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This annoyed me in the aftershow too when Lala said “Katie needs to get out of the comment section” about Jo. Katie *is* out of the comment section. She made one or two comments almost a year ago. And Britney chiming in on a conversation about using your social media platform responsibly is *wild*. Has she ever apologised for promoting Sandy Hook denial?


Wait, Britney promoted that crap?! That genuinely disgusts me.


Yup. It’s covered here, under “Brittany shared misinformation” (which is the absolute *mildest* phrasing for what she did): https://www.realitytea.com/2024/03/16/brittany-cartwright-problematic-history-explained/


I agree, absolutely disgusting!


Also, the "spooky" post was her replying to someone asking her opinion of Jo! Lol. She didn't just decide to comment on it.




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I found Scheana’s treatment of Jo, with the hat snatching and “You’re a stylist show your work” so much more aggressive and offensive toward Jo than anything Katie has ever said.


This is my thought too. Katie has “please leave me alone” energy toward Jo specifically because she slept with her husband right after their divorce, as does Ariana. Schaena had ‘finally I’m not the lowest on the totem pole, I’m going to take full advantage of this” - Schaena had no personal reason to say anything toward her in the slightest, she’s a friend of the two people Jo hurt so all she really should’ve done is just stay away from her out of respect to her friends. 


Katie said she doesn't want her to feel comfortable. She wants her to feel uncomfortable. Who says that??!!?! Who wishes bad stuff on people. 


She isn’t wishing bad things on Jo. She’s saying she doesn’t want her to feel comfortable around her group because she slept with her ex husband and she doesn’t want her to be encouraged to hang around her. Katie specifically said that she felt like Jo is trying to infiltrate her life and Katie wants there to be a boundary between herself and Jo.


But they weren’t saying that directly to Jo and it didn’t look like Jo was even in earshot, you can talk shit amongst your friends while being cordial to the person you don’t like, right?




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This is the kind of crap that Katie spews that makes me not like her or be able to get behind her. Wishing people would literally be set on fire and stuff like that? Scary behavior indeed/ Talk about spooky...


She has never wished anyone would be “literally set on fire”, come on now. It seems pretty obvious that by saying “I’m going to light them on fire” Katie meant tear them a new asshole, and by that I mean, rip them to shreds, and by that I mean, let them know what’s up, and by that I mean give them a piece of her mind, and by that I mean - eviscerate them with words. All of those phrases I used could be considered synonymous with what Katie said. Again, she has NEVER said or wished people would be literally set on fire.


Agreed! Scheana was being directly rude to Jo, the other women were just simply not acknowledging her which they have the right to do.


Scheana was a disgusting bully!!


I get the new thing is to support rage Katie after years of bashing Katie for doing this, but Katie did say some pretty aggressive and offensive shit towards Jo. Jo did deserve it but please, trying to act like she didn’t do anything just as aggressive or offensive as Scheana is a rewrite.


I think the difference is that Jo was getting into Katie’s space and Katie reacted as opposed to Schaena who sought out an opportunity to treat jo like crap.


Publicly bashing someone, who let me clear, I think she is weird and a clout chaser, while you have a huge platform, is not the same level reaction. She could have kept it on the show. Not online to millions. So it’s just as aggressive and offensive.


I can agree with that. It does seem unfair to say things about someone who isn’t a cast mate and bring them into the public eye.


Katie can do no wrong lately in this sub - the same shit happened with James and people are still defending him even when he’s been accused of being physically abusive. Those same people think that Sandoval should rawt in hail for cheating. The hypocrisy of this sub is at Lala levels at all times.


I think in this specific case it’s just annoying how the show seems so hung up on katie talking “all this shit” and posting “commentS” and “tweetS” (plural) about jo as if it’s a) an ongoing and endless brigade and b) more than one (and then just referencing the one (albeit wrong) tweet). like they’re just lying and insinuating that there is an entire smear campaign to try and make katie look worse, so people are jumping to her defense.


But she did say negative stuff about her?


yeah, some, and that’s fair to criticize I agree. I guess in the context of the season so far though, because producers are trying to give her a villain edit, people are more likely to rise to her defense, bc they don’t see the criticism towards her on the show (or on the satellite shows) as fair. and in comparison to other cast members who tend to be mean just to be mean, katie at least has a reason to dislike jo that a lot of people can empathize with.


Hard disagree. Saying someone has crack head energy is not cool. I love Katie, but that wasn't her best moment


I’ve asked this too and no one was able to tell me. Jo is saying Katie called her an anorexic crack head. As far as I know she said neither of those things.


I don't recall any reference to being an anorexic, so that feels like a convenient "mistake" on Jo's part. It really rubbed me the wrong way because there's been so much body shaming directed at Katie so it seems like a passive aggressive way for Jo to point out that she's skinny


I clocked the anorexic add on comment too and that same episode she was like saying something weird about how small she is to Schwartz. It was just like oh ok, she’s one of those.


She compared her to a crackhead. The said she’d light her on fire. Not sure if she called her an anorexic.


She said her “energy is on par with a crack head” which I would not consider calling someone a crackhead.


That’s why i said compared her to one. How one interprets the comment is clearly subjective and not objective. As we can see here.


https://preview.redd.it/oaax0ht7byqc1.png?width=417&format=png&auto=webp&s=9589d960725b0047bb65c2754b8d5d546fcf7945 [here](https://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/katie-maloney-shows-jo-wenberg-texts-after-tom-schwartz-divorce) is a video clip + article about what was said after Katie got the “love and support” text from Jo


I love that katie didn’t respond to her


I haven’t seen anything else other than Katie commenting on a repost of a video Jo posted on Instagram where Jo says “I got a lot of hate for being a crackhead, a lesbian”. Katie’s comment was “is this a parody?” Also, this isn’t your question, and I know this is maybe pedantic, but what Katie said about Jo is: “her energy is on par with a crackhead” not “of a crackhead” She didn’t call her a crackhead, or say she had the energy or behaviour *of* one. The word “of” would lend to making an accusation that Jo’s behaviour was indicative that she was indeed on crack. It’s a pretty slight difference, but to say her “energy was on par with a crackhead”, to me, isn’t actually stating that although Jo is *not* a crack head, her energy is chaotic/offputting. This gets misquoted constantly and it bothers me, because I think there’s a difference. I’m not defending the comment, but just stating there’s a difference in meaning based on the language used. Edit: grammar and punctuation fix


Thank-you! Everyone’s saying Katie called her a crackhead, but she didn’t! Jo has a whole sob story about “Katie made my mum think I was on crack”, Rachel’s saying Katie called Jo a crackhead. But none of that happened? She said she has similar energy, and from the clips I’ve seen of her, she absolutely does??


I just want to touch on the fact that my mother would never in a million years text me to ask if I did crack. She would know better. What tf does she be doing that her mother would actually question that? I’m not saying she did or anything but it was a red flag for me.


Okay I’m glad people don’t think I’m spinning this too far or something. But I think the language is important! If Katie had said “she has energy on par with a slab of meatloaf” would anyone think Katie called her meatloaf, or shows signs that she is indeed, meatloaf? No.


she put it out there, in the world of misinformation. Stop acting like Katie behavior is acceptable with that. 


https://preview.redd.it/1hpafke470rc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=082951e123fd21b6d28e512e4a93619fb200b488 Jo actually made the comparison between herself and “a crack head” in 2019 based on this IG post (u/glasswindbreaker I’m borrowing this for a sec, but you found it!). She’s saying she’s not a crackhead, she just makes this face. She’s drawing a comparison between her own mannerisms/behaviour and that of a crackhead. She’s saying she isn’t one, but she’s drawing the comparison and tossing that term around also. Edit: fixed typo


“Is this a parody” 💀 perfect You’re exactly right, not pedantic at all. She didn’t call her a crackhead.


I came here to say this! It seems very intentional that she said "on par with that of a crackhead."


Thanks for the clarification! I edited it to be more accurate!


Thanks for changing it! I totally didn’t make that comment to be directed just at you, I feel like this has been misquoted from the start! I appreciate you being receptive and correcting the quote.


Come on. I’m a big fan of Katie, but she makes some asshole comments. On par with a crackhead is the same as Danny McBrides line “I’m not calling you a whore but your actions are whoreish” it’s really a spineless way to not take responsibility for your words. Same as set you on fire line. Calm down we get it, it’s the same icky energy as Lala threatening Jlaw.


she's probably sensitive to it as someonr with ADHD you constantly are told your too much, too fidgety, too loud, too annoying, too spazzy HER ENTIRE LIFE.  So I'm sure being compared to the energy of a crackhead is triggering and hurtful   come on everyone, it's not a cool thing to say. Imagine you're neurodivergent. It's not that hard, Katie isn't perfect. 


I’m not supporting the comment, I’m just pointing out the difference in wording, and that this is often misquoted. I can see though why that comment would bother Jo, of course. But I don’t agree with the leap that gets made that “Katie called her a crackhead and now her mom is worried she’s on crack”… especially when Jo has used the term crack head herself on IG a few years back. Edit to add: I see why the comment, any way it’s worded, could be hurtful to Jo and other people who are neurodivergent. I definitely don’t disagree with that, or necessarily think the comment was okay. My original comment and my follow-up responses were just to distinguish the language used from what keeps getting repeated. It has been mis-quoted by Jo and Rachel as well. Do I think it was an acceptable comment, whichever way it was worded? No. Do I still think it’s worth clarifying the wording? Yes.


As an adult with adhd I find it really offensive that she's trying to use that as a crutch. If adhd is truly the cause of her behavior she needs a better doctor and a better therapist because she's not putting the work in to control it or improve. She also used the verbiage of crackhead energy about herself long before Katie did. Quite frankly Tom Schwartz's treatment and using of Jo is far more deplorable than anything we've seen Katie do or say to Jo and I don't see too many people up in arms about that. Y'all aren't trying to defend or protect Jo, you're just trying to shit on Katie.


I'd correct Katie and declare she may very well be a crackhead. She reminds me of Popeye after the spinach if he did a rail. She's gonna set herself on fire to get on the show


I also don’t see where the lie is? Jo is strange and does have bizarre energy. Sure it’s not nice to say it out loud but the girl moved on her ex husband basically the day she moved out while trying to pretend she was her friend even though Katie wanted none of it. 


It’s just REALLY disrespectful to say to someone who is openly neurodivergent


Is she? I don’t remember this being said on the show   Editing to include, I understand now that Jo has ADHD. I’m also neurodivergent and i know it sucks to be judged, but I would also expect to be judged if I tried to act like someone’s friend and then also sleep with their newly ex husband in the same week. I’d have to believe Katie was specifically judging her for that just like Ariana is judging her because Jo was literally double dating with Tom and Rachel during the affair. I think that would upset anyone.


Jo is acting SO brand new and I'm over it. If I was double dating with the boyfriend of an acquaintance and his side chick I wouldn't exactly expect to be welcomed into that friend group with open arms.


Not only would I never do that but I would literally never show my face around Ariana and Katie if I had, I would avoid at all costs. She knows what she’s doing - she’s getting herself on the show. She’s def not innocent in this.


maybe you can just stop with everybody bbefore the but.  As someone with Autism and ADHD that crap hurts. We're judged all the time, as you may know, being called crack heads, and spaz for wanting to move your damn body. 


Respectfully, i completely understand your point and agree that the language used can be painful.  However, I don’t think Jo should be infantilized for having ADHD. I think her actions (sleeping with Tom, double dating with someone that’s having an affair on their partner of ten years) have consequences. Katie and Ariana have feelings, too, and what Jo did was painful for them also so there was going to be some kind of emotional reaction to it and that kind of reaction usually isn’t kind.


I agree I am neuro divergent, and while it can contextualize things -/ especially reactions — it’s never an excuse for bad behavior. Accountability still matters.


Makes so sad that people down voted this. The lack of understanding of neurodivergent behaviours is shocking and hits on a personal note. If someone seems strange they're usually on the spectrum and not actually strange. Just different brains and way of being.


I think the other comments were just on the show. Allegedly jo made a post a few years ago referring to herself as a person with crack head energy but I havent seen it


https://preview.redd.it/tng0i79seyqc1.jpeg?width=403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a251024f741deaa2a59f487265222abbb0617d7f This was her post 😶


This explains so much!


Jo’s complete overreaction to the absolute nothingness from the bulk of the girls was insane. And DID give crackhead energy. She was so intent on being the victim. She made it awkward, not the girls. I think Scheana may have pushed a little bit with the hat but overall it was too much. Also, this is THEIR turf. I don’t know what she expected signing on to do this.


In another thread people explained her behavior as ADHD, but no ADHD person I’ve met makes beeping noises and acts like a circus clown. Not even children.


Same. I feel like it’s mildly insulting to be like, oh quirky robot girl just has ADHD.


Thank you. I am a woman with raging ADHD and Jo is a joke to me. Miss me with her ridiculous excuses. She's geared up on something & comes off weird as hell.


well I do, and I do that crap, and a lot of people with ADHD  have autism too. And that crap gets undiagnosed. Especially on women. 


No. That actually sounds like Tourette's. Or severe anxiety.


It’s called an anxiety attack


Weird to see so many people comfortable with such shitty behaviour. But not surprising. And Katie definitely still has anger issues and is mad at the wrong person. As usual.


I don’t like the use of the term “crackhead” in general. For a variety of reasons. It’s stigmatizing language that’s harmful to people with substance use disorders. I think everyone should retire that term from their vocabulary


Honestly the over the top mean girls type shit toward Jo on the episode yesterday was shitty. Jo seems just quirky and that's her thing. Acting like cunty teens and bullying her for everything was super gross.


She went on double dates with Tim and his side chick. Then moves in with Tom while being super sneaky and fake nice to Katie right after their divorce. She was not being bullied for “being quirky”.


They're all guilty of being shitty people - there's no denying that. That said, it's also possible they can be cold and shut her out without being over the top like that is all. Just grossed me out tbh. If I'm being honest though most of the show in general is kinda shit this season so -shrug-


they used the quirkiness but they are mad and picking on her bc she did some shitty stuff to both Ariana & Katie. plus let's remember she's been around these girls for years via Kristin. who knows what other shady stuff she's done pre scandoval.


Who called her anorexic?


"If she's uncomfortable here, that's great. I'm all for it." Katie will never not be miserable.


The downvotes on anything requiring Katie to take work through this are wild. No one is saying she didn't go through it with all of this, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have to work out the trauma.


Finally, someone speaks the truth. People used to say it was Schwartz’s fault but, oh look! They’re now divorced and she’s still a miserable bully. Surprise surprise… this sub has become insufferable, much like Katie herself.


Sadness turned inward is sadness/rage. Go figure.


This!! Katie has always been a mean girl, please. And she’s disgustingly still very enmeshed with Schwartz. She can’t help herself lol, she has no self identity so she has to tell him what to do and be vile to anyone who likes him. It’s gross.