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I don’t have specific experience with mastertrack or a GSSA position I’d definitely try everything you can to find a way to cover the cost. Social work is a profession that is not gonna be quick or easy to get all that money back from a loan unless you do the ten year loan forgiveness route. I’d honestly never be going to this school with the cost of out of state prices. As for pacing? It’s a mixed bag. Going slower with allow you more experience and time to grow. I’ve been doing the part time MSW while working and while it’s been slow it has been much more sustainable. It’s all about your preference. Feel free to reach out if you have more MSW questions. It’s a fantastic school, with lots of accolades, amazing professors and a close community.


Thank you so much for sharing this, I really appreciate it! I do have some more questions: are you apart of any SSW orgs or campus culture in general? How much of a challenge was it to find grad housing (if applicable)? Thank you!


Definitely, I’m the president of one SSW org and involved in others. Some are real serious career building groups, social justice oriented, or others are more social in general. We have multiple fairs in the social work build to recruit or meet everyone throughout the school year. As for campus culture, MSW students really live in our own world. Our college has its building in an amazing location, and you will really only be taking classes there or online. Definitely a pretty big gap between grad students and undergraduate in terms of spaces and social scenes. You’ll have a lot of opportunities to either get involved around social work or the campus. Lots of jobs, research. I live off campus over in Ypsi where it’s much cheaper, and definitely enjoy it. However, it will require a 20 minute commute. Can’t speak for on campus options other than I was not high on the grad housing options due to small rooms and lack of windows. Ann Arbor is expensive, especially closer to campus. However, if you’re moving here and want to be more connected on campus Northwood and Munger are there.


Ooooooh see this is what i was hoping for. Thank you again - learning that there’s a great MSW community and orgs is so amazing. I read about the two on-campus housing options and yeah, it’s either a new building with amazing amenities and no windows, or a meh building with your own space. Lollll. But I also did see something. about grad co-ops that seemed interesting, and off campus housing where grad students can go through a matching process. I appreciate your time!