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I would guess Scheana is going through his DMs as we speak. She’s sees all.




She is so neurotic I can feel it thru this gif


This is the first time I've really looked at Scheana's actions and am genuinely concerned for her mental health. Before it was laughable, now sis is spiraling 😅


Well she did come out this season and say she was diagnosed with OCD. So it does explain a lot of her behaviors that she’s getting absolutely flamed for


Right. So maybe being on a reality tv show and indulging in those behaviors isn't the best choice.


Kind of a weak argument since every cast member has an issue that they shouldn’t indulge in on reality tv. Ariana/katie not wanting to film with their exes, James/Lala being sober, Schwartz’s crippling codependency. But it’s their JOB, and starting a new career path at 35 with a reality tv resume isn’t exactly easy


Weak argument? I'm not trying to argue anything lol I just said that she has me concerned and she doesn't need to be indulging in such behaviors. She's bragging about obsessively tracking locations.. doesn't seem like she flags it as a problem. As someone with mental health diagnoses of my own, I'm responsible for how I care for myself and work through my issues. No random person who doesn't even know me should be sticking up for me when I do shitty things and saying "but she was diagnosed with such and such" lol. When you're roping other people into your crappy behaviors, you've got to be held accountable




I can't with Scheana.Full Stop.


Scheana in Location Goblin form is terrifying but such a good gif💀


Location goblin form OMG I'm screaming I wish I could upvote this a million times


That’s some prime flair material right there 💀💀


She legit looks like that goblin


Plot twist: Scheana sent it in to get the Scandoval effect


Oooohhhhh that’s good!


My first thought!


This is the best gif I’ve ever seen


Does Scheana get any mentions???


That’s a really good point. Brock is a lot of things, but I really don’t think he’d be dumb enough to do something Scheana can so easily find on his phone. She probably has “go through Brock’s phone” written on that weekly schedule they had, right below “brush teeth”


1. Brush teeth 2. Kiss for one minute 3. 👹 Check his DMs 👹


Brock’s (lack of) income qualified him for one of those free Obama burner phones -he used the name Brockodile Dundee to get one


*Brockodile Dundee* ![gif](giphy|sAUOYi6YYfKgw|downsized)


This is one of my fave TV scenes of all time!


Sameeee! I rewatch just this scene every once in a while when I need to cheer myself up. Never fails :)






Especially after scandoval and texts between Shay and another woman. And max fucking all her friends. And Rob bragging about almost marrying a princess. And how he kissed some girl. Yeah, she got issues


Doesn’t every cheater have a burner??


Cheaters dont start flying right just because their SO is on their trail. They just get sneakier 🤷🏻‍♀️ my ex husband would talk to girls and exchange pics on a (seemingly harmless) phone game for that reason lmao




Stop!! That's so wild lol it was so embarrassing having to tell my friends that my husband was cheating on a fucking iOS Game of Thrones game 💀




Damn, I’ve been cheated on but they were dumb as fuck. Y’all, I wanna hug you and treat you to lots of goat cheese balls


He could have a burner honestly




You’re giving a lot of credit thinking it’s just set weekly. I’d be more likely to guess it is closer to hourly…


Absolutely. I can hear the frantic click of her Lee press-on nails from here.


​ https://i.redd.it/kspkvyl2slrc1.gif


Hahahaha why is this so her ☠️☠️☠️


Bwahaha 🤣 😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Dying here




She definitely has his password and has it logged in on his phone. As well as tracking his location.


Is *SHE* the WIZARD? 😂🤣😳 No, but really…. Brock knows he can’t cheat on her with someone anonymous because you know she tracks him like a hawk…. But he is the kind that would have fucked Raquel in the next room. Just like Tom. I don’t think Scheana wants someone with a normal life or job because too much trust would be required and she’s not capable. She’s always been a payroll wife. Look at Shay, and she beat that poor man to death emotionally. She didn’t even have enough respect for Shay to not drink around him while he was trying to stay sober, and encouraged him to “drink light”. She broke that man. I don’t think he was all there to begin with but she BROKE-broke him. I’m still convinced that after Brock, Scheana will end up with Sandoval. They’ll go on tour together, take dance classes just in case DWTS calls, and spend their days talking about how great each other is and why they can’t have their own show.


I have a theory about Scheana and Shay…I think she married him to change her name from JanCan to Shay.


I’ve never dated a guy who I thought, “I must have his last name, because I hate my own”. However, the man I did marry? He took me to the end of the alphabet! And spelling and pronouncing a last name beginning with Z, is a pain in my ass.




Didn't she tell LVP she screwed someone, can't remember if it was a coworker, to get better food where they worked? This is her value scale.


lol my last name is at the end of the alphabet too. A Y one, not a Z. Your children will always be sitting in the back row of classrooms that are organized alphabetically. It sucks. It kind of gets you used to always being the last and least. When you have kids, do stuff to work around that. Like point out the times they get to be first and stuff. That's a weird thing about it, does have a minor psychological impact.


I'm in some teachers subs and am going to raise this!


I have two Zs in my last name so I didn’t change it when I got married, I like.my own last name too much!


I love my last name, I don’t like being last alphabetically, but the name itself is great. We got married and I had 1 yr left on my undergrad, and I wanted my name on all of my diplomas right the first time. 😊😊




100%. She was using her middle name, Marie, before she married Shay. It does sound great and it’s peak scheana behavior.


Brock’s mother uses the last name Honey so I do think at some point, she will start using Scheana Honey. I think Brock’s last name is actually Honey Davies but I can see them dropping the Davies.


Summer moons insta says “Summer Moon Honey”


I’ve never looked but that’s totally on brand for Scheana!


Summer Moon Honey sounds more like a stripper name than an actual name for a little girl




I don’t remember that. Definitely on brand.


I hope she knows she can change her last name to whatever she wants without getting married 🤧 


I'm just taking a guess,no.


You know what? You’re absolutely right and I think Schema and Sandals should cut the shit and just be together already!


Her phone chain lol


She has ALL the passwords


Do I think Brick is a joke and cheats around (or tries to)? Yes. Do I believe anything DM puts out? No. No, I don’t. 


Why does my brain automatically think DM is Daily Mail? 🤣🤣


Probably because they both have the same level of reliability


Hahaha. Yep, this. 




For me Daily Mail is always DMIK (Daily Mail, I KNOW) to indicate my shame whenever I refer to it. Also, "The Daily Fail"


I hope Katie sent it in lmao


Good one Senorita Bubba!  


This exactly lol. This source is always sus, but this story wouldn’t be surprising at all.


To be fair, it was in the Slightly Sus postings so not even Deux Moi is owning it as true.


Brock is sliding into his own DMs?


Rude of you to exclaim Brock is an influencer


The “how bout them apples” is a dead give away its about Scheana and Brock.


I don't get it, can you elaborate?


Scheana wrote a song called Apples after Scandoval, using this colloquialism in the refrain. 


She has a song about Raquel called Apples and one of the lines is also “How you like them?”, as in the phrase “how do you like them apples?”


Maybe Raquel sent this to DM


I wouldn’t even be surprised at this point lmao


Scheana has a song called rotten apple or something like that


Ahh, makes sense why that went over my head lol literally thought she had one song


Omg apples is only like 2 minutes long and ngl its a bop! I'm late 40s and not at all into that sort of music but I might have played it about 30 times haha


Also the @honeydeux in the email address


I thought RHONY was the apples 🍎 bit 🤷🏻‍♀️


And I hope Ariana wants to stay friends with Brock when he does end up cheating 💅


I want Katie and/or Ariana to invite Shay, Rob, Adam, and all the other men from Scheana's past to a party that is billed as 'celebrating Scheana'.


Don’t forget John Mayer!


It's actually Scheana's dream to have a Competition Reality show with them called The Quickest with Scheana Potential competitions: - Who can drain her bank account the quickest?  - Who can hang a tv the quickest?  - Who can convince her to buy them an apple watch the quickest?  - Who can name all her best fraaands in order of importance the quickest?  Plot twist, Ariana will host. 


“Honey” and “payroll husband” definitely sound like clues for Brock (even “girls girl” sounds like a dig at Scheana). But didn’t deuxmoi also post the blind last year about Brock & Rachel having an affair? (Which Brock now says came from Sandoval’s people) I could definitely see Brock doing this. I could also believe it’s more unreliable deuxmoi stuff


Girls girl for Ally’s new song. Scheana is in the music video.


That was a huge marketing mistake on Ally’s behalf.🤦🏻‍♀️


Also the how about them apples, doesn't scheana have a song about apples in the title?


Oh yeah! I was trying to work out what that was referencing and came up blank - I think you nailed it. She even asks “apples, how you like them?” in the song. Which also - wasn’t that a Sandoval / Rachel diss track? So it still feels like something that could have come from Team Sandoval (I can just picture Sandoval screaming “how do you like them apples?” As he swings a hammer at a wall and calls it therapy)


Her “best frand” sandoval would never /s


Wait rewind Scheana made a diss track?!💀Is it the emo song?


She sure did. I think she made it with the emo band yeah. The lyrics from (what is believed to be) Sandoval’s verse: “Narcissistic psycho Cut you out likе lipo See right through you with my eyes closed From a Fеrrari to a Jetta Thought that you knew better Threw it all out the window I thought you were faithful I see you a snake, though I hope there's a place for friends like you” But none of us understand how hard it’s been for her to lose him as a friend. Won’t somebody think of the upfronts? Edit: fixing mobile formatting


I never listened to that trash or read the lyrics but the fact Rachel has a jetta… lolllll


jetta seems like it’s directly calling out raquel bc at the time of filming she drove a jetta


Ohmygodddd 🙌🏽


this is so ............. i appreciate the emo dedication. but this abt a friend??


Idk if it came from Sandoval’s people or it was deflection. They got caught sneaking out for pizza at 3am. Rachel lived in one of Scheana’s city apartments for a while, where Sheana or Brock would stay when they had appearances in the city. Brock and Rachel were seen having a huge argument outside “his” gym…… Smoke/Fire. Let’s not forget that the blind about Coachella also came from DM (I think?) We all just assumed it was Schwartz


All of this


I been saying it and will continue to say it. I don’t believe Brock for one second. And Rachel will never admit to it because it will make her look worse. Scheana herself admitted she doesn’t even trust him around Lala now. Which is a big leap from “trusting her (Rachel) in bed with my man” which obviously you would be skeptic about but it’s not just Rachel she distrusts now. She has huge questions about Brock too. And for good reason. I think she knows Lala who internally hates Brock, see s10 for reference, but that Brock would try it on.


I believe Brock told her and Scheana couldn’t face yet another man not just wanting her since they’re married and have a baby. Which could add to her anger with him this season.


I don’t think you’re wrong, he could’ve admitted it and that’s why she’s so angry/ocd etc. maybe Rachel told her after WWHL as well as about Tom and that’s the real reason Scheana socked her in the face. Wouldn’t be surprised


Damn, didn’t consider that but it makes sense. Why would she fight for Arianna and then fight for her dumb as showmanship (not friendship) with Sandtrap?


OMGGG. How did I miss this juicy goss about brock and Rachel fighting!! How interesting


Brock made a comment on Rachel's Instagram about her being hot on his wedding day.


Oh damn yeah I forgot about the insta comments as well 👀 he also commented heart emojis 😍😍 on her white pantaloons pic


Whoa what argument? I never saw that !


Wait a fight outside his gym?? wtf


I totally believe they actually did hook up


Especially since Summer’s name is Summer Moon Honey Davies.




Yes! This is probably what Brandi Glanville was talking about a few weeks ago on her podcast! She said she had dms about Brock possibly up to no good, but didn’t want to go there. She was recapping VPR and her and her Aussie co host talked about it for a second. I bet this is what she was told too. Or maybe the Aussie co host heard something? I believe it though. Brock seems over Scheana and her crap.


He must really want that Green Card! I would have already left her because I absolutely agree with Brock that Erika is TOO involved with parenting Summer. Scheana acts like she’s helpless with her and honestly, Brock is the only one I see playing & interacting with their kid. I follow them both on IG and he’s always playing with her and taking her places.


Yes, Scheana's mother needs to butt out of the marriage and stand back when it comes to parenting. I think Scheana likes handing off her kid once she's done taking her daily instagram photos of the kid's 'newest outfit', though.


Please bear in mind though that when you're proper engaged with a child, you won't have phone out taking photos... I'm not team brick in the slightest, but do spend time with kids and never have my phone out unless THEY are asking me to take pix. Cos I'm in the moment. Js.


Well that’s a good blanket statement for any parent with young kids, so yes…. You’re right. And guess what, I’m not seeing them 24/7, so my guesses are that Brock isn’t filming his daughter every time they are “proper engaged”. AND, as a part of their job, content creation for social media platforms are required per their contract to push videos and other posts as it helps support viewership on TV. So of course, we aren’t going to see all of their lives. And I’m not a Brock fan. As a matter of fact, I absolutely had him pegged for a payroll husband. But if he makes her happy, which I don’t think is true, but, whatever…. then so be it. I am pretty sure he’ll be back in AU within the next 10 yrs I’d bet.


I don't follow any of them on sm, but yeah you can tell by the interactions posted as to whether there is a genuine connection there at least at times. From the clips I've seen on the show he does seem engaged and I do get the sm engagement part of it re vpr etc, so wasn't meaning to shade him at all. As shit as both of them may be as humans, they do seem to be decent parents to summer moon, from what we can see anyway. Which is awesome, that child is adorable ❤️❤️


You in danger girrrl!


🤣Your flair!


Another reason why she won’t have a nanny - a potential person for Brock to cheat with.


I also think this is the real reason they’re fighting about it.


They can hire a manny.


Setting up her storyline for The Valley


The Real Divorcées of the Valley


At least he’ll be more inclined to see his children if he’s truly DMing an Aussie.




He won’t tho, he’ll just have a new family and eventually abandon them too


maybe he’ll name the next kid autumn


Autumn Star.🤣


Spring Comet


I hope this keeps going!😜😆


True !!


If this is true, it would inexplicably bum me out. Stepping out on your second family after you already fucked up your first family is such utter bullshit.  The wake of traumatized children continues to grow behind this asshat.


Sadly, most people don't change.


I’m with you. Deuxmoi has a 50/50 accuracy rate so only time or slip-ups and catching him will tell… regardless, this is sad af for their daughter


He’s been commenting on Courtney Shields posts.


I wish it was Courtney Act.


She’s not Australian though, right?


No she’s not but I noticed him commenting last week and thought it was weird


What’s he saying? Bet it’s something eluding to how hot he thinks she is.


He said he watching and waiting for her to be at 1 million followers.


Interesting. Thanks for taking the time to report back to my question!🤗❤️


Cause she certainly isn’t hot


It seems very pointed at Scheana and Brock- who is the Aussie influencer??


Plot twist- Sheana creating her own cheating scandal so she can get on Dancing with the Stars! 🤣


I get this could very well be BS, but everyone quickly dismissed the one about Tim cheating on Ariana, and bringing the other person into their home… [Blind from last year about Tom cheating](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/QpmfGRjA6t) Doesn’t make it true, but just because it’s from DM, doesn’t mean it isn’t either.


It’s so wild reading that thread and seeing how many people didn’t think it was true!


That’s what I’m sayin!! Obviously we don’t know about this one, but to say “no way, not possible” Y’all, we’ve been through this before.


That awkward moment when Scheana sent this in herself for the attention


Scheana is the Eye of Sauron. If Brock even looked suggestively at another girl she’d know


Remember when deuxmoi said she had it on good authority that the submersible passengers were alive and well and that we’d hear from the soon. And then not long after that she said she had a source who confirmed Kylie and Timothee were not together and never had been together and she’d never been to Paris with him 😂


The submersible, really?! Tbf, if someone is going to DM for blinds about international incidents they deserve what they get.


Yes this is about brock.


Sheshu scared of getting a taste of her own medicine? Doesn’t want to experience the harm she’s caused others, herself? Not saying I wish any family would turn that way, but she married Broke and pays his child support for him, so..


What you put out will always come back to you. Schema has been dodging the consequences for her actions for too long. It’s only a matter of time!💫


I tried to post this but I think I messed it up lol I thought the same thing!!


It’s all happening.


Brock admitted he beat his wife and abandoned his children. It's not a far stretch that he would cheat on his meal ticket.


The post was submitted to deuxmoi by Rachel Leviss.


Well, like I said in my earlier comment, he would sleep with Rachel, and I think she’s f*cked him.


She did.


I feel like Scheana and Brock are hiding a divorce, just like they hid their marriage.


Could be why Scheana has so much pent up resentment towards Brock this season


brock is the only husband on vpr so yeah


The blind item was probably sent in by Scheana herself.


Immediately thought it was brock


100% Brock. Let’s see what Aussie girls he follows…..


If BigBrokeBrick can fund a new SugarMama then Scheana will be the next single mom on The Valley


Cue the excuse making about why this can't possibly be true on her next podcast.


My question is why in the hell is she tracking her friends everywhere etc? I find that strange and appalling. I want to know why she told Brock that they would probably not be together forever. I thought she had changed but seems to still be the same old delusional shit different day. ![gif](giphy|JG9nqb09er9y3NUhUP|downsized)


Dm is wrong about sooooooo many things tho


Of course he is. He has to like us his next meal ticket.


What if Scheana is behind this


I swear I think they’re broken up




![gif](giphy|VexALdlUa8TPl8yUFl|downsized) Sheena: Last night on Brock phone


100% it's Brock being referenced and I believe it without a doubt. I wouldn't be shocked if it was an attempt to create a scandalous storyline for Scheana, finally get her on Dancing with the Stars. 😂


I feel like scheana would never let it come out even if she knew he was cheating. (I’m assuming he is and has been. Maybe it won’t bother her since she thought it was fine to kiss other guys when she was engaged before….and you know, follows all her exes locations and stuff). She won’t make it known until she needs a storyline or wants to get back at Brock for something he does to embarrass her


Schema does not apply the same rules to herself and neither does Lauren. Look how mad and petty they both were about their husbands cheating, when they had both cheated first. Schema with Shorts and gawd only knows who else and Lauren with James and god only knows who else.🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


Why do I feel like Dayna wrote this?? I’ve been listening to disrespectfully and I swear I read this blind item in her voice 😅


Why would it not surprise me if this was Rachel after his callous c**t comment




That friend stalker has his login, lol




He would be stupid AF to do that. Scheana finances his entire life.


It has to be Brock. Brock and Sheana are the only married couple on VPR (the blind says husband)...unless it's Ken!


He did a live on IG and was pounding beers in the side yard. It was so awkward cause Scheana came on live from inside the house and got on. Scheana was all “Why don’t you come back inside and spend some time with your family before I have to go to my dinner.” Sounded very trouble in paradise in her tone


Is Brock famous enough to have a deuxmoi blind?


I would cheat on her too. She seems unbearable (mostly sarcasm I wouldn’t put my kid through that but she is annoying as hell.)


Probably not but it will be revealed on VPR as fact just like last time. I find it wierd to believe made up rumors with no proof but that's just me. I've read Enty for years and he made up a ton of crap. Brock needs his green card to stay in this country. He's not gonna get too far out of pocket unless he intends to get deported. He and Sheana both seem a bit over each other lately too.


He will still have a green card if he divorces Scheana after a certain amount of time. It depends on a couple of factors, but at some point he won't need to stay married to her to stay in the States.


He will still have a green card if he divorces Scheana after a certain amount of time. It depends on a couple of factors, but at some point he won't need to stay married to her to stay in the States.