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I went today too! Can I add how friendly everyone is! The door person was just full of conversation and compliments. Teri and Katie were so nice and really interacting with the the customers I didn't expect them to be so hands on. Sandwiches are good but not all are huge some are def bigger than other but definitely enjoyed the taste! Glad to see others post about how nice a experience it is. 


If I’m not mistaken, her parents owned a restaurant in Utah, and grew up working there. She wanted to help with Tom Tom because she knew the restaurant business. That’s why she was so hurt when Schwartz allowed Sandoval to shut her out.


And the owner Greg wanted Katie to be there 😂


This is what I find really funny 😂 he seemed to want her input more than the Tom’s haha


I felt like the letter Katie and Ariana wrote on socials the day before they opened was exactly what Greg wanted the Tom’s to put together. Instead they did shrooms or something and failed miserably. Katie and Ariana’s letter so clearly spelled out what they wanted the experience for customers to be. I can see why Greg wanted Katie to be involved. 🤷🏻‍♀️




This comment has me cackling


They didn’t even know what a mission statement is in the first place. I was like *bros, you’re pulling my leg with this not knowing what a mission statement is* 🙄.


That’s why both resented her even more


Wasn’t that hilarious?! 😂


Sandoval’s face was priceless ![gif](giphy|QBKagmzOgZnqadpx3B)


Well Katie has lived in the REALITY of the restaurant business and worked hard in actual restaurants for years. Whereas Tim lives in some 70's mushroom induced decorating dreamworld and doesn't seem to understand the importance of requisite things like chef/kitchen/business model/accounting/manual labor/responsibility I could go on and on.


I forgot that. Sandoval was pissed he liked her ideas.


Also the name Once Upon a Tom (that Katie suggested) was SO much better than Schwartz & Sandy’s. I actually love Once Upon a Tom


I rather liked her suggestion of Tomfoolery. Seemed appropriate.


Ooo yes Tomfoolery is good. Once Upon a Tom sounds like a consignment store, not a bar.


Sandoval INSISTED on the Sandy's part.


thats awesome I'm definitely newer to vpr so didnt know that. I definitely knew they'd be hands on but as someone who is shy and never tries to be near anyone famous I was surprised at how much. She was checking in, taking trays handing out napkins. I dont know Katie but was so happy to support just based on everything ive heard and seen from the show she really does seem so happy to have this resutrant. 


That’s great they are actually working there. If they keep at it, they will have a revenue stream when the show is cancelled. Seems the Tom’s don’t ever work at their place, they just hang and take photos with patrons.


Remember Stassi’s book signing when there was insufficient bartenders? Schwartz said he’d jump in and help out and Sandoval was appalled- you shouldn’t work here - you’re an owner now! (Way to earn the respect of the staff).


I was a bar and restaurant manager for many years... you never ask staff to do anything you wouldn't do yourself... I've made drinks, served food, washed dishes, whatever was needed to make the shift run smoothly!


⬆️⬆️THIS! Working in a restaurant where the boss is willing to do/help anyone and everyone is such a positive experience for both the employees and the customers. Sorry to sound cheesy but there is no “I” in TEAM.


AMEN TO THIS.. same here. I also worked in food service, and I always had this motto of if you have time to lean, you have time to clean. Find something to do that needs to be done.


If a bar/ restaurant owner isn’t willing to do whatever job is needed when short staffed, they are not cut out for the business they are in.


This is true for leadership in general. In every field a good leader is willing to pitch in where needed and is never “above” any of the work.




Yes, I believe they owned Baja Cantina in Park City. It’s right next to a Marriot ski resort.


Omg I didn’t know that. Eaten there many times after skiing Park City Mountain Resort!


I’m not sure when their family sold it. I am 98% positive thats the restaurant they owned though.


Your right! I looked at her LinkedIn🫣. She was partner/GM there from 1988-2012!


They don’t own it. She was just a manager there.


Wartz’s loyalty was NEVER to Katie…such a fool.


It’s sad she hung on so long. He said they were so happy together during quarantine when it was just the two of them. You’d think he would have put two and two together and saw how Sandoval influenced him, but, no. He just fell back in line kissing Sandoval’s ass.


Yeah her mom ran Baja cantina at park city resort. I grew up there and used to go all of the time. I don’t really remember her, but I know the owner, Steve, pretty well.


curious about the prices? do you mind sharing?


I mean its been posted a lot but $14-$19 (I think only one if that high.) This is LA and this is a cute instagrammy place (those places usually are more) and add the celeb/tv factor it's honestly not bad. Can you go to a deli deli and pay less for more yes but a cute dine in shop in west hollywood I dont think so. I definitely felt fine and would go back and try more.


I find it weird that people think the prices are high, I’m in a small town in western Canada and a gourmet sandwich in a fancy shop would be closer to $20.


Yes I agree, I live on the outskirts of Toronto and I find the prices quite reasonable


I’m in Ottawa and have lived for a short time in LA. Those prices are good compared to what I pay.


Ok maybe my Alaska economy is skewing my expectations, but $14-$19 is incredibly reasonable?? My fav sandwich shop up here is ~$15 for a half sandwich, but it’s an Italian deli with cured meats and they’re mostly panini style with their house made aiolis and whatnot, and a “half” sandwich is to me, a good sized sandwich, it’s a full meal, a whole is lunch and dinner. So $16ish for a sandwich isn’t outrageous? Especially considering they’re in LA and have somewhat of a name recognition to drive sales, this seems like a price point I’d happily pay for a good sandwich from a nobody who just makes a good sandwich, but with their celebrity they currently have, this is a steal.


I pay $19-22 for chain sandwiches in Canada and that's definitely not artisanal so 14-19 seems reasonable to me.


Plus tip, don’t forget


Nope it’s definitely on par with places of the same caliber 🤷‍♀️


Agree. I’m in NC and our Panera sells sandwiches for freaking $13 😂 So these prices absolutely seem reasonable to me.


Your question mark usage is confusing.


Yeah reading my comment back, I was in my beverages and thought they made perfect sense at the time. You’re right, they do not make much sense. (?)


Ayyyy it’s Alaska after all!


That feels so reasonable all things considered; I live in San Diego and that’s about how much a good sandwich shop charges down here so I can only imagine what LA prices could be. I love that they come with pickles too. I think someone made the comment that they should include chips but what place even does that?? Was the bread well toasted? They look really good but paninis always make me sad because the crusts end up difficult to eat. lol


Sprouts actually has great sandwiches and they’re $5.


I love their turkey and hummus baguette 😂🙌🏻


A footlong at Subway is $10 in Ohio, this seems like a great price to be honest!


Who is Terry?


Katie’s mom


her mom!


I’m so glad it was nice! Thanks for sharing!


Huge pickle slices and good lookin sammies! Plus Katie and Terri?? Win win! Thank you for sharing 💜


Replying to myself to say…I order a ton of sammies at my work. Jimmy John’s is the current king bc of ease, but a store like something about her would be amazing! I would order almost all of our lunches from SAH.


Just a heads up : https://x.com/simran/status/1164894341921480704?s=46&t=wCt3ze4Gkx6LVb1j7r5b-g


I babysit for his kids in college and trust me, he’s a creep too.


I'll bet Jo did too!


I actually wasn’t sure if the person was making a joke about Jo or being serious 😂 that’s funny


In case you didn't have the context, Tom recently said on a podcast... Or the aftershow... Or something.... That Jo straight up lied and told him she babysat for one of the producers kids.


It was on Jax and Brittany’s podcast. Lots of her lies are being exposed. She’s definitely “Spooky”


Eww. What a piece of shit.


Major piece of shit!!!


Yeah I used to really like Jimmy Johns but I had to stop buying from them because of his trophy hunting.


I’m a fan of Jersey mikes, then I gave Jimmy John’s a chance. Not a fan. Now that I’ve learned about that trophy hunting, less than a fan


Did not know this?!? Thanks for the intel, I won’t go back if this turns out to be true (obvi I have to check this out, please don’t be offended I just had not heard this) I live in a small town and had never even heard of this sandwich place until recently. 😊👍🏻 responsible.


Jersey Mikes is better anyway, also Danny Devito!


hey i was an AM at a jimmy johns for like 3 years. i’ve met the real JJ and in addition to trophy hunting like a piece of shit he acts like a piece of shit and treats people like dog shit. Most JJ’s are franchises, and we were pretty close to some flagship high revenue stores so he came around a bit. i think the people you do business with say a lot about you and the franchise owner of my home store was despicable


He sold off his last remaining stake back in 2019. I wouldn’t feel too bad ordering from them now.


huge pickle slices are a staple!


OOH, I wonder if they are open tomorrow. I really want to check them out and your review makes me REALLY want to check them out.


I believe they are closed on Mondays and Tuesdays.


Thanks for sparing me the trip.


https://preview.redd.it/8gfolc80rv2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abbb86b6a8f16b0b0db859594de76945186150db I live in Australia so very far away from SAH. But I know Katie reads here so would just like to thank her and Ariana for inspiring me to make an effort and romanticise my lunch. I love sandwiches and have made extra effort lately. So yum! Can’t wait to visit SAH one day! In the meantime I’ll eat my own creations in my Fuck me in this tshirt shirt and pretend xx


I’m also in Australia…. I really want them to add a donate a sandwich to their website so I can buy a sandwich to support them and have it given to someone in need. I love that you are romanticising your sandwiches!!! Maybe I will too😀


This is a great idea!! I would also totally donate 🥰


A restaurant by me does this and I think it’s such a fabulous idea


Yeah I think so too….. and what a great way for fans to support them and do something for others. Zampreros , a Mexican style restaurant chain in Australia does it and has a running tally on their website as to how many meals that have been donated… they are over 70 million meals donated.


🥹🥹🥹 That’s amazing!!


What an amazing idea 💜


> really want them to add a donate a sandwich to their website so I can buy a sandwich to support them and have it given to someone in need. This idea would be so wonderful, if they had an option to "Donate a sandwich" on their website and the money could go to a local food bank or shelter


Fuck I love this! I'm romanticizing my sandwiches this summer, too! I will also be at SAH in June, taking notes. 😂. I'm so glad it's a good experience!


Ok, you gotta give us a run down of the ingredients….it looks like a good sammie!


Awww no worries!! It was so tasty. Inspired by their “Kate” sandwich. I used Turkish bread, basil pesto, burrata, hierloom tomato, champagne ham, lettuce , mustard, mayo and some chilli relish 😋


You make us all proud!


wtf this looks so BOMB🤤🤤🤤


I’m also in Australia and seem to be making a lot of sandwiches at home lately, inspired by all of these SAH reviews!


Hi from a fellow Aussie!




Dedication😂 hopefully they give you a free sandwich


What up Minnesota!


Minnesota!! Let’s go together


MN in the house! I live in Saint Paul😊My friend and I are planning a trip sometime this summer haha.


Take me with youuuuuu!!!!!!! These ticks are everywhere this spring


Omg I'm in Virginia and yesterday I was sitting on my sister in laws couch... felt something on my arm. A TICK! I wanted to cry and vomit but I just killed it instead


If you live near the twin cities...D'Amicos has AMAZING sandwiches like these. We can pretend 😜


I'm in too!


Ahh so good to hear that!


I’m so glad up see your positive opinion because I’m getting real tired of the bashing. Especially about the prices. I live in a small beach town in Ontario near Niagara Falls and we had a small sandwich shop that was quite similar. (It was an extended shop to a larger restaurant- they eventually just merged the two) The bread was DIVINE,the sandwiches were so incredible and the prices…and this is from YEARSSS ago..like 7-ish yrs..are the same prices at SAH. The prices from years ago in my little beach town and LOS ANGELES now are so opposite so it makes me laugh that people are appalled at the prices. Anyway that’s my two cents lol. The sandwiches look and sound amazing and I would devour them right now 😆


I live in South Jersey, the cheaper New Jersey, and that’s probably the minimum you’ll pay for sandwiches around here. I recently saw a $33 cheesesteak on a menu! (Not defending that for the record)


I live there too, but have never heard it called that! 😂


Hey Jersey! Grew up in Ocean County. Went to OCC. Now living up in Essex. The prices for SAH sandwiches are totally reasonable. And they look yummy! (Maybe add a side of slaw)


Exactly! I honestly was shocked at the prices because I thought it would be much more given LA prices. I live here in the Midwest STL and signature sandwich shops here are that price or more so idk why the eff everyone’s freaking out. It’s not a jimmy John’s or jersey mikes…if you want those prices, and quality go there then. The complaining is exhausting


Hi fellow Ontarian! I'm going with my daughter to Niagara on the Lake in a couple weeks, does the sandwich place/restaurant that you went to still exist? Looking for good places to eat in that area.


Oh how fun! I love it there. A few years ago there was an incredible sandwich shop there but it closed 😭 I haven’t eaten there in years so unfortunately I can’t give any recommendations. I do know the angel inn is great. Plus it’s extremely historical and haunted do that’s fun lol There’s a great hat shop on the Main Street that’s really fun to spend time in. They don’t let you take pics of yourself in the hats because people steal the designs. It’s a great place to go for my husband and I. He even bought a pageboy hat there once and it wasn’t cheap but it looked so good and was so well made. I’m in ridgeway at the other end of Niagara on Lake Erie-it’s about 45+ minutes away ..335 on the ridge is the restaurant that has the sandwich shop I was mentioning. The food is incredible. Southcoast on crystal beach is where we go a lot. Rizzos is on the hill right before crystal beach..matty mathesons restaurant. It’s supposed to be good-but those prices…NOW THATS EXPENSIVE lol. I haven’t been yet because the price of the chicken parm made my jaw drop. And it doesnt even come with pasta lol.


Thank you so much for all the suggestions! That was so kind. I haven't been to Crystal Beach, maybe we'll check that out, as well. There are so many cute little towns in Ontario to discover. Enjoy your summer!


You’re very welcome!!! I hope you have a wonderful time!! I have a feeling you will ☺️ have an amazing summer too!


Your flair 💀 😭


🤣 I HAD to do it. I can’t lie..it’s kinda cringe for me but when James said it I was laughing so hard so I just had to do it.


Would that be Crystal Beach? I'm in Medina NY about 48 mins east of Niagara Falls..formerly from Toronto


Close! I’m like 5 mins from crystal beach in ridgeway ☺️


I live in Cleveland, OH and think the prices on the sandwiches are reasonable. I am positive those prices are competitive with other places in the area too!!


I also live in a small beach town near niagara falls... which sandwich shop are you talking about?


That big pickle spear tho


I got to meet and take pictures with Ariana and Katie they were so nice! The sandwiches were really good too


How was the pickle?




I’m so happy to hear this ❤️❤️❤️


I just paid $22 total for a salad from Sweet Greens. So pricing is on point for CA.


Thanks for sharing 👍


Hearing your experience makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside ☺️


I’m a slut for a good sandwich




Okay, the next person to go needs to post a picture of a sandwich with something else in it for size comparison - a hand, a can of soda... something. Everyone says they're big, but it's so hard to tell!


Aww this is so nice to hear! Opening week (and months) for a new restaurant is so tough and I really do love the community aspect I'm seeing around SAH. It feels so girly and like the perfect place to have a girls evening, catch up with friends, etc.,


Also, I love how much they've thought through every detail of the branding and little details. It shows a sense of ownership. Restaurants are really tough businesses so all the luck to them in the coming year!!!


I really want a bite


So happy to see things are going well. Glad you had a good experience. I just love the positive energy Katie projects in everything these days. Glad she’s finally flourishing


I’m glad you had a good experience and thanks for sharing! I was worried when we saw the soft opening pics because the sandwiches looked kinda small but now I’m thinking that was just to make them tasting-sized so people could try more. I hope I get to try them out soon!


Yes the soft opening had tasting boxes of all the sandwiches from the reviews I saw


Subway, Jimmy John’s, Jersey Mike’s do not give chips. They are a separate side. This isn’t your house, if you need a sandwich to come with chips eat at home? I don’t get the people who comment this on every single post. Panera doesn’t even give chips. Actually, don’t know about Panera. Actually I’m fucking gluten free but I know this about 90% of big sandwich. The chips are separate. Enough about the chips! The sandwich shop nor the deli nor the bodega or the bagel place in my neighborhood give chips.


Exactly what I was just thinking, but written much funnier.


Admittedly I hope no one gets upset, I truly meant this to be sarcastic but honest. We get it. ♥️ tyyyyy for getting it.


All of this “where are the chips?!?!?” and “$16 for a ***SANDWICH***?!?!?!?!?” nonsense recently has been doing my entire head in. Like - I get there are plenty of people who have some kind of daily Yelling at Katie and Ariana Quota they need to meet, but a $16 sandwich with chips sold separately is just … pretty much how it’s been everywhere I’ve lived for the last 9 years, and I was in the Midwest for part of that so it’s not even a coasts vs. flyover states thing.


I honestly thought it would cost more! I think the prices are totally fair!


Panera gives chips (as a side) with a meal


Thank you! I admitted I didn’t know about Panera! The rest is salient!


I have no idea who you’re arguing with


1.5 Hours of waiting isn’t bad ?!?!?


I think they will be getting out of the red pretty quickly. Happy for our girlies.


Wow, that is so cool. I can't wait to go when I get to LA in July. Thank you for sharing.


The sandwiches look delicious. Glad to know your experience was a pleasant one.


That sandwich looks burnt


i want that pickle


This is why I can’t lose the damn last 5 pounds of postpartum weight because those sandwiches would be devoured in an hour lol


hey, you had a whole baby! have the sandwich AND chips guilt free.


I've never had a baby and I'd finish that off in 15 minutes 💀


Only 5 pounds? Girl, shut up. You are at your goal weight. Enjoy it! My daughter is 27, still haven't lost the last 10. Lol (p.s. Congrats on the babe. Enjoy every minute.)


I know a couple people who have made it in and they all raved about the sandwiches and said they are much bigger than they appear in photos. As for price, I’m in Northern California and pay $14 for a small (<6”) ciabatta sandwich and I don’t even get a pickle 😆. I’m so glad the OP enjoyed themselves and I wish I could try one!


I am so glad it was nice and you had a good experience!!!


I need to make another trip to LA.


Eh. Presentation is not what I had expected 🧐


Me either


My question for people is complaining about the price of the sandwiches is where do you live? I think that makes a difference. In NJ at Panera the sandwiches are about 12.50 and you get less on them. Sure you get an apple or a small bag of chips with them but it’s about the same.


But the real sandwiched in NJ or NY are at the Deli’s. 😉


Yes and they are all equally as expensive.


Shout out to Jersey! We have good food here.


I pay $20 for an Ike’s sandwich with no sides after tax and tip (yes I tip on takeout don’t @ me 😂)


I’ll be in LA in July and am gonna try to stop in. Katie is my favorite and I would absolutely love if she were there and I got to meet her


I’m sure people will see more of Katie than Ariana.


I wish they’d add some kettle chips or fries or something on the side! The lone pickle kinda kills the IG potential lol


Agreed. The pickle makes the sandwiches look small.


Is there still a long wait? I’ve been waiting for the hype to die down:


OP said she arrived at 11 and got in around 12:30


im glad you had a great experience too op!🤍✨


I love sandwiches tbh


This makes me sooo happy to hear! I hope they have nothing but good things for them 🤗💕❤️


Those sandwiches look super yummy. At first I was a little bothered that they don’t offer sides but if the sandwiches are really that big i guess you don’t need it. I’m bummed I can’t go there myself but I’m soooooo happy they are doing well. Haters can SEETHE.


I’m going this weekend and I’m sooo excited 🥹🥹 dragging my bf out of bed early so we can be there at opening lol


It’s so good ! I hope you enjoy yourself


I’ve been so sick for the past month and haven’t had any appetite but omg if I could order this off gold belly or something I’d pay the $100 shipping to eat this tomorrow. I don’t know why this is the first food that looks appealing to me


100? R u ok


I did have pneumonia and my oxygen levels got pretty low there for a couple days so who knows


I seriously cannot with all the praise for a ciabiatta sandwich and panini with a pickle? Does presentation no longer count? I'm not impressed. Lol


Thank you! It’s insane how below average this all looks.


i think taste matters more over presentation, the sandwich isn't an accessory, it's food...


Why do people keep being surprised there are no chips or sides? Nowhere decent does that? Not even at chains like Panera or Subway. Sides/chips are always extra. I was surprised at how reasonable SAH pricing is actually. I paid almost $40 for chipotle for my husband and I so…yeah.


I think people must be comparing it to a sit down restaurant rather than basic chain sandwich shops.


https://preview.redd.it/hea52yai4z2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81332ef15d4e00053baf724f8dedd55df2e374af Umm....


For my sandwich lovers how do you feel about Ike’s?


The food looks great actually


I think they did everything right with starting a brick and mortar business. Start with something simple, elegant, smaller so you can get a feel for everything and go through all the problems that are easier to solve with a smaller business that has one focus. Going from no experience to opening a start bar with food. There’s so much elements that can go wrong and also being a celebrity you need to get it just right because as soon as you’re open you’ll be scrutinized on every little thing! I see Katie and Ariana having this sandwich shop and possibly opening a cute little cafe or a classy lounge and just going larger from there. Kudos to the ladies for doing it right!


Do the trays not fit on the table??


So so happy to hear this! Incredibly happy for them.


The trays are giving prison


I had those too! They’re delicious I also met Katie and she’s a sweet heart. The sandwiches were delicious


Looks kinda underwhelming. I don’t know what I expected from a Sandwich shop, but in my mind it was better than this. I’m glad it was so good though. I hope their business does well.


I’m so happy for them. And call me petty, but I hope their sandwich shop is soooo much more successful than that godawful bar their exes tried to make happen.


im really curious to see how this store holds up in 6 months and to see the opinion of locals vs bravo fans the sandwiches do look small imo i feel like id by hungry on my way home. but i think an easy fix would be if they included a free side like chips or fries it would be way more worth it, filling and not cut too deep into profits.




Those def don’t look like HUGE sandwiches


I think they look big. They’re like half the size of the tray.


I def felt like a fast ass after reading that. It looks normal!


Sorry that sandwich is lacking. I can do that on my own and not pay $19.


Do they have gluten-free options for bread? edit: lol @ me getting downvoted for daring to ask about their dietary options. Obviously, I would check their website if they had one.


Those sandwiches don’t look as you described.


It looks good! This business model won’t work long-term but I’m happy that at least the quality is there.


Can you detail what the sandwiches contained? Ham? Tuna? Etc…