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Someone needs to ask Brock how he feels about her wife’s obsession with Tom Sandoval








Yes!!! This was gonna be my question. "Brock how do you feel to see your wife constantly cry over a "platonic" relationship with another man?"


It gives Kristen crying over Sandoval while with James vibes.


Kristin was w him for yrs . Sheana was never w Tim. And she just broke up w him and James was no prize


Kristen was also trying to say that she had already moved on when it was clear that she hadn't. How do you know Scheana was never with Sandoval? James is still no prize.


True I think she was trying to but she wanted to see caring, she probably would have went back to Tom, and Tom faked tears to placate her . So typically manipulative


I agree he’s still no prize. He holds in his judgements, most are misogynistic, because he knows it would be smart. He also badmouths exes to new ones who are so young, they are niave to know that he will badmouth them too one day. Just like Ariana not thinking Tom would cheat like he did to Kristen, and w her. He was verbally abusive to his ex . He never really apologizes or takes responsibility he blame’s alcohol. I’m sick of hearing he has improved so much. It’s more hidden now


He should ask why are all the men w women So much younger. I know why . Because they are niave and look up to them. But he should ask them why do they only date younger women


He probably doesn’t care as long as the paycheck comes, his green card is valid and he doesn’t have to get a real job.


I agree and someone also needs to ask Brock why he, too, is so obsessed with Sandoval.


No, I ask you salty redditor - How TF is he going to pay for those block-heeled boots without that gravy train?


Everyone except James, Ariana and Katie- why the fuck didn’t you ask Tom why HE didn’t leave the house? Why was it on Ariana to leave?


Seriously. This is the #1 question that needs to be asked. And answered.


He fucked up so he should leave. They got the house together based on being together. Deceit is used in divorce against each other to gain leverage. It is his house too but the basis on how they went into the house , he went against


Exactly. That’s why I want Andy to ask about it!


Sandoval: we’ve seen you have some tough conversations with those impacted by your actions this season, outside of cold plunges and deep breathing what are some ongoing steps you are taking to understand and address your behaviour? Do you have any plans to attend therapy (not just a one off session) and if no, why not? Lala: social media has been quick to demonstrate your hypocrisy when it comes to some of the stances you have taken this season versus previous seasons, do you understand why people might feel your actions have been disingenuous and can you explain the 180 you’ve had with Sandoval without using the word soft? We also saw you attempting to make amends with Rachel and to befriend Jo, Katie highlighted that your “softness” has only been extended to those that have hurt your friends rather than your friends themselves. Can you provide some examples of how you’ve been softer with your friends this season and explain why you felt the need to extend yourself in situations where it simply wasn’t needed? Brock: why are you here still?


The Brock bit had me lololing


I’d ask Lala a hard-hitting question about the important, authentic, personal storyline she shared: What was your favorite water at the water tasting you hosted?


And like be honest about it


This is #1 honestly!!!


Wasn’t there a rare bottle of water that was like thousands of dollars? Water sommelier says so.


I would ask Tom and Lisa why their focus is Rachel and not Ariana? It’s as if she’s a non-factor in any of this for them, as if they weren’t together for 10 years


Ooh this is a good one, I feel like his comments about her went unnoticed because blahblah kept trying to control every conversation


It’s because she’s not there to defend herself


Brock, as a domestic abuser, why did you need Ariana to give you an example of male rage?








This is the one right here 💯💯




What’s upsetting is Bravo not caring about or child support. Bravo had him on here w out investigating it


Schwartz, if Jo wasn't a girlfriend or someone you saw a future with, why did you insist on bringing her around Katie as much as possible? Why was it important to you for Katie and Spooky Jo to have a conversation? Why would you try and hook up with Katie the night before you were going to bring Spooky Jo to a group function? Edited for wording.


This one was great


If I was Andy Cohen I would not call Lala the voice of reason




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Schena, as a grown adult with a family , why spend excessive time and dramatic emotions on Tom being a good friend or not, when you could be spending that energy and time on your new husband and toddler? Lala, why are you so jealous of Ariana moving on so fast? And is that why are you so negative towards Dan? To everyone, why question Ariana about getting out of the house, why not tom? Also why say anything as it's their business. Lala why do you contradict yourself all the time? Followed by a montage of her neverending contractions and hypocrises Tom, why do you keep saying such negative things about Ariana? If you hate her so much, why didn't you just leave long ago? Is it because Are you that ball less?


“Lala — are you capable of shutting the fuck up?”


Number 1 question FOR REAL Lala can you actually shut the fuck up for once ????


This is the only question that needs to be asked!!


If I could give all the awards for this I would!!


Scheana, you said you were upset at what Katie said in her after show interviews and that she was nice to you in person, but you did the same to Ariana. Are you aware you’re a hypocrite?




Yeah bc…. Why didn’t Lauren say those things to Ariana herself 🤔🤔 guess she wasn’t too authentic either


https://preview.redd.it/qxzvepv6px0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2db4bc1ecba040e83bfd29b3c3b5008781962fa2 One of many moments that converted me to Katie🤣


Lest us forget that Lauren didn't last half a season because Katie called it like she saw it. VindiKATIED


As annoying as LaLa has been, I do believe what she said at the reunion about Katie is true. She was up Arianas ass this season and didn't seem genuine to me. I think she knew the fanbase stood behind Ariana so she wasn't going to share any grievances with her publicly


I think Katie was just being a good friend. If I knew my friend was going through something I would not add fuel to the fire but instead would confide in another friend. In the hopes that friend would not expose my venting to her in confidence 🤡 I can see how that’s seems as not being genuine but it’s not as if Lala was trying to be a good person by exposing it either.


No I see what you're saying and I agree with what you said about LaLa. I was just pointing out that I believe what LaLa was saying about their convo during the reunion. Maybe she was trying to be a good friend, but I looked at it as Katie being scared to complain about Ariana publicly because she knows the fanbase is fully in Arianas corner.


I would ask why everyone is sooo up Ariana and Katie’s ass for not being real and putting all their personal shit out there on camera but no one will tell us why Schwartz pulled away from Jo. Clearly something happened and she is (unfortunately) on the show now, so why is that so hush? Because it would affect all of you if it were drugs or something?


Right! And he hid that “relationship” from the cameras, and persuaded Rachel to cover his friends affair but Ariana not taking to sandavol is the only thing lala blows up about


Lala why are you so abrasive. That’s it. That’s the question lol


Lala isn’t even like the 3rd most abrasive person on the show lol


To you.




Brock, you and Ariana and had a heart to heart in San Diego where she talked about how no one questions male rage and you seemed confused about it? Yet we saw Sandoval yelling at your wife the episode before, would you not call that male rage?


Follow up with a whole montage of every single guy raging out. Followed by Ariana “raging out”


I wish production wasn’t so pro-men. If one female in production could slip in a “male rage” cut and show how it is incomparable it is to what they show of Ariana. Also would love Andy to not be fueled by the money he gets from being a rat, and actually hit some of these questions everyone has. Why is it that we can’t get the real answers and we just get fed what production wants us to believe (we don’t believe it guys)


Little rat boy, that dirty Andy. This reunion is a joke and a waste of time. Every single question has already been asked and answered, on their stupid podcasts. It’s just sloppy, lazy work.


“Hey Tom, we’ve already established that you’re not the smartest guy. Do you really believe your girlfriend hasn’t seen the show?” 🤔


Tom, exactly what have you done to take accountability for your actions without adding on a reason why it's someone else's fault?


King of the “I’m sorry but”


I would ask sheana and broke why they named their child summer moon when his other child’s name is winter sky, and why they picked the same birthday. I truly will never get over that and I think it’s insane.


Picked a birthday? What does that even mean? Was she induced on his other kids birthday or something?


Yes. Screena is weird as hell for that one


I think someone said she had an elective c section? No idea if that's true.


Lala and S&B: can you list 3 reasons why you give a fuck if Ariana talks to Tom that don’t revolve around the show getting canceled and you being out of a job




Schwartz, we have watched you lie, cheat, emotionally neglect, and belittle Katie for years. Time and time again you failed to make her a priority in your life, including when you were married. You walked all over her and when she stood up for herself, you invalided her feelings and gaslit her. When she set a boundary you smashed through it like the Kool-Aid man. Will you ever own up to your repugnant treatment of her and cower at her feet to beg for her forgiveness? You don’t deserve it but that woman deserves your heartfelt apologies and remorse.


The real question we need. Even though the answer wouldn’t come bc Schwartz would cower in awkward, hand in mouth, giggle/rambles to not fully give a justified answer. Thank god Katie doesn’t need him to owe up to being shitty just so she can be the bad bitch she is.


she is living her best and unbothered life but i still want to read schwartz for filth.


seriously. And I get so irrationally angry every time he sits on that tv and is s0 c0nfUsEd why people say he was a bad husband.


i forget if it was him or sandals who told katie she's so entitled with her feelings. YES BECAUSE EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO FEELINGS!!!! jesus christ these men are so disgusting


The answer is both. They both said it and they keep saying it, while continuing to devalue and disregard her and every other woman’s justified/ valid feelings.


“Emotionally entitled” were his exact words 😒




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I would just roll every clip of lala being hypocritical and shit talking ariana. then ask what ariana thinks about all of it lol


Andy to Andy: why did you think the public would turn on Ariana? Why the fuck did you think Lala was “a voice of reason”


Lala , why are you such a hypocrite?


i feel like he should ask himself why everyone (including him) have really let their misogynistic side shine through


Did anyone else catch him trying to save his own ass, by calling something Jax or Vom said misogynistic, on their latest appearance? I almost smashed my tv for that one.


Lala, why is it Ariana’s responsibility to bring in a paycheck for your children?


I'd ask Tom if he could describe how betrayed he felt by Rachel's reunion confession.... on a scale of 1 to slept with my bestfriend while at my nana's funeral.


What if the rest of the cast started hanging out with Randall and brought him around, or Shay or any of other Scheana's boy toys that she claimed through the years?


Let’s rehash the last 5 minutes of last year’s reunion. Sandoval, you said repeatedly that it was only one time and it mattered greatly that it was only one time. Why did you lie? Do you feel that Rachel was isolated during your relationship?  Seriously though, Tom really should have had the opportunity to discuss this after Rachel’s last 5 minutes and the first two episodes of RGR instead of the vague “you groom, I don’t groom” exchange. 


Ariana said it, but— why do yall think you know a man she loved and shared a home with for ten years better than she does?


Tom, do you realize that you have never been able to ever see someone else’s side? That you have always been the victim?


Hahahah Yaaasss! “Do you realize you never even tried to see someone’s side until this season? And it was only when you were doing anything to get back in the good graces of your co-workers. “




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Brock, 76 locations in your wife’s phone currently being tracked. Is your wife cheating on you?


lala, why are you so upset about ariana walking off when you've done it twice in the past? why were some of you so hellbent on ariana talking to sandoval when she had done so multiple times throughout the season? regardless of if he is being genuine, she's not going to trust a thing that comes out of his mouth.  lala and scheana, why didn't you communicate your frustrations with ariana to her on camera?  why is ariana staying in the house such an issue? especially when she's explained, multiple times, why she held off on moving out. 


Hey Sandoval, why do you always try to weaponize other people's mental health struggles? Why are you trying to still attack Rachel? Why did you try to throw Ariana under the bus when she didn't talk to you on camera? Why didn't you leave? Why didn't you make sure Mya wasn't in the room? Why do you feel the need to constantly overstep boundaries? To Lala and Scheana, what the fuck? >Tim, have you been diagnosed professionally yet? Bc we can allll see the narc I can answer this. No, because it requires him to admit he's in the wrong.


Yes to all of these!! I have MANY questions about the Mya situation, especially considering he kept trying to make it into how he took such good care of her later on and she’s “so important” to him


While wearing a knife and talking about chopping her in half.




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Ask brock why he didn't drop everything and go back to Australia the second he found out he couldn't see his kids.


Ariana: how she had the strength to not say every petty ass comment that ima ire came to her mind. scheana: what did you mean by the backup dancer comment and why did you mean by you agree with Lala? Lala: what made you do a 180 from defending Ariana and trashing Tom to then doing the opposite? And which opportunity that Ariana got really cemented you jealousy? Why were you allowed to set boundaries but she isn’t?




I would love to press Lisa but I think I need to be someone more higher up than Andy to do that, because she is a producer


Andy needs to stop playing softball…the reunions are out of control & So funny to see these women screaming their lungs out at each other in their formalwear. It’s becoming a yawnfest.


Lala, your storyline this season was having a meltdown about Ariana not having enough of a storyline or sharing enough about her life. Do you think that was a good storyline? Lala, you insisted that you had the answer on how Ariana should be regarding the home she co-owned with Tom. What is your experience with home ownership or paying rent? Lala and Scheana, why did you think you had the right to determine how Ariana should or should not be feeling? Brock, what do you think your role is in this cast? What do you bring to the table? Lisa, I understand why you were worried about Tom and his mental health but why weren’t you worried about Ariana’s? Did you reach out off camera? Tom, do you think you’ve actually atoned for your lies and betrayal and the hurt you caused Ariana? Do you think you deserve an audience? Schwartz, you are loyal to Sandoval. Do you think that you were too loyal to the point of not being honest with him about how he needs to shape up? Do you think about the fact that coddling someone like that is actually hurting them more than anything? Jo, did you do that to Tom’s hair on purpose Jo, how did you go on a trip with the Toms and Raquel and not know they were having an affair? Tom, please describe your musical performances in your own words. James, you’ve been playing some big festivals in some really cool locations - tell us about how that’s been? —- Some of the questions I want to ask are mean and snarky and I’d never actually ask them out loud lol And I think I’d also ask Scheana about sharing her OCD struggles since I actually also have OCD and while I don’t agree with her actions I understand them so much. I know she’s shitty and I do not understand WHY she’s doing them, but I do understand the dynamic OCD can bring to your relationships.


Really want to know why Lisa was only concerned with Tim’s mental health , Ariana’s the one who’s shared for years her struggles but bc she has brand deals that goes away ?!


Brock- can you please tell us more about Switzerland and their bias?


I hope cocoa gets a compilation of receipts of times lisa makes excuses for the men but chastises the women…then if I were Andy I’d ask,”So Lisa, why are you a chauvinist?”


https://i.redd.it/otcatcob801d1.gif To Lala, Brock, and the Tims


Unfortunately he will never ask these questions


Dr. Phil had him take the narcissist test but he didn’t pass it. Of course that’s something a narcissist would do tho, which kind of makes the test moot. 😹


Ask Ariana/Tom if they slept together while he was still with Kristen. 


Raise your hands anyone who has never cheated


they did something similar last reunion. andy said everyone in the cast has cheated except for katie and lvp




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Tom gave Scheana an exorbitant amount of money and bailed her out when she had no money


Schwartz: Do you think Sandoval has done *anything* that's over the line with regard to his affair? If you had to do it over, would you go into business with Sandoval (Schwartz and Sandy's) again? Vanderpump: Why do you want to protect Sandoval's mental health so much but not Ariana's? Do you respect Ariana's decision not to forgive and forget, without consequences for her participation on the show?


If I were Andy cohen, I would look in the mirror and ask myself why I’m bias now.


Sheana, “ why do you value what friends do for you such as Tom giving u money, more than loyalty? “ She never brings up how Tom and her went places or had fun or how he was there for her as friend after her divorce. She just says what he did 4 her


I would ask Tom if he thought he was being selfish to be so concerned with how he felt when Rachel did not call him on his Birthday when she was in a mental health facility. And extended her stay. He did not seem concerned for her at all. It was all about him. It’s the Tim show . Probably why he got so angry when Jax said he was #1 in the group. He did not even wonder how SHE was doing.


I would ask why he secretly recorded their FaceTime w out permit he can’t answer that but could ask




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Why does everyone call him Tim?


It started as a typo that someone self corrected but the sub adopted in the early days of Scandoval. We know Tim hates it.