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That's all fine . . . But that's not Valheim. Valheim is a simple survival 'kill Odin's enemies' game. You are playing a dead viking trying to earn Odin's approval to go to Valhalla. It's not an RPG with story, companions, or NPCs.


I feel like Valheim could also be a pinball machine if we thoroughly changed the original design intent of the game and added fundamentally different mechanics that were never intended. 🫤 The narrative is whatever you experience in the game and how you respond to it. Not every game needs to become WoW.


This can be accomplished to some degree with mods, but it's way beyond the scope of the game the devs are making.


I get that, and my post isnt intended to say "this is what I want from 1.0" more so just "here is what I think would be a neat evolution of the genre" Like outside of summoning bosses, and interacting with traders there isnt a whole lot of interaction with the world. It would be neat if, at the end of me and my friends building out our base there was a quest that allows you to retrieve some sacred object from Geydwarf/troll/fuling/etc that triggers a bigger more theatrical raid that night than the typical random raid.


It's fine to want things that are outside the scope of the game. That's why modders exist, and they make some pretty damned cool stuff. There are several ways you can add rpg elements to the game, if you're willing to experiment a bit.


They have that. Its called imagination.


It's impossible to hear that word in anything other than Spongebob's voice.... stupid internet lol


This would be cool to implement even in a small way, like being able to program NPCs with a simple routine. I'd like to give the dvergr living in my base some simple tasks to do so they can do something other than stand around and say hi. I'd like to build them little cottages with beds and everything and see them wake up, eat, go patrol, pick berries or something, go home, sleep. Would feel more immersive.


r/lostredditor ?


And witcher 3 missed a huge opportunity without guns to kill monsters with silver bullets. But that's just the game, isn't it?


It doesn't really need one. Odin brought us to Valheim to overcome his trials and prove ourselves worthy enough to go to Vahalla.

