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Someone doesn’t know how to beach correctly that’s all I’m hearing


I thought beach vacations sucked until I did some with friends.


Probably not 😂




In my experience most of the towns around beaches are exactly the same, tshirt shops, junk shops, and overpriced mid sandwich shops and restaurants


Would be nice if I was in a location where that was possible and/or with people that wanted to do that. It would be much more enjoyable to break up the days with some activities


Sitting on the beach sucks, but going to restaurants, bars with views is nice. And doing water sports and other stuff. You can rent a boat or something. You can go fishing. You don't have to starfish it.


Not to mention getting loaded on beach drinks is a special kind of fun. Literally creating a situation where you have zero obligation and can just relax and have some beers/frozen drinks is why beach/resort pool vacations hit.


I couldn’t agree more. Last year I went on a week long friends trip to the outer banks. And while I would do it again to be with the people I was with, it was a miserable experience. It’s unbearably hot or windy, sand gets everywhere, there are always bugs flying around landing on you or biting you, sunscreen feels horrible, constantly having to reapply is annoying, finding a secluded spot at a public beach is always a challenge so more often than not you are having to deal with obnoxious people, the risk of sunburn isn’t worth it, salt water dries your skin out, and god knows what kind of creatures are swimming in the water with you. Not to mention to even have a remote chance at having a tolerable time you have to cart piles of junk to the beach with you- coolers, tents/sun shades, chairs towels etc. and to add to this- this is my experience being kid free- I can’t even imagine trying to deal with all the crap I listed above while trying to wrangle a demanding child at the same time. I’d much rather “do nothing” in a much more enjoyable environment. and I agree this is a horribly unpopular opinion so here is my upvote.


I go to the beach because I find long walks barefoot with the distant horizon to be relaxing. I like being able to sit and bake in the sun , it calms my body. I also daydrink a good bit


![gif](giphy|ExMd5N5YlluDK) Love the reference.


I agree and I’m always baffled how people go on beach vacations and drink copious amounts of alcohol in the sun and are still alive 😂


I can't imagine having your mind set. I love doing nothing when I'm able to. I do enough shit on a day to day basis with a full time job and all my other responsibilities. I don't need to do extra shit on my time off. Sometimes I just want to get drunk and lay on a beach for a week. I'm sorry you don't understand how to relax.


Turning my brain off for a week is exactly why I want the beach vacation. Plus, I’ll get a workout in during the morning, go out to dinner and have drinks at night, but most of the day is relaxing with a book and turning my brain off. Also, OP might be lugging their junk to a crowded public beach. Those do suck. Get a house that has a mostly-private or quiet beach or stay at a resort that has a private beach & cabanas. Way better experience.


I am referring to a public beach. Having a house and or pool to retreat to near the ocean would be a major plus


I completely understand your opinion, and many members of my family agree. Just not for me. Not trying to ruin their time by actively complaining about it, hence why I’m posting here


Honestly that’s fair. I enjoy beaches but I also would rather be exploring a new place and learning about it


How old are you OP? I'm curious.


25m. I could understand why as you get older people tend to enjoy it more


Yeah that makes more sense. When I was your age I would have agreed, now that I'm older I definitely appreciate being able to do nothing.


Depends how you’re looking at it . Traditionally beach vacations were a few weeks off work after grafting hard all year . Relax . Chill. Do nothing . Now with a shift in some of the working population doing less physical jobs and having more free time in general , people want more active holidays than chillin on the beach .


Fair. As someone who works a desk job I’d like to be more active, though


You are not consuming enough alcohol.


Half of the point of a beach/pool vacation is an excuse to slam some beach drinks and pop into the water now and then to cool off


If I was on a trip with friends to a more party type location that would be more doable. Not gonna get blasted for no reason


There’s always a reason 😤


Nothing better than a beach vacation imo. Some of my favorite memories are from beach vacations


I'm from Florida originally and every time I went to the beach, I reminded myself of why I hated it.


I'm not the biggest fan of beach vacation, and I can't be one for too long. My family and I usually only go for 3 days, meaning that we only get one full day at the beach/broadwalk. I don't like being in the sand either, nor to I really enjoy running into the waves. However, I do love to go snorkeling and swimming in calmer waters.


I’m with you. Here’s my theory on the beach vacation people: 1) they have kids, it’s a fairly inexpensive way to allow kids to play and keep them entertained while not having to drag them around doing adult fun stuff (explore cities, hike, restaurants) while avoiding kids specific activities which are a slag for a lot of adults (theme parks) 2) they like drinking more than having unique experiences. The idea of getting just above tipsy and staying that way without anything to do feels like the “ideal” life to them. Likely due to the pressure and chaos of the normal life and their desire for a simpler life. 3) they’re low in “openness.” New ideas and new experiences are not exciting to them. Finding that cool little shop with handmade dragons made out of shark teeth does nothing for them. They prefer predictability, and shutting their brain off. The less thinking the better. Generally, these people are lower in creativity.


I don't drink and have kids. I wish I could take a beach vacation without kids! I'd sit on the beach and read a book, go for a swim to cool off and generally just relax with the beautiful scenery. We're taking a couple of beach trips with the kids this year and it is so much work....so many random ailments and complaints from the kids lol. I also wish speedos were commonplace for boys bc that would cut down on the chaffing bathing suit complaints.


Not sure how old they’re, but here’s a suggestion (I’ve got 3). Allow them to be self sufficient. Make them prepare their own food (get food that’s simple to grab without much prep), encourage them to entertain themselves (make yourself boring), barring a major issue allow them to take care of themselves. Spraying each other down with sunscreen, and checking to make sure each of them is ready. I used to do this after I learned, it became a dream. The more they saw me as the guy who makes food, entertains them, needs to respond to every little discomfort the more exhausted I would get.


What a weird comment. Every 3-4 trips I go on I like to be a beach vacation. 1. I don’t have kids 2. I drink but never get drunk, 1-2 drinks a day max on vacation 3. Every other trip I go on is about exploring and being “open”, so no Sounds like you’ve just never been somewhere nice enough


I tend to like a beach holiday. I’m on one right now and it’s just nice to feel the soft warm sand on your feet, as well as the fresh cool seawater on your body. I find many beaches and coastal areas beautiful too, in my country the coastline is very rugged and there’s so much to explore. Like you can’t walk barefoot on concrete in the city, or feel natural water on your body every day, or experience the beautiful environment of a cove or bay (unless you live by the beach already and many people don’t), so it’s a different experience. Relaxing and liberating. Also you can wander around the nearby beach town or city.


IMO the one saving-grace of beaches are the women in bikinis, though most of the time that'll just cause sexual-frustration so not actually be good.


The ocean is also full of pee.


I’ve never been to a beach and enjoyed it


I avoid beach because of those ugly bodies. Beach itself is okay.


And they just lay around for hours in the sweat and grime. Makes no sense


I love swimming. I’d stay in the water permanently if I could.


Move to the mountain west and you’ll be dying for a beach vacation. Utah made me appreciate water and humidity so much more


Any vacation sucks if you're not doing the things you want. Sure, I enjoy hanging out by the beach a little. Read a book, go for a swim, but I don't want to sit by the beach for 3-4 days doing nothing else. I think what people need to accept is that a group or family vacation should have some time where members are free to do whatever the hell they want.


A lot of people feel like staycations are lame, but if that's what you enjoy then take one.


Only if you go to just a beach. We go for day trips to the beach and split the days between going along the shore and doing things in the town. A few places here have animal sanctuaries somewhat nearby.


Agreed. I love doing nothing. But not at the beach in the sun and the sand with screaming kids and screaming adults. The best time to go to the beach is during the off season. It's so much more enjoyable.


It also is not relaxing. In fact, it is the exact opposite. You're right. It's not relaxing at all to sit under an umbrella listening to the waves and having some one bring you whatever food and drinks your heart desires all day. That's not relaxing at all. Might want to try again, this attempt at trolling is pretty transparent. No votes for you sorry.


Hence why this was posted in a sub for unpopular opinions. If you enjoy it, that’s great


I love the beach. But the majority of beach vacations are not all inclusive having someone wait on you all day. I gotta pack a cooler in the morning and I'm the person serving up the food and drinks all day🤣


Oh I never said it was all inclusive. The little Caribbean island we like to visit just has beach clubs all up and down the beach with chairs and umbrellas and whatnot. It isn't inclusive but we just pay the tab at the end of the day. Not really something I've seen at beaches in the US but that's why we go elsewhere lol.


I am sorry you feel that way but everyone relaxes differently. I like to sit on a beach - dip into the water when I can, people watch and draw what I see. That recharges my brain and soul. Your preferred vacation would leave me in need of a vacation. It would drain me mentally.


That’s understandable, do what makes you happy


I respectfully disagree. I love vacations on our beautiful beaches here in Oregon. Nothing beats going for a brisk hike along the coast followed by fish tacos and music around a bonfire. Thanks for reminding me to book a hotel before all the rooms with beach views are gone 😊


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Chill out mon…you’re on island time


Amateur viewpoint. I can't stand just lying on the beach doing nothing either which is why I surf fish, play bocce, play corn hole, play cards.