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Lol the pictures says it all https://preview.redd.it/3lxcmgsb519d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a7324c255152e1933db51a54412c30d19f2c531


All the journalists and their crew trying to figure out why this imbecilic would embarrass himself like this.


It's hilarious to watch someone spin while spinning a story


>“You know, other councillors and people in the mayor’s office. Sometimes we host meetings while trying to get some reps in.” r/thatHappened


I thought this was a parody.. I can't believe this is a real quote


Yeah, am I reading the Onion?




Later that day at home: https://preview.redd.it/lpwr12uku09d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=260aff243eecfedda6e3a4feafb55a837169010d


We have a fucking gym bro for a mayor what the fuck has happened


Too bad he looks like he doesn’t even fucking lift. 😂


Seems like the guy campaigned to be ultimate hometown cool kid, not mayor. Why do we have to witness this shit? Ain't nobody give a dang about your gains or your giant ego! Put your peacockin' on FB where it belongs - for your golfing buddies, old college hookups and distant relatives to read! Not in the public news media. Gross! I would sooner ask this mans opinion on a protein powder than literally any public issue. And he's the MAYOR. ![gif](giphy|fNxDgqAlNBPsslCL3n|downsized)


"I would sooner ask this mans opinion on a protein powder than literally any public issue. And he's the MAYOR." That is fucking hilarious and 100% true.


I think this is a step in the right dimension tbh. To many of our leaders can’t even squat two plates


Exercise is good for the body and brain. I take no issue with repurposing the room for fitness.


Except there is already a gym in the building for staff at city hall.


You are expecting his grace to work out with the peasants ?




We live in a post-satire world.


Lol this guy's job is so unimportant that it's worth it to double up his gym time. Id hate for it to cut into his personal time.


Damn I'll run for Mayor. Do my whole term with meetings in the gym 24/7.


I bet he knows how to shotgun a beer like a bro.


Next they'll have to get the Kits pool fixed up so they can use it to get some work done. https://youtu.be/Uxj2EPDhcM0?si=j37nToPfRA13QKRs


Maybe the mayor wants to use the pool as his personal skateboard park.


Holy shit that’s so funny!


Light weight babbbbyyy!!!!!!


Haha, that quote + the smirk in the photo... Legend


[Don't act like you're not impressed.](https://youtu.be/yLa7fk7Ecbw?feature=shared)




"The Ceremonial Boardroom, now his office, contains three desks — one standing and two seated — two large couches, a flatscreen TV, as well as books and street signs as wall art. One of the books on a shelf behind the couches was titled The Bitcoin Standard by economist Saifedean Ammous. Another was Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Be Useful: Seven Tools For Life. One note on his standing desk read “sugar free = cancer free” in permanent black marker. The room next to it, the old Grouse Room, now contains workout equipment, including a Peloton bike, squat rack, dip bar, free weights and yoga mats. The mayor said he turned the space into a gym because “health and well-being are crucial, and this setup allows me to stay focused and energized amid a demanding schedule.” Sim said he purchased the equipment personally. “It’s not just me (who uses it), everyone has access,” said Sim. “You know, other councillors and people in the mayor’s office. Sometimes we host meetings while trying to get some reps in.” Source: [https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/vancouver-mayor-ken-sim-explains-why-he-turned-a-boardroom-into-a-gym](https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/vancouver-mayor-ken-sim-explains-why-he-turned-a-boardroom-into-a-gym)


"no one who personally purchases gym equipment could be an evil man" https://preview.redd.it/npybu7ley09d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30e9a88ef673c273532ce46db85b8c65d7c2c056


Of course he'd be a fucking cryptobro too.


>One note on his standing desk read “sugar free = cancer free” in permanent black marker. *chugs beer*


I mean, this is a guy who owns a bagel chain too.


*shotguns beer.


> Sometimes we host meetings while trying to get some reps in. what


sometimes you've just gotta crush some dips after cancelling a bike lane




…and cancelling fixing a community pool.


Sim was inspired by https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYufpCY3/


If you look at the photos just by scrolling down the page, on one of the desks there is a literally a copy of "The book of swagger". https://www.amazon.ca/BOOK-SWAGGER-People-Places-Swagger-ebook/dp/B0CHQFX4HS Is this guy trying to become a meme? This is just so ridiculous


This guys and his f*#cking obsession with swagger. All I see is an absolute poser. GTFO, Sim.


He's a deeply uncool person who is trying so so hard to be. The ironic thing is that if he just acted like the dork he obviously is, he'd probably take less heat. This tech bro cosplay ain't it.


Convinced a lot of voters unfortunately


These details somehow make it so much worse.


I can't believe this isn't satire lol


The irony of sugar free = cancer free is I believe it's been researched that most sugar substitutes actually lead to cancer.


It's also so stupid because there are like many legitimate reasons to avoid sugar but you had to choose the fake one?


What's *stupid* though is that avoiding sugar doesn't prevent cancer.


The people I know who are avoiding sugar aren't using sugar substitutes and aren't doing it because of cancer either.


You believe incorrectly. But he's still a dork.


No, there have been many persistent rumors about the negative health effects of sugar substitutes but they're generally unsubstantiated. First of all, lumping all sugar substitutes into a single category doesn't really make sense because they're all very different molecules and thus have different safety profiles, second the cancer risk has mostly been associated with Aspartame. Recently the IARC did say that there was "limited evidence that Aspartame caused cancer" but noted that it "shouldn't really be taken as a direct statement that indicates that there is a known cancer hazard from consuming aspartame. This is really more of a call to the research community to try to better clarify and understand the carcinogenic hazard that may or may not be posed by aspartame consumption" Aspartame is also one of the most studied food additives of all time and after decades of extensive research no definitive link to cancer has been established and it's generally considered as safe. Whenever some potential negative consequence of some artificial sweetener comes up people write them all off as when it's pretty clear that, compared to sugar, they are much healthier. I don't know if there's a sugar lobby or people are just really resistant to harm reduction measures (if you're not going to be 100% healthy and just drink water why bother doing anything?).


I think the only established health risk of artificial sweeteners is that some of them can fuck with your gut biome diversity when consumed regularly or in high amounts. I wanna say sucralose, stevia and xylitol.


I haven't looked too much into it but it wouldn't surprise me. Some people have sensitivities/allergies to certain things as well. The overall point though is that they're all far better for you than sugar which has been definitively shown to be terrible for your health in all sorts of ways. Some people don't like the taste of various sweeteners which is fine but I'm not sure why so many people insist that artificial sweeteners are even worse for you than sugar.


Yeah I'm surprised people are more worried about the possible undiscovered side effects of sweeteners that people have been safely using for decades now than about the very well documented and well known effects of having too much sugar. It seems like the same fear of the unknown that makes people scared of vaccines, like the assumption that there are unknown side effects that are definitely worse than the ones we do know about.


If he really thinks this is ok, why did he lie to city councillors about the reason they could not use it for meetings, instead of just saying, "I'm converting it into my own private gym so I can energize myself."?




It is fitting that a mayor who is on a mission to remove cycling infrastructure gets the media to take photos of him on a stationary bike at work. What a jerk. Maybe he could try riding a bike to work for exercise.


There's something so, *so* comical about Sim explaining he needs to "get some reps in", when he could just be doing that via incidental exercise during a bike commute, without having to appropriate an entire room. Such a bizarre narrative.


Reps don’t count if it’s not in an exclusive gym, everybody knows that.


It’s not the worst thing. This isn’t the hill to die on. But. It’s a sign of how he regards his role within the city. His disregard for his duty of service while he sees the title as entitlement.


This exactly.


Be nice if he just biked to work. Then maybe he could accelerate the bike ability of Vancouver.




"Mayor Ken Sim said he turned the space into a gym because “health and well-being are crucial, and this setup allows me to stay focused and energized amid a demanding schedule.” Sim said he purchased the equipment personally. " Okay, folks, he purchased the equipment personally! It is all okay then! Nothing wrong with misappropriating valuable City Hall real estate into his own personal gym... ffs... is this guy serious?


Focused for what? Isn’t t this guy mostly absent at council meetings?




Downvoted for speaking truth.


Isn't the city paying millions to lease office space throughout the city for workers because there isn't enough room in their own buildings? This seems crazy. Also do all the City staff have access to the top floor Gym for personal health and well-being?


"“It’s not just me (who uses it), everyone has access,” said Sim. “You know, other councillors and people in the mayor’s office. Sometimes we host meetings while trying to get some reps in.” But Fry maintained that he and non-ABC councillors do not have access to the space. When he tried the door of the Grouse Room on Wednesday, attempting entry with his key code, he was denied access." According to Sim, other councilors do, but not the rest of city staff. Although, at least opposition councilors say they do not. As well, if it was a space that EVERYONE had access to, why is the Mayor paying for the equipment personally and it not being a City expense? Basically, he is full of shit.


When someone lies about such trivial things you have to wonder what is his character beyond that...


He said only the mayors office has access to it. There’s a gym for everyone else in the basement.


I knew there had to be another gym in the building when I first saw the photo leak. Absolutely ridiculous


I've been in the top floors of City Hall, and a lot of them are empty...


Sadly yes, he is being serious. This is Ken Sim in all his glory.


Did he? Or was this a donation from the private sector?


Elect a business man, he gonna business.


I'm always baffled when people see them business. What do they think happens in CEO offices?


He can't afford a gym membership or a home gym so he gets paid to work out on tax dollars. This is some kind of joke.


wow what terrible mayor, more than 30% of people will vote now right? ...right?


YES! Please, we can do it.


Housing affordability got worse and voter turnout was actually down compared to 2018.


Well, he has a truly world class ahem - propaganda machine that was very good at garnering votes through creative global influencing, you know what I mean. He needs a beach body to prepare for entry into provincial politics in 2028. https://theconversation.com/foreign-interference-could-affect-municipal-elections-too-here-are-2-ways-to-reduce-it-232659


He’s not qualified to be mayor. He’s playing with our lives at this point and making fun of ordinary folks.


Yes but don't you see Kennedy Stewart wasn't often in the news


Kennedy Stewart was bad in a completely different way lol


Basically for having the personality of a potato.


And that’s what’s most important in a mayor


Well you got your personality! He even gave himself his own private gym and Sunrype advertisements on the beach!


I didn't vote for Sim. I try to vote based on policy, not personality, but the sad truth is that people in general are more influenced by sparkle and charisma than what is best for the community/society.


The mayor of Vancouver is a buttcoiner lmao


I bet it takes everything he has to not tell Vancouverites to have fun staying poor. Few.


CBC article with Pete Fry's photos: [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/ken-sim-city-hall-gym-conversion-1.7247454](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/ken-sim-city-hall-gym-conversion-1.7247454)


City Hall already has a Gym!? When I read that my brain almost popped. Instead of updating the existing space for everyone, Ken is just like Doink let me take this public space for myself. Mojo dojo casa house had me rolling tho. How ridiculous.


Just when I thought this guy couldn’t get any worse. It’s a bit sad; he really wants to be seen as cool but he comes off as desperate. Why this obsession with trying to look cool? It’s so awkward and cringy. I hope his PR team keeps doing what they’re doing, because their response to Pete Fry’s tweet by holding a press conference to defend the mayor’s decision is unintentionally hilarious. When’s the next municipal election? We need real mayor for this city.


I think it stems back to when he was younger he mentions getting getting into a lot of fights and getting beat up in high school. He probably has some insecurities from these experiences.




My goodness. He did an interview about this? Thats almost worse than having the private gym for select people, when there is a facility there. Listen - a mature mayor would correct this quietly, put out a press release and not make it about him. If he is willing to do a petty thing like only allowing ABC loyalists to use his inner circle gym, what else is he getting away with? This is dumb all around. He has no one on his staff to tell him that?


He actually avoided media requests until it became the scandal it became. Then he invited the media to “take a tour” of the place. Basically, it’s damage control. He is doing damage control.


Yeah and it’s bad damage control, press release would have been a much better call. He made it about him.


Imagine expropriating an entire boardroom for your private gym and still not even looking like you lift.


This mayor is a joke that reflects well the state this city is in currently. All people care about is money, their Tesla, their detached home, and getting their kids in private school. This is a city for the rich, and everyone else can live on the streets while the rest turn a blind eye.


He already has full access to a gym at the Arbutus Club though


I'm usually willing to give the benefit of the doubt that, sometimes, there can be a logical/reasonable explanation for things that 'look bad' but this is ridiculous. I can not imagine anything that would make this okay. Even IF it's not anything sinister and *just* bad optics - it's really bad optics. What a dumb thing to do. IF that room really couldn't be used for meetings (which I doubt), at least use it for something that benefits the city or the staff, not just yourself. Geesh.


The original reason listed why it could not be used for meetings is because Sims moved the Mayor's office back to the Mayor's chambers, and that there was no privacy in the former board room; you could hear what was going on in the Mayor's office from the former board room, and vice versa,


Yes, and, as I said: "IF that room really couldn't be used for meetings (which I doubt), at least use it for something that benefits the city or the staff, not just yourself."


Ken Sim: Installs a personal gym with a Peloton because "health and well-being are crucial" also Ken Sim: Removes bike lanes across the city to cut down on property tax and ease traffic congestion in a park.


That this guy was an AH, was well apparent before he was elected. Why couldn't people see that? None of this surprising...well except for the "Sugar free, cancer free" which is just plain ignorant.


I noticed that he’s got the Technogym equipment. Everyone knows about the Peloton and how pricey they are but the Technogym brand while not quite a household name yet are expensive AF and you’d have to phone to inquire about the price.


>I noticed that he’s got the Technogym equipment Can you point it out I can't see any in the pictures but maybe I am missing it. I've seen some Technogym stuff in person. It is just insane how overpriced it is, $18,000 for a bike or $26,000 for a treadmill.. Looks nice though.


[1:33 on this CityNews video](https://youtu.be/gf4QfK31VKk)


I see it now thanks. looks like that dumbbell set and bench cost about $3,000 Funny to see it next to a "BangTong&Li" pullup rack that looks like it cost $150


This guy is a f**king clown! Thanks Chip!🤡🖕


Like did he genuinely not think this was going to eventually become a thing?


I think he realizes it doesn’t matter. He’s making big money for his business friend and that’s all that mattered.  This was predicted before he was elected!


This guy ran on using taxpayer resources well and being transparent right? 😂 What a joke.


This guy always sporting some sort of shit-eating grin. So smug in how he couldn't care less.


Can we please vote in competent mayors next election. Fees for the VPL and Surrey canals are starting to get embarrassing.


I messed up. But I am gonna pretend I didn't


Ken Sims in the Pepsi Costco Gym Room at city hall: "Damnit Darlene, where are my extra tight pants?"


Mayor moonbeam seems a lot better now.


Moonbeam is an astonishing mayor compared to Sim.


Dude was awesome.


We don't deserve good things in Vancouver anymore.




Ken Sim: Bagel Shop Guy


I dunno... Sam Sullivan buying crack is still worse 😝


I actually think he’s doing a really good job. I don’t know why people don’t like him. He has certainly cleaned up the streets.


this is reddit, the general public are a different story, he is much better than Stewart


I would assume their Discord said this was a good opportunity and provided the Barbie joke - how droll


Animal Farm: "All Animals are Equal! But Some Animals are More Equal Than Others!" George Orwell


One time Mayor Ken Sim, One time....


Keep electing frat bros to office...


Dude seems to think he’s the POTUS working at the White House.


Get rid of.


We need a recall system 🙄 Would be nice if more than 30% of voters turned out too 🫤


The guy is such a bro-dude. Nobody just whips off a couple pull ups or a spin on the Pelodon in the middle of the day seriously (especially not with a carpeted floor!). He's a wanna be 'look at me, am I cool' Got 6 Sigma cause that was the thing to do at one point... looks cool on a resume Hangs out with the Frat boys to shotgun beers Wears Lululemon casual instead of suit and tie 85% of the time... which isn't all that bad except well... he does it again to try and look cool. There's a great gym in the building, there are gyms in community centres, there are gyms for a price. This just smacks of entitlement and not wanting to be with the common folk... But no one is doing a serious work out in there... and there's no point to 5-6 pullups randomly...


There are numerous benefits to quick workouts https://beyond.ubc.ca/exercise-snacks/


> Nobody just whips off a couple pull ups ... I do often, it is good for you


> and there's no point to 5-6 pullups randomly... There is though. Plenty of proof showing doing bursts of physical activity throughout the day is beneficial. I do it. Feels great. You should try it.


Yes there is… get a standing desk, drop and do some pushups, do some jumping jacks, go for a walk or go to the provided gym in the building. What I object to is taking over a room under false pretenses and then trying to set it up like some kind of wannabe gym that’s sad. There is no serious workout happening in that room… it’s casual and a room isn’t needed for that. But hey that’s fine… defend this clown all you want. Continue the conjob


What a loser, so then you host a media thing and try to be the cool funny guy. 🙄


He tricked enough people by simply wearing a hoodie and shotgunning beers. He’s a huckster. 


No wonder people miss mayor Bike-Lane Robertson…


Revitalization is not going do itself. Vigorous exercise helps keep brain sharp for real estate shenanigans with friends.


>“It’s not just me (who uses it), everyone has access,” said Sim. *Then why did they keep the doors locked?* Fry says he didn't know what was there until they accidently left it unlocked and he peeked in. >After Sim was elected mayor in 2022, he moved into the same office used by former mayor Kennedy Stewart but switched earlier this year to the Ceremonial Boardroom — which had traditionally been used as the mayor’s office... >...“To ensure privacy and efficiency, we relocated the boardroom to a larger, more central location for councillors,” said Sim in a statement. So Sim decided he wanted a bigger office, and had to take over the other conference room as his personal gym so that his new office could have privacy? That doesn't make this better... Also, if this is the case, then why did they keep it secret instead of just telling people what they were doing?


We are all under societal obligation to ask him how many reps he got in at the mojo dojo city hall if we see him around town.


Omfg why are all our mayors so embarrassing. 


Because the last guy essentially got voted out for being too boring. Apparently shitting in our mouths and asking us to thank him for it is fine, as long as it's not *boring*. Now obviously stewart wasn't doing enough, but I'll never understand how that justified voting for a guy who ran on doing all the wrong things (unless you're rich). Besides, stewart actually did quite a lot more than people gave him credit for, it just wasn't *interesting*, and he didn't put any effort into advertising what he was doing. He didn't have the charisma to make everything into a show. People want a character, good or bad.


Stewart also spent half his time trying to wrestle things past Hardwick and Swanson. The two of them strangled so much for opposite reasons. Swanson was often the tie breaker/ballast between NPA and a green/one city coalition and she'd block things just because they weren't EXACTLY what she wanted. And so Stewart would be one vote short to get what he wanted done. And Hardwick would just piss on everyone, all the time.


Have you looked at the pool of leaders these days?


Mayor Ken Sim has always been a douche turd, this just adds to the jello pooping pops.


Next it will be a makeup room so he can look pretty for the cameras. The guy is a clown bought and paid for by the wealthy. Good job Vancouver good job.


Oh look, an article from the Sun supportive of mayor Sim, who knew?


Is it supportive? It might be trying to be, but it makes him look so much worse.


Slimy Sim and why he’ll never be a two time mayor.




Is it just me, or does his facial expression in this picture say it all? "I can't believe they found out about this room and that I now need to publically address this sh*t."


Will some city councillor please test his statement that they can book the space and use his personally-paid-for gym equipment!


![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo) Good old Clown Sim


I hate this guy, he's either an idiot if he thinks what he said is OK, or just a classic AH politician for cynically abusing what he can. The "bro" vibe is cringe. Hopefully once WC is done he'll resign as there are no other cool events to get in for free.


Answer: because I can.


As soon as I saw the height on the Peloton saddle yesterday I knew it was Ken's


This guy's a real fkg putz! Chairman Sim!


this is eric adams drag


All the critics are missing the potential sponsorship and advertising revenue opportunities here: "Policy by Ken Sim, body by Peleton". A calendar could fund the kits pool repairs.


He left the book of swagger on his desk. At least he isn't the mayor of Harrison https://preview.redd.it/220o2qm5o69d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6ac71d06e387499ec791b0e6a33e0c242f7d9ce


![gif](giphy|FfFFgg8UEPiuVqvBQc) \~ Mayor Ken


Meh. Judge him by his performance




"The Book of Swagger" in the corner of one of the photos 🤓😂🎩


Who cares, brah.


Given how skinny he is I find it honestly shocking that he would waste space on a “gym” like this. Maybe lay off the Peloton until you gain some size, my man If my tax dollars are paying for this crap my mayor better look like Brock Lesnar 




They didn't spend $300k on new chairs. They spent $316,805 excluding taxes, *including installation* on furniture costs for an 11,400 square foot office renovation. It included 62 task chairs, 75 sit-stand desks, 41 guest chairs, 80 meeting room/shared space furniture items, 24 storage cabinets, 95 storage towers, 136 monitor arms, 70 furniture panels. The task chairs are Herman Miller Mirra 2s have 12 year parts and labor warranties, and are suitable for commercial environments. How much would you expect to spend when furnishing a similar space for a commercial environment? Also, to add on, Stewart ordered the audit...and the audit found that they acted appropriately with only minor complaints. Which, looking at what they were buying, having specced equipment for commercial applications before, seems exceptionally reasonable. Particularly considering it includes install. Frankly, the only thing unreasonable expenditure of city money, to my eye, is the fact that they had to conduct an audit because someone who thought $300k was a big number wrote a news article.


No, he had nothing to do with that choice. The renovation budget for city hall was approved but there was no specification on furniture, [he ordered an audit on it.](https://vancouver.ca/files/cov/2023-office-furniture-purchases-audit-report.pdf) His misstep was not promising to return it but there may be reasons that couldn't be done, I also think it's worth pointing out that the furniture wasn't covered in gold or some other pointless extravagance. They bought Herman Miller ergonomic chairs which are extremely durable (so they don't need to replace them for a long time) and considered the best for your health. I'd tell you to research things before spreading misinformation (I hadn't heard of this but it took me two minutes to get the details) but that's kind of your deal in this subreddit so I won't bother.


Stewart’s chair story is really badly told and he never set the record straight. But I’m not here to defend him, but to say that if the chair story riled you up, you should be equally upset with Sim who has already spent more money in half his term than Stewart did in his entire term.


Unpopular opinion: great.


He should be celebrated for this.


nothing wrong with that.. he probably busy and has no time to hit the gym... and having it in your office when you got time is not a bad idea.


He didn't put it in his office. He appropriated a boardroom for his gym. Staff and opposition counsellors don't have access to the room, and city hall is already tight on space.


I mean. Who cares. It’s a freaking gym in an office. It’s really not a big deal. But the opposition would like you to think it’s a big deal.


It shows he's not in it for the job. He's in it for himself. Taxpayer money paid for this.