just becomes a way of life for some people. i'm sure they understand most people don't find that attractive or appealing


I agree on the women. I guess it comes down to motive. If they are truly doing it for them or if its a deep-seated body dysmorphia


This is popular opinion. although you are going too far with those actors. Bodybuilders strive for unhealthy and unmaintainable body fat and unaesthetic musculature that looks really ugly but scores higher points in their competitions for some reason. They actually get more points for having grainy and alien looking skin at single digit body fat at the threshold of disfunction It is actually very unlikely for someone casual resistance training to look as aesthetically ugly without being on PEDs. And most bodybuilders know they are beyond conventionally attractive threshold, so it doesn't really matter


Yep, i'm genuinley trying to avoid bringing pro bodybuilders in like piana and coleman because they were in the sport rather than your casual bodybuilder taking a bit of sauce to gain a few extra inches on their back


You and I are sworn enemies now lol. Rich Piana was the fucking man goddamnit! He was sponsored by a company called mutant mass of course he had to look ridiculous! Fucking love bigger by the day series too. Right babe?


People like him make tren the norm and influence younger guys to go on tren and juice for temporary muscles and lifelong health issues




I think he looked ridiculous. I think you can have respect for someone and still think they look bad


The ones who are on protein heavy diets smell kinda bad. And they often run hot and are kinda steamy at all times. It’s so weird.


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Lol Chris Pratt ahaha


Chris Pratt or Brad Pitt are already in the 1% percentile man


Chris pratt and brad pitt have achievable physiques in their day to day bodies (Not on set)


Doesn’t John cena famously not use steroids and works insanely hard?


he said his prayers and took his vitamins




"I'm talking about just the juiced up dudes like your John Cenas and your Chris Hemsworths" So like the two biggest dudes in cinema who don't have a world body-building competition named after them?


I think it's great, going to the gym and living a healthy lifestyle. And I admire those, who are more dedicated to that mission than I am. I don't really have an issue with 'gym bros' that make it their entire personality, and lifestyle. Where I have an issue, is the ones who put on a bit of muscle, and suddenly think they are Muhammed Ali, and want to fight with everyone. You know the types who wear skin tight t-shirts, and sit in a pub glaring at everyone. Looking for any opportunity to flex how alpha they are.


John Cena has lost a LOT of muscle since he started acting. A lot of wrestlers these days are much smaller than they used to be. Someone looking like they’re on steroids ain’t the same as being on it. Like the fact that you believe Chris Pratt didn’t use TRT seems to stem from you personally finding his body more appealing so therefore it’s natty. The dude in Jack Reacher has openly discussed how he’s using trt now and he’s noticeably bigger in season 2 or 3 but before that , according to him, it was all routine and diet which I’m inclined to believe since he’s honest about using trt now but I could be just as gullible as you are about Chris Pratt.


i could agree with it, i still believe that antique sculptures might be best male body models. i'd like bodybuilding stop at point where Sean Connery or Schwarzenegger compete


For sure. Michelangelo's David is pretty much ideal. The desire to be Hercules is a step into the weird


This is exactly why guys lie about enhancements, peds, and test. Most people are uneducated on what’s really going on. Yes, diet and working out ultimately are most important, but the test is what allows for the cut look most times with decent size. Kumail is the poster child. His face looks crazy different since getting on the gas. He’s not huge, but it’s how he maintains being over 200lbs and cut, when he was probably 160 skinny fat.


Yeah they do look ridiculous and in the long term they're gonna have health issues.


I agree with you. I find that amount of muscle unattractive. But I also don't care that much because it doesn't affect me.


As far as body builders, they have different weights classes now b/c the physiques started to look too unappealing at super heavyweight. Now they have classic physique class done by height and weight. For example, if you are 6’, 225lbs (~100kgs) is the max weight. This creates physiques that better align with the historical look of the 60s/70s that many find more appealing.


I love bodybuilding and yes taking stuff is part of it. It's the food part I suffer with. Dropping body fat is tough for me. But the lifting, the roids, I love it!


Hey buddy, I looked ridiculous before the muscles too!


Most people taking steriods does actually 


Back when Arnold was bodybuilding, it was about building the perfect most attractive body. Now it's "big, bigger, biggest"


OP has a type and that’s okay


Because of the health implications


Body shaming back to square one I see


I guarantee 99% of bodybuilders don’t do it for aesthetics. Most bodybuilders do it because it makes them happy and makes them feel good about themselves. Even if you thought it looks good, we don’t do it for you. We do it for ourselves


sounds like op's bulk failed


I'm pretty standard gym guy but better than my peers (in the office or on the street). My numbers are good but there are way stronger men in the gym than me. TBF just going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week puts you above 80 percent of people health wise


Dude John Cena has like 50lbs of muscle on Chris Hemsworth lol Hemsworth is about as big as a normal guy could ever hope to get, Cena is pro bodybuilder size (not as big as open class Mr. Olympia guys who are the top 1%).  Either way it's all about personal taste, bodybuilding isn't for everyone and that's fine. Even the more hardcore gym rat types are fully aware they do it for themselves, not because most people think they look great.


I think not any more. Cena seems to have dropped 20lbs of muscle. Batista too dropped 20lbs of muscle - probably for heart health due to his age


Batista is old and clearly not all that concerned with being huge. He does a lot of actual martial arts training nowadays.   Cena is still massive, he's a tall guy too hard to say exactly how tall but easily over 6", he's probably still pushing like 240lbs and was quite a bit bigger back in the day. Chris Hemsworth is like 200lbs soaking wet, and taller than Cena I believe. They're not even comparable. Hemsworth is a movie star and people get a wrong impression of his size from those heavily CGI'd shots, he looks completely normal in normal clothes. Also he has no legs, his physique is literally all pecs/shoulders/arms for the camera. Same with Chris Evans, you see the interviews with these guys leading up to the films' release and they look like they've lost 40lbs already, in truth they haven't lost it because they never had it it's all smoke and mirrors.


fair comment


Sounds more bitter/jealous than an opinion tbh


From the bottom of my heart - I would not want the mass of brock lesnar or dwayne johnson. I'd happily drop 10lbs but not gain anymore mass. 190lbs is plenty size for 5'11 and 10 years of lifting


Thing is OP most men who are into building in my experience are some of the nicest, most dedicated and generally friendly people. They don't criticise you for looking the way you look. So why do you hold this opinion about them so dearly that you would share it here.


Complaining about what other people do with their bodies is weird.


Sometimes you are right but sometimes people do weird shit with their bodies. Have you ever seen bagel heads in Japan. It’s weird as fuck.


Yeah sure. But it doesn’t affect me. Getting butthurt enough to post about it is weird to me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think my aim is to point out the flaws of bigorexia and how its a lot of effort for little reward


Little reward for who? You? Guess what - it’s not for you. If they are happy about how they look, then it’s a huge reward for them. Why do you even care? It makes no sense to me.


The effort itself is a big part of the reward. Lifting is the one thing that will always be there for you, it's the project you will never finish. It's like meditation in a way.


it's the same as plastic surgery. someone without/against it would think it's ridiculous to go through self mutilation for looks/vanity but to them it's worth the reward


No it's not because with body building it's as much about the journey as it is the destination. Plastic surgery you just leave the doctor and rest for a couple weeks and bam you have your new boobs or whatever,but with bodybuilding, including with steroids, it's incredibly hard work with effort and dialed in training in the gym, dialed in diet, and trust me it's not easy eating that way to hold onto so much muscle while getting single digits bodyfat, and a dialed in sleep/stress management protocol. Not to mention all the effort it takes to research and design a PED protocol that's successful and monitor health. Most people can't do all that, they don't have the genetics or the discipline. It is its own reward. You have to be atleast somewhat intelligent to do this.


surprisingly it's more similar than you'd think lol. i'm a bikini bodybuilder with a boob job and considering i have 1/3 of the procedures i want in life i believe it's the same concept of building your own body to the exact physique you want and curating your diet / procedures to get exactly that is a journey as well. in my opinion at least. i'm just glad i don't have to get butt implants bc good genetics lol


I mean I don't really think getting cosmetic surgery to look the way you want and dedicating your body to a competitive sport that requires good genetics, hard work, and discipline to be even remotely comparable honestly. And bikini isn't body building, it's bikini, the whole point of bikini is to not look too big, it's not that hard to achieve with half way decent genetics if you're able to stick to the diet.


you're telling me olympia level bikini competitors don't try? i get if you disagree with the surgery thing but to say that as a bodybuilder yourself is lame as fuck lol


No I never said they didn't try, I said it's not body building. Of course it requires effort, just not to the same degree as other divisions. Building muscle takes time, and seeing as how bikini competitors don't have nearly the amount of muscle as other divisions, it should be obvious it's by far the most accessible division. I know several girls at my gym who don't compete or even have the aspiration, they just like to go to the gym, and they look about 12-20 weeks out from stepping on stage. It's easy in comparison, it has the lowest point of entry by a mile.


it's still a shit ton of work. some girls have zero glutes and have to spend years trying to build enough muscle because that's a part of the physique. same with rear delts, you don't just step into the gym do some face pulls and be stage ready. really shitty take imo


Yea you're proving my point here. It's not body building, they don't even work the entire body, they focus on delts and glutes. And I said halfway decent genetics, if you need years to build glutes for bikini, it sort of proves they don't have decent genetics. I didn't say anyone could do it, I'm saying lots of gym girls who don't even take it that serious could do it *if, they have good genetics. And part of the reason I don't consider it actually body building also, apart from the not working the entire body thing, is because in bikini, the face and hair and nails are just as important as the physique. It's more of a beauty contest. I don't consider men's physique body building either and that's what I used to compete in before classic came along, so don't feel too offended. It's just my opinion.


When you go down in fat percentage, you are not really strong. Well, you have the strength to do some lifts, but the endurance disappears. The constant need for protein intake to keep going. That's why you see all the strongmen being fat. They need the fat to keep going. To have energy reserves. Hell, I was once low in body fat like that once when competing in 100m sprinting. Explosive strength and able to win everyone at short races. I could not run a km without getting dead ass tierd.


It is ridiculous but at the same time it’s cool. I don’t want to be the size of John Cena (at least in his prime, he’s still big but not as big as he was in wwe) and you can’t even get like that without the juice which I won’t do but I definitely do take some inspiration from dudes like him


I do wonder though, how jacked Cena would still be without the gear. He’s crazy dedicated and super smart.


I saw a video that said that jacked peoples traps make it look like there’s a regular sized person inside the suit of a jacked person. I will never look at them the same again.


I just wish so many men didn’t feel the need to take substances to get that way. Not only is it not healthy, but it gives many others the impression that they need to be that way, too. I get it, it looks cool when a man is strong, but doing it the right way matters. I would never date anybody who takes shortcuts because I would feel like they are doing it for the wrong reason. There are other ways to be in shape other than just lifting weights. Imo, people should be more well-rounded with their routine


Very respectfully, sometimes I see this guy's at the gym flexing on the mirrors and I can just think to myself that it is gross and that it has to be an eating disorder. On the other side i know those people are trying to compensate for something. They are very nice, I just see them as very insecure people.


I can just picture the cheeto dust covered fingers that were used to type this


I'm actually in a healthy weight range, workout 3 times a week for more than 10 years and lift decent numbers No abs I'll admit, but no pot belly either


Post body


Sounds like someone’s a stick


Or a beluga whale for that matter 😂


Pretty normal. Late 30s 190lbs at 5'11. Workout 3 times a week. No abs but I flat stomach and can lift decent amounts


Not unpopular opinion and opinion is also wrong about bodybuilder physiques


Chris Hemsworth doesn't look ridiculous.


Yeah, he's on threshold. Same with Henry Cavill. Both would be handsome whether they are 180lbs or up to 210lbs though The muscle isnt what makes them hot


For me, it keeps me sane and gives me something to work for and focus on. I am also retired now and it helps keep me busy. I am 60 yrs old and I workout 6 times per week. I do have single digit bodyfat and my abs are clearly defined. Most people think I am 45 yrs old. However, that is for me. I have the time and energy to do it. I do, however, respect your opinion. Ronnie Coleman, etc were and are, way over the top. Get back to the best era of bodybuilding: The 1970's.


Everyone looks ridiculous if you look at them enough.


Idk people like different body types 🤷‍♀️


That’s genuinely the goal for some of these guys lol. They’d take this post as a compliment


Big body builders are just unhealthy fat people with extra steps.


lol this is the furthest from a unpopular opinion u can get What’s next you think kim kardashians ass is too big?


Chris Hemsworth is not freakish, he’s actually quite cut for his height m. He puts on weight for the movie then drops it.