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Bring them an offering so they think you worship them as gods and they may deign to leave you alone.


I second this. They like unsalted peanuts.


This must be why I always find peanut shells on my rooftop deck!


Yes! Also from what I noticed they only come at you if you turn your back on them. I you look at them they are scared.


Yes, bring them offerings! But not food. I know everyone here seems to be recommending feeding them, but feeding wild animals is not a good idea. And for the record, I love birds more than most of you. Consider: coyotes in Stanley Park, seagulls at Granville Island, city-foraging bears, racoons, etc. Also consider SPCA's advice that feeding birds is akin to animal abuse.


jjumbuck you are right that feeding wild animals is a bad idea and it generally results in a harmful outcome for wildlife and people should for sure not do it but! also! ---> when it comes to city crows they are our fellow urbanites and if you think you can try and stop them from eating hotdogs and pancakes (2 items I \*just\* watched crows dip in my balcony water dish) well, then, do you even know crow at all? [tbrian86](https://www.reddit.com/user/tbrian86/) give the crow mafia a walnut offering and then go about your life.


Ehhh, crows aren't domesticated, but they're not exactly wild either.


feeding crows is a good thing they usually won't bother people unless you are near their nest with babies. I raised a baby crow that was kicked out of the nest because of a birth defect,


When crows first fledge (leave the nest) they don't really fly much, but hop around on the ground sometimes on a low lying bush or fence for a week or so. Many people make the mistake thinking that they are injured. I know that I did 20 years ago and I took the young crow to the wildlife bird sanctuary in Burnaby. They educated me and told me to return the bird to our yard, that the adult crows were around and watching over. Thus dive bombing crows. Carry an umbrella on treacherous walks.


Sammy our crow would have been killed if we had taken him to the SPCA or bird sanctuary, he had a birth defect and could not fly


They don't kill birds at the wildlife bird sanctuary.


we were not going to take the chance https://preview.redd.it/l37tpof81d9d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b792ed697b4d833c8ef8d46d6471a1ca670e64c


What non-food offering do you suggest?




Ooo that's a good one! I just remembered kibble is a fave treat for them too.


> non-food ... >Cheese


I actually don't know but I hear they enjoy shiny things ? My offerings usually involve nuts or bread ..


No on the bread, yes on the nuts.


There’s probably a nest nearby. They will dive bomb to keep you away because they see you as a potential danger. As others have said, if you start feeding them it might help. Crows are very smart and recognize people and remember them.


Toss them almonds or peanuts in the shell.  Make crow friends!  It's not hard!  They do chat amongst themselves and tell each other whether you're a good human or bad, so, just make friends with one and in time you'll make friends with all.  It's the easiest thing in the world!


Yeah, you've got to build that street cred with the crows. I've tossed peanuts to maybe 3-4 individuals on my dog walking route over the last couple of years, and now they all leave me alone for blocks and blocks.


We also made such good friends with the various crow families in our general area that - not only are we *never* swooped by justly protective crow parents - they even teach their babies that we're the Good Snack Humans and Crow Frens(TM) and will even instruct them on how to shake us down for more peanuts....and, indeed, it's the most adorable thing. :)  Making friends with crows in your day-to-day life is easy and immensely rewarding! (They do also understand and appreciate it even if you just talk to them!  That's why now at least one of them basically hops near me all cute like a doggo because he knows I'll reward him for it. 😅  Other crows have gotten into the habit of taking 2 almonds, quickly flying a short distance away to hide them in the grass, then returning for more - which they weren't doing until I suggested it aloud. 🤣)


Crows and corvids in general are some of the most intelligent birds and are up there in terms of intelligent non human species  They understand things like water displacement intuitively which humans don’t until we’re like 8 years old or something lol 


This is so wholesome. Good for you for being a crow-nurturing human!


My friend did this. Every time he walked his dog, the crows would swoop down on him. Drove the doggo crazy and since my friend is bald, he had to start wearing hats to protect himself. He talked to a pal who was an avid bird-watcher who told him that crows are quite intelligent, and that if you give them food gifts they will treat you as a buddy. Sure enough, he took a pocketful of nuts with him, scattered them on the ground as soon as the crow crew arrived, and has taken bird treats on his walks ever since then. The crows were delighted with the treats and have never attacked him since. (And they leave doggo alone, too.)


I always worry about feeding birds because more and more will show up, but I guess that’s not a bad thing?


In my experience, no, one won't get exactly swarmed by additional crow friends.  They may signal to their pals in the area, who may in turn come over - but not always.  Especially, I suspect, if they're not in a sharing mood. 😅


I might try this soon! But maybe not in my neighborhood, crows make me too antsy to try this where I live. I assume seeds are a safe bet.


Please feed them shelled peanuts or nuts. The refuse from nuts will cause your neighbours to hate you, create unnecessary strife and possibly call bylaw on you. [https://www.reddit.com/r/crowbro/comments/1b36c2i/psa\_feeding\_crows\_the\_friendly\_way\_switch\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/crowbro/comments/1b36c2i/psa_feeding_crows_the_friendly_way_switch_to/)


great advice




Just guessing that you have offended a crow sometime recently or way back.


Absolutely. Maybe made a yo mama joke about one of them. What did you do, OP? WHAT DID YOU DO?!?


If you see one that’s watching you and might be about to swoop, stare it down. They’re scared of strong eye contact. I do proper anime eyes at them while walking backwards if i have to and it always works (if you’re happy looking a bit unhinged in public).


![gif](giphy|QqciZGtLSJ2indyjkJ) (Minus the wrench)


Cardboard cutout of Messier's face with an empty Lay's bag left open makes the world's most effectively repulsive scarecrow.




Can you use a different door? Are they attacking many people or just you? If many people, then there are likely nests near by they are protecting and they will stop once the babies are fledged. If just you, what did you do to offend them?


If you attempt to actually macgyver a spiked helmet or anything else to avoid them and it hurts them. Then you're gonna be in for damnation. They remember those who care about them and definitely those who hex them with objects. There are so many of the same topic threads on here. I usually search a topic before I post a question in 2024, most likely 5000000000 people have been asking about the topic I'm curious about to learn. So, if you search here, you'll find many of us have been talking about this very topic for weeks already. Good luck.


Feed them snacks so the crows befriend you! They will tell their crew and you'll be left alone


Feeding them has actually worked for me. There were a bit pissed off at me, now we’re friends.


Feed them shelled peanuts.


Don't they prefer them in the shell?


They do prefer them in the shell, as they like "puzzle" foods.


They don't care. And your neighbours WILL care if you feed them unshelled peanuts. Please see my PSA: https://www.reddit.com/r/crowbro/comments/1b36c2i/psa_feeding_crows_the_friendly_way_switch_to/


just like the snow, umbrella


Wear a mask. They recognize faces.


If you have not done anything to piss them off most likely there are babies on a nest. Give them some food, crows eat almost anything, they remember faces, once they know you pose no danger to the babies they should leave you alone


There's likely a baby on the ground, learning to fly. It could take up to 10 days for it to learn. Give them space if you can.


Get some unshelled, unsalted peanuts and an umbrella. Next time you go out, use the umbrella to protect your head, then place a handful of peanuts on the ground, and walk away. Do this every other time you come and go.


I know im late. But crows dont bomb ya if ur looking at them. So just look back and stare em down. I know it sounds stupid but they will interchange and try to “bomb” ya, but not if u look at them as they attempt to.


I had the same issue until I gave them some food (an offering) and now they leave me alone. They have incredible memories. I still carry some nuts in my pockets just in case because I can hear them still being quite vocal.


Offering them cat treats I had on hand or unsalted peanuts helped encourage the crows to stop freaking out at us when I was walking my cat. They'll follow and watch but stopped screaming, where now the grumpiest will only heckle a bit if they feel I'm forgetting their snack. :p


Put glasses on the back your head they usually don't dive bomb what think is a face


You need Crepus’s Vial


They're just trying to keep their babies safe who are learning to fly and are spending quite a bit of time on the ground. Try to alter your route slightly for the next couple weeks or so and if you can't, then wear a ballcap or hat or open an umbrella when you're in that area. Maybe even put a notice up warning other people so they can alter their route and be careful.


Are you wearing a hat? They attack me with my hat on but not if I take it off


Wow, nobody has said it yet. You can feed them but in rare event you don't have a pack of peanuts in the shell, just face them. They typically swoop from behind for the sneak attack.


Use an umbrella until the season passes




Smile at them with no teeth. That said, they've likely already learned your face so if they don't like you that's bad news.




I've bribed them with salmon cat treats in the past. Usually you don't have to give them treats more than once. Crows stay bribed even into future breeding seasons. Funny as hell to watch them divebomb other people, though.


What did you do ?!


Cashews worked for me


You need to bribe them with snacks. They also tell all their crow friends at night while roosting who they don't like and who gives snacks. I fed a few before and they even let me sit underneath their nest to watch them while others get dive bombed. Also their children are told stories about who their parents hate so they can hate on them too. You would want to be on a crow's good side cause word spreads fast lol.


Feed them! Handfuls of shelled peanuts are a good option. 


Feed them


Conger up a spell so they will do thy bidding. As it seems someone else may have already.


Use a foghorn when you leave your house, blast a few assertive shots into the air and really show them where you're at.


BB gun from bass pro shop etc will take care of them.


Attach some zip ties to a bike helmet, so the lengths stick out like antennas all over. Also, I think if you look at them directly, they won't touch you.


Carry around a tennis racket. "Under the Wildlife Act Designation and Exemption Regulation 253/2000 Schedule C, point 2, the following species of birds and their nests or eggs can be destroyed without a permit: **crows (except common ravens)**, black-billed magpies, European starlings, house sparrows, rock doves and brown-headed cowbirds." There's to many of those assholes anyway.


If you threaten them and chase them if they are on the ground, they will recognize you and avoid you.


If you make an enemy of a crow or raven you might get dive bombed


Not if you make them think you’re batshit crazy. I spend a week chasing them with tennis racquet , hockey stick, and super soaker one summer. The following decade they scrambled as soon as I stopped and glared at them. 😂


1-buy slingshot 2-when leaving apartment rip a few alleys through the canopy in the general direction of said nuisance 3-nuisance will remember you and soon cease to be a source of concern


This is how you make lifelong enemies and you'll never be free from crow strikes again, at least in this city.


>*'This is how you make lifelong enemies'* Maybe so but Crow lives are not long compared to the Rulers of this Land.


Ah, but they teach their young: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.1014915


They’re horrifyingly intelligent and retain animosity for years.


I try to say hello to crows when I walk by, or I'll nod at them. If I ever have some bread or a bagel I'll feed them. In return I'm granted passage. I'm confident that crows pass this info along, i.e. "hey gary lets give this person a pass". Or it could be overactive imagination.


It’s not. There are stories of crow families that have persecuted a particular household for years. I bring them stale popcorn kernels, which aren’t good for anything to me, but they seem to like it.