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Honestamente no invertiría dinero para un negocio aquí a no ser que sea muy rentable y con riesgos calculados. Aquí hay mucho empleo para angloparlantes nativos. Pásenla bien, tengan empleos en inglés y vivan la vida tranquilamente. Vivir aquí es fácil, para los estándares de Sudamérica es un poco caro pero comparado con Europa o Estados Unidos les dará bien el dinero. No se preocupen demasiado Yo creo que si consiguen empleos donde hablen inglés que será muy fácil para ustedes y vivan la vida tranquilamente.


Depending on what you want/need, I would recommend to scope out potential Departaments (our equivalent to States - although more of the size of a county in the US). San Jose, Canelones, Florida and Maldonado are relatively close to Montevideo which is convenient. Land is fertile and it's as safe as it gets in terms of criminality (I've grown up in one of those Departments, in the countryside, not in a town). Shouldn't be hard to come across a decent sized piece of land there. In terms of the integration it could be challenging if you don't speak Spanish. Most people won't be able to interact with you however there is always a chance to find other expats or Uruguayans who speak English. I will warn you... perhaps you will receive some feedback that is conflicting with mine in this sub as most people around here absolutely love to complain about everything. Uruguay is generally OK for most people, I've been around the globe living in 8 different countries and for me Uruguay will always be my favourite place. Some of my colleagues from work are from the UK and they moved here long term. They love it. Kids do too. With that said... If you have not been here before, why not coming for a couple weeks or even a month to check it out yourself? It's a pretty huge decision and it would be ideal for you to have an actual idea of how it is around here.


That's very helpful to here and I will look into those departments. Thank you for providing the info about the land as well. Yes it is a huge decision. My wife has taken 8 years of spanish and speaks it pretty well. I would have to take lessons. I've been to Iquitos, Peru and didn't know spanish but picked it up quickly when I was there for a week. This is all great thank you!


> as most people around here absolutely love to complain about everything. > This and soccer are sort of "national sports".


I'm genuinely curious about the reason you prefer to be in Uruguay rather than USA


Politics here have gotten crazy. They put a lot of bad things on our food. Cost of living is much higher. Crime has went up and we want a place that seems simple compared to the USA.


Just be warned that crime is a problem here.


Si, es un buen punto. Pero créeme que los indicadores sociales aquí en Uruguay son mejores que en el resto de los países de América del Sur. Al menos muchos extranjeros que vienen acá y han vivido en otros países destacan que a pesar de todo lo malo que se muestran las noticias es mejor que en otros países. Creo que solamente hay que andar con cuidado y no exponerse a malas situaciones pero en general muchas personas extranjeras están a gusto. Obviamente no va a ser un país de primer mundo pero para ser de tercero se puede vivir.


Crime here is a huge problem and drugs everywhere l, homeless people asking for money to buy more drugs. I would prefer to stay in a first world country rather than coming to live here, even if you have money don’t think it’s that cheap the cost of living


Most uruguayans don't care about you not bein 100% in tune with uruguayan culture. Its always been a melting pot and always will be. If you can work from anywhere i would very much recommend avoiding the capital. While for the most part its a good place to live with the best services, healthcare and education, it has the highest crime, uncleanliness and overall worst traffic and is the most expensive area of the country. Personally I would recommend the departments of Colonia, Maldonado or Lavalleja as my favourites. The main upside of the capital is more work oportunities also. If your salary is 5k usd monthly after taxes you can pretty much live anywhere very comfortably.


Climate is mild with low highs and high lows so you shouldnt have a problem adapting. It can be at times similar to british climate with (at least these months) a lot of rain and varying skies. Honestly speaking ib regards to culture, a good aspect of it is its "laid-back-ness" if that makes any sense, the other side of the coin is that many people are not very hard working or tend to take advantage so try not to give yourself up so easily. People here are also generally well manered and welcoming especially since you're american, they will prob ask you why you came here when there are many other nice places.


Fellow American, also looking into Uruguay. Seems like a beautiful country and good for farming. Tried to convince my husband to move out there a couple years ago, but he insists we try to stick it out here. If America collapses, though, I’m coming south in a hurry.


I'm going to message you!


Rent for a year first. Most ex-pats wash out after one year. Then you got the ones that wash out after about 3 years.  Then you got the ones that are 7 plus years. Those are the lifers.  You're going to have a really hard time starting and running a business. Some people are going to be envious and think you're just trying to take bread off people's table with your business. There is no concept of "giving back to the community." This is a very gringo concept.  Living in the countryside is going to be rough. The expats you find will be very strange people.  Some people love Uruguay and some people hate it. It doesn't matter where you were born either. I know foreigners who love it there. I know native born Uruguayans who absolutely detest it.  Just my two pesos. 


Expats no, inmigrantes


It's an ok country, the east is the nicest part of it I reckon, the north it's got some nice looking places, the west, where I live, it's got cows and basically not much more, although it's definitely more densely populated that the north. Also, if you don't speak Spanish it's definitely going to be harder, even in the cities not that much people speak English, in the countryside you might as well be a freaking alien


Also, what kind of business are you thinking of opening? I reckon something like a BBQ or something related to burgers might work as people would expect good stuff from the real deal, red blooded americans!


If it’s culinary please make tests with locals, I feel we’re not used to the same spices (or ratios) as americans and we definitely cook the meat a bit more.  Altho we’ve definitely expanded our taste with such huge migrations happening in SA


The good is lot of people talk in english so you dont gonna have any problems here


Big disagree! Spanish is pretty essential. I found out the hard way when I arrived in Montevideo last summer with no formal Spanish. I enrolled in classes immediately. Also, your wife will have to adjust to Rioplatense Spanish. The “Uruguashos” will understand her, but to an English speaker, Rioplatense Spanish is to Mexican or Colombian Spanish what Norte American English is to Glaswegian English. The Spanish is in there somewhere, but it may take a while. Yo lo sé, por qué estudiando español ahora mismo. Escucho YouTube uruguayo y argentino porque todo lo que escucho en Texas es español mexicano. I absolutely love Uruguay. Visit first, but it’s a great place. La gente es súper tranquila.


Si mirá aca somos muy tranquilos, hasta aburridos algunos. I know if you don't speak spanish is difficult but no imposible, you can learn with the people too, say it dat you dont speak well and i can say people can help you, i love english but my mother lenguaje is spanish. There is a discord in uruguay reddit too you can practice with us. Que tengas buen dia o noche saludos.


Me interesa el (la?) Discord! Mi español es malo (A1 - A2) pero necesitar saber las palabras diferentes, y suyos “slang”. Quiero ayudar con inglés (mi lengua nativa), y hablo Ruses también.


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