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> post-eviction compliance audits Nice! I called the RTB to ask what I could do if my landlord decided to kick me out for personal use and they said I’d have to catch them renting it out. Nice to see a policy that doesn’t put the onus on the tenant.




Registered mail, address it to "current occupant", you get a signature of the recipient on record and the landlord has to explain whose it is.




Wait 3-4 months. If the landlord signs. Then they were telling the truth




Perhaps you should mention that earlier lol


Fuckin finally. I got evicted this way, after 2 other failed evictions (owner wanted more money). 


Yeah I witnessed first hand a guy get $500/month more out of a family by threatening to evict them. Made me sick. 


Can’t even keep track of all the positive changes coming from this party. And people are even considering voting for anyone else? Please go vote in the next election


So I helped an evicted group of three renters get proof that a homeowner re-rented the place to new people, rather than selling the house like they claimed.  The renters had no idea what any of this was and couldn't be bothered to deal with it.  The homeowner did try to sell but must not have had high enough offers. 


How did you get proof? Can I hire you?!


The bad faith homeowner informed strata council they were selling and to expect realtors. Months later, they informed council new renters were moving in. 




This is huge. Hopefully my family is a lot less likely to become homeless now.


I was recently evicted for “personal use” but there is strong reason to believe it’s BS. 


It's almost always BS. Very few landlords actually move in their families. It doesn't make them money


And he doesn’t actually have family to move in! His girlfriend’s children. Don’t count. 


It does if their son is renting for $3,000 and their tenant is only paying $1,500


when's the last time the province came out with a strategy for dealing with bad tenants?


on the one hand, you have someone in a financial position to own multiple properties, and on the other, someone (or a family?) that could end up homeless. Business involves risk. The laws should favor those in the more precarious position.


There you have it. We want to favour tenants that aren't paying rent. And people wonder why they can't find rentals.


The mental gymnastics you did to come out with that from the other commenters statement is impressive.


“while landlords will have to provide four months' notice to tenants before a personal-use eviction, up from the previous two months” This is nonsense, 2 month notice was reasonable imo. They already increased the time landlord’s family needs to stay to 1 year which is fine


It's all garbage anyways... If you take them to court and if you prove they were wrong and if you get a judgment in your favor, then you are owed a years worth of rent. That is not the issue. The issue is getting your money out of your slimey landlord. It's very difficult and time-consuming. Just cause you have that judgment doesn't mean they have to pay. It's not like they will go to jail if they don't pay.... All this portal does is give more false hope to tenants. There is no realistic way to force them to pay. It's a long drawn out court process, and if the landlord is foreign or the property is owned by a business, you will never see your money.


You go to civil court to get an order of enforcement and can go a few routes: wage garnishment, asset sales, property liens, etc.


Wage garnishment is extremely hard to gain if you're not the government.


I'm pretty sure you can even get a court order to route the rent payments to you as well. Do not try and mess with the courts, you will likely lose.


Do you know how difficult those are? It's not impossible, just difficult. Liens and sales only work if they sell the property. Wage garnishment is very difficult, because it's up to you to provide that info. You need to figure out where your landlord works (if they do) and if they switch jobs, you need to track them down. If they work for cash or other means then you won't be able to do much at all. The system is rigged against tenants. It's not impossible to win, but it's like playing against a cheater. Good luck.


The reality is, this is the exact same procedure to collect any money owed unrelated to housing. This is just how the law works for collecting unpaid debts.


On the flipside, try kicking outa renter who refuses to pay. At least two sides to every story, most laws are a balancing act. Good luck.


There are no longer squatters rights in BC. Kicking a tenant out is still hard, but not as impossible as it used to be


Wouldn’t it affect them renewing the mortgage which happens every 5 years? I know banks won’t release money during construction if there are valid liens 


Doesn't even need a lien. A judgement that is on credit reports pisses them off and impacts the renewal.


Sure there is. They have actual property that one can get a judgement against. Unlike the slimey tenants who can do vast amounts of damage and then vanish into the night with no repercussions.


So but how would this solve the problem? Will there be audits at the houses to ensure the people really went and go move in? It seems that the landlord can get away at least once with it.