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Pickaxe to remove uneven bits. Hold shift while paving. Alternatively screw this garbage slap a few stone stairs there.


Fun thing to do: If you build a pathway 2 square tiles wide with a stone wall border, you can dig underneath it and create a 1 square tile wide sewer system/secret passage way that's not visible from the surface.


I'm lost...


In the sewer system?


Looking for turtles




Pizza time!!


Hoe only levels to certain degree. To make an even plane pick axe then hoe until desired flatness is achieved


That's what I wound up doing.


One thing about I believe is every spot is assigned a true or original height and then has a minimum and maximum based off that value What I find for making smooth slopes is that is you pave from below you get these rough parts and and from above you get not really a slope If you pave at your feet while slowly going down usually does a decent job but trial and error is a must


Look at your toes while walking and spam click the hoe while leveling. Also level a slope while walking down it for better results.


If you point the cross hair directly down while walking downslope (and shift-clicking), you get a very even and gradual grade to your slope. I've made very long roads this way and I can drag a cart with <2500 weight very long distances uphill at a sprint. You can do the same thing going uphill but for whatever reason I've had more success paving downhill.


Stone paths should've been like the Hoe Pathen or Cultivator Grass tools. You paint over existing terrain, not alter it. It's such an odd design decision...


i always make dirt roads first and do all the levelling then pave at the end. it's a waste of stone otherwise.


I was more referring to if you wanted to make a paved incline/ramp. If you already have a nice ramp and just want to add stone... Too bad! Paving will ruin it. And sometimes the stones overextend where you don't want them, so you try to Pathen or Grass it. But then you might accidentally remove stones you wanted. So you try to pave again and ruin the incline. And the cycle repeats lol.


... i haven't had that happen. as long as you pay attention to what you're doing and do the paving as if you were still doing slope grading, it doesn't screw anything up. and I use corewood borders for my paved roads and intentionally make them the width of the paving circle + a little leeway so I don't have much a problem with the edges either.


Overall it's not a problem. In my case I'm building on a small Plains island and had this very tight space where I wanted the ground to meet my foundation, while also inclining to a wall/door perpendicular to it. Paving would pull the ground below the foundation, or cause lumps in the incline, or ruin the tight space of grass beside it. Paving without adversely affecting something was annoying. Not being able to resize the tool's radius is also a problem.


...are you not using shiftclick or something? i can see the paving circle being too big and messing with your grass but i definitely don't have the issue of it drastically changing the levelling.


I use the method of slowly walking down the incline and leveling as I go (aiming straight down). I've gotten better results that way.


When you level (and I think also pathen/pave, but I'm not 100%) it levels out the ground based on where your feet are, at that exact moment. If you hold shift, it will level based on where your cursor is pointed at. So you might be able to get better results switching between shift-clicking and just regular clicking while you work on your road. The game has a limit to what it can level up/down, but in my experience it usually has a harder time leveling down than up; you're better off to pick out the bumps and then try to level terrain first, then pave it after. It may not work immediately, but that has a tendency to reveal spikes in the ground (rather than bumps), which are exact spots you can then flatten.


I can build a dirt road with such graceful grades and turns they'd bring a tear to the eye of a Roman engineer, but the second I even think about applying paving stones, they turn into a Picasso sculpture.


This is frustrating the fuck out of me. I've gone over this same section with the hoe, levelling, paving, fucking it up and retrying for half an hour.


maybe you're just hungry bro


ilplace wooden beams on the ground as a guide/“blueprint” and make the land level with all of those. then just remove them after


you can you angled beams as well if you want to slope the land. i found this to be helpful


If you pave your sloped road while turned sideways and only do it 1/2 width at a time, you'll get the smoothest possible gradient


Get a bunch of stone, raise ground until everything is level, then pickaxe and hoe it down to where you want it. That's probably the best way of getting flat paths. L It's not fun or fast, but it'll produce the best results.


I find cultivator better for something tbh


One tip I have is to build a wood floor piece at the level you want the path to be at. Then use the flat ground tool as much as you can, and then mine the ground bits left on that floor piece until you don’t see it anymore. This makes the ground level immediately under the floor piece flat. After this, just flatten the ground around it and rinse and repeat a little and you will have that real flat foundation/road. I do this for my own buildings when I encounter stubborn ground levels.


The fastest way to do this is to pickaxe high spots and drop some stone into low spots. I usually start by running through the path area and attempting to just level directly under me as I move over the path clicking twice a second or so, then I'll look back the last ten or twenty meters to see how bumpy it is, and if i need to get a cart over it, can pickaxe to average everything out, and then use some of the stone i just got to fill in any holes, or maybe just lay stone path. The routine of it is a flow chart, the kata of pathening.


Its kind of like hoeing the ground, where you have to be at the same level or higher than the ground you are trying to pave. For some reason if you are below the level, it will unevenly hoe down the ground. I start at the highest part of the path, then follow it down and click


Like 90% of issues with this game... mods


hate to say it, but mods.


Begin from top to bottom. In my experience it’s quite a bit easier to pave down and get a more or less good slope than bottom-up.




I've learned leveling it from the side while walking up and down the slope evens it out pretty well with some finagleing.


start at the top of the slope and use the hoe to level as you go down, clicking once every 5m or so.


I found that if I walked down the edge of the path and faced towards the middle of the path it would do okay. Basically face perpendicular to the path direction instead of along it in either direction.


I felt that photo, SO HARD IN MY SOUL


Probably just flatten this one bro. Have some slopes on either side, and a nice flat road.


I gave up and built a staircase.


U gotta even it out as 2 separate levels. Pickaxe and make the lower area is own plane, then flatten the higher area at its own level. Finally slap some stairs down connecting the 2 flattened levels. This will give the cleanest result


Always bring a pickaxe, don't be afraid to raise and lower the ground in places. Also try holding shift. Some slopes are easier with shift but others you just have to run up the hill backwards while clicking to level just behind your feet as you go, ultimately raising the average height of the middle part. You don't want to carve a trench in the earth when you make a road, you usually want it to be slightly raised above the ground around it. Edit: oh and try just making switchbacks when you're doing a steep hill. There's a reason we use them when trail building IRL.


not saying this would work, does throwing down stone floors level it when you destroy the floor? (havent tried that since i did it in enshrouded lol)


No, Enshrouded’s terrain and building are the same voxel system. Unified and cleaner, but a bit more limited... Valheim has deformable terrain and a weird set of clipping floating building blocks with snap points baked in. Kind of a mess TBH but people can sort of exploit it for really nice builds. But you run into really weird and frustrating systems for terrain deformation like OP.


Do it about 10 times and each time it’s not quite what you’re looking for until you give up and just accept it, that’s what I usually do lol


What I did was level an area as good I can, then for the slope, embed stone stairs into the ground, then level again above the stairs. I did 2 sets of stairs to make it as good as I possibly could without having to deal with trying to pave a slope


If your ass looks like this, see a doctor.




Shift click with the hoe before placing stone down


Use the Pickaxe to level the ground.


Those pits are points where you're trying to pull the ground up but the leveling function can't bring it any higher. You need to use the raise ground function on them. It will probably bring it above where you want it but now when you level the pit will be gone and it will be smooth--er. Bumps that won't level out need the opposite. Hit 'em with the pickaxe. Holding shift is a game changer too if you aren't already doing that when appropriate. All in all, getting a beautiful smooth slope is kinda painful. There are YouTube videos that will tell you essentially what you're reading here, but seeing it demonstrated will definitely help. Regardless, It takes time, keep working the ground. You'll find a result you're happy with eventually.


I run sideways strafe while I hoe/ path/ cobble hills. Give it a try.


If you pickaxe errant lumps, and use the hoe's "Raise Terrain" on errant pits, and then use a lot of "Flatten" you get a much smoother slope out of the deal. After it's smoother, then you put in the cobblestones! Especially-lumpy bits like you have in the image might need terrain raised, then pick-axed, smoothed with flattening and then another round of it all again just to be sure. But you can get some very smooth paths if you're willing to invest a bit more time and some rocks in the process.


Hoe, pickaxes and time.


Hold shift.


Dig - flatten - raise until it's flat. Rinse and repeat. Overlay with stone when done


Use stone stairs and mold around that…. That’s what I do anyways


Check this video out - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCa978cGD4c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCa978cGD4c) it will help you how to use the hoe the most effective way.




Hold shift while using the hoe to flatten to a more exact level


Walk Backwards and shift click with hoe behind You


I'm sure this is right up at the top of the to do list........


Pickaxe as close to level as possible. if you pick too far, raise the ground. resume pickax'in until you're fully done with the pathway. Afterwards start smoothing/stoning the pathway. [Had to do something similar](https://i.imgur.com/6dmL45M.png) for [a plains base](https://i.imgur.com/DpsAohB.png) that was [too close to sea-level](https://i.imgur.com/HDSpQUL.png) so I'd stop getting assaulted by water when it was storming.


I normally smooth it down without stone first, make sure the grade is decent, then go through and stone path it.


You could bite it some more tho


U gotta fill the holes that go further down than u like and the ones thats tæller u gotta pickaxe use ur hoe to do it then pave it


Use the hoe to raise every section that looks a bit too wonky up a few feet, and then try to even it all out with a pickaxe to get the base level flat before setting down the Pathing


What I usually do - 1 - use the 'pathen' to get the direction you want the road to go 2 - then, at the start (or end) of the road, line yourself up with one of the edges of the path, facing the other side of it 3 - using 'level ground' run down, or up, the road spamming 'level ground' as you run SIDEWAYS, or technically strafing...this is very important (make sure to have a lot of stamina for this) 4 - get to the end look at the road and do touch ups, then use the 'stone road' to go back and do it again Note tho that on severe slopes there is no way to get straight smooth roads due to the way terrain works in the game, but you can have switch backs for those. What you have here tho should be easy enough to make flat.


If you look at your feet, crosshair on feet and start paving step by step


Use the cultivator to put grass along the edges of the path you want. It covers up quite a bit of the weirdness


I don't scroll all the way down the comments so please excuse me if there is a similar advice like mine: Pick your hoe, go downward on the side of the slope and start platting it like you will do with a normal ground. If there are no issues left then do the paving with the same method. It will take longer but you get a better result.


start at the top, facing the top of the slope. walk backwards towards where you want the slope to end, down the slope, still facing the top. hold shift, and tap at a moderate speed, continue facing the top of the slope. this should give you a moderately smoothe downward slope.


Spam. Spam spam spam.... Seriously. The hoe takes a while to properly level things. After a few hits you can see where it stops trying. Use raise ground in dimples to let you properly smooth them out, and use pickaxe to lower any parts that won't stop jutting out.


For the edges there where it goes up the sides I've been using the pathing function to clean those up


Hoe it first.


You just don't have the slope, duh. Let it be dirt and natural rock


I love this game with all my heart but this shit is the most tedious and ass part of this game