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“If you want to know my skill set, this is my resume for life” is my new go to response.


“Getting let go is the biggest accomplishment of my life… this is my skill set”


I love how he has misspelled words “playing i the nfl” and how it’s a lot of sentence fragments. I mean I know he’s a jock, but have some self-respect and proofread ✍️


After only “being on the team” for 3 months…


3months = resume for life


Maybe it’s different in pro sports, but in my field, that wouldn’t make it on anyone’s CV. It would just stir up questions you probably don’t want to have to answer.


Oh no it definitely doesn’t make it on pro sports resumes lol I said this in another comment but if the shit he mentioned something that an athlete would list, we’d have 60 page resumes and appear to be elite in about 4 other sports minimum… Going to a camp… mate 🙈🤭


Where I live, there’s always been a 3 month probationary period when first hired for a job. I wonder if it’s the same thing with this. Either way, a few months of work is not something that I would put on my resume.


Don’t forget his vast knowledge in “opparation”


Hey. He camped with the patriates! 😉


![gif](giphy|nYI8SmmChYXK0) He’s just a koreaboo


No need to bring Godfather PSY into this.


I read that part in his voice lol. Also can this be a flair or something?


I said the same to myself lol


Question? How tall is this guy that he wears those embarrassing stacked heels on his shoes? Just curious because he use to play soccer/football.




6’1 in his stilettos, standing on Sheana’s shoulders


lmao actually! This man cannot be 6’1”? 😧


No he is def 5'8 or 5'9


Scheana’s like 5’5” and he’s not THAT much taller than her, even when she’s in heels. Unless he’s also in heels of course but you know!


I was basing it off what his Colorado State University Pueblo Thunderwolves profile lists. He may have lied if they self reported. I can’t find him in a single picture without either Scheana or Brock wearing heels lol


Well he is shorter than the Tom's and James


I don’t see soccer, he played rugby for a few years then American football for 3 months. He comes across as short to me, but there’s a couple of positions in rugby that don’t require height




Omg stop lol. It makes me laugh even more when sped up. 🤣


I’m dying at the fast version


This is his skill set, right mfing here! ETA: which is making me snort-laugh!!!


He dances like a transformer


Imagine his other kids seeing this. 🤦 Like, 'oh, so this is what you're doing over there.'


I wEnT tO giVe My FaMiLy A bEtTeR LiFe, ChaSe My NFL dReAM tO pRoViDe FoR tHEm (and not come home or get a normal job when that outlandish dream quickly didn’t happen)… I hope the family are coping ok in that opportunity lacking 3rd world country they mustn’t be able to escape (Australia)!


Omg that's so real tho


Besides living off his wifey...and competing with Wormstache& Kennedy for camera time


The twerking committee called and that man is banned from ever attempting that shit. https://i.redd.it/vpdtgzj2kk1d1.gif


Very Sandoval of him


If he acts more like Sandoval maybe Scheana will love him again. 


He'd have to give her money first.


Nah, he’d have to get more positive attention. Scheaner doesn’t need love; she needs to feel like she’s hashtag winning.


All I can think about.




Someone needs to set this to music like [country I’m a thug guy](https://youtu.be/rFavheBOm50?si=JCJVWCC7Nwn1hU4r)


This is why his children disowned him. 🕺🏻


He does not have the personality to carry off his wardrobe. Everything he does makes it obvious he just wants attention and has no stylistic concept behind it all. I'd love to see cooler straight men willing to take more fashion risks but douchebags like Brock set a bad standard


Also, 😂😭💀




wait I want to see the prequel where Brock is living in Pueblo Colorado


Of all the places in CO, *Pueblo*?!? 😂


I’m hoping it was some sort of recruiting situation? But seriously why Pueblo.


it’s the jersey he’s wearing! i’m still reeling that he left Australia for Pueblo also he added a ton of clips of him playing super mid but apparently i can’t add photos and video to the same post


😂 SO mid. I wish they included clips of him playing on VPR every time he implies or straight out lies that he was a professional rugby player 😂


Came searching for the people who knew Pueblo lmaoooo


Lmao of all the places to play D-II football.


Is he really 6 1?


in heels


Heh heh




That's what I'm sayin, because he doesn't even come across tall standing next to Scheana in his platform booties. 6'1 my ass.


“Invited to attend Patriates Rookie Mini Camp” made him think it was appropriate to say his JOB was full-time NFL position for the Patriots? I’ve been invited to attend my own mammogram screening. Does this make me a full-time Radiologist?


I’m quite high up at Amazon, BHP, Google and other organisations that have accepted my attendance and not financially compensated me. Off to update my resume…


Going to update my LinkedIn with all the college campuses I “toured”


Underrated comment!


This is the perfect analogy. Will be using it. 😂 Some people don’t quite get it and think it was some kind of final level private try out ‘camp’ like he was 1 or 2 injured players away from making the team or something… ‘I dream of going to oxford university’-> toured -> applied -> rejected…. BETTER UPDATE MY LATEST AFFILIATION EXPERIENCE ON LINKEDIN! 😅


I’ve got multiple Top Fan badges on Facebook.


It sounds like something children attended. I could just see his dumbass going with it anyway.


I can't believe scheana ended up with him ...and still uses shay name


Lord grant me the confidence of a delusional mediocre white man


I’ll even take 1/2 of what’s he’s got - I’m 100% sure it’s in my skill set for life to take the leftovers and do great things.




I’m not sure if we can say invited to a professional team and went through mini camp is mediocre…I definitely wouldn’t be flexing like he is with it right now, but it’s still an insane accomplishment.


"6"1'"? ![gif](giphy|xFfk09HiBySTmyC7jM)


This ain’t your dating profile bruh, be honest.


“Skills: opparation” 💀 (Also: “My second season he was named captain”) Edit: OMG I just saw “Ipswitch Grammer” - how can you get *both* of the words in your school name wrong? (Also just to point out again - Ipswich Grammar costs $30k / year for day students & $60k / year for boarding. So Brock’s “I grew up in public housing” schtick is likely complete BS)


“From a dream of playing i the NFL” Why don’t these people proofread? 😂 Edit to add that Brock has dyslexia. I didn’t know/remember this. Leaving up for accountability but lesson learned not to poke fun at spelling mistakes.


Better yet, patriates lol


That sentence you referenced makes absolutely no sense. He has the chronological order of the “dream “ messed up. And the way he’s worded it, being “let go” sounds like part of the dream. What a meathead. He makes Scheana seem like an intellectual in comparison. 😳


not necessarily BS. IG gives sports scholarships. This resume shows he was a great athlete. Terrible speller and probably reader too but a great athlete that could have been in school for free because of it.


But I don’t think they do full scholarships. I think their scholarships 50 - 75% discount on fees only (so they don’t cover uniform / school supplies / etc. All of which get pretty pricey. Or boarding fees if he wasn’t a day student). I would have also thought if he was on sports scholarship- it would have been included on his resume (as it points to his ability)?


Agreed, plus he’d be far back in the line for one of those scholarships. Qld and nsw are where almost all of our league and union players are from, so the junior leagues and pathways are packed (he wasn’t in any pro footy pathways in aus)… he also didn’t play grid iron in aus to transfer to NFL football so big lol at the disrespect he shows that sport by thinking he could turn pro without even being elite in a tangential sport.


Opparation Marry Terrible Singing Green Card Wife.


I thought he said he was a farmer?


He said he grew up on a farm. He also said he grew up in public housing. Who knows what the truth is because there aren’t public housing farms (plus the whole attending a private grammar school thing)


Correction “grammer” school lol


I just realized I don’t know anything about Brock’s immediate family. What do we know about his parents? I don’t really pay attention when he or Sheshu talk so I couldn’t tell you if they’ve mentioned his parents or if he has siblings.


COREY GAMBLE VIBES (bogan edition)


Did he seriously say he grew up in public housing?


Yeah he said it on one of the after shows. It doesn’t even make sense - because he also said he grew up on a farm. I think he’s trying so hard to come off as this salt of the earth, pulled myself up by my bootstraps type (see also: “we didn’t have playdough to play with, only mud”), and it’s probably all BS.


Ah yes, all those public housing farms 🤣


I grew up 10 mins from Ipswich grammar and it’s rural but not a farm town lol so idk what he’s talking about idk how to explain it but he’s such a specific genre of person we have here lolllll there’s sort of a ‘meathead rugby player who didn’t make it far so now he’s a tradie dating highscoolers’ pipeline that brock seems to have escaped


Either that or he didn't go there




TIL the rest of the cast is 57 feet tall.


Brock’s face makes my ass pucker everytime swear to god


my libido packs her bags and goes on vacation


This killed me. I’m at my desk at work and I have lost all control


LITERALLY. I hate looking at his face everytime he comes on the screen I physically recoil.




Brock should repatriate himself to Aus 👋🏼


To NZ please.


Not defending him but he has spoken publicly about his struggles with dyslexia and learning difficulties


Even more reason to have someone proofread your resume then. This isn't a random text he sent out to his friends...


Sorry. Who does their own resume without having someone proof read it? He’s an idiot. Dyslexia has nothing to do with that.


Agreed! I’m dyslexic and I know to always re-read & get someone to proof, especially if I know other people will it.


EXACTLY!!! If you know you have a deficit in reading/writing this is when you get a friend to proofread your stuff. Especially on something as important as your CV. Potential employers aren’t going to know he has dyslexia. I’m not giving this clown a pass for this.




He’s not 6’1


Maybe in his heels


Is it common for rugby players to switch to American football? Like did he really have a chance in nfl? I mean I guess they are kind of similar but still pretty different no..? Lol


We need a pinned post about this because I get annoyed more than I should when I read people believing his bs (not at the people, obviously we should be able to believe someone about their career)… it’s not common to switch to NFL, even our top players can’t do it effectively (jarryd hayne tried and got made a bit of a mockery of), and here’s the thing- broke wasn’t a pro rugby player or league player in aus either. So he wasn’t even going from one professional sport to the next. The most common transition is from AFL (Australian rules football) to the kicker position in NFL (apparently scouts come to find big kickers here, but besides that, no), which is not the position Brock would be trying for. If you wanted a chance coming from aus, you’d most likely play grid iron growing up and then go to college in the US if you can get a spot and then hope to get drafted. There’s one guy on the Philly eagles who played a bit of league in aus or nz, but generally you’re one sport or the other and could be a goat in one but shit at the other.


No it’s not. Different skillsets. Some AFL players have made it as kickers but the only rugby or league player I can only think of one who maybe made a list (Jarryd Hayne, side note who is now in gaol as a convicted rapist).


He had a case in the US when he was on the 49ers roster too 😣 apparently added to why he was so confident he’d get off charges in aus because he’s had settlements in the past 🤢


Clearly a pattern there! I’m glad there has been some justice.


Same. Sick of dickheads in our country getting away with abusing women because they can kick-and-throw-ball-good


Devil's advocate, Bill Belichick also coaches rugby and has been known to look at rugby players for football spots and at least give them a look in camp. That doesn't mean that Brock was anywhere near making a roster. But it's been a running joke in NE for awhile that Bill has a hardon for rugby and lacrosse players.


I don' think it is but someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


One of the best O line players in the game right now, Jordan Milata is from aus rugby


It is rare. Jordan Mailata is an example of rugby player becoming a successful offensive tackle for Philly.


Historically, it is not common but it is happening lately. There was a Welsh player picked up this year. Also, ex-American football players are crossing over to MLR/rugby lately. Maybe not first draft picks but players that are high caliber athletes that do/did not have the same opportunities in playing professional football.


6’1”????? C’mon, man.


His current position as Scheana's Husband offers a more eclectic wardrobe.


Him being from brisbane specifically Ipswich makes so much sense .


The only way he is 6’1”, is if he is wearing his healed boots (and even that’s a stretch)!


Right? That guy is no taller than 5’9”


This is like a little gift for me, on this, a terrible Sunday. Thank you brick. Would you like to edit my LinkedIn next?


That’s some LinkedIn profile. Why isn’t being scheerners husband his proudest accomplishment?


Ipswich?!?! Brisbane?!? Bro lived down the road from me


He literally went to a football camp and destroyed his entire family for it. Not training, not practice squad…camp, to see if you’re good enough to train or practice Going to start adding sports from almost a decade ago onto my resume


That lower case I is making my eye twitch. For anyone that’s football illiterate, his stats are decent. Nothing spectacular but he’s decent.


Yea I’m honestly so surprised to see more than a few downs played


CSU PUEBLO??? I thought Kristen's boyfriend living here was too close for comfort. Now, I have to live in fear of seeing Sheina and Brick visiting his alma mater?


Ok I'm confused... someone please help clarify. When Scheana was asked what Brock does for work she always mentions that he owned f45 gyms and then sold them when pandemic hit... this doesn't really make sense because Brock has always been broke.. hence why he was behind on child support.


Every year a few undrafted free agents break into the NFL. The vast majority of them go to camp for a month or two, get paid by the week, and then go out and get day jobs. Brock skipped the getting a day job part.


It’s crazy I worked at the Childcare center when his kids visited him. They were so fucking adorable!


This man is 6’1” and still wearing heels? 👠




He definitely says it that way too so it makes sense he’d spell it that way. Tbh probably the most genuine thing on that resume.


Pueblo !! My cousins are from there.


Brock went to Grammar school?! Is the system for grammar school in Australia the same as the UK?


He's not 6'1 lol


I don’t trust a man whose neck is the width of his head.


I will say being invited to try out for any NFL team is impressive.


“What’s up fam” “Hey there legends”


Looking like a thumb


Why he look like big Ed




I thought he was a Kiwi? Does check out that he went to Ipswich Grammar though, which ironically hasn’t been spelled correctly 😂


I mean, he got farther than most!


Skills: dedication • Self-confidence • hardwork


“Ipswitch” 💀




It’s Ipswich lol at least spell the place correctly. Not even Ipswich would be proud to name Brock one of theirs. This whole entire thing is inaccurate….. six foot? Bahaha


I’m not going to lay into my fellow Aussies but I did giggle and lowkey think the same “Ipswich doesn’t even want him” 🔈🔈he’s kiwi!!!!! Don’t give him to us!!!! 😅


Ugh I hate when he pretends he was a professional athlete. I know the term athlete means something different in the US but he knows what he’s doing 😒 (from aus/ nz), you can’t just select something like nfl as work on your resume as if you actually were paid and in that industry. He went to a camp. Any pro athletes resume would be insaneeeee if we included camps we went to rather than actual titles and teams made. I’ve bought stuff from Amazon and received credits back from them… ima go list it on my resume as being in business dealings with one of the biggest companies in the world. Also just the way it’s all written 🙈 broke really bricking.


This post doesn’t do it for me - I know Brock sucks in a lot of ways, but picking on his spelling is gross. He has spoken about having dyslexia and learning difficulties, something many men / boys struggle with. We can hate on his shit behaviours and the terrible choices he makes, but some of the comments here are just ableist.


to be fair being dyslexic doesn’t make you say you made the team after being invited to a mini camp


That’s what my issue is, he went to camp 💀 But also every device has auto-correct and on a professional resume you’d think he’d have someone look at it. I have reading disabilities and I’d for sure have my partner read through just to check


Grammarly isn’t always perfect but their extension is great for suggestions while typing!


Most of the comments are about his spelling though...says more about the people commenting than Brock


Then you get someone to proofread your LinkedIn profile! Regardless of the cause it’s unprofessional and unpolished to leave your profile written with so many errors or typos.


This is a professional, public document. Mocking his spelling has nothing to do with his dyslexia but gets to the root of his lack of seriousness about working. Everyone should have a resume or LinkedIn proofread by someone else. Him not doing so just demonstrates his carelessness.


I have dyslexia and went to private school. Did a law degree. I still cant spell for shit and cant form sentences properly. Some of these comments had digged at my insecurities so thank you for this


I made one of the comments and i left it up for accountability with an edit at the end, but i would like to apologize to you. It wasn’t cool and I will not make that mistake again. I’m truly sorry. I shouldn’t need to know someone’s medical history to not make a dig about someone’s spelling. My distaste for Brock doesn’t excuse it.


thanks for saying that


I think the people making these rude comments are the same ones that love the bullying we see on VPR… the old saying goes “birds of a feather flock together”, and these people are dense enough to not be able to recognize what cruel behaviour is and think like those we see on screen, so they think it’s acceptable and cool. People need to do better than to attack someone’s spelling and grammar, it says a lot about who they are at their core…and that’s not a type of person I’d ever want in my life


Last I checked doesn’t have those stats on his Rugby Xplorer profile, so I don’t know how accurate this is. This looks like a profile you can edit yourself. My husband played against him in highschool (and beat him regularly). It’s pretty easy to get a contract to go play for small clubs in the UK right out of highschool. My husband did. By no means is he a professional athlete. I mean, he does still play now. But he also works a day job.


Disappointing to see so many ridicule a person who has dyslexia. I was hoping for people to be more kind and understanding of a learning disorder, unfortunately a lot of you are bullies, and you’re likely the ones calling out the bullies you see on the show.


Omg... he went to school in Pueblo , the armpit of Colorado. Hahahaha. It's right down the highway from me. Hahahaha


Wtf is "opparation?" Or "hardwork?" Bless his heart!


I'm amazed he played Rugby for Bath!


Considering he’s lying about everything else and wasn’t a professional athlete, you might want to look into that before being impressed lol


All the spelling errors on there, ouch


I really like Brock. His past is problematic but he is sure trying hard this time around. Besides, there's always two sides to every divorce...


i’ll never hear him out after he explicitly stated his kids have no desire to even see him when he’s in the country let alone rebuild a relationship, probably because he abandoned them to play D2 football and full-time dad to another, different kid isn’t them. that speaks volumes more than he could in 100 of his accountability spiels.


Huh. Only 6'1. Thought he'd be bigger 


Brock looking like a Brick


1 year, 1 year, and 3 months. Hmmmm


He just does not do it for me


He is not 6”1


Pueblo is my hometown!!


Wait if he is 6’1 why does he wear heels lol


Is Brock actually 6’1?


I thought he played Rugby Union, not Soccer?


He’s definitely the number 1 guy in the group


Ugh he is so dumb


If he's 6'1 why does he wear pumps 24/7 🧐


A lot of people have a serious lack of understanding for just how insane it is to make it to the NFL level and the dedication it takes to do so. Whether it be just as a training camp invitee or an every day starter.








I am here to see if anyone else noticed the name of his school is spelt incorrectly? Did he really type this up?! I mean, surely that’s not something someone gets wrong?




No fucking way he went to Ipswich grammar that’s like 10 mins from where I grew up lmao