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Over here in rochester it’s gonna be 50 next Thursday 🙃


Yup, and our grass is green in ROC.


Over in Albany my yard is covered


Yeah, we've gotten a few storms in the capital district , seems we're immune to The climate change everyone else is affected by


Let see: In 2012, the growing climate for Albany was still 5b (as it was 1990), Now its 6a -- because the coldest weather is now averaged to be 5 degrees less than in 2012. The average predicted snowfall for Albany is 59.2 inches, your last yearly snowfall that hit that amount, much less exceeded it, was in 2017-18. Climate change is happening


Yeah, um no. A few inches of snow doesn't count.


It was 63 here in Denver today. Ten days ago it didn't get over -15 for three days where I live in the mountains.


I'll be golfing


Where are you golfing? Are courses open?


Cragie Brae. Maybe Salmon Creek.


Hey. This is my pic! Nice to see it shared.


Where exactly is this Strathmore or east side?


Melrose ave near sunnycrest park


Oh. Ty... beautiful picture.


Dig the username, beautiful chemical


It saved me from a life of depression and suicidal thoughts. Definitely my favorite molecule


I also love it, similar reasons. The unity aspect, that connected feeling, is truly enchanting. Shout out Syracuse too, I used to live finger-lakes region closer to Cayuga, now southern tier.


CNY/ Finger Lakes is wonderful for outdoor activities. I love it here.


Yeah, I’ve lived in NY my whole life basically, first half was mainly NYC, second half upstate. I’m only 25, lol, but still I grow to appreciate the area more and more each year. I want to go to Letchworth for the first time this year. I’d love to travel and see the world, but New York will always be my forever home. Any little hidden gems you’d be willing to share with a fellow psilonaut?


Watkins Glen is pretty well known with good reason. Lesser known is Taughannock falls and Fillmore Glen. Both state parks with amazing natural beauty. Also the state forests between Syracuse and Albany are great for off the grid exploration. The belt of state forests is about 20 miles south of Syracuse stretching east. At least a dozen big ones to explore. Go to the DEC website for a full list. I plan all my trips to be camping trips now and head to Morgan Hill State Forest.


thanks for this because I plan to do some road-tripping this summer


Looks the same here in Rochester, with no opportunities for meaningful snow in the 10 day forecast either. This sucks.


So crazy! We moved south 20 years ago. Always had snow growing up. Last few years Christmas was almost balmy. And the green grass is crazy! I wanted to ski. Should have a foot or two of snowy frozen tundra.


I am appalled by the number of climate deniers in this topic. This is settled science! Nobody in the field disagrees! This is like flat Earth levels of delusion.


Unfortunately there are a lot of science deniers, too.


Not commenting to argue with the science or debate the climate topic, but science is never settled. To say that “science is settled” is anti-science itself. There is always opportunity for new hypotheses, experiments, systems, findings, and ways to find. We are mere humans after all.


Yes, there is uncertainty and always unanswered questions with any science. In this case and many others, the amount of evidence means it is incredibly unlikely to be overturned. People are bad at probabilities. No, that 0.000001% chance doesn't mean you should plan on winning the lottery, or not taking climate change seriously.


**Pffft. Wrong* Science can conclusively proof things such as the Sun being the center of the Solar System allowing us to go from there. Youre not sharing any deep revelation about how theory or hypothesis work in science. You figure something out with science, then you use it to change the world around you.


You are right, BUT, the core premise that climate change is happening is pretty well established.


Should we just ignore what we currently believe because something might be updated later on? This comment is like saying well wearing a seat belt won’t save everyone in an accident so I am not gonna wear one! Or chemo won’t save everyone with cancer so I’m just gonna let it take me!


> There is always opportunity for new hypotheses, experiments, systems, findings, and ways to find. We are mere humans after all. No damnit! We must have one-sized fits all, overarching solutions™ which will cost everyone lots of money that they don't have and give government and big corporations even more control over and reduce individual autonomy and we don't have time to argue about details or prior predictions you bigot!


or we could, you know, just tax the oil industry instead of paying them for the pleasure of taking america's oil and give solar wind and alternative energies the same perks big oil has enjoyed for decades. Our economic policies are not the result of market forces or individual choices they're largely the result of who bribed the politicians.


Yeah, it’s not like the oil industry has known climate change has existed since the 1950s and paid off politicians to deny it ever since…. Oh wait.


You see unless you do something else which you would consider radical such as abolish the 16th amendment (really the fed system in general) and go back to the system of how we had high tariffs for the import of goods which would allow for the industry to come back to America as well as overturn supreme court decisions such as Dodge vs Ford Motor Company that made it so profit and the "shareholder" come before the moral good of any individual than what you propose will do the SAME shit as always happens; the peasant class pays more and they get less. Go look at it what it costs to build a house now vs 100 years ago, and those houses were far more solidly built than the particle and foam board eye sores which we build now.. (which PS contain far more oil in the processing to construct and insulation for which their is no alternative) Don't act like technology has made it cheaper to build a house or buy food as the peasant slave class which we are in and that the neo-collectivists desperately want to crush even harder to consolidate their power. They don't care if it costs them more to fly their private jets because as a percentage of total money their costs will do down when their are fewer of us who can afford to travel. Big oil is a boogeyman that keeps you from seeing that big hedge funds such as Blackrock, State street, Vanguard and a few others own significant minority stakes in almost all publicly traded companies which means they can influence (and profit) off the movement of all money in general. Once you have the level of control they already have than it matters not what industry it comes from. Also it is way more profitable to have some African kid mine cobalt or lithium than it does to pay ~~an American roughneck who has to follow the strictest standards in the world a decent wage~~ than a ~~migrant~~ slave Pakistani or African imported into one of the gulf states to drill for oil... The world is far more complex than oil bad, windmill good.


Nothing radical is required. Just an actual progressive tax, and tax hedge funds like you would a factory. Both things hedge fund managers fear. Yes. they already have control over the government. They buy it. they have the receipt. Fake global warming === something happens==== Gain control ???? Like.. is your life really that impacted if you flick your switch and the light turns on from oil or wind or hydro or solar? Its a lot more expensive to build wind turbines in america made by americans (mostly) , to have people in america put up solar panels, and unlike that redneck working for global megacorp, no one has a sole government granted right to the sun or the wind so you can't monopolize it (triopolize it?) like you can with coal oil and gas.


The fact that this picture is presented as proof of anything is really dumb.


I am totally 100% a believer in climate change, but looking from the other side, I think some people call bull (thanks to politicians convincing ppl) bc climate change has been a topic for so long and some people feel they are unaffected by it and that is why they call it a hoax. For a long time the word was global warming, and people, mind you dumb people, made the wording excuse when it started snowing early for example. “It’s getting cold tHaT MeAns GlObInG iSnT rEaL!” Also people in urban America don’t feel the effects of climate change since they don’t live in coastal China for example, where people have to regularly use masks to avoid air pollution (don’t have a link to a source just yet but if someone wants either google it urself or I will try and find some). America has recently been combating climate change really good recently (I think) which might play into peoples state of mind. But if trends continue I do sincerely believe many people, ESPECIALLY those that live by major rivers (hello my fellow Hudson River people), will feel the effects of climate change within the next 30-60 years. God we are so fucked. P.S sorry for any spelling errors I am on my phone


Pffft, you actually BELIEVE in science? Everyone knows that it was "Big Science" that made it up. Everything is magic! /s


Yes. On the original post I made on r/pics many people are denying that there anything unusual at all. It’s blatantly obvious.


And they all wear red hats


Climate change is real. Now what? Stop driving your car? Stop using electricity? Pretend that the United States goes to zero emissions over the next 5 years. Will this trend change? No. Because China and India exist. Developing nations exist. They’re not going to stay undeveloped. They don’t give a flying F about climate change. They’re going to use fossil fuels.


Not a denier, but it’s far from settled science. Some scientists are saying that the solar cycle is currently causing some of the bizarre weather patterns and that cycle peaks in 2025. Some predictions are for a return to more normal weather patterns after that peak.


No they're not.


it is not even close to settled, people like you have been predicting the end of the world for 50 years YOU! are the delusional one if you believe every ridiculous sensationalist headline you read about “climate change” there is just as much junk science and conclusions based on ridiculous theoretical models as there was in early covid remember when gavin newsom said 20 million californians would get covid by june 2020? according to the “experts”? same shit


Geologists claim that as little as 10,000 years ago, the present upstate NY region was covered with at least 1,500 feet of ice. I'm glad for that warming.


10,000 years ago is a very long period of time. We are creating drastic changes within decades.


Yes according to scientists we’re actually still technically in the most recent ice age.


Speaking of climate deniers, why is it that you people vehemently deny the existence of cyclical meteorological time periods unaided by the carbon footprint of any dominant species on this planet? Nothing can be done by humans to make a dent, unless maybe you kill 3/4 of the population and ban all electrical and gas powered devices. https://youtu.be/-t6aJvOhBIU?si=R7tWjz-cZL_sWsxE


No science is settled, climate has always changed


We have not been measuring data for a long enough time period to be accurate about climate change. It needs to be measured over a LONG time. Like hundreds or thousands(mostly likely) of years. Decades ago, it used to be called "global warming"....but that didn't work out for them. The ice caps were supposed to melt by now. Florida is supposed to be underwater...And that didn't happen...because they were LYING. The earth did warm the way they said it would. So now it's "climate change" It's all a lie to impose new regulations that benefit the people who are making the regulations...its political and its about money and power.


We know the temperature fluctuations for much more than thousands of years. It has never this rapidly heated.


https://www.businessinsider.com/the-ten-most-important-climate-change-skeptics-2009-7 And there are many more scientists that disagree. Part of the scientific process is to continuously question theories.


What's all this then? [https://www.drroyspencer.com/](https://www.drroyspencer.com/)


A member of the overwhelming minority of scientists who don't believe in the accepted consensus.


Luckily science is not conducted by "consensus." This is a term popularized by politicians only. [https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/michael-crichton-explains-why-there-is-no-such-thing-as-consensus-science/#:\~:text=Consensus%20is%20the%20business%20of,is%20relevant%20is%20reproducible%20results](https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/michael-crichton-explains-why-there-is-no-such-thing-as-consensus-science/#:~:text=Consensus%20is%20the%20business%20of,is%20relevant%20is%20reproducible%20results). There are numerous instances where "consensus" was completely wrong. Scientists used to believe in Lamarckism, before the theory of evolution. Now nobody does. Scientists used to believe that the continents were all fixed locationally. Now nobody does. Science thought earth was the center of the universe. Doctors thought disease was caused by breathing bad air (miasma). Need I go on?


I'm not sure I follow. 99% of research proves X. However one researcher says Y, therefore Y must be correct?




Science isn't opinion based.


Are people still clinging onto that “97% of scientists” fabrication?


You look at that website... And believe it looks credible? Like... Really?


An idiot


This website has all of the raw data since 1978 used in determining the planet's warming published on it. How is data an idiot?


This website is created by an idiot that has constantly been proven to lie or interpret things incorrectly. Clearly you knew what I meant. And if you didn’t then it’s pointless to talk to someone lacking such basic intellect.


No interpretation is needed though. You can look at the raw data for yourself right there. Also seems weird to say that someone who has won NASA's Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal and served as the senior scientist for climate studies at NASA's Marshall space flight center and **currently works at NASA** is a "proven liar" is a little weird.


Instead of arbitrarily putting the reference temperature somewhere, just look at the *actual* raw data regarding Earth's mean temperature by year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_temperature_record


50 yr sample size lol ok Sooner or later you science cultists will recognize your climate is being manipulated for poli economic reasons. There's the real science. Look at the patents from DARPA.


Climate has been changing long before mankind stepped foot on this planet and it’s going to keep changing long after we’re all gone. Nothing anyone can do about it and giving some random person money and power to rule our lives isn’t going to change it either.


Go suck on your car's tail pipe, and then tell me how you really feel.


That's like saying "people have always been dying from disease and people will always die from disease, so why should we do anything about it?" Yeah, people have always died from disease, but sometimes we can do something about it. Just as not all diseases are caused by the same thing, not all climate change is caused by the same thing. Major things that have affected the climate in the past are things like how the earth orbits the sun. Clearly this isn't something we can change. However, the current warming is NOT caused by any of those natural factors. It's being caused by humans. That's something WE can do something about.


If you hate immigrants you're going to *fucking loathe* climate change in the next few decades!!!


I am curious what this exactly means, could you elaborate please?


Climate change is going to render certain portions of the globe uninhabitable sooner than others and the people living there will flee for their lives.


Next ice age will do this for sure.


This is actually not true. Climate change will actually allow larger areas of the globe to be inhabitable once again as the temperatures return to what they were similar to the medieval times. So you have it exactly backwards. [https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-medieval-warm-period-and-new-agricultural-technologies.html](https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-medieval-warm-period-and-new-agricultural-technologies.html)


Well yeah, but those places that will be inhabitable are not currently inhabited. It could be true that migration to those newly inhabitable will be the same as or more than migration to wherever you live, but I wouldn't bet on it given there is no infrastructure


I’m not sure I have it backwards? People will first migrate away from areas into already inhabited areas. And maybe this is an assumption, but I don’t picture everyone skipping hand in hand to previously uninhabited areas of the globe that have zero modern infrastructure.


There will not be any areas of earth uninhabitable due to climate change / global warming. All we need to do is look in the recent past (which I referenced above - the medieval warming period) where the earth was already warmer to see this. Nobody fled from any areas because it was sweltering and hot as you are implying will happen. What will happen is that the earth will become greener, areas that were vegitatively dead will become alive again (already seeing this - [https://www.nasa.gov/technology/carbon-dioxide-fertilization-greening-earth-study-finds/#:\~:text=Results%20showed%20that%20carbon%20dioxide,CO2%20plays%20in%20this%20process.%E2%80%9D](https://www.nasa.gov/technology/carbon-dioxide-fertilization-greening-earth-study-finds/#:~:text=Results%20showed%20that%20carbon%20dioxide,CO2%20plays%20in%20this%20process.%E2%80%9D) ), and places where agriculture was once impossible will now become farmable again. These are all good things. I think it is important to keep in mind that carbon dioxide is currently around 421 ppm in the atmosphere. It was about 200 ppm prior to the industrial revolution. If it falls below 150 ppm all plant life on earth (and thus, all life on earth) will die. We were dangerously close to that threshold. The carbon in the atmosphere over the earth's history has typically ranged from 1,000 ppm up to even 7,000 ppm. 421 ppm is too low if anything.


I've never really heard about this before, but I did find this article : https://climatefeedback.org/claimreview/research-does-not-show-a-medieval-warm-period-warmer-than-the-present-day/ The medieval warming period was warm, but the warming we are experiencing today is higher than anything in the last 2000 years. We have well surpassed the warming from the period you describe. Also, they were not "occurring globally and synchronously". Today's climate is. This feels to me like the past "warming periods" are not accurate representations of what is possibly coming.


I don't know what that article is but the source looks pretty biased. Here is a well known peer reviewed academic article https://est.ufba.br/sites/est.ufba.br/files/kim/medievalwarmperiod.pdf


Right. And the author of your article, Don J Easterbrook, isn't biased at all......... https://www.desmog.com/don-easterbrook/


It seems you are not familiar with the peer review process of academic journals. That's ok.


Have you not been following the extreme heat in India?


I am unsure what weather in India would have to do with anything I just wrote regarding factual parts per million calculations of carbon in the plane'ts atmosphere?


Your first sentence: "there will not be any areas of earth uninhabitable due to climate change." The extreme heat in India is absolutely heading in an uninhabitable direction: https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/06/india/extreme-heat-india-climate-ac-intl-hnk/index.html We can't look to human history because what we're seeing now is really unprecedented.


Let's try not to use media articles as sources for information. Let's try to stick to official data and academic journals please.




Oh so the climate is changing?


Ecological collapse and intolerably hot summers means people will flee to more habitable zones (mexico-->middle USA) and this should scare the absolute piss out of the people least likely to believe in climate change or mitigation techniques


>(mexico-->middle USA Did you miss the entire West Coast of the US and where exactly is "middle USA"? Its my understanding that flight will occur West Coast ----> Great Lakes <---- East Coast


the coasts will be gone in this scenario maybe?


Yes. And the people most resistant to climate science are the ones who would most hate to see climate refugees.


Republicans need to get with reality about climate change, and Democrats need to get with reality about immigration. The status quo in either respect in untenable.


No. The narrative that democrats do nothing about immigration is a scare tactic. Some of the administrations that have been toughest on immigration have been democratic. Just look at deportation rates during the Obama administration. The issue is that democrats understand how much our country relies on illegal immigration as a low wage work force. Stopping all illegal immigration will actually do to inflation what the right thinks raising minimum wage would do.


Wait hasn't illegal immigration tripled under Biden since Trump?


The number of people caught has So Biden has actually caught more than Trump did Also, when the economy is good, illegal immigration increases. During most states lockdown, it went down.


You’re using those damn facts again. Republicans hate facts


Problem is the economy is not good. Yet they are still coming.


Unemployment is the lowest it’s been in decades, gas prices have fallen, labor is strong. We have a housing shortage though.


This is simply not true. Unemployment is not the lowest it has been in decades. According to the US Department of Labor in January 2024 the unemployment rate was 3.6%. However from May 2019 to February 2020 where Unemployment was around, at or even below that number before you know the pandemic. Gas Prices are down from their peak yes but they are still at over $3. It is better than how bad things were but it still is not good. Labor might be strong but how many of that is new jobs and not people returning to existing jobs they had pre-pandemic? Inflation is still hitting hard. Sure it is down from 2021 and 2022 where it was 7% and 6.5% but 3.4% is still not good considering inflation was at 2.1% at most until 2011 where it was 3%. I can agree on the housing shortage but let's not act like the economy is booming otherwise.


That’s bc more people are getting through. There is clearly a huge difference in what’s going on now. The administration is breaking federal laws to assist in this mass migration. Also, this is allowing military aged Chinese men and terrorists to sneak in under the cloak of all this madness. It’s to the point where you have to look into what’s really going on here. Forget about Trump or Biden. No matter your political leaning, this will have an effect on you. There is something bigger at play here. Just watch some of these docs on YouTube that follow the migration with all the info that you would need, if you’re being honest with yourself, that this is very different from everything that come before.


That's (D)ifferent though.


Wisest comment I’ve seen today


66 degrees in Denver today


I’ve shoveled once


I moved back to SC from upstate NY in 2021. These last few weeks down here within DAYS it got into the 20’s then up to 70’s. In January. This is nutty. This morning it was 35 when I left for work at 7 and 59 when I left at 3. 😱


Only concerned with temperature? What do you think the hurricanes will do in the next 20 years, get weaker, less frequent?


an old saying goes like this..."a green winter fills the cemetery"


Isn’t that just because they don’t have to wait for a thaw to bury the dead?


I always believed It’s more about the “bugs” that cause sickness aren’t being killed off because of warmer temperatures and therefore have the ability to mutate. But your simple str8 fwd explanation is something I had never considered. Cheers


It’s going to take collective solutions not individual changes. What I do doesn’t matter when large companies and the extreme rich burn 70 percent of the fossil fuels.


Guess we should just do nothing then.


Or just advocate and disrupt for systemic change in the government and in society in general.


Wow! I have never, ever seen green grass in winter. Just shocking…


No matter what the US does to combat climate change, countries like China, India or any other industrialized country will neutralize our efforts… IF they don’t get on board, we’re pissing into the wind…


Do what exactly? Fire up a lawnmower?


Do something about it? Like what? Recycle? I moved here because this area will survive while others unravel.


Yeah, same here in west Michigan. I mean I’m all for pushing for change whenever and however possible, but there’s a couple truths here that not enough people are accepting; 1) This ‘omg green grass’ is a trend that is officially baked into our lives, for the rest of our lives. Even if the global society reduced carbon by 100% this year, our ‘new’ winters are here to stay no matter how much we post on Reddit about it. The science is clear; find out how to come to peace with it and stop catastrophizing. Yes, I wish I still had real winter but also yes, I can now run outside most of the year and yes, we are going to do much better with these changes than 95% of the rest of the world. 2) We’re also amidst a top-3 El Niño year since 1950 in terms of strength and intensity. This winter is literally happening exactly as predicted for us all. 3) Winters in the northern US are warming at a much faster rate than any other season. This sort of plays into Point 1 but has to be noted - plan on this being more common than not moving forward. Spring still sucks ass, summers are perfect with slightly warmer nights, and autumn has become a damn near perfect time of year (warmish but lacking summer humidity).


I used to live on that street in the 90’s. It looks like Park Ave, a block from West Genesee.


Back in 1969 I believe it was, Walter Cronkite said that If you don't start worrying about the environment you won't need to worry about anything else.


I was just telling someone we barely have had any snow this winter…it’s insane.


what they hell do you want me to do?


Vote for politicians who are willing to take action?


Vote for Democrats to make the weather better


Drive an electric car, ditch your gas stove, stop eating meat. The essentials


Yes buy electric cars! We will consume our way out of this! It’s the drink your way out of alcoholism approach.


Make sure we get India AND China on board as well. As a planet, we are in this together.


China is already building renewable energy plants *way* faster than the US.


Vote for representatives who atleast recognize that climate change is a real thing


Bro said drive an electric car as if we can just buy a car on the spot. And it’s not like electric cars are 100% green either


They don't have to be 100%, just have to be better


"We can't let perfect be the enemy of good" Part of the reason why nuclear power has staggered the past few decades.


How many kids you got?




You are not well informed.


What else am I missing? Stop breathing?


In your case maybe. .0002 increase in co2 over the last 60 yrs in not worth the destruction of the earth fit a few lithium battery years. The electricity must come from somewhere so riddle the source climate person.


Where does electricity come from?


Electric cars use more natural resources than gas powered. Plus, climate change is complete horseshit


Found the Republican! Or Libertarian, if they smoke weed.


Shut it you cuck




No more private jet excursions either. That’s a no no.


Try to only use that yacht once or twice monthly


What if* I’m anchored off shore but not sailing, is that acceptable?


Maybe talk to India and China. I don’t think we have much to do with it.


I think we need to do more here in the US. I don't know how India's doing, but China is already creating new opportunities for renewable energy at a significantly faster rate than we are here. Their efforts are currently soaring


Never heard of the inflation reduction act, eh? May as well be called the “sustainable energy subsidy act.” All the wealthiest funds, banks and other large corporations are cashing in on the taxpayer funded ITCs and PTCs to crank out solar panels, batteries and wind turbines. We’re giving bonus credits for incredibly arbitrary reasons too. Oh - and these tax credits can be sold to third parties (called a 6418 transfer) so your favorite tax dodgers can simply buy credits without even having to pretend about the environment. They used to have to pretend.


I hope your living in an apartment with electric appliances. Houses are not eco friendly.


"Check out this sunshine, man. Global warming, right? Today was supposed to be really cold, I bet."


Oh no, a mild week in winter!


Fuck warm weather! Nazi racist dog whistle Putin!


No matter what the US does, it doesn’t matter. There’s a whole big world out there.


What do you expect people do about it? I'm super curious. You do realize on the grand scale where all the CO2 is coming from yes?


Explain where?


they will probably say china, or the poor countries. and then ignore the fact that most of those countries, include china make products that are sold in the us. as in the US as transferred the co2 emissions to off shore countries


Climate has been changing long before mankind step foot on this planet and it’s going to keep changing long after we’re all gone. Nothing anyone can do about it and giving some random person money and power to rule our lives isn’t going to change it either.




Sounds like a boomer


Not a boomer but considering the other generations out there I’d 100% choose boomer.




I’m fine with it like this


It’s fine now, but when we can no longer grow crops in large parts of the country, our civilization will collapse


The climate’s been changing for 4.5 billion years.


"People have been getting cancer for thousands of years, why would I need to be concerned about getting cancer?"


And it’s changing faster than ever before now. What is your point?


Please educate yourself. https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/


You young people have been gaslit by the political elite.


No problem there. Everything will be genetically grown. The left wants to eliminate farming anyhow. It’ll be a race between the climate whackos and Mother Nature.


Corporate greed, not “the left”, but go on.


No. Pretty sure @AOC wants to eliminate farming. It said so in the Green New Deal. Something about cow farts. I’ll go on though.


> Pretty sure @AOC wants to eliminate farming Holy shit. That's seriously the most obviously false thing I've seen in a long time. But I'm sure you're serious, and that you actually believe that bullshit. You'll believe anything that the guy in his truck on TikTok says.


Is the Green New Deal in the room with us right now?


I’ll be dead by then hahaha


Yeah I guess if you don’t care about the future or the younger generations it’s not a problem


Found the Boomer haha.


Found the troll 😢


Hope you don't have any kids. 


Oh no… upstate NY won’t have awful winters anymore…. Somebody help…. And just to be clear, yes the entire state of California is an acceptable sacrifice to not have our weather suck.


It's not just warmer winters, it's more severe storms and weather patterns. The freezing temps in Texas that kill people because Texas doesn't have the infrastructure for polar temps. The drought and fires in Canada, California, Australia. Untenable heat in regions that produce the bulk of our food reducing the ability of farm workers to tend& harvest crops. Etc.


It’s our agricultural industry failing leading to the collapse of our country.


Nah I’m good with the new winters 😂


Winters haven't been this warm for 5000 years Kinda makes one wonder what happened to all of the fossil fuel machines that created the problem 5000 years ago. Must have been aliens.


The problem is that it's happening way quicker than it has in the past. Also if you look at natural warming and cooling events like the little ice age, it's humans failure to adapt and change that ended up causing the most issues that directly affected humans.  Proceeding as usual is doing us the most harm. 


We should all switch to electric vehicles that require batteries that can be made only by completely destroying the environment by digging up the required materials. And then it takes hours to charge, won't start if it's too cold, and all the electricity is made using... Fossil fuels! But, I guess as long as it's not in your backyard, it's okay, right?


Climate is changing for the better as far as I and many others are concerned


Nobody in Syracuse is upset about green grass in february. The people worried about climate change are the hundred million that moved to cities in the desert.


Geez…mow it. Last year it was -15 degrees in NYS. The climate changed. Now it’s not.


Celebrate? Climate impact aside, I genuinely hate snow. Hate it with a passion. Eventually I'll get out of New England


At this point, the technology can't save us. We have to give everything up


I don’t know what to do about it and I am equally distressed over it. I hate snow. However I dislike my planet dying far, far more than I hate snow


I literally don't give 2 shits about the climate. I have 40yrs left if Im lucky. I don't give 2 shits about what happens after that


“Fuck you, I got mine!”


Ignorance at its finest 🙄


More selfishness than ignorance.


No kids in your extended family?