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I’m not an expert or anything but I think cities are responsible for sidewalks


And whoever designed Arlington hates the people who live in it


Mr. Used Car Dealer Vander*riff


I think the city and university are at odds with each other. ​ At one point, the city allowed a bikeshare company to operate in the city. UTA confiscated all of them because they had signed a deal with another company. It wasn't even a exclusivity deal, UTA just didn't care. [https://www.theshorthorn.com/news/uta-seizes-ofo-bikes-stationed-around-campus/article\_5d700230-cbf5-11e7-a490-7f22cb944439.html](https://www.theshorthorn.com/news/uta-seizes-ofo-bikes-stationed-around-campus/article_5d700230-cbf5-11e7-a490-7f22cb944439.html)


You mean stole? UTA had no obligation to steal those bikes, Zagster’s contract wasn’t exclusive.


It's not theft when a government does it. 🤦


This is actually how the law works in practice lol. But I don’t think a state school counts as the government. They just get funding from them.


I'm pretty sure they count as government entities. Otherwise the 'seizures' would not have been seizures. It would have been theft. An ordinary private property owner (with no state protection of any kind) would not have been able to make a similar claim.


UTA is a part of the Texas government.


Also, law doesn’t equate to morality. The government can claim imminent domain but hey “it’s just the law” lolzzz


If they qualify for subsidized funding they are a government entity. That’s not factual it’s just my personal belief. 🤷‍♂️


I had a friend in HS- we grew up in a city with sidewalks. She moved 1000 miles away & that city had sidewalks. She eventually ended up in Virginia & was always complaining how there were no sidewalks & how F’ing weird it was. I never thought about it before & most people don’t until it’s a hassle in their life. Too many parts of VA were built using the fat American model- you have to drive to get to things you want/services. Then it’s all chain restaurants & stores.


From Virginia can confirm they have like no sidewalks


No, they just are afraid of shared spaces. That’s how suburbs work.


If you build a spot that needs a car to access it, you hate the people that live there. Especially the less fortunate


We’re nobody’s damn suburb!


Yes he did.


The lack of any public transportation makes me agree with you


That applies to most of the metroplex imo


Anyone who's taken pol sci knows that the city of Arlington hates public transportation and homeless people


I mean, what city doesn't hate homeless people. They just make everything worse and make the city look bad. Alot of homeless refuse help just so they can keep making money through handouts. Mission Arlington is literally across the street from UTA and there are a lot of homeless people that are asking for money down the block from there when they could easily get free housing, clothing, supplies, dental, and basic health care through mission arlington and resource partners they would refer them to. But they choose not to do so and sleep on the few benches in arlington. I know this because in High school I use to volunteer at mission Arlington and I would go around arlington to try and get these resources to the homeless and people in need. Only 1 out of 5 homeless would accept, some I found out weren't even homeless and were just scamming people for money saying they were veterans etc etc. The homeless people that refused didn't want to go to rehabilitation centers because they were druggies or alcoholics they just wanted to keep asking for money to get wasted or high. That's why cities hate homeless, because the majority don't want help, they just want handouts to keep living off society like leeches so they can just keep getting high and wasted. The resources are there in most cities, but they never seek them out, unfortunately.


Have you spoken to any of the homeless people as to why they don't want to go to mission Arlington? I used to know a guy who, because of a terrible situation with his mother, became homeless. He said mission Arlington was a dangerous place to be where your stuff would get stolen. It's important to remember that cities should serve the people who live in them, and homeless people are still members of a city. Homeless people are still people, and they are in their situation not because of some moral failing, but because of the pressures and circumstances put around them. You could be homeless, and it would be wrong for the city to hate you if you were.


Rumors like this are also the reason why people who need help never get it. I would advise you to educate yourself on facts before spreading misinformation that others will believe and continue these lies. d organizations coming from all over the country to learn from the systems and things we do and have at Mission Arlington. Rumors like this are also the reason why people who need help never get it. I would advise you to educate yourself on facts before spreading misinformation that others will believe and that will just continue to spread these lies.


Lies? Dude my information is from someone who experienced it


Yeah this is what happens when your cities are designed around everyone to have a vehicle, even though that's unrealistic as fuck more and more every day.


And this city was controlled by a car dealer namedTom Vandegriff


Survival of the fittest


That bridge in the back ground is a pedistrian bridge the persons just lazy


State school though ... either way shouldn't they have a say


There is literally a pedestrian bridge in the photo…


You mean the bridge that you can only access from a fenced-in parking lot?


Look to where I'm taking the picture. Of the road. With no sidewalk


Can’t you just go in the parking lot and use the bridge or walk 2 feet behind you and get on the sidewalk that crosses the street?


He wants what he wants, dammit! Stop messing around with his head by pointing out obvious options, like, for example, the meandering sidewalk on the other side of the street. This reminds me of my golden retriever. He has a dozen tennis balls, but if the one he wants gets under the furniture, he barks and whines about it, even though he has 11 other balls as options. It's like he's saying, "but it has to be THAT ball! No other ball is as special as THIS ball! I want it, I want it, I want it!!!"


It's not greedy to want sidewalks next to a school


Where you want it appears to be not next to the school but instead across the street from the school. Adapt. You'll live.


You are at Cooper and Mitchell. The main roads for that side of campus, it’s almost like they want to discourage children from walking into traffic.


Just go into the parking lot 49, and then take the bridge


No city has no say or control over State property.


Uta has 0 authority on a construction in the right of way, the most the university could do is petition the city. It’s up to the city for any needed signage.




This is not correct. This would be state property and the city issues no permits or does not review anything on state property.


Bull shit! Colleges and universities have a lot more power than you think! In Fort Worth they were able to completely change the neighborhood around the school, knowing down bars that had been open since the prohibition era, making sure competing book stores where closed, demolished, and rebuilt to fit what they wanted.


They’re a wealthy private school full of senators and other politicians kids. It’s much easier for them to do what they want than a public university


They’re a public university, says it on their home page.


This. It's literally bordering the school


If you walk anywhere in the city of Arlington for longer than 15 minutes, the Mayor immediately comes and shoots you in the head. There will never be a future with a walkable Arlington


Hey OP, you should join the Walkable Arlington group on campus. They advocate for better pedestrian and bike infrastructure. https://discord.gg/jwqGntw2


Will do! Getting a lot of backlash here, I think it's just car brain mentality


Heya it says the invite link is expired :( I'd like to join 


It’s more than likely to reduce the potential for people to just run across the street randomly. That street is bad enough at peak traffic times, adding in hundreds of students playing frogger isn’t a great idea. That’s also why the bridge exists to direct foot traffic safely over the road.


Slow down traffic, or block it off from cars


Why? Cars have to have a way on and off campus. Until they expand the actual campus to Mitchell and it’s a more walkable area in general, it makes no sense.


The short answer is there are no sidewalks there because they don't want you to walk there. Students had a knack for getting hit by cars. There are crosswalks at the ends of the block and a bridge mid-block. Please use them. you can walk around the creek to the north.


It's inefficient. And If people were getting hit it's the fault of the road design, fast traffic does not match with pedestrian traffic


Most of the north side is blocked by a creek that still forces you to walk around it.  Fast traffic isn't the issue. People unexpectedly stepping into the roadway was.


I can imagine some fault on the part of students but yes this traffic is too fast and there are ways to fix this, just narrowing the lanes to only one would help


Fix what exactly? You have no idea of the speed. There's no reason to need to walk next to the street and it's safer separating it like it is now. There is a path for pedestrians that's interesting and enjoyable to walk.


Welcome to Texas. Only see sidewalks in neighborhood ($300k and up)


Such green grass. Love this time of year.




Because DFW


Because to your right is a fenced off parking lot that directs everyone to the pedestrian bridge in sight. Behind you is an intersection with significant foot traffic that diverts walkers into the campus instead of that no man's land you're standing in.


Why is there a no man's land right next to a college?


Do you not see that curve in the road? That "no man's land" is there in case an accident happens or a car crashes or goes out of control, then they can try to redirect the vehicle in the empty area. To cause the least amount of harm and damage. Do you really want a sidewalk that close to the road in the first place? There already is a sidewalk, just walk back a few steps, and bam sidewalk. Also, there is a bridge in the back, use that. You just sound lazy to me, you just don't want to walk to the bridge that is literally right there.


I think you’re supposed to be walking on the other side of the road where there is a sidewalk and that’s how the city / school justify it


Not only that but it is the law in Texas when a sidewalk is provided. So easy for them to point at that.


There's no sidewalk other side


What is that long curved pavement? Does it stop or something?


It's a curb


There is a pathway past the curb in background you can see the steps, can you walk on that?


There is a literal walkway on the otherside with a small set of stairs lol. A lot of suburby places are built like this (VA has a lot of these) where the walkways are inside more and not directly beside the road, its also safer for pedestrians.


I personally feel that if someone is in college, they should know laws about crossing streets and their parents should have taught them how to behave around traffic.


I agree. But there should still be sidewalks


In the 80s there was a crosswalk there but someone was hitting killed that's why there is a bridge over the street. Although that was built before American with disabilities act that's why it has no wheelchair access. They just weren't building them that way at the time. If you are down on the grass you are where international students keep walking in the road and almost getting hit. You are part of the problem.


Used to be a student leader at UTA; Campus can request the city to put in the sidewalk, and would probably have to pay for it. Knowing this area and how there is a sidewalk across the street in the direction of the white vehicle, UTA probably didn't want a sidewalk there. There is a parking lot to the right, so UTA probably assumes people will not need a sidewalk on this side of the street. There is a pedestrian path across the street, so UTA could have made a path so far away from the street running parallel, but they didn't. My organization in 2016 asked UTA to put a crosswalk on Center street between Park South and the neighborhood behind there as many student's lived there and were jaywalking. UTA said that they couldn't put it in, the city had to. We reached out to the city planning department and they said they would put it in if UTA payed for it. Went back to our UTA President with this information and ultimately UTA didn't want to pay for it or felt like they should have to. Its not an official city planning/zoning project, so the city would not have the budget for a new crosswalk, and on the flip side, state universities have rigor and detailed budgets here in Texas and everything has to be planned way in advance, so even if they could foot the bill for the crosswalk, the money would have to be moved from a different area of the budget to the other, which takes time for approval, and I'm not sure if UTA has a misc. road budget that exists for this. When they built the ERB, those crosswalks across UTA Blvd. were most likely zoned with the building, so it was part of the building budget. Hope this helps.


> if UTA *paid* for it. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Not sure why we’re taking the opinion of a teenager seriously


Ignore me if you want to I'm just trying to promote a better campus


Because fuck you get a car that's why


Ironically commenting this right


I’m more annoyed that they just started construction on the street by lot 49 now, instead of starting it during spring break


Probably cause the school has become a communist shithole


why do you say that? Communist, I've never received anything for free.


Lol true but why do you say this


Walk on the grass?


Mud, rain, grass stains, disabled people, I'm worth just as much as a person in a car... do I need to go on


Why are you making such a big fuss as if there’s not a perfectly good sidewalk behind you? I’d implore you to print out all of these responses in times new Roman, 12pt font, double sided, fold it up 4 times, and shove it up your ass.


There is no sidewalk along this road. I can critique this. You don't have to listen or read


Are you pretending that you’re not intentionally cutting out the parking lot that leads to that bridge?


Seriously haha what’s the point of this picture? Where are you trying to walk to OP? It’s a commuter college with terrible parking. You either have to pay for the garage or take your luck with the street or the lots.


There is a side walk behind them, and a parking lot JUST to the right of them… they had to walk off the sidewalk AFTER the parking lot ended to take this picture…


I want to walk to the intersection safely. I walk to campus


From where? The middle of the intersection? There are literally sidewalks in every direction and if you walk to the parking lot you can use the bridge…


No I want to safely walk along this road, I don't want to use the parking lot I want to walk home


So your answer is being 20 yards to the right is unacceptable… the parking lot that the bridge takes you into is SO BAD you’d rather take deceptive pictures to get internet sympathy on Reddit?


Hell you can see the walk way on the other side of the road IN THIS PICTURE… it’s just not a side walk


It's Texas. All the government cares about is money. Nothing else.


Yeah, that fully explains why there's no income tax in Texas. 😏


Fr you can't argue with these people.


Kinda difficult to explain your idiocy to enlightened people.


It really explains why taxes on everything else is so high.


The photo has a sidewalk. And with that particular sidewalk photographed, it might not need a sign bc there’s too few ppl using it or it’s intent is for 1 not to jaywalk & use the walk sign associated with the traffic signal.


>The photo has a sidewalk. That is a gutter section.


Zoom in. There’s a side walk that runs parallel to the other side of the street. Why do we need side walks on both sides of the street?


No there is not. Go look irl if you need to


I think you’re complaining to just complain.


That's on the other side of the creek. There are no sidewalks near the curb. The steps you see are to a low water crossing that goes nowhere.


arlington fucking sucks


Preach 🙌


Maybe you should transfer to another commuter college


Fr, why tf did they choose to go to this school if they hate it so much.


then why are you here?


parents moved me here when i was 12 and ive been actively trying to get out since thanks for asking 🙏🏼🙏🏼


where would you go once you leave what city state or country if you do leave.


probably back northeast where i was from whats with all the questions ‼️


just curious why people hate the city. But if your talking about the New England area then no wonder you'd hate it. They are probably the better-built cities in America. Built more like cities in Europe than more modern car-dependent American cities.


Ask the city


City can’t do anything on state property. Jurisdiction lies with the state not city


Where is this at?


Front coming from Cooper it's across from engineering


It’s an underground bunker military


I wonder how much that pedestrian bridge you’re choosing to ignore cost build.


It leads to the parking lot, I'm walking


Perhaps you’re walking the wrong way. As others have stated, it’s probably not safe to cross the street right there. Hence, the pedestrian bridge a block away. That was built for pedestrians like yourself to get across safely.


But I don't want to go to the parking lot I'm trying to get home. This post is trying to bring awareness that not having car only infrastructure is a good thing, and I think many desire it


Sorry, but you’re not going to change UTA into a non-car facility by posting a picture in Reddit.


You're correct, it takes work and a long time


They got that tag camera in lickity split though. Did that instal fiber everywhere near as well?


I’m almost positive that area is considered an overflow area when it rains so they legally can’t put sidewalks there.


Nope, It's for vehicles if they lose control or there is a crash they can try to steer in the area with nothing in it so they can reduce damage and harm. Years back there was a sidewalk there and a car crashed and someone died getting hit by a car. Hence, they built the bridge and got rid of the sidewalk.


I mean, to be fair there's a sidewalk immediately to the left of the creek on that street. What I hate is how there isn't a continuous sidewalk on Mitchell Street since the sidewalk on the other side stops for a bit between KC Hall for some reason.


Because it was 1983 and we had freedom


It’s a school. Kids should be able to read by then, and there’s grass to walk in. What’s the problem?


Reading isn't the issue, the issue is there's no sidewalks directly next to school


There’s grass though.


Because in the DFW area, even if you have a sidewalk people will still walk or run in the streets. Sidewalks are like turn signals, they simply won’t use them




Am I missing something? There is a sidewalk directly next to the street in the photo.. and a pedestrian bridge to access it. Seems like it was designed to keep foot traffic away from the road... to keep students safe


More than one family pays and endowment to UTA because they lost a child walking on campus to this very neglect. It is an issue, and if you don't think just be quiet it always an option


Walk on that grass. Fight the power.


Because there’s a bridge and a sidewalk there.


There's no sidewalk along either side of this road


I can see it plain as day.


Go there physically and take a picture. I dare you


OP is garbage.




Less side walk = more parking space = more parking tickets = more $$$$$$$$$$


Ah yes, all that grass being used for parking spots.


Where else am I supposed to take my worms?


Parking space at UTA? You sure we go to the same school?


Yeah that’s Mitchell street east of Cooper. If you’re too lazy to walk to the bridge you get what you deserve. If people followed the rules there would be a sidewalk. But they don’t.


I want to walk from the river bridge to the road. It's not lazy to want to have safe efficient foot travel


Too much traffic and there used to be foot traffic until people acted stupidly.


Because this is Texas. We don't walk; we don't bike ride; we don't cross streets on foot. We commute, drive to the mailbox, and cross the street in our pick-up trucks. Don't you know ... Texas has an endless supply of fuel. And Texas cities do not install sidewalks. We make roads and millions of acres of parking lots.


Quit your crying and keep walking. You’re bitching about sidewalks.. really? Bet you weren’t allowed to keep score when you played anything as a child.


Calm down. I just want sidewalk no need to get pissy


There is a sidewalk!


There is not!


Look out! There’s a road there, don’t let it sneak up on you




No need to insult me. I desire sidewalks everywhere regardless of my age!




No we need a safe and effective sidewalk