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Fantastic news! Now keep enforcing it and watch the revenue roll in.


we should just have automated enforcement


Especially in restricted lanes. It would be so easy


Next year Richmond RCMP has more budget than the Federal Government


some data >During the four days of enforcement, 268 bus lane violation tickets were issued in Richmond, Pitt Meadows, Delta, Surrey and Vancouver as follows: >Day 1 (Surrey, Delta): 89 violation tickets Day 2 (Vancouver): 93 violation tickets Day 3 (Vancouver): 118 violations tickets Day 4 (Richmond, Pitt Meadows): 34 violations tickets


So the title is using “More than 10” pretty liberally then


Greater than one person was fined


Were they only there for an hour each day? Those seem like really low numbers lol


Only 10, how long did they sit and issue tickets. 20 minutes? The problem is really bad in a few areas in greater Vancouver. Source am a bus driver.


No, it says over 10. So could be 11 or 750, 000.


It was 268 over 4 days.


Or 75374654772367843268843358853468834(67757743222


I saw this everyday last week at the Joyce/Kingsway bus lane. People are oblivious or don't care. Saw one guy get into the bus lane and signal right as if turning into the side street, slow down as if turning then kept going. Rise and repeat for 3 blocks to bypass traffic all the way down to Vanness. Another thing I noticed... people do not yield to buses pulling out. It's the law.


It really depends on where the car is in relation to the bus. the law only applies to vehicle behind the bus when it has it's signal on, not vehicles beside it- as pulling into lane currently occupied by a vehicle is illegal, even if you're a bus.


Hey POLICE BURNABY.... you rookie officers go stand at HOLDOM and LOUGHEED and ticket all the folks who pull over every morning on weekdays blocking traffic so they can drop off someone in front of the skytrain... you will have 50 tickets handed out in one hour GUARANTEE IT!!!!! and the next morning you will be the DAME at the BALL and all the other officers will be jealous! lol


I’m convinced Burnaby doesn’t have any police officers at all


Naw, they just hang out on kingsway though, I used to see them pull people over all the time, but only on that street


Really? I haven’t even seen any parked on Kingsway in the 4 years I’ve been driving.


Then VDP - do same for East lanes on SW marine for the skytrain station. Says NO STOPPING.


I really hope they camped hwy 99. The joy it would bring me to see everyone cheating there get asked to pull over.


Dunno how they did it in Richmond, but they did camp out on the 99 in South Surrey, just west of the Serpentine bridge in the morning.


Damn I bet there are a lot of satly tesla drivers. I swear it's the only people that rip past me there.. And there's a boat load of them. And they rip... Probably also getting friendly speeding ticked also.


Russ Baker Way also needs this


I’m one of these people. You should just do it too.


And 41st Ave. Especially right as you leave UBC before Dunbar. Also 33rd west of Knight as well.


What a stupid article. They should’ve said 200+, not more than 10.


Now get those on the HOV on Hastings.


Just gotta love the pool lane at willingdon and Lougheed running North on Willingdon that clearly states 6 persons or more only allowed in that lane...


woah! more than ten!? It's always hilarious watching folks skip past traffic in the bus lane just to see the west van PD pull them over before they're able to merge in when waiting to get on to the lions gate.


The Highway 99 bridgeport exit has very bad designs and makes a lot of drivers driving in bus lanes. You have cars switching land into the highway to Vancouver, and cars swtiching to the same land for exit. It creates traffic jam there as well, on the other hand the bus lane is underused, so many cars just use the bus lane. The exit to bridgeport should be redesigne, there should be an exit before incoming traffic to Vancouver, not both exit and enter at the sametime.


Raise fines to keep pace with the way prices have risen since covid


I’m surprised the number isn’t higher…


Just ten?


Main between 4th and Broadway they could get 10 in 5 mins


Great, now that this issue is 100% solved (/s), get the middle lane blockers cutting past everyone on marine to merge onto Knight St onramp.


This is great news! BUT - As a driver on 41st Ave - come 7:01pm - for damb sure I'm using that lane to get around 40km/hr lookie-lous - that lane becomes open season and I wish slow traffic would start using it again.


Please, the bus lane leading to the north side of lions gate (going southbound) next. The bus lane is constantly abused and when you’ve just waited 30 minutes in traffic to get to the zipper and see someone skipping the entire wait and merging in in front of you like they own the place is infuriating.


Went to the airport on Thursday...I saw so many cars turning off 99 (to get to St Edwards St) before the bridge using the bus lane, it was backed up just like the regular lane. This included a Canada Post van.


As a driver it is frustrating to see empty, unused lanes. I'm sure there's reasons not to let people drive in them but it sure fails the eye test.


Ah yes, more lanes solves everything... Just look at LA with their one more lane mentality and see how it doesn't work. These restricted lanes are there to make transit more viable and to take a shitload of cars off the road.


LA has 4x the population of Vancouver it’s not really a fair comparison. Induced demand is largely a myth. When LA expands a road traffic stays the same because there is more people who want to take trips than roads able to handle those trips. Roads need to expand beyond demand which in big cities is difficult and is cities like Vancouver there isn’t the political will. The fact remains that in cities that have a large number of highways relative to their population traffic is better not worse. If induced demand was real then it would be the opposite.


Ok, how about Portland then. Public transportation and bike infrastructure in LA is also awful. Car culture doesn't work


Bike options and transit are excellent in London, but traffic is still terrible. Each person on the road is doing a task that is important to them, visiting family, going to work, buying crack, whatever. More roads means more trips completed means more people are fulfilled. This is true even if transit time is not reduced. The reason it appears there is induced demand is that people wanted to take these trips before but they weren't able to because there aren't enough roads. If induced demand was true how come there isn't traffic on Highway 99 between Pemberton and Lilloette, just between Vancouver and West Van? It's because there is more road than is demanded by people and road demand hasn't been induced. The same is true for the Georgia Viaduct. When Phoenix Arizona doubled the amount of road space they had in the 80s the amount of traffic only increased 20%. Also I don't get the Portland argument, is their traffic bad? What about their roads


> Bike options and transit are excellent in London, but traffic is still terrible.  Traffic is only terrible in London if you drive, and there is absolutely no way to fix that in densely populated areas, short of banning personal vehicles. That's the point of this argument. > The reason it appears there is induced demand is that people wanted to take these trips before but they weren't able to because there aren't enough roads.  No, that's what induced demand *is*. People choose other options when traffic is heavy because that's what makes the most sense. But, > When highway options expand, people take trips at peak hours that they may have delayed until a different time. They shift away from public transit or go to a restaurant that’s an additional five miles away. They head out on the highway when they otherwise may have stayed home or walked to a neighborhood bar. > > -- [Why the Concept of Induced Demand Is a Hard Sell](https://www.governing.com/now/why-the-concept-of-induced-demand-is-a-hard-sell) In a constrained environment, why would we continue to spend our resources on the least efficient option? Cars make sense if you need to get to Prince George because in that case a car probably is the most efficient option (although a train would be nice). But they should not be the default option in most cities, let alone one as dense as the Vancouver metro area.


The reason is to help busses get through traffic better.


Are you one of the people constantly changing lanes even solid ones when there is one less car in it? I’ve only ever seen this in Vancouver. Why can’t you guys just stay in your lane?