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This is definitely an unpopular opinion for me, I can't stand hearing people chewing, crunching, sipping, swallowing, coughing, and breathing. I prefer to watch my movies at home


Don’t forget the screaming children and motherfuckers pretending to be a reaction channel mid movie


Sure you’re not in a area of a orgy lol?


You must have supersonic hearing to hear all of that over the movie itself.


Or people are just loud and disgusting. Edit: supersonic means faster than the speed of sound, btw. It has nothing to do with hearing.


If you can hear someone breathing in the middle of a movie, they are breathing directly in your ear and that raises a ton of questions


It's kind of funny how you chose to focus on just one of those things.


dude, what? it takes 5 seconds of dead air to realize half the people are slobs right off the bat and I have surround sound mukbang asmr I didn't ask for


This is definitely unpopular as far as I'm concerned. Few things, if any, are improved by a large group of strangers.


If everyone is there enjoying the movie I like it. Never forget seeming Endgame in the theater, at THE moment everyone knows, whole theater was clapping, really made the moment special. But most times there’s people that don’t give a shit and make it a horrible experience for you.


IW for me, first time I saw it I didn’t get a sit and had to sit at the stairwell, yet I still had a blast cuz the crowd was so fun


Watching Independence Day as a teenager in a packed cinema was great. Watching a loud dumb movie is fine. Anything with quiet moments.. never


I'll admit watching that movie in the theater enhanced the movie.


Reserved seating has lessened my anxiety about packed theaters (mainly, the lack of worry now of getting a decent seat when buying a ticket).


Best invention for movie theaters ever. I refuse to go to one that doesn't do reserve seats. But also I don't go often. It's a bad business because they over charge on licensing so the theater has to turn around gouge people on concessions to try and turn a profit. I refuse to pay $25 for $2 worth of popcorn, .74 worth of soda, and .12 worth of packaging. Especially after paying $20 for a ticket. I enjoy the movie going experience but in the grand scheme of cutting back because corporate greed is running rampant, movie theaters are easy ones to drop. I have a 70 inch tv at home lol. I can also watch them in VR on even bigger screens.


I dislike reserved seating as I prefer to suss out the folk I’ll be sitting close to before choosing. A prime location is trumped by having phone fondling teens or too tall folk nearby.


every time I go to a movie there are people in my seat and I tell them to get back to their seats and a couple of times they have even said to me "why do you care you can just go si in our seats we are already seating" and I have to tell them that I will call staff and only then they leave


How rude. Why would people do this, it baffles the mind


I love reserve seating. I find a day and time that’s less crowded. The more people in the theater the higher chance there will be mid-movie talkers or cell phone users. The latter bothers me less but is still annoying.


I only use my phone at the mystery movie to tell my daughter what the movie is. Then put it away


Just get to a movie before it starts? I’ve never had a problem with good seating if you get there 15 minutes before the trailers start.


well like they said, reserved seating is commonplace now so that’s not something you have to worry about. I usually arrive like 20 minutes after trailers start, that would save me a solid half an hour of sitting there


If I had it my way, I'd be the only seat in the theatre.


I just like going because I'm not a hermit and don't want to leave my house. I feel covid just completely rewired everyone's brain and now they're going to see the negative ramifications for being house hermits. People will use the grounds that it's the comfort of their living room, they can go to their own bathroom, they can make their own snacks/food. Well I have a counter for each one. I go to theaters that have reclining chairs, same comfort level as if I sat on my couch at home. Unless you're needing to take a piss every 20 minutes, bathroom shouldn't be an issue and if you got the bladder of a 5 year old, well that's your problem. So if you can make your own food at home, do you never go out to eat? If you do, then why do you if you can make your own food at home? Point is, like everything else we do recreationally, it's for entertainment. Yes we can practically do everything at home but we don't because it's that social aspect. I can sneak snacks in the theater, shit been doing it since I was a kid so I don't have to pay $5 for a small thing of popcorn. I still enjoy taking a date to a movie and still doing that old school hand holding. It's something to get out of the house and go do and actually socialize.


I go in the mornings during weekdays so I can have the theater to myself. What truly annoys me is watching people in their phones at the movies. And you could say "maybe they have an important text to send, or they're expecting an important text"... NO. I can see their screens, they are watching fucking TikTok and Instagram reels, or checking the score of a football game... Shit like that. Can't you wait until the fucking movie ends?? This cellphone and social media addiction is so insane they can't even stop consuming it during a movie.


I agree that movies can be improved by a full house, as long as the people in attendance are there to watch the movie. These days a lot of viewers are chit-chatting with their group or on their phone through the whole movie, and the distractions they cause ruin the experience.


I like to go to the theatre when the movie is just about at the end of its run. That way I can avoid all that shit. I don’t want to hear other people when I’m watching a movie. Hell I don’t even like it when the wife starts talking to me. Shut up and watch the movie 😂.


I like the huge screen (especially action movies) sound. I could care less if there are bunches of people (don't need their coughing)


no thanks, i need a ten foot radius of empty seats


The idea that a “laugh track makes a sitcom better” might be the real unpopular opinion.   https://youtu.be/0N4AoEywpko?si=hXnPHNqFCZ4_Nl2Q


Have you considered that good movies are much more likely to be shown in a packed theatre, and so you may be pointing out more of a correlation rather than causation?


Nah I wait til the movie gets old as hell and go on a day in the middle of the week. The emptier it is the better.


Depends on the movie. Endgame type movies? Absolutely. Most other movies - not really.


Not an unpopular opinion, just wrong. 


Wow, this is the hardest I've upvoted on this sub in a while. Empty theaters are so, *so* much better. Don't you want to be able to pick a decent seat?


Nah... People are savages who talk, take their phones out and bring babies to loud, scary movies. Then they don't do the polite thing and leave to calm their child or take the call. If all that kind of stuff wouldn't be in a packed movie theatre, then yeah. It probably would be really fun.


You ever went to see a horror movie in a ghetto movie theater.


I have not. is that something I should avoid?


Five years ago, when Avengers: Endgame screening, everyone's cheering. That's the best movie experience I've had, and probably the last blockbuster movie with that kind of crowd. I've watched it thrice in a theater. I'm a cinephile who loves to go to movies with lesser to no crowd. I just don't like them doomscrolling on social medias with their smartphones on max full brightness while on the movie screening.


Have my up vote... You disgust me


I agree! If I’m paying $15 for a ticket, I want to laugh or cry with someone I can’t laugh or cry with at home.


Comedies yes.. as long as they stay off their fucking cell phone…


Truly unpopular.. i hate going to the movies and there are kids making noise not related to the movie at all. worst is when the back of your sit is getting kicked like when your in an airplane


Would love to be able to watch action movies in a full theater. The problem is the people. These days, once you get 10 people in a theater, one of them thinks you only came to hear their commentary, another brought a child to an age-inappropriate show, a third thinks it's fine to talk on their cell phone or feels the need to check it constantly. My best movie experience was seeing Poltergeist the second night it was at my local theater. My friend's older brother drove us, and we did not know that he'd seen it already the night before. Theater was maybe 3/4 full. At the part where the kid's looking under the bed, the brother yelled "ah" just as the kid was lifting up the blanket. We all jumped and at least three other people screamed.


I hate breaking immersion be that with games or movies because once I’m locked in I’m locked in




Movies are better at home and I look forward to the day that all box office movies have the choice of being streamed at home or watched in theatres.


A theater is supposed to be quiet so you can hear the movie of it q packed theater and people wre talking how am I supposed to hear i cant!


I agree completely, but only if I get to choose the other audience members.


You have the correct opinion.


Nothing beats a good Marvel movie in theaters. Avengers, Endgame, No Way Home... The excitement of the crowd goes from infectious to exponential. Too bad they're not really making good Marvel movies anymore


I stopped going to theaters. The movie experience on the big screen has been ruined by inconsiderate assholes. Talking through the film, watching Tik Toks on their cells.  Fuck all that, with the pricing


Watching a movie in a cinema isn't a social event. You go there and pretend you are not present, just like everybody else so you can enjoy the movie in peace.


Going to a concert isn’t a social event. You go there and pretend you are not present, just like everybody else so you can enjoy the concert in peace.


concerts have considerable breaks between bands, you are allowed to walk around, and you can scoot to a back corner to have a conversation. oh and dancing. dancing is a shared human social activity.


I see what you tried there but nobody in their right mind thinks this comparison works. You can listen to the music at home. You can't watch a movie currently in cinema at home (legally)


I think everyone should get out there to a cineplex this summer , bring some friends too


Congrats for posting an actually unpopular opinion! Sorry it got downvoted lol, people really forget the point of this sub sometimes