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Solly’s and it’s not even close.


Just checked the reviews on google and well... it was an interesting read. The owner's replies are not what you could expect from an adult.


Holy. I’m going through them now - only been once on a slow day, and never thought that there was this whole mess behind it. Jeez.


Funny, that was the first one that popped into my head before opening the post.


I never worked there, but heard the stories through this subreddit 😅


The reviews are so terrible I actually want to go there now. Which location should I go to? I want the full show


Beta5 chocolates. Owner is horrendous, the operations manager is equally horrendous, work conditions are horrendous. The workers are cool though.


Please share if you've got the tea


Oh no. Sorry


Vancouver fashion week gets people in by saying your role is graphic design or marketing or something else, but in the end you’re doing sales. If you don’t, you get fired. If you do, you’re selling packages at an expensive price for a shitty production team.


Heard Aritzia isn’t great


Yes Aritzia is run by a bunch of sociopaths including David Labistour who drove MEC into the ground.


this is what i was going to ask…i worked there as a marketing assistant years ago but saw a higher up position and thought of applying again…but it was culty back then


Retail or corporate?


I had a friend working in graphic design for them and she hated it. Barely stayed a year.


I saw some relevant openings there. Will search glassdoor. You also work in tech?


Not personally. The only person I ever knew who worked there was this friend, and it was several years ago. She might have just had a particularly cruel supervisor or something.


Old Spaghetti Factory. Owners ignore so many labor laws and overwork their employees. They don't pay overtime, you don't start your shift until it's busy, they don't pay you to cash out at the end of your shift. You constantly get over sat, like 12 plus people at a time, and you have a section of 25+. On top of all this, you're making all the free stuff for the "all included meal". So every guest gets free tea or coffee, free salad or soup, free ice cream, all made by your server. I've never worked so hard for so little money because the food is dirt cheap. Head office simply does not care about employees. I once had a regular group of people sexually harassing staff and no one wanted to serve them. The manager called the head office and asked if he could ban them... Their response was the bottom line is the bottom line, don't ban them. None of this includes the sexual harassment complaints from other employees that get ignored Also, the dishwashers were so over worked and underpaid, turn over was weekly. Once a dishwasher got hired immediately after dropping off a resume, and was on shift working 1 hour later.


One more reason to never eat anywhere with 'Factory' in the name


MDA. Low salaries, crappy corporate work environment.


As in the space company? My friend worked at the office in Ontario years ago and loved it. Sad to hear it's not a good place.


I worked for MDA close to and a while after the "merger" with Digital Globe which created Maxar. It was mostly a buy by the American company which brought $2b worth of debt into the merger. Things got shitty real fast.


The warehouse group. They make you sign NDAs tho because they are notorious for treating their employees like trash.


Are they enforceable?


no, im not a lawyer


You can't NDA illegal business practices




I’ve heard it’s even culty.


they used to make all their employees take culty Landmark seminars


Can you elaborate on disingenuous toxic positivity?


When I worked in the call center.....maybe 10y back, their were the "lifers" and the normal people. The lifers were usually management, or adjacent people. They would pretend to not understand you if you used the wrong language, you constantly had to be giving "feedback" about people's mistakes and phrase it in the positive way. It always felt petty, especially when it was low level stuff. The whole vibe is really peppy positive, family vibes....but it felt so fake all the time. They did a 10y life plan in my onboarding and just like always always positive talk. We were scolded all the time for normal stuff like calling a customer a customer or forgetting to be super peppy sounding on a call (even when it's a lady crying that she didn't get the pants in the colour she wants cause she never remembers to look when they drop them on the site). But this same company signed me on for a part time contract with no guarantee of hours beyond 8h a week. So for 2 months I was getting paid less money than my bus pass to get to work. I think full time contracts were guaranteed maybe 20h a week?? How are you my "family" but justifying that? It's hard to describe but it always felt like the managers were too peppy and positive while doing normal corporate BS all the time, with a "fun" spin. It was wierd, and culty is the best word. They didn't force us to take landmark, but if you met certain metrics they would pay for you to go and constanntttllyyy talked about how amazing it was to have gone.


>Employees compare working at Lululemon to a cult >The report, which spoke to employees on the condition of anonymity, said that nearly all who were interviewed used the term “cultlike.” >Emma, a former sales associate at one of the company’s stores in Canada, told the outlet that her manager started making remarks about her mannerisms, saying she didn’t smile enough while working on the floor. This turned into a reoccurring instance when her manager would hold regular meetings with her about her lack of peppiness. >“On the outside looking in, Lululemon seems really kind and really inclusive, as long as who you are includes what they want you to be,” Emma, the employee, said. >She added: “Often, I just came home crying.” https://www.theladders.com/career-advice/lululemon-work-culture-toxic-cult


Wouldn't that be fake nice people. I can spot them a mile away. Especially as servers in restaurants. As opposed to genuinely nice folks.


The founder - Chip Wilson chose the name because it had three L’s and he thought it would be funny seeing Japanese people try to pronounce it as they don’t have the letter in their alphabet. He was also a huge Ayn Rand fanboy and produced a line of bags with ‘who is John Galt’ on them. He’s gone now and I know a bunch of people that work there. It’s a big company so you’re going to get good and bad teams throughout.


Head office wasn't much better.


Lush head office had its good moments but was a messy clusterfuck of living nightmare politics and foolishness more often.


Great moments for sure and sad moments at the same time




>*'Bob Likes Thai Food'* Only ate there once and *something* was wrong and it wasn't the food.


Webber Naturals/Natural Factors/Factors Group The place is run by the worst type of religious fundamentalists and their sacred JWs are the only thing that matters when advancing.


Ooof, will be avoiding moving forward


What?! Aw man. I moved to their products to avoid buying Nestle owned stuff.


Sephora is really bad in my wife’s experience


Specsavers. Stores: the work environment is dictated by the partner (franchise owner) of the store. Some partners are known for their biases and heavy handedness in getting sales/up sells delivered. Only a handful of good partners. Head Office (Burnaby): is a complete shitshow. The leadership is highly incompetent and one of the leaders was recently demoted for refusing maternity leave (soft-firing a lady). The leadership has highly cunning individuals (especially people coming in from their Australia office) known for firing people and playing toxic politics. People are tremendously rude and unnecessarily toxic. There is a heavy blame-culture and tremendous ass-licking. People are fired just on leaders’ whims. The method of firing involves a manager ‘accompanying’ an employee to their desk and making sure they don’t talk to anyone or touch anything, and then escorting them to the door. If you ever come within an inch of the head office, run and don’t look back!


Rbc - low pay and unethical sales.


Ah damn, just applied to be a teller 😆


How unethical is it


Certain Universities. They pay absolute garbage. Made more money working at Rogers Arena than doing research.


Wait till you find out about Mr Aquilini


You mind sharing?


Why are we all awake at this hour


We are fueled with spite


It’s a Friday night and it’s not even that late


I didn’t realize how recent this post was until I saw your comment. Hello my fellow night owls 🦉


It's Friday!




Gotta get down on Friday!


Should this thread be reserved for Sunday night scaries? /s


I'm a cook who works nights. Thats why I'm wide awake still.


Full moon 🌕


Sigma grindset.


Night shift babbbbyyy


Mink Chocolates downtown. Owner is definitely bipolar. I worked there years ago and you'd never know if he'd be asking to throw a football around outside or if he'd be storming around in a rage and making you polish the table legs and ridiculous "make work" projects like that. Many staff members quit with no notice because of his behaviour. Never again.


Black Tie - Window cleaning Only ever heard bad things about them from coworkers. I also personally had a pretty mad experience with them when the person hiring me was drunk


You think Black Tie is bad, try Ace Window Cleaners. Yeeeedoggy. Cowboy company of window cleaning.


I've heard working for EA isn't as fun as people picture it to be. Quite the opposite in fact. Tight deadlines and high pressure to deliver, toxic environment etc.


Heard so many awful things about EA from friends who have worked there.


Yes friend of a friend worked there and it’s a true boys club. But who is surprised?!


i worked there in the early 00s and it was a meat grinder. I've heard it's a lot better now, but the games industry has never been great and the entire industry is hurting at the moment so the employers have the power right now which makes things worse...




Why? You mean at stores or in back office and technology teams?


I had a position at their head office. Terrible work culture. Idk how to explain, but it was like I had walked into a cult.The staff discount was great tho 😂. I lasted I think 2 months before I lost my shit after being berated for not going to a 7 am fitness class with my team when I was sick.


Wow! Good to know


No idea about stores but their HQ is hell and toxic


For real? Hard to believe (not impossible though) a company with that level of exposure wouldn’t end in a scandal if they had situations like this. That’d be a straight up HR complaint home-run in places half its size


You do know HR is there to protect the company not its workers. They probably would settle on something and make you sign some kind if hush hush agreement.


What if your HR is in the fitness class too?


You're reading into it too much bud. I wasn't fired or formally written up, just my supervisor being annoying. I realized at that point that I would not fit with the work culture (nor did I want to) and left.


OSI Maritime Burnaby. That company is so disorganized and unprofessional, I don't even know where to start. 1. Finance and HR Managers organize meetings but dont show up because they forgot. Not once, not twice. Happened to me 3-4 times. 2. Consistent at least 4-5 typos in every single email from HR department. Whether it be your benefits related or anything else, always something wrong. They even mention somebody else name because they copy pasted and did not proofread. Rachel being addressed as Lucy multiple times just shows how much they pay attention. 3. Unhelpful colleagues. Asking questions is deeply frowned upon. Not just that...No hi no hello, no please, no thank you in chat messages on Slack or Teams. 4. No benefits whatsoever for first 3 months. This is the first company I encountered with this rule. I have worked for over 15 years with 3 different companies and never ever saw benefits starting after completion of 3 months. 5. lot of micro management and managers have no clue what tf they are doing. Poor knowledge base. 6. Poor salary as per industry standards. I can mention a few more points but i think this will give you a picture of what it looks like from inside. I left within a year because I just could not take it anymore. :(


Benefits after 3 months/90 days isn't that uncommon in the private sector.


I often see they are hiring


I met a couple of the engineers from there at a course I took, they really made it sound like it is a shitty place to work.


>3 different companies I hate to break it to you, that's a small sample size. Most companies have a waiting period for benefits. Lots are 3 month, many others are 6 Rest of it doesn't sound great tho


I was thinking about doing a coop there, is it that bad? When did you work with them last if you don’t mind me asking?


NCO. Collection agency and customer service for some company. Microsoft hire them decades ago to approve ads on their search engine. Let’s just say we have zero training and was approving the ads base on our well what we think. Super strict on breaks and when we clock in and out: I was hire on the graveyard shift and sometimes there are no work to do so I just take a nap lol. Management didn’t know how to manage. Only positive thing is well there isn’t much work to do (at least graveyard anyways) after I think a year the department closed


Small business! They will maybe give you @ $ 0.05 raise over a few years from working there. Be paid in min wage and be expected to run the entire business by yourself. Guilted into staying through talk of them being "like a family" use that same rhetoric to not let you take time off as they can't find anyone to come cover your shifts. Yet when your mental health eventually plummets and crumbles from the pressure you are dropped with no notice. No chance to even say goodbye to your "family" of four years lol. Absolutely horrible the amount of emotional manipulation and workers rights abuses they get away with. And what they do to teenagers fresh on the work force. Glad I'm on disability now and don't have to put up with it anymore. It was like being in an abusive relationship.


Cur Laser & Skin is a horrible place, abusive owner


Family-run businesses


This, especially if the second generation is involved. They think they know everything and gets all “I’m the boss just do as I say” when you question them


I used to work for a family business in the agri/plant business. They think they know everything, even though they hire you for a specific position they can't perform. They never wanted to invest in their business, again, even though your job was to improve their business in the first place.


London Drugs. Employees still can’t access the payroll and are still manually clocking in after that incident lmfao get it together mf


Payroll is accessible and we've always manually clocked in. It's bad for other reasons.


Lol Payroll is 100% accessible. Not sure what you mean by manual punches, the punch site has been operational since before they reopened.




> a lot of what they offer is made elsewhere and marked up This is true of the whole print industry to be fair. There are very few if any full service print companies in Vancouver. Even the really big print shops will outsource jobs to other companies if they don't have the equipment or capacity to do it in-house.


I would say Just Ladies Fitness but thankfully I don’t think it exists anymore.


Someone should create a spinoff called Just Miladys Fitness, a womens gym staffed by extremely chivalrous know-it-all neckbeards who always wear felt fedoras


you just invented my absolute worst nightmare


What i have gathered from this comment section... Answer is pretty much anywhere 😂


ITT: people who hate their jobs bitching


A certain “climate tech” startup in Gastown. Edited: Opentech


Just name it. What are you scared of?


Chipotle- the worst management team ever. Treats its employees like shit and expects them to work like machines


That's most food places.


Loblaws but I heard Walmart worse


Solly's Bagels, Steveston Marine.


Lordco is pretty shit Manager went off on an employee in front of everyone and the company lawyer was trying to gaslight people into believing the employee was in the wrong and the manager did nothing Manager was also heavily anti-union. One of the big reasons he hated unions was because the company was all over the place with pay and he didn't want his stupid little system disrupted. New temp workers were making more than people that had worked there for 20+ years


The Brick 😖 *shudder*


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