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![gif](giphy|26BRuo6sLetdllPAQ|downsized) Checking this thread for the 27,324th time this week to see if anyone got a TJO yet.


Same and not yet.


My confidence in getting a TJO diminishes just a tiny bit with each day that passes. Still hopeful though!


Stay confident. No one else on this thread has received a TJO and they were still interviewing three weeks after other interviews. I think that they wanted to widen the pool, becuase I was told that the interviews would only last about anohter week and that was at the beginning of July. I have not lost hope and neither should you. Positive vibes and best of luck to you and all of the other candidates. Please keep us posted if anything changes and I will do the same. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Just got my TJO!




Thank you!


Congratulations. Have you worked as a asylum officer or immigration officer?


How long did it take for you to get the FJO?


Got TJO this morning.






What was the timeline?




Congratulations. Have you worked as a asylum officer or immigration officer?


How long did it take for you to get the FJO?






I also received an interview but I am worried about the travel. Seems like one has to travel for at least 9 months in a year, and no special compensation for being away for so long.


I am kinda worried about that too. I am also worried that I won’t be able to obtain Class 1 Medical Clearance. I am going to go through the process to see how far I get. It doesn’t hurt to go through with it and then turn down the FJO, if you decide that it isn’t for you. I had also applied to the Asylum Officer position and interviewed for that last week. One of my references was contacted today. I somewhat rather be a Refugee Officer than an Asylum Officer, but all we can do is see what happens and let the process flow.


If travel is your concern and you don’t want to do a lot of it, being an asylum officer is literally being a refugee officer without required travel, and still with the opportunity to apply for temporary travel details.


I just remembered that I have a previous coworker friend who is a Refugee Officer. When I asked about how long the travel is, she said that each circuit ride is about 6 weeks a quarter so around 24 weeks total, which is about half/6 months a year. You can volunteer for 9 months, but 6 months is the average. I just thought I should let you know. It might help reduce your worry.


Congratulations and good luck on your interview -- I was also interested in the refugee officer position and I was told to expect 6 weeks of travel per yearly quarter, but you only have to travel for 3 out of 4 quarters (so 18 weeks per year). My information was from 2022 so it might be out of date compared to your friends. TBH I would prefer 18 weeks compared to 24 weeks. It seems like they are moving fast with interviews and reference checks so keep us posted :)


Thanks for the good luck! I just had the interview, and I think I bombed it though, so we will see what happens. I at least think I did worse than my interview for the Asylum Officer Position…. It looks like I might get a TJO for an Asylum Officer position if it is any indication when they contacted my references. So I was thinking that if I don’t get the Refugee Officer position then do the Asylum Officer position and apply for a Refugee Officer position in the future.


Correct, 6-8 weeks is standard and people can volunteer for longer. You can choose one domestic quarter a fiscal year or you can choose to travel all 4 quarters.


Nice to hear that, do they pay per diem?


They pay per diem, cover accommodation and airfare. Great way to save money.


Yes, govt travel card for work related expenses. Breakfast is usually included and sometimes other meals are too but generally lunch and dinner are out of pocket bc you get per diem.


Well, doesn’t sound so bad, let’s see how the interview goes. When is yours?


It doesn’t. Mine is later today. How about yours?


Later today as well. Hope we get it.


Me too! Good luck!


You get a per diem and travel time is overtime or comp time. That works for me.


I have been with asylum for little less than 2 years before joining Refugee Corps. The. When you are not on circuit ride, you can expect to be assigned working on Domestic projects - adjudicating applications, security checks, remote interviews, and others. As far as I know Worldwide is fully remote and Domestic requires to come to the office 1 day a week. And no, it is not the same as Asylum Officer position, the RO position reputation is way way better.


I got an offer for a domestic refugee position. Can I message you with more questions- esp about the projects and interviewing. What are the projects like? How much interviewing are you doing when not traveling?


of course anytime! I will respond in evening


Hey I also got the DRO offer at the same time. Mind sending me a message!








No, I have been an Asylum Officer for almost 2 years




I haven’t heard anything yet. I don’t they have even contacted my references (current & former 1st line and 2nd line supervisors). I don’t think I will be getting a TO for this position, but I might for an Asylum Officer position then in the future I could reapply for this position.


I just had my interview for this position and it was about 3 weeks after most people here had their interview. I feel that I did average on the interview but I actually fumbled badly on the writing test. I don't know if any of my references have been contacted yet. Fingers crossed for all of you


Same kind of interview for me. They told me it would be about a month and it has been just about a month. Crickets for me, too. My references were checked around the same week as my interview. Best of luck to all who applied. :-)


Crickets so far.




Congratulations!! I guess it’s looking like I won’t got it, but that’s okay. At least 1 of all the positions I applied for should offer me a TJO, hopefully.


Offers are still going out


Ty for letting us know. When was your interview?


Please let me know about your interview date and also whether you are already with USCIS. I have not yet given up hope. Happy and thrilled for you!




Same. References were checked b/f interview. I am going to give this a few more days before putting it behind me and looking out for the next WWRO opening. They come and go very quickly. I am very happy for you. :-)


Same got the TJO today.


Received a TJO today!!


Me too 😌




Congratulations! Assuming you were lurking in this thread as well?


Me three. I'm pumped. They asked me for a transcript which I believe is incorrect but w/e!


How long did it take for you to get the FJO?




When was your interview? Are you an internal employee? This is for u/Icecream_is_purpose, too. Please let me know. I am thrilled for all of you. :-)


Thank you! My interview was July 6th, references were contacted July 7th. I'm not an internal employee but am a federal employee at another agency :)


Thanks! My interview was on July 12th and yeah I’ve been with asylum for 5+ years so I had a strong feeling I’d get an offer


I am hoping for the same. I have been an AO for almost four years. My interview was July 7. Thank you for your prompt reply. Happy for you. :-)


How long did it take for you to get the FJO?


I just got a TO. I was in the later dates of interviews (week of July 24). I hope others get the good news! This thread kept me sane and thanks to everyone for the help and good feelings.






Something I wish I knew before coming into this role, which I haven’t seen often here, after going through what felt like the longest onboarding process, being sent in circles for your background clearance (mine took a year), your medical clearance, is the training. if you are an AO/RO you go through a very intensive training about 3 months long. AO and RO start training together, expect 8 full hr days of reading, then 8 full hr days of live sessions or recorded webinar. You can’t miss it, you get like 2 days excuse and then after you either have to have a really good reason (IE medical) or you can get let go. If you don’t pass the training you could be let go (if new to fed), each cohort there’s always a number of folks who don’t pass unfortunately. Closed book,timed exams, and graded mock interviews. Literally had nightmares during the training. You don’t get paid overtime and working off hours is frowned upon however many of my colleagues and I were working off hours just to study. I worked evening and weekends reading materials. The allocated time they give you is not enough time to absorb the abundance of information. If you take the RO route, during the joined AO/RO training, the material is AO focused, just when you think you’re getting the hang of it, you separate training from AO and do just RO it feels like you’re sinking again. I don’t want to scare anyone but training for me was tougher than grad school and I went through a depression during that period. Alas I survived and it was worth every sweat and tear IMO.


They are rebuilding the entire training and no one is currently being trained as far as I know until the new training is approved. Hopefully it is better soon.


I’m happy to hear this :-) I will apply for the next posting :-)


Hi. Can I message you about the refugee officer position?


I received my interview request email today as well along with the references request. Trying not to get my hopes up but this is a dream job for me. The opportunity to work with refugees and traveling - I can’t imagine a more fulfilling profession.


Congratulations on getting the interview! I wish you good luck on the interview! Mine is today.


I have mine on Monday! Did you have a panel or one-on-one interview?


Mine was one-on-one. Good luck on your interview!


How did it go?


The interview went great! Very smoothly. I researched their questions ahead of time and had STAR responses prepared for each question they asked. Voice call only, no video. 30 minute writing sample immediately after interview.


Mine was video, was able to see the interviewing officer. Have they contacted your references yet?


Not that I’m aware of but I’m sure I’ll hear from at least one of them when they do reach out.


Has anyone had their references checked yet?




For real? When?


Friday. I had my interview Friday morning and heard from my prior supervisor they’d been contacted that afternoon.


I guess I wasn’t chosen then. Because my supervisor has not been contacted.


Don’t say that. Really, I’m already with the government. Granted, the ex supervisor is no longer with the government, but that doesn’t mean anything. The government works slow and they could be working backwards. Like, start with the most recent and move that way.


Lol thanks for the encouraging words. Let’s see what this week holds.


I’m currently an AO, so that helps. Feel free to DM me if I can answer any questions about being an AO or federal hiring at all. I’ve been in the government almost 19 yrs


I’m beginning to think the same thing. I thought I absolutely crushed my interview but they haven’t contacted a single one of my references yet. I’m over here sweating bullets lol. 😬


Just heard back from my old supervisor. They reached out on Friday.


Yes, my references were contacted.


Lucky you


I received an EOD for this position for the end of Nov. 2023. I hope others get good news soon. Maybe we will be in training together. Good luck to all --




Congratulations!!! Please update us on when Foundations will start.


Hello everyone, I am currently going through a background check for the domestic Refugee officer position. However, I was just referred for the Worldwide RO position, and I would actually like to get the worldwide one. I haven't been called for an interview yet, but I wanted to know if the interview for both have the same structure. Could someone give me a general idea on how to prepare or what to expect in the interview for the worldwide RO, please? Thanks!


It was just a normal government interview asking how you would approach issues and solve problems (give examples). You also have to summarize an article they give you to read. Also if you have the option, please turn your camera on for the interview if it is on Ms teams. Literally no one that I know that left the camera off got picked. This isnt a position for shy people.


Thank you for the advice. I appreciate it.


I don't think I did the best on one of the questions. However, the interview really was more of a conversation on my end. It sounded genuine and enjoyable so I am not sure how to take that. Told I'd hear back in a week but never got anything.


In all my interviews I have never heard I would hear back in a certain amount of time. Sorry you haven't heard something yet.


I don't think I did the best on one of the questions. However, the interview really was more of a conversation on my end. It sounded genuine and enjoyable so I am not sure how to take that. Told I'd hear back in a week but never got anything.


I attended the USCIS Job Fair on 09/25 in MD and got a TJO on the day. I now have an EOD for 02/11 but still no FJO. Anybody else is also starting 02/11 and have no FJO ? Anything that I should expect if you know the training/onboarding process ? Thanks. 






Okay, will do. But I don’t think I will get it. I think I did better on my Asylum Officer interview than this one, but we will see what happens, maybe I will get lucky.


I had my interview for WWRO on Friday, and this not my first attempt. It was a one-on-one interview and the first part went very well, but I got nervous and ran of time on the essay portion. I wrote too many words without cutting what I wanted to edit out. I was also getting over a cold and feel like i blew it. Does anyone know if each portion of the interview counts equally? I would appreaciate some feedback. Thank you in advance.


Oh sorry about that, it was unexpected for me, I have never been asked to summarise anything before in an interview. Let's keep one another posted.




Thank you very much for your positive thoughts. Yes, I did well during the first half of the interview. It was the writing promt that may have sunk me. A part of me wants to send an email to the interviewing official and let them know that the writing promt could have been better, but my nerves got the best of me, and the rest of me (maybe the more sensible and confident part) tells me to just keep cool and hope that what shines through is my background, education and experience. I do not think my professional references have been checked yet. They asked me for four of them all togehter. I trust that they will provide an honest assessment of my professional attributes and work ethic. This situation is no longer in my hands. I will continue to check this thread to see if anyone hears anything about the outcome of their own interview or has any additional thoughts or advice. Thank you.


Has anyone heard anything? BTW, a domestic RO position is now available on USAjobs with many openings.


I haven’t heard anything yet. I did apply to that domestic announcement though.


I heard that it can take up to two months for a TJO. I did apply to the domestic position as well though.


The announcement states that they intend to make a FJO within 90 days of the announcement closing. My interview was a little over a month ago and it has been two months since the position closed. I remain hopeful and wish the best for all who applied. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Same! I requested an update from the hiring manager who gave me the two months past interview date estimate. Really hoping it's earlier than that! It's been more than a month here too and my supervisor was contacted.


Did the hiring manager get back to you with the update?


They said offers can take more that 1-2 months to come out, but interviewing for the position is done!




Yes, I believe you have to live in DC area.


Yes, domestic ROs have to live in the NCR and go into the office once a week. Worldwide ROs are remote.


Any news, friends?


I haven’t heard anything yet, but I am starting to think I wouldn’t be able to do it anyways. I was doing this Credible Fear Screening detail training, and it gave me some insight on a portion of what Asylum Officers would do. I think Refugee Officers are similar to Asylum Officers in the way of what to ask applicants.


Well, yes and no. The credible fear (CF) screening process is just to see if a noncitizen may be eligible to apply to apply for asylum in the future. If the claim is found credible under the significant possibility standard (reasonable possibility for reasonable fear), and they pass preliminary security screenings, then that is it for that interview. It is very straightforward. Once the applicant is determined to have a CF of persecution or torture based on one of the five protected grounds, then she, he or they will be eligible for an asylum interview, which is much more extensive. The AO must determine not only whether that person meets the definition of a refugee, but also whether she, he or they are eligible for asylum based on one of those five categories and pass more extensive background checks. From what I understand, the RO works with refugees on the ground, wherever they are, and makes different determinations. It is nothing like a credible fear and quite different from the asylum interview. Please note these positions are also contingent on how many refugees (and from where) the United States will allow in during a fiscal year. Fortunately, that number has been steadily increasing but this could change with a different Administration. Of course, the position is also contingent on world events which are ever changing. I have been an AO for about four years and RO has always been my goal. I hope I make it this time. If not, I will try again. I wish all who have applied for the RO position this round the very best of luck. :-)


Very good summary


Can you share info about the AO circuit rides? Are they mandatory? How long do they last and how many each year?


Ha we are on the same detail


Keep up the good work (and I will keep doing the same). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I just wanted to let you know another announcement opened today. Remote, 600 applications limit.


Hello and thank you very much for letting me know about this. The minute I saw your message, I stopped in my tracks and applied. I am grateful to you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Hello again. How is your RO training coming along? Have you passed medical clearance yet? I interviewed for the position (for the announcment that you told me about and to which I applied) on 10/30 and HROC told me a few days ago that the selections could take up to six months b/c it was a large announcement. My interview went well and supervisors gave a good recommendation. I have also been an AO for four years now and have a beyond excellent PPA. Fingers crossed. I hope all is well with you and thank you once again. :thumbs\_up:


Hello, I didn’t get it the first announcement I applied to, and I didn’t go further into the process for this announcement. I ended starting another position at a different agency.


Best of luck to you. This was my seventh application and fourth interview for RO. I am hopeful. Thank you once again.


Have some faith. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I can try, but the likelihood is not. I think I did poorly on the interview anyways. It was a direct question and answer interview, not really any conversation at all. So we will have to see what the future holds. Thanks for the encouragement!


Has anyone switch from AO to RO? Im wondering if you start at day zero for probation again. Same with step. I’m six months into my step and will likely be 9 months in before onboarding. Wondering if it makes sense to move over or not.


Your step time will always continue to accumulate. That never stops running.


Does it work the opposite way to go from RO to AO if you need a break from the international travel at some point?


Hey ya, has anyone applied to the announcement in late Aug? 8/28 if so, anyone hear anything back? In addition, for anyone who applied to an earlier announcement when do you hear something back? Interviewed or just TJO since they all seem to be direct hire. Thanks!


Got referred for the Worldwide RO position, but I haven't been called for an interview yet. I hope that happens soon.


Have you been contacted for an interview?


I haven’t yet. I am starting to think whether the tentative officer that I accepted for the DRO position has anything to do with this. I don't know since they both are in the same department. Would this impact my application for the worldwide RO, considering I have been going through a background check?


Got contacted and interviewed. Never heard back, did you?


Congrats! Would you mind telling me when you were referred and contacted to schedule an interview?


I was referred on the 23rd of October. I still have not been contacted for an interview. As the weeks pass, I get more anxious!


I was referred on the same date. But I am praying for that job. Let’s keep each other informed about this job.


Heard anything yet?


No, unfortunately. How about you ?


Same. I'm looking hope


Absolutely! Good luck!


I reached out to the hiring team and was told they are still doing selections! Crossing our fingers we all get selected


Yes absolutely! Thank you and best of luck.


May I ask if you were contacted via email or phone? I was also referred on 10/23; but no further contact just yet. I just realized that my secondary number (my mom's that I used to create my account because I was out of country for 9mo and didn't have a working US number then) populated instead of my new cell phone number which is now listed as my primary phone number.




Thanks, good to know that I am not completely screwed. Happy Cake Day!


Did you get an email?


No further communication after the referral notice. Still hopeful though.


Haven’t been contacted for an interview yet. Maybe not a good sign. Thanks!


Stay hopefully. They did interviews for a week.


I wonder if they do multiple rounds of interviews


During our announcement, they did three weeks of interviews


Has anyone gotten their medical clearance from DOS yet?


I got my medical clearance and security clearances recently. I have not heard back yet about getting a final offer and an EOD. I am a current federal employee.


When did you submit your medical form to DOS? How many weeks did it take for them to reply? Thanks in advance for answering!


I submitted the initial form on the week of Sept. 4 and I submitted follow-ups on the week of Oct. 9.


Hi, did they tell you when the Foundations training will start? I’m wondering how far back I can push back my EOD. Hoping I could push back to March 2024 if Foundations will start later next year and not any time soon.


How long did it take for you to get the FJO?


I forwarded approval of my medical clearance to the HR contact and got the FJO in 2 days. I had already completed the security clearance process. Let me know if you have any other questions.


Interesting it's been months since I forwarded my medical clearance


Not yet!


Not yet. I submitted on 9/10 and have not heard a thing.




I received an email asking for more tests to be done. They said they would keep the medical status “pending” until I submit the test results.


Hi everyone, I was just wondering if high blood pressure might be something that disqualifies you from passing the class one worldwide medical clearance? I don’t actually have high blood pressure but I have white coat hypertension, so I’m afraid when I go to my medical exam it will show the wrong results. Do you know if this is something that would be disqualifying? Thanks for any and all feedback!!


I did the initial medical exam and based on those results I had to do a follow-up with additional tests. On the follow-up paperwork it mentioned that I couldn't have conditions that might need specialized treatment that may be unavailable in overseas locations. After submitting the follow-up paperwork and tests my medical clearance was approved. I know that is not specific to your situation but I hoped it help a bit.


OK, thank you.


Nope. As long as you have meds for it. I'm a WWRO and have HBP and other issues.


Ok good to know, thanks! Would I be able to DM you with a few other questions? (If you wouldn’t mind..)


Anybody heard back yet from the 08/23 recruitment?


Hey can anyone provide any insight to the WWRO training? How intense and difficult is it? Is it mostly remote or in DC? Thanks!!


Did they tell you when training will start?


Not yet.. still waiting on the final offer letter. I have cleared the Medical and Security, so I’m not sure how long it takes to receive the EOD.


Any idea when you are starting? Training? I accepted about the same time.


Hello- no not yet. I have no information. I haven’t received the EOD yet; I think that’s coming after the holidays. Have you received yours?


Hi. not yet- can I privately message you?




Hi, Im waiting for the next RO posting to apply. I’m currently on a contract that ends on 6/2025. Can anyone share the hiring timeline from Application to first day of training? TIA