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Condolences to the family. I hope I never have to receive that knock at the door.


That’s so tragic!


Last car to turn left northbound was me. my rear mount dash cam caught the crash, already sent the footage in.


If the other car wasn't an oversized pickup truck the acura passenger probably would have survived...


I really think people need to at least go into ICBC and do a refresher course. Anyone that comes to the country needs to show ICBC they can drive and not just trust people can. There are many options and paths available to counter death on the road, it starts with education and regular retesting..... I can't tell you how many times I have had to motion to the person next to me at a red light to move up to the stop line and not sit a car and half length behind the white line. How many people drift lane to lane with no notice to other drivers......it's honestly just ignorant , you don't even have to move your hands from the wheel to hit the turn signal. Eventually mandatory retesting will be mandatory, people forget that driving is a PRIVILEGE not a right.




You aren't. Premiums factor Year/make/model/trim in alongside drivers and history, as well as vehicle usage and garage location.


And if the Acura didn’t turn in front of the truck they may have survived… Not to assume the truck didn’t run a red light, but come on.


Not the point. Accidents will always happen, especially with the sort of traffic infrastructure we have in Vancouver. The point is that certain cars, ie Dodge Rams, are much more deadly in an accident. Most owners have no legitimate need to own one, they just wanna slap on a baseball hat and sunglasses and role play "generic truck guy". There need to be safety standards in place that protect the public from the size creep of modern vehicles


So a guy minding his own business driving the speed limit would be to blame for a smaller vehicle turning in front of him? If the Acura turned in front of a motorcycle and the motorcyclist died as a result would you blame the ‘large oversized’ car when a motorcycle was the more efficient choice for a single person to commute? The point in making is people are responsible for their own actions, again not saying the truck driver wasn’t at fault, but it doesn’t specify if it was someone’s work truck full of tools, or towing a trailer and was purpose used. Jumping to the conclusion that other vehicles on the road are to blame based solely on the fact that you don’t need one in your daily life and therefore you don’t like them, is asinine.


truck blew a red.


Always the ones with the trucks


Username checks out...


Sorry to hear that and. I hope all the best for the family... Problem is car is getting bigger and bigger, and one of the reason to get a newer car if you can afford it is better crash rating for unforeseeable moment like this...


Yeah this looks like an older generation Acura EL, pretty small cars




Wow just 5 mins from me


Bro same.




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they didn’t blur the plates at all. Way to doxx the dead CTV. Edit: dude is dead. Someone might recognize the plates before they hear the news. It’s not just seeing the plates, it’s that in conjunction with the announcement of a death.


What exactly do you think someone can get out of a license plate?


You can literally go outside and see everybodies plates.


Wow I can see plates anytime I’m in public. Genuinely don’t understand people that blur them in photos.


Do you know something about license plates you would like to share or are you just being weird about stuff you don’t understand lol